64: Baggage
Chapter 64: Baggage
"Everyone you meet comes with baggage. Find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack."
[Author Unknown]
Dave had made it home safe and sound in record time. He had packed enough clothing for him and Kairi for a few days. He didn't know how this back and forth was going to go. All he knew was that he wanted to wake up and go to sleep next to April every day and every night so if they had to go back and forth to each other's homes then so be it. Like April said she had given him both the gate and alarm codes to get in the house and once he made it inside he locked the house down making sure all the doors were locked and the lights were off before he made his way upstairs to the bedroom. As soon as he entered the bedroom he couldn't help but smile his babies were in bed cuddled up. Kairi had her head lying against April's chest with her arm and leg spread across April's body lightly snoring while April was half sleep soothingly rubbing Kairi's back.
This is what Dave wanted to see when he came home at night. He wanted to come home from a late night session at the studio or from doing a show to see all his babies laid up in their bed sleeping, pick them up, carry them to their own rooms, kiss them goodnight, and then go lay up under his women and talk about how their days went, and when everything was said and done he could rock her ass to sleep properly. This is the life he wanted for all four of them. He couldn't help but to take a picture even though he knew there were more moments like this to come.
Dave placed the duffle bags down on the floor beside the couch and came out of his clothing. All he wanted to do was shower and go to bed next to his babies. Quietly making his way into the bathroom he tended to his hygiene getting all fresh and clean while trying to get his mind right. Today had been an eventful day to say the least. Out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped securely around his waist as beads of water dropped down his body he made his way back to his duffle bag all the while feeling April's eyes on him. He lowly chuckled and shook his head. He'd love to dig in her guts but at the moment her goods were off limits and damn he couldn't wait until he could finally dive into his honey pot.
Dave knew there was a glitch in the matrix though but would April be down for it. He didn't know nor would he push her to do something she wasn't comfortable with. Grabbing a pair of boxer briefs and his cocoa butter lotion he slipped his briefs on underneath his towel, took a seat on the couch, and put on his lotion then took off his towel and folded it up. He turned off the main bedroom light then finally made his way to his side of the bed climbing in and covering his body with the plush black blanket making sure to put the cover over Kairi and April. As soon as he was comfortable Dave leaned over and kissed Kairi's forehead and leaned further over planting a kiss to April's awaiting lips.
"I love you babies" Dave looked at his two babies still smiling. It felt like he had been smiling for days but he couldn't help it. He was genuinely happy and it showed.
"We love you too papi" April smiled back at him then frowned. "What's wrong" she asked concerned as she squinted her eyes at him.
"Don't worry bout it. Get some rest tomorrows a work day and I know ya tired" he kept his eyes on her then laid back down in his spot placing his hands behind his head starring at the ceiling as the light from the TV somewhat illuminated the room. Only April would know that something was bothering him even when he was trying his hardest not to think about the situation and keep it from her at the moment.
"Papi" April lowly called his name and looked at him.
"I'm good ma" he tried to assure her but he knew she could see right through him. The same way he looked right through her was the same way she looked through him.
"No ya not but I'm not gonna pester you. Whenever ya ready to talk I'll be here to listen"
Dave already knew that and was thankful for it. What was on his mind he didn't even want to dare whisper it while Kairi was in the bed with them? No it wasn't about sex but it was definitely something she didn't need to hear. He couldn't and wouldn't kick her mother's back in, in front of her so this conversation would have to wait.
"We'll talk bout it later" Dave answered her with his eyes still concentrated on the ceiling as he felt April's eyes still on him trying to read him.
"Ok" she left it at that and yawned. "Goodnight Papi I love you"
"Goodnight ma I love you too" he replied.
Dave was all in his head at the moment and could really use a blunt. So he carefully and quietly got up and sat up on the edge of the bed letting his feet touch the floor, reached inside his nightstand, and grabbed everything he needed to roll a blunt then got out of bed, and made his way out of the bedroom but not before slipping into his slides then made his way downstairs and into the basement plopping down on the couch sighing.
As soon as he got comfortable he started getting his blunt ready. He knew he was going to kill this one. He was going to smoke the whole thing no breaks. Blunt rolled he leaned back into the couch and let his mind wonder back to the events that took place earlier today. It was a wild ass day. Trust he was down for the fuckery just like everyone else but he learned some new things today and didn't know how he felt about them. Dave could care less about what he found out about Profit. He was already a slimy ass snake in his eyes.
The shit that threw him for a loop was Millie doing drugs, selling her body, and not only that but she had the audacity to store drugs in his fuckin spot. There was no way in hell that Kairi was going back there. All he could think about is what if his Lil Butt had been there and found the drugs and she mistakenly took them. He'd loose his shit if something happened to Kairi. Millie couldn't have been thinking because what if the cops ran down on her. That was still his place. She could've blamed everything on him. She had to go and he had to make sure that she couldn't get her hands on Kairi because being an unfit mother was an understatement of the year.
Dave sat back and smoked and smoked some more as he was putting his plan together in his head. There was a list of things he had to take care of and they had to be done soon. It was never a dull moment when it came to Millie. He still had to catch up with Ian and find out what the fuck Millie was actually hiding from him. Before he knew it the blunt was gone and his mind was still wondering. Dave didn't know how long he had been sitting down in the basement or when he zoned out but as soon as he felt a warm body straddle his lap and the electricity that ran throughout his body he couldn't help but snap out of his daze. It was his woman. April didn't speak she just placed her arms around his neck and looked at him lovingly. Immediately wrapping his arms around her waist he plants a soft kiss to her lips and lays his forehead against hers sighing. Dave knew she wouldn't let him sulk in his feelings for too long and that she would eventually follow behind him because that's just who she was. She always had his back and he was happy to have a rider like her by his side.
"Whatever is on ya mind and on ya shoulders you don't have to bear alone. We're a team and I'm here to listen, be there, and do whatever you need me to" she spoke softly and took her hands and softly rubbed the back of his neck making him sigh again.
Dave took a deep breath inhaling her scent before he decided to speak up. "Ma I gotta get full custody of Lil Butt immediately. I don't know when Millie's life took a turn for the worst but I can't let Kairi be around any of what she has going on. I didn't know she was living that type of life let alone keeping drugs in a place I bought to make sure my Lil Butt was safe in her care. I knew she smoked weed but the way Unc said drugs I know it's something hard. Let alone she was selling herself. I didn't see any of the signs. I was with her for how many months and never noticed anything off bout her when it comes to drugs. She's got more problems than a lil bit" Dave said and gripped April a little tighter but not enough to hurt her.
He just wanted her as close to him as possible. He wanted to hold her in his arms and never let her go. He could trust her. Dave felt safe around her. He felt like he could be himself around her. He didn't have to sugarcoat or act hard around her. He could be vulnerable around her and never have to worry about her questioning his masculinity. Dave could tell April his deepest darkest secrets and never have to worry about her telling a soul. She was his peace in this thing he called life.
"I never wanted to take Lil Butt from her. I just hoped that one day she would get it together but now I see that, that is a long time coming and I have no choice but to take her away" Dave said defeated. All he wanted was for Kairi to have both of her parents even if they were no longer together or would never be back together but like he said Millie gave him no choice. Kairi was his number one priority and her safety meant everything even if he had to protect her from her mother.
"She's got drugs in my fuckin place. Now what if Kairi would've found them while she was there? If something would've happened to my Lil Butt everybody would've been on my hit list. It just goes to show you that she doesn't care bout shit but herself. What if the cops bust in there and it's drugs in there? At the end of the day that's my spot. She can put it all on me and with the way she's moving I can see her doing just that"
"Look at me" April said as she pulled back and cupped his face in her hands. "First things first lil mama is in good hands. She has you and now she has me. It may not be you and Agnes but she's still has two parents in her life. She will be fine and we're going to make sure of that. You aren't a fortune teller you can't see what's going to happen before it does and you can't control certain situations. Agnes is living her life the way she sees fit. We may not approve of it but it's her life. I don't like her ass but I do hope that one day she gets it together especially for lil mama but until then you just worry bout being there for Kairi and the shit that you can control" April said and gently kissed his lips.
"You know what you need to do so make it happen. You aren't alone and I will help you in any way that I can. As far as keeping drugs in ya place you already know what to do bout that as well and if you need someone to do a house sweep just hit up my dad he has someone for everything. He may not be in the game anymore but he still has all his connects and they're in good standing so stop worrying bout shit or people you can't control. Besides I don't think Agnes will be bothering you or anyone else for a long while. She can say those drugs are yours all she wants but at the end of the day you don't live there and you got proof of that. It's ya place but she lives there"
Dave just sat there with his face still nestled in April's hands and continued to listen to her. She was speaking facts but shit was easier said than done. They both knew that.
"Papi I can tell you not to worry but that's just being unrealistic. So whatever we need to do to make sure Kairi is good and make sure that you don't end up in a sticky situation we will do. I promise you that" she small smiled at him. "I'm not letting her fuck up our family over her bullshit or have my man out in these streets living a life he swore he wasn't going back to. Let alone she ain't coming for my love bug and that's straight facts. Blood or not I go to bat for mines. That means you David Lawrence Brewster Jr and Kairi Chanel Brewster. Ain't nobody fuckin with the Blackmon Brewster Brown family"
Dave looked at her and smiled. She always knew what to say and he believed her without a doubt. "And what secret is she hiding from me. What can she do to me that she hasn't done already" he questioned.
"How bout you worry bout Agnes and her bullshit tomorrow. We had an eventful day but we also had a good one so let's end tonight on a good note. Lil Butt is upstairs sleep, you just smoked a blunt, and now it's just you and me. So how can I make this night even better for you? How can I help ease ya mind papi" she asked him and smirked then let go of his face.
Dave groaned. "What I want you can't give me at the moment" he said damn near pouting as he removed his hands from her waist and slid them down to her ass gripping it making her softly moan. "How many months we got" he asked already knowing.
April looked at him and laughed and shook her head.
"Don't laugh at me. I could really use some of that warm, wet, tight grade A right bout now"
"You really don't know who you fuckin with" April said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Ya in for one hell of a ride papi...See I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean ya out of luck" she winked at him. "I'm bout mines. This warm wet mouth isn't pregnant, my hands still work, I'm up for a lil tiddy fuckin if it helps you, and if you want you can watch this show and get ya own rocks off. Then again we can watch each other and play together. You know I'm just giving you a few options" she shrugged and bit down on her bottom lip.
Dave groaned again as he felt his dick stiffen in his briefs. Was April serious right now? He didn't know but he was damn sure about to find out. "You sure bout that" he questioned looking at her lustfully just hoping she wasn't playing games. He didn't feel like getting worked up and having to complete the job himself.
April smooth removed his hands from her ass, slid off of his lap and onto the floor, and stood on her knees in front of him. Dave looked at her and bit down on his bottom lip as he leaned comfortably back into the couch waiting on her next move. Eyes locked on April like a hawk and she was his prey she slowly unzipped her onesie then removed her arms from the sleeves letting the top of her onesie fall to her waist exposing her erect pierced nipples making him groan yet again. April slipped her petite hand inside of the dick opening of his briefs making him involuntarily moan just by her touch. He knew he was going to bust fast. April looked at his tool like it was food and it was her favorite dish. She lightly stroked up and down his shaft applying just the right amount of pressure before she dived in licking all over his head as she continued to jerk him off. Removing her hands she placed them on his knees and started sucking him off hands free making the knuckles of his toes crack and his toes to curl.
The warmth and feel of her mouth wrapped tightly around him like a suction cup and the feel of her tongue dancing around each and every one of his veins had him feeling all types of ways. This was an image he was never going to forget. April looked all innocent on the outside but she was beyond innocent. Leaning forward in his spot he took his hands and started to fondle her breast and knead her nipples making sure to pinch them every now and again. That alone made April go in bobbing her head up and down slurping him up as she deep throated him until his dick couldn't go any further. His woman had no gag reflex and that shit excited him more as he hardened in her mouth and blew his mind.
"Shitttttt" he dragged out moaning in pure pleasure with his toes still curled. He could give two fucks about moaning in front of his woman. She was on her knees pleasing him like he had never been pleased before. He couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way. He never felt like this.
April removed his dick from her mouth making that good ole pop sound as it exited then grabbed it and slapped it against her lips while never once removing her eyes from his. Licking the tip of his head all the way back down his shaft like she was licking over her favorite charm blow pop April made her way to his balls taking one into her mouth catching Dave off guard as she lightly suckled on it. "What the fuckkkkk" he dragged out as she showed his other ball some attention. Clenching and unclenching his toes he leaned back against the couch enjoying the moment and trying his hardest not to bust. Eyes rolled in the back of his head April made her way back to the tip of his dick sucking on it for dear life while her hands twisted up and down his shaft just right.
"Shit ma I'm bout to bust" Dave moaned out as his legs bounced up and down. Removing her hands April went ape shit as she removed him from his mouth, spit on his dick, and gave him some sloppy toppy making sure to hit the back of her throat each time she sucked him all the way in while he moved his hips back and forth fucking her mouth. Between her slurping, the no gag reflex, and the suction of her cheeks he had no choice but to gear up and shoot his load. "Ma I'm coming" he panted making her go ham until he released every single last drop in her mouth. As soon as she milked the last drop making sure not to spill not a damn drop April got up and went to the basement bathroom then came out a few minutes later fixing her onesie.
"Sorry papi normally I'd swallow the load but I can't be out here being that damn disrespectful these days" she smirked and winked at him.
"Come here ma" Dave looked at her still feeling a way. She had him all in his feelings as his body was still going through the motions.
"How can I help you" she asked.
"I told you time and time again but you're officially stuck with me ma. Ain't no getting rid of me I just watched my own soul leave me body and come back" he lifted her up in his lap and kissed her. He didn't give a fuck that she had just had him all inside her mouth let alone his kids.
"Like wise papi it ain't no out. Ya either in or ya in and I'm all the way in" she said then licked her lips. "Now come on I'm sleepy and I need to freshen up. I think I need to change my onesie too"
"Fucked around and got that pussy wet" he said and bit down on his fist. Fuck that he might not have been able to dick her down but he was going to have to please his woman one way or another.
"Of course" she smirked and yawned.
"Aight come on ma" he stood up with her still in his arms.
"Um papi any other day if you wanted to rock out with ya cock out I'd have no complaints but um Lil Butt is here so you might want to fix ya self" she looked at him and laughed while he placed her down on the ground and fixed himself laughing.
Dave woke up the next morning with Lil Butt tucked in his side still sleep and April moving quietly about the bedroom getting dressed and ready for work. He just quietly laid back and admired her while she did her thing and after what went down last night he was looking at her in a whole new light. She had told him he was in for a ride of his life and he couldn't wait to see what was in store. He always knew she was a horn dog but he didn't know how she really got down and now he couldn't help but wonder how freaky she really was. What he did know was that they needed to talk bout that no gag reflex. Her head game was phenomenal. Shit had him ready to propose. The shit was too legit. Her mouth was golden.
"Morning papi" April looked up at him and smiled as she buttoned up her blouse.
"Morning ma" he kept his eyes on her as she tucked her blouse into her dress pants. She was looking good in his business attire. She was looking like a boss just like she did yesterday morning at Millie's beat down service.
"I'm a go and get breakfast started" she said as she made it to his side of the bed and pecked his lips not giving a fuck about him just waking up.
"I can definitely get use to this" he smirked.
"Well get used to it because this is it Papi" she smiled and made her way out the bedroom but not before grabbing her blazer and purse.
Ten minutes later his personal alarm was going off meaning it was time to get Kairi up and ready for school. 45 minutes later Kairi was dressed for school and he was dressed to lounge around. He really didn't have much to do today that required him to be outside so he was in what April liked to call his thot wear which was nothing but sweatpants. April loved to see him in them and hated it at the same time. It was cool when he was in the house because only she got to see him and his print but when he wore them outside everybody could get a look at what she called hers.
She would tell him that she didn't like bitches being able to see what her man was working with and he would tell her that they could look all they wanted but they couldn't touch. His dick was for her and only her. Then April would tell him 'wait until you see me outside in a summer dress and tell me you don't feel the same way'. Luckily for Dave he hadn't been out with her in a summer dress so he couldn't see the stares she was getting while she was in them. But with the way her body was set up Dave knew he'd be walking around mugging everybody about his.
"Smells good in here" Dave said as he took a seat at the island with Kairi in his lap. April turned around and smiled.
"Good morning my love bug" April said smiling as she made her way to the island with two plates of food in her hands placing them on the island.
"Good morning Ms. April" Kairi greeted her smiling while holding out her arms. April immediately engulfed her in a hug making them both sigh.
Dave just sat there admiring his two favorite girls. The way they acted towards each other was as if they needed each other. When he thought about it they did. For Kairi it was that motherly love and bond that April gave her and for April it was the unconditional love of a child that Kairi gave her.
"You can call me April love bug or anything you want to call me. You don't have to say Ms. April" April looked at her smiling. "Now eat ya breakfast before it gets cold"
"Ok" Kairi nodded smiling.
They all ate breakfast as a family sharing light conversation. April took out some meat out the freezer to thaw for dinner and with that they were putting on their coats and getting ready for their days. Dave put Kairi's car seat back inside his Range, strapped her in, and double checked it to make sure she was secure.
"Ok love bug I'll see you later. Have a good day in school" April said and kissed her forehead.
"See you later" Kairi said back then Dave closed the door.
"Come on so I can get you two strapped in too" Dave said to April smiling.
"Thanks Papi" April said smiling as he opened the door for her. She took a seat and put on her seatbelt. "Have a good day Papi"
"You too ma make sure you hit me when you get to work" he said then bent down and kissed her lips. Dave closed the door after and headed to and inside his own ride and followed behind April out the gate.
Dave kept up with his regular routine dropping his Lil Butt off at school making a pit stop at the front office to remove Millie's name off of Kairi's contact sheet as well as the pickup list to make sure she couldn't remove Kairi from school and if she tried he wanted them to immediately contact him. He just didn't trust Millie at all especially when it came to their child. Once he was done at the school he went back to Aprils and called up his lawyer. He was going to make sure he took away all of Millie's rights. Besides it wasn't like she wanted them anyway. She had proved time and time again why she didn't need them. After a long but much needed conversation with his lawyer making sure he told him everything he knew as well as he had proof that this was all going on. His lawyer had advised him to come in the next day so he could look over the documents. His lawyer had also told him that from what he was hearing so far it looked like it would be an easy open and close type of case but not to jump the gun because custody cases weren't easy at all.
After Dave finished with his lawyer he called up his realtor to let him know that he wanted to sell his condo effective immediately. Getting Millie out of his place should be quite easy. He just had her staying in his spot so no lease was ever signed or given out. He wasn't about to be a complete piece of shit though he was going to let her mother know that he was selling the property and soon so she could find a place to stay. He knew that she had family who wouldn't hesitate to let her stay with them if need be. Honestly she only stayed with Millie to make sure Kairi was good when she was there.
As far as the furniture it was still in good condition so he was going to donate it to someone who needed it and would appreciate it. Once he finished up with his realtor he called up a moving company. He wanted to make sure he got everything out before Millie caught wind and started fucking up his shit. Every piece of furniture he purchased he was taking even the bed set. She could keep the mattress but everything else had to go. He was literally cleaning up his house and once everything was done he was going to have the locks and alarm changed.
Dave started to turn her phone off but he figured he'd wait a while just in case she was still plotting and scheming against April with Hazel. So he was going to let it rock. After going through his mental check list Dave went upstairs to the bedroom, opened his nightstand draw, and pulled out everything he needed to roll him a nice fat ass morning blunt. Right in the middle of breaking down his weed his phone went off.
"Sup" he answered seeing that it was Bully on the line.
"Nigga we need to talk" Bully said a little hype.
"I'm free now sup you home" Dave asked.
"Bet, I'm home and Shooter just got here too" Bully replied.
"Say less I'm on the way" Dave said as he continued to roll up.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Papi is in daddy bear mode and he's not here for the fucks. If Millie really wants to be in Kairi's life she has some changing to do and with that she'll have to change for herself or else it won't work.
-Our good sis is out here snatching souls. I know some of you probably won't be feeling that April gave Dave a lil top but it is what it is. She ain't out here busting it wide open for him 🤷🏾♀️
-Wonder what Bully wants to talk bout 🧐
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem. Just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰
-I was so busy trying to get this new chapter up that I forgot to put up my new book cover courtesy of my good sis/bestie issimplyaamazing thankies babes love you 🥰😘
🛑Make sure y'all check out hubby's Indigo extended album & papi's new video and song Alone. Bae was looking goodT🤤
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