65.1: False Friends
Chapter 65.1: False Friends continued...
"Nope Thing 1 this is all me" Ananda spoke up, rose from her seat, and approached Hazel. Once she was in front of her she took her hands and cupped her face in them and looked straight into her eyes. She wanted Hazel to hear every word that came out of her mouth. She wanted her to feel the pain that she caused.
"First off I'm highly disappointed and disgusted in you and what you've become. This isn't the woman I raised. Hazel what you did to my child was absolutely wrong and there's no coming back from that. That woman has had ya back since day one and you let jealousy and ya emotions cloud ya judgement. Like she said she cried for you and literally begged us to take you in and we eventually did. Me and daddy fell in love with you and treated you just like April and Alaina. We never treated you differently. We rooted you on and we supported you. You might have not excelled like April but you still came home with good grades and never once did we rub that in ya face. We were proud of you. We've always been proud of you. We never loved you any less" Ananda said looking so hurt and disappointed. Then again she was. This woman was supposed to be her daughter.
"We don't brag on what we've done for you or still do for you but you did this shit to ya self. Like Thing 1 said we were trying to survive ourselves. We already had our hands full. We couldn't afford to take in another child but we did mind you, you came to us with just the clothes on your back. Daddy was out in the streets going even harder because we had an extra mouth to feed and never once did he complain. We fed you, bathed you, made sure you had clothes on ya back, and shoes on ya feet. You had a roof over your head and an abundance amount of love and as much as it kills me to do this. This is it from us" Ananda said never breaking her eye contact.
"Ya on ya own. We've done all we can for you. You went against the grain and you know how this shit goes. I'll always love you but I'm wiping my hands clean. I'm letting you go. You can't be trusted. I despise females like you who get mad or get jealous of someone's life not knowing their struggles but in this case you knew my child's struggle and you tossed them right in her face like you didn't think you'd be dealt with. You wanted her life you had ample opportunity to make a change for yourself. Instead of getting jealous you should've sat down, took notes, and ask questions on how you can get to that status" Ananda said and let her face go as she walked back to her seat next to Ian who happily sat there waiting for her so he could wrap her up in his arms.
"Mommy please I'm sorry" Hazel said now having a full blown crying fit. "I'm sorry" she got up from her seat about to follow after her.
"Nope leave her be" Alaina snapped and put out her hand. "You don't get to do all of that. Your privileges have been revoked"
Hazel stopped and stood in her spot. "Daddy, please don't leave me too" she cried out to Ian but he wasn't there for her bullshit.
Ian looked at her. "Answer this are you sorry because of what you did or because you got caught" he asked as he tightly clenched his fist. Looking at her face she was only sorry she had gotten caught.
"Daddy" she sobbed.
"You should've thought bout all this bullshit before you did what you did" he shrugged.
"If April or Alaina would've did this y'all wouldn't disown them" she spat.
"See that's the thing my kids know right from wrong. My girls wouldn't do no shit like this and as much as it pains me to say this but you forgot those girls are my fuckin blood. My blood flows through their veins. I'll put my life on the line for them each and every time. They never have to question if I have their back. I got their back, front, and sides just like I once had yours" he spoke through gritted teeth. "All those nights I sat in ya room telling you how beautiful you were inside and out, how much I believed in you, and how much I loved you. We didn't have to do any of the shit that we did for you and even though you fucked up I wouldn't change it for the world because I know me and mines did a good thing by taking you in. But like mommy said it's over. This shit ends today" Ian said as he starred at her.
"Can you imagine how we felt when we found out it was you throwing salt at someone you claimed as a sister, at my fuckin child. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't have most of the shit you got but I guess you forgot bout that too. That woman funds the luxurious ass lifestyle you're living right now. What you thought no one was going to find out" he barked venomously.
"Daddy mommy I'm sorry. If you leave me I won't have anybody left" Hazel cried out.
"You should've thought bout that" Ian said. April knew he was upset but being the man and boss that he was he was keeping it together until he was alone with her mother. He absolutely adored Hazel. If anyone was to ask how many kids he and Ananda had he'd always answer three without a doubt because even though Hazel didn't have any of his and Ananda's blood she was still his daughter. He took time with her always letting her know that no matter what he would always be there for her and now he had to let her bury herself in the grave she dug for herself.
"Alaina" Hazel cried out to her as tears continued to stream down her face.
"Hazel don't even you know how hard I go for mines. I still can't believe you would stoop this fuckin low. All the shit we did together. You were one of my big sisters. I looked up to you growing up and even still to this day I brag bout my successful big sisters. Not only how successful y'all are but how tight y'all were. Nobody was better than the Blackmon girls and for you to do what you did fuckin hurts I can't call you for shit. I can't celebrate with you" Alaina said and sucked her teeth.
"You proved to be one of those bitches who lets you cry on their shoulders and kick their back in the second they're down. I can't fuck with people I don't trust. Meaning I can't fuck with you" Alaina spoke from her heart looking like she was ready to shed tears herself. This had hurt everyone badly not just April but Hazel didn't think about any of that. She didn't think about what would happen once the whole family caught wind of her betrayal. She didn't think about the domino effect that she had willingly set in motion.
"It hurts to know that things are changing for the better and you won't be a part of any of it. I thought you would be there for everything and to know I gotta cut you lose hurts. My birthday is coming up. I won't be partying with you. Family vacations you won't be there, weddings, and any event I would want and expect you to be at you won't be there. Like Alaina said I can't call you. I could forgive you today but I would never be able to trust you again and if I can't trust you then there's no point in staying friends and claiming you as a sister no matter how bad it hurts. I can never call you when I'm excited or have good news. I can't call you when I'm feeling down. I can't call you just to shoot the shit and gossip. Let alone call you to see what's going on in ya life" April looked dead at her.
"I don't know what's real and what's fake when it comes to you anymore and I don't want to have to sit there and have to decipher your truths from your lies. At this point it's Hazel who because this person right here I don't know. I knew this shit had to be more than bout Trey then again I should've known something was up during the whole sit down but I didn't want to think that my sister would be on some fuck shit. I still don't even know how that night went because after I came back from seeing Mama J my supposed to be sister was nowhere in sight. Shit just goes to show you that genetics is a bitch because even though my parents raised you, you still turned out to be just like ya folks" April spoke calmly as she wiped her hands over her eyes wiping away her tears before they could fall.
"Come here ma" Dave looked at April and leaned over and scooped her out of the chair and placed her in his lap. She sighed and buried her face in his chest as she inhaled his scent instantly calming down. Just being in his arms made everything better.
Chris sat there as his legs bounced up and down while he looked over at Hazel in pure disgust. "I can't fuck with you either. I treated you like a sister. I would've never thought that we would be here right now but here we are. You were so busy throwing shade at April bout our son that you didn't think bout how I would feel. You knew what happened and you knew I wasn't there. You even knew that this whole shit with Jr is still new to me and I deal with his loss on a daily. I didn't know bout him till she told me while we were having our talk. Yet you were rubbing his death in my face too" Chris said and paused.
"Not only that but you rubbed our fuckin failed relationship in both of our faces. You knew how much I regretted that shit but you didn't care you tossed all of our failures right in our faces because you were in ya fuckin feelings. I fucked up I know I did but damn you were her sister. You were so busy acting like ya shit didn't stink when that shit smells just as rancid as the new you does. Wow Trey really lucked up to fall for a broad like you" Chris spat angrily. At this point Hazel couldn't do or say shit. She knew she had royally fucked up and no one in this room was on her side or in her corner. Her best bet was to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Nobody was here for her tears and her woah is me sob story. "Oh yea I guess I'm the fuck boy you mentioned to" he chuckled.
"Chris brother I'm sorry I fucked up. All I wanted was to make April feel like I felt. I'm sorry for throwing something so sensitive in ya face. It was never my intentions to hurt ya feelings"
"Save that shit for someone who cares I heard enough" Chris spat.
"I said it before but since you on some stupid shit I'm a say it again and refresh ya memory. You know how I feel bout family and how me and my family are. Family is important to me. I don't go around just calling anybody family. You have to earn that shit. I look up to all y'all and I love all y'all but you know how I feel bout betrayal. That shit doesn't sit well with me especially when it's by so-called family. I'm dating April's lil sister and if you can do that to her I don't even want to imagine what you would do or say about mines If you were in ya feelings bout something you thought she did. So you can cry and say sorry as much as you want but you done fucked up so bad nobody even believes it's genuine. You've been holding shit in for so long you've been a fraud for years. Aug ain't here for it. I ain't fuckin with you. Now you got me questioning mad shit. So yea you can count me out" August looked at her and shrugged.
"So this is it. I loose everyone today. The only family I know is ready to give up on me. I made one mistake and all y'all are ready to throw the towel in" she looked around at everybody sadly but like already stated no one was buying it. She had done this shit to herself.
April straightened herself up and sat properly on Dave's lap and smiled at Hazel. Her ass was type bipolar these days. "Now we all know this isn't it. You know I'm petty Betty and since you practically went against the grain and said fuck me and fuck the family I gotta make ya bitch ass pay literally and figuratively. See you forgot just how much you need me instead of me needing you. I'm good over here I have a room full of shoulders to cry on so without you I'm straight. But you, you" April looked at her and laughed. "See some years back when I purchased not only this building but the other two ya silly ass wrote me a letter and had it notarized stating that you would pay me back my hard earned coints boo. See you must've forgot bout that and I did too until you decided to bite the hand that feeds you. I had my lawyers look over the document and guess what it's legit boo so I'm coming to collect. You've made more than enough money to pay me back for all three properties"
Hazel's eyes bulged out of her eyes as she gulped hard. "By ya reaction I can tell that you forgot bout that letter. Maxwell can you please pass me a copy so I can help refresh her memory. Bestie or lil bro one of y'all might want to call Trey because this bitch bout to need more than milk. She's gonna need a life alert like stat" April laughed causing everyone in the room to laugh besides Hazel.
"I'm on it" Chris said and picked up his phone.
"You said...you said you didn't want the money back" Hazel stuttered looking over the document as her eyes scanned each and every word.
"You said you said my ass bitch now run me my money and while ya at it since I am a silent partner in all three businesses I want my cut. I even want my back pay. You were so busy being messy that you never once thought bout ya bank or ya bag and who had control over it. You were tossing Agnes money left and right for what. You know that shit is nonrefundable" April looked at her and smirked.
"Without me backing this shit you wouldn't have near as much as you have. Trust I didn't want to do this to you but since ya not acting like a true sister we're just going to have a business relationship. So just call me Ms. Blackmon for now on. You can cut ya lost today and I'll take all this shit off ya hands and find someone else to run it or like I said you can run me my money and basically work for me. I like my rent money on time as well as my cut for being a silent partner. At least if you choose that option you'll still be able to make some type of bag. Cash or check is good for me I don't do credit"
"April is you serious right now? This is my livelihood. I worked my ass off for this. I built this. This is my baby. Yea I did some foul shit but to come for my bag is on another level" Hazel asked dead serious.
"You may have built this and ya name might be written all over it but you used my money to do so. I worked hard for that money. These three buildings run off of my hard work and my hard earned coints. I purchased all three buildings and I put you on to the people who manufacture your clothing. Bitch me and Alaina are the faces of this company. We made this shit. We brought in the traffic. This is every bit of our company as it is yours. So run me what you owe me. I thought bout evicting you from my properties but I don't have time to be running back and forth to court with you. As you know I'm a busy woman. The way I see it is you can pay me for all three buildings or pay rent for all three starting from the day I purchased them. Not only that but you forgot we all put in dough to get you running. Me, Aliana, mommy, daddy, and Chris we all put it and let's not forget the only reason why Chris put in is because of me boo so run us our money"
"Oooooouuu bitch snatchies" Ebony said lowly laughing.
"April I don't have that kind of money" Hazel spoke softly. They all knew she still couldn't comprehend what was going on. April was playing no games she was collecting and snatching her dreams.
"That's not my problem. What we have now is a business relationship so no more favors from me. If you knew you didn't have that type of money you shouldn't have been spending it so recklessly and giving people money to do ya dirty work but hey I digress" April shrugged. "You know I take my business and my bag serious"
"April we're sisters"
April looked at her and laughed. "No we're not we were but you fucked that up. You went and became friends with my enemy. You had her throw salt on my wounds. Wounds I've been keeping bandaged up for years you had her rip each one open and throw salt right on them. Wounds that I finally accepted and made peace with you made me relive them. But hey you know I can get real reckless at the mouth and I'm not trying to be that person right now. So I'm a leave you with these documents and give you time to decide what ya want to do. Either way I'll still be collecting and so will everyone else. You thought you could get away with doing what you did and there would be no consequences but there are. You were so busy trying to knock me off my so-called high horse and making my life miserable but look at you. Checkmate bitch! I was always looking out for you. I always wanted you to win but this is how you repay me. I'm done. I'm finished" April said and shrugged. She was tired of giving a fuck about people who didn't give a fuck about her.
Hazel stood up and starred at April with so much fire and rage in her eyes. "Fuck you bitch. I ain't giving you shit" she spat. "This is my fuckin company. I don't give a fuck what you did and what you put in. This is my shit"
"That's fine by me. Say it like you mean it. It is what it is. My lawyers are here to serve you either way. Guess I'll be seeing you in court. Between owing me money and court fees including lawyers you won't have but so much money. All I know is at the end of the day I'll still be getting paid even if they have to put ya ass on a payment plan. By the way I love the braveness it looks good on you but realistically speaking you know I'd mop ya ass all throughout this fuckin building so take it down a few notches because we all know I'm not the one"
"Bitch better have my money" Alaina and Ebony sang together taunting Hazel as the door opened.
"Baby" Trey walked into the room not paying attention to his surroundings as he walked up on Hazel concerned. April felt Dave wrap his arm around her waist protectively. She had forgotten that Dave wasn't off Trey's ass. So for Trey's sake she hoped and prayed that he wasn't on any slick shit where Dave would have to tag his ass too.
"Happy you could join us Tremaine" Ian spoke up as his voice boomed around the room startling Trey. Ian was off his ass too. He had been off him ever since April came home crying to him and Ananda telling them all that had went down the weekend she had went to talk to Chris. He only kept the peace for Hazel's sake.
"Hey pops hey mama Ana" Trey greeted both Ian and Ananda as he finally looked around the room to be greeted by silence and a room full of people. Ananda didn't even bother to speak to him. "What's going on" he asked still looking around the room to see more than just family sitting around.
"I'm not even gonna answer I don't want to start no more shit" April said being petty.
Chris cleared his throat. "Fuck that I will. Did you know that Hazel and Agnes are friends" Chris asked looking dead at Trey.
Trey scrunched up his face. "No why would they be friends" Trey asked completely dumbfounded as he looked back at Hazel who kept her eyes off him. "Baby what's going on" Trey asked her.
"You ever wondered how Agnes knew certain shit bout April. You know like the whole baby situation" Chris leaned back into his chair and looked at Trey. Damn if Trey fucked up today both Chris and Dave was going to tag his ass. Shit Chris already looked like he was ready to jump stupid. This is the moment when April realized that if Trey fucked up today there would be no one here to help him. Dave was there, Chris was there, Uncle NyReek was there, and let's not forget about Ian this shit could go all the way left for Trey.
"Nah not really I thought she was just talking shit. You know the whole jealous bitter baby mama routine" Trey answered honestly.
"You would think so but nah this time that wasn't the case. Come to find out ya woman a woman we use to all call our sister has been telling Agnes shit bout Jr and our relationship and not only that but she's been paying her to post the bullshit on line. So all those posts Agnes made Hazel was behind them all" Chris said and chuckled as he looked dead at Hazel. "She couldn't do it herself so she had someone else do her dirty work" Chris informed him while April just kept her eyes on Trey and Hazel wondering how this little soap opera was going to end. She wondered would Hazel even tell him the truth or would she try to sugarcoat it either way he was going to find out everything whether Hazel spoke or not.
"Nah my baby wouldn't do no snake shit like that to her own sister. She's not that type of person. Shit every time Agnes said anything she was defending sis" Trey said defending Hazel while she was still on mute and avoiding his eyes and face all together. Hazel just couldn't bring herself to look at him. She had her eyes glued to the floor like April had dug those shits out and super glued those shits to the floor.
"Same thing we thought but it was just to cover her ass as she played her good ole best friend role. But it's true we got proof and she just admitted why she did it" Chris said and mugged Hazel. "That green eyed monster done got a hold of her"
"Wayment don't forget ole girl got a crush on big sis" August chimed in and smirked. "Big sis got everybody in the feels" he chuckled.
"Baby stoppppp" Alaina laughed.
"Hazel talk to me tell me I know you ain't out here doing fuck shit. You wouldn't do no shit like that" he said.
April cleared her throat. "While ya at it you might want to ask her what's the definition of loyalty like you asked me bruh. I think she forgot what it means and while she's trying to find her voice you might want to ask her bout y'all baby too since I'm the one out here smoking whole bags of dicks" April said. "She might be smoking bags full of smoked dick because as I recall I was all types of fucked up for not telling Chris about my miscarriage with Jr. You talked bout that shit like I had done the shit on purpose"
"What" Trey asked perplexed. "Hazel" he said sternly and lifted her head up in his hands. "Talk" he ordered.
"Cat got her tongue she's on mute mode now. Then again if the bill collector and the gatekeeper were on my heels to collect from all my business and tell all my secrets and I knew damn well I ain't have that type of money I'd be mute too. I'd be finding my ass a way up out this room" Alaina spoke up looking at Trey.
"Hazel" Trey barked loudly causing her to jump where she stood. "What the fuck is going on" he asked again this time making Hazel break down in his arms completely shattering in front of everybody. April wished the circumstances were different and maybe she should've kept her mouth closed about the baby but Hazel had brought this all on herself and now Trey had to suffer along with her.
"It's true it's true it's all true it was me. I was paying Millie to talk shit and post shit up bout April. I told her bout the baby. I told her bout her relationship with Chris. I was in my feelings and jealous so I had Millie do it all. I wasn't going to do anything but once she came and she said that you use to be looking at her I couldn't help it. I lost it. It's always bout April. April gets everything. The loving doting family, the men, the women, the career, billionaire status, and whatever else she wants she gets. I loved her more than a sister for years but she never noticed me. I was always there when the niggas left but she never noticed. I wanted to make her life miserable. I wanted her to reach out to me and cry on my shoulders just so I could say she finally needed me for once" Hazel confessed as a fresh batch of tears slid down her tear stained face.
Trey looked at her and shook his head disappointed, hurt, and confused. He looked damn near done like he could fuck her up but was trying to hold himself together before he gave in and snapped. "Fuck all that right now! What baby is April talking bout" he questioned.
"I...I...I" Hazel stuttered. "I had an abortion a few years back. Baby I didn't mean to. By the time I realized what I had done it was already too late" she took her hands and held his wrist while his hands were still holding her face up. "My business had just started to pick up and you were touring back to back. At the time I didn't think we were ready for a baby" she said in between sobs as everybody looked on.
"Don't believe the hype she's a serial abortionist" April chimed in.
"So instead of talking to me you decided to kill my fuckin baby. I'd a been there ready or not I'd a been there and you know that shit" Trey said as his voice cracked and his eyes watered.
April felt his pain but now since she let the cat out of the bag that secret was now between him and Hazel. She was staying out of it. She knew baby talk was a sensitive subject and to know that your baby was aborted without you even knowing or even having a say so that shit had to hurt. That was on a whole different level of hurt. April thought abortions were every woman's right because at the end of the day it's their bodies. She understood that some women had legitimate reasons on why they couldn't keep their babies and she respected their choice. But honestly what Hazel had been doing was just for her own selfish needs and reasoning. If Hazel had given birth to any of her children she would've had an abundance amount of support and that child would've been swarmed with love by everyone but hey what can you do.
Trey looked at Hazel and dropped his hands from her face with her hands still attached to his wrist and shook her hands off of him. "Where's my girl because this ain't you. This isn't the woman I fell in love with. She wouldn't work against her family and she damn sure wouldn't kill my seed that we both made out of love. We've talked bout kids multiple times and both agreed we wanted some. What you did is straight up fucked up and selfish. I don't know what's going on with you but I don't like it. "Trey said sounding so defeated. Everyone in the room felt for him. Sure he had said some fuck shit to April but after what he just heard everyone in the room felt for him. April and Chris both knew the hurt and pain that came from losing a child. That was something they wouldn't have wished on their worst enemy.
"I love you God knows I do. Yea I might've looked at April when I first met her but I would never make or even think bout making a move on her and fuck up my relationship with my brother. I know me and sis aren't as tight as we use to be and that's my fault but sis looked out for me when she introduced me to you. She introduced me to the love of my life. I literally just spoke to my mom telling her I was tired of you being my girl and I was ready to make you my wife. Even though sis doesn't fuck with me like that I planned on calling her and asking her to go ring shopping with me" Trey admitted as he stood there looking like he was ready to crack any minute now.
"Damn" everybody in the room said in unison as they watched on looking at everything unfold before their eyes.
"Trey what are you saying" Hazel asked damn near about to fall to her knees.
"She's gonna need some milk" Ebony said lowly and snickered.
"Damn ma I feel bad" Dave whispered in April's ear.
"Me too" April said and she genuinely did.
"You know me I always got ya back but this shit right here is a family affair and from what I've heard you not only brought this on ya self but you deserve it. I'm out of here. I can't be around you right now. I can't even look at you. I honestly don't know you" Trey looked at her and then at April.
"Sis if you ever thought for a second that I was a part of this shit I wasn't. Yea I fucked up and said some disrespectful shit to you and I'll keep on apologizing until you accept it because at the end of the day you are my sister and if anybody else had said the shit that I said to you I'd be on their heels. So no matter what I said or how I felt at the time I wasn't a part of this. I didn't even know she was talking to Agnes" Trey spoke honestly. "I can't join or be a part of this family affair not this one" Trey looked around the room, turned his back towards Hazel, then walked out of the room.
"This is ya fuckin fault" Hazel snapped and ran towards April almost hitting her but Dave was too quick with it. He moved her out of the way just in time.
"See I was sitting here pondering whether or not I should fuck you up because I was feeling a lil bad for you but what ya not gonna do is come for mines" Alaina said as she ran up on Hazel and started wailing on her sending punch after punch to her face making sure they all connected.
"Fuck you too" Hazel said as she fought back trying to get some hits in. She managed to get in a few but she was no match for the angry version of Alaina.
"Whoop her ass Thing 2" Ebony said through gritted teeth ready to be tagged in.
"Lil Baybeh you already know what to do" August looked on confident in his woman knowing she was going to bring home another win for the home team.
Hit after hit blow for blow Alaina and Hazel were going toe to toe but Alaina wasn't going to let up until she finished her. If Bully and Shooter thought the fight with Millie was something then this one right here was literally like two niggas fighting. April stood in front of Dave on fire as her foot tapped on the floor. She was ready to whoop Hazel's ass herself. This was supposed to be her fight. Furniture scattered around the room as Alaina pounced on top of Hazel sending blow after blow to her face finally making her curl up and groan in pain as blood seeped out the corner of her bloodied mouth.
"I'm so fuckin tired of you miserable ass bitches coming for my sister when she ain't sending for y'all. She doesn't bother anybody yet y'all all mad" Alaina punched and punched Hazel in her face as tears ran down her face. "Ya ass not even fuckin blood yet we treated you like such but I see now big sis should've left ya ass right where she found you. She done brought home a stray and ended up with flees" Alaina said as she looked down at Hazel who lie under her as she straddled her waist huffing and puffing as her chest heaved up and down.
She didn't bother hitting her anymore. She just sat on top of her looking down at her like she was a stranger. Hazel couldn't even look at her she just laid there truly defeated like she finally understood the severity of her betrayal. Not only was she losing out on a family she never had with her own blood but her businesses were on the line, and her man had just walked out on her and no one in that room knew how that situation was going to go.
"Come on Thing 2 let's get the fuck up outta here. We're done wasting time and energy on fuck bitches" April looked down at Alaina who still sat on top of Hazel glaring at her.
"Then there were two" Alaina spat as she cocked her fist all the way back and copped the shit out of Hazel making the side of her head smack against the floor as the sound of her bone cracking echoed around the room.
"Girl bye it's always been three she was just an honorary member but that title is gone" Ebony said as she looked at Alaina who got up off of Hazel and made her way to August who had his phone in his hand.
"No lies told boo" Alaina said as she leaned over and kissed Ebony's cheek.
"Good so act like you know" Ebony smiled at her.
Hazel sat up from the floor but remained seated on it with her head in her hands silently crying. She couldn't look at anybody. She had truly fucked up and now she had paid a major price. She was losing it all and if she didn't work fast enough she'd be losing her businesses and she had no one to blame but herself.
"Sorry to do this at such a trying time but Hazel Daniels you've been served" Maxwell one of April's lawyers said as he placed the documents down in her lap and walked out along with the second lawyer.
"And on that note it's time to go" April said.
"Oh no, no, no I gotta get me a hit in. I've been sitting here quiet as fuck. Everyone talked and said what they had to say and Alaina whooped on her ass but I don't think that's enough" Ebony said as she got up and stepped to Hazel who was still seated on the floor. "See not only did you come for and upset my cousin but you ended up betraying all of us. I know my aunt and my uncle let alone my father feels some type of way. They looked after you and gave you something ya family never gave you so for you to fuck with the family vibe I'm a have to whoop ya ass so get the fuck up" Ebony said as she wrapped her hair into a low bun.
"I'm done y'all win" Hazel said not wanting to fight. She was throwing in the white flag.
"Nope you don't get off that easy because we all know Alaina took it a lil easy on you. Come get this ass whooping you so desperately asked for" Ebony spat and pulled her up from the floor.
"I don't want to fight you"
"Too bad"
Ebony drew her hand back and back smacked the shit out of her making her to stumble back as the sound echoed around the room and her head to whip to the side sending blood flying in the air.
"DAMN" everyone in the room dragged out shouting and stood up from their seats besides security, Ian, Ananda, and NyReek.
"Yea Shooter is definitely going to like this one" August stood with his phone in his hand recording. He had been low key recording the shit show since it started curtesy of Shooter.
"Bitch" Hazel glared at her and raised her hand to hit her.
"Girl bye" Ebony caught her by her wrist and twisted her arm back. "You know I did this on a daily I'm always ready" she wrenched it back some more and sent a punch to her face as Hazel struggled to get loose. "Don't worry I ain't gonna do you too bad" Ebony laughed and let her go only for Hazel to send a blow to her shoulder just barely missing her face. It didn't phase Ebony at all. She had been to war and back this fight wasn't shit to her.
"Ya ass always been jealous that I was getting attention from everybody" Hazel spat squaring up.
"Bitch bye you delusional I had both my parents how bout you and let's not act like my uncle and auntie don't fuck with the kid" Ebony taunted as she sent a punch to Hazel's face making her stumble back and groan. "That's what I thought" Ebony stepped closer to her and started wailing on her until she had her cornered against the wall where she couldn't fight back at all. Blow for blow Ebony went in on her ass. Jab after jab you could hear each one connect as Hazel moaned and groaned in agony. "Next time you think bout crossing someone just make sure you cross every T and dot every I" Ebony sent one more blow to her face knocking her out cold as her body slumped to the floor.
"Yea anybody would be a fool to fuck with any of y'all" Dave said as he shook his head looking at Hazel passed out on the floor. "Y'all gonna teach Kairi that shit right" he questioned looking around at April, Alaina, and Ebony.
"Trust my babies will know how to defend themselves" April said as a matter of fact.
"Say less" he nodded his head.
"Can we go now I'm tired of being around this bitch" April asked looking at Ian who sat quietly with his elbows on the table playing with his wedding ring.
"Y'all go ahead. I'll meet y'all outside" Ian said as he kept his eyes focused on a slumped Hazel.
No one said a thing they all stood up and collected themselves and started heading out. Security walked out first then Chris, August, Alaina, NyReek, and Ebony followed suit. Ananda looked at Hazel and back at Ian and placed a soft kiss to his lips before she walked up to Hazel who finally came too.
"I love you" Ananda said a little misty eyed and walked out with her head held high.
April approached Hazel and looked down at her as she sat on the floor with her knees clutched tightly to her chest while Dave stood right beside her ready to protect his.
"Like I said things are changing for the better and you won't be a part of it no matter how much I wish you could be. While you were so busy trying to make my life miserable I was busy letting my loved ones know the good news. From what you've said I can't have a baby or carry full term. Well Hazel if you would've took the time to look at me you'd notice this wonderful glow and how this melanin is popping for the Gods and you'd know that I'm in fact pregnant" April said as she kept her eyes on Hazel as Hazel finally looked up at her and really looked at her. April smiled and rubbed her stomach. "Bye Hazel it's been fun" and with that April cupped Dave's hand and they walked out the door with more security walking out behind them leaving Ian behind.
-Happy reading hope you guys enjoy. I know I normally post late but this is later than usual 😩
-How many of y'all thought mama was going to whoop Hazel's ass 😂
-Do you think Hazel got what she deserved 🤔
-Poor Trey I felt bad for him even though he was a bit much in previous chapters 😢
-Should April had told Trey about the baby or kept it to herself 🤔
-Welp Millie and Hazel have been dumped in the trash...only question is, is what's next. I need to toss on my thinking cap because my mojo isn't flowing like it normally would 😩
-What would you guys like to see happen 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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