64.1: Baggage

64.1: Baggage...continued

"Nigga we need to talk" Bully said a little hype.

"I'm free now sup you home" Dave asked.

"Bet, I'm home and Shooter just got here too" Bully replied.

"Say less I'm on my way" Dave said as he continued to roll up.

"Bet" and with that they hung up and Dave finished rolling up making sure to roll up another one because he just knew he was going to need it. Once he was done he put everything back, made his way back downstairs, put his royal blue bubble Moncler coat on followed by his wheat tall can timbs, and made his way back out the house making sure to lock up and put on the alarm. He unlocked the door to his Range, hopped inside, put on his seatbelt, started up the truck making sure to blast the heat, then sparked up his blunt.

While sitting there he realized that April had never called or texted him to let him know that she had made it to work. He knew she was good because her security team didn't know the definition of lacking and were always ready and alert but she knew the drill. Meaning her ass needed to call or at least text him to personally let him know she was good. It helped ease his mind especially with all this background shit going on. As soon as he was about to hit her up she was calling him. The shit never ceased to amaze him that most of the time when he was thinking about her she was already a step ahead with either calling or texting him and vice versa. He immediately pressed accept on the display console of his truck answering the phone through the Bluetooth connection.

"Sorry Papi I meant to hit you up but I was caught up in a phone conference that lasted longer than I expected" April said as soon as the call connected.

"Bet I was bout to call you" he admitted.

"Well we're straight I'm getting ready for another meeting so I'll check in later" she said as if she was sort of in a rush and most likely she was.

"Bet don't be in there over working ya self" he said as he pulled off and headed back out the gate. Knowing April and how she worked he knew once she was in boss mode she went hard. She wanted things done right and she liked to stay on top of everything. But now since she was with child he needed her to fallback just a little bit.

"I won't any, who Papi I gotta go"

"Say less sounds like you got a busy day ahead of you. What time is ya lunch break so I can bring y'all something to eat" he asked as he stopped at a red light.

"Still the same 1 o'clock"

"Bet, hit me up after ya meeting to let me know what you want to eat"

"Will do...talk to you later Papi I love you"

"I love you too ma later" Dave said and hung up. He still couldn't believe that they were at the point in their lives that they were really sharing I love you's and staying together like an actual family. A few months back he wouldn't even be imagining that this would be happening. But here they were and he was loving every bit of it and so was Kairi. 25 minutes later he was pulling up to Bully's spot, parking, making his way inside, signing in at the front desk, and making his way upstairs.

"What's cracking cuz" Dave said he let himself inside of Bully's crib making sure to lock up behind himself then went and clapped it up with his brothers.

"Shit you tell me. You're the one who just found out ya woman is pregnant by her ex, had a meeting with the black mafia aka with her family including her baby father, watched her family whoop ya baby mama's ass to no return, and had a Sunday dinner and Family Day with them like this shit is the new norm" Bully spoke as he lit his blunt. Dave already knew what this talk was about. His boys wanted nothing other than what his woman called the tea.

"True shit" Shooter said as he looked up from his phone. "I'm watching this shit right now. This shit been on repeat since yesterday bruh"

"Nigga" Dave and Bully laughed as Dave took off his coat and got comfortable.

"Call it what ya want that shit was the realest ass whooping I seen in a long while. That shit was full fledge nigga fight just with a lot of ass and tiddies everywhere" Shooter said. "Ohhh" he yelled as he continued watching the video.

"Fuck all that shit fill us in on what's going on. How you feel bout lil sis being pregnant by Breezy. That's my first question" Bully asked as he leaned back in his grey lazy boy recliner getting comfortable.

Dave looked at him and chuckled. "Can't lie that shit threw me off for a lil minute when she first told me and I may have acted like an ass but I'm cool with it now. Who am I to judge her when I went back to Agnes? It wasn't like she cheated on me and got pregnant so I had to come to terms with it. I love her and I want to be with her regardless of what's going on. She adores my kid and my kid adores her. We both want this family shit so I'm a be there for her and the baby. We're on our blended family shit and like I told ma I'm a be step daddy of the year" Dave replied and laughed. Ain't nothing change he wanted to be there no matter what and he was going to be there. He was there. He was going to treat April as if she was having his baby because at the end of the day she was his woman. He wasn't about to pick and choose when and when and not to be there for her or them.

"Say less if it was anybody else I'd say you lost ya fuckin mind but we know how much you and lil sis love each other. The shit y'all got is rare. The family shit looks good on y'all. She gives my Pooh more attention than I've ever seen Millie give her even the way she interacted with Breezy's daughter. Mom life suits her. It's looks good on her" Bully spoke and took a pull from his blunt.

"The shit is genuine. It doesn't look like it's an act both of those lil girls adore her and she adores them. My niece was all smiles this weekend. Whatever she needed and wanted lil sis was right there so don't fuck up" Shooter said to him in a warning tone. Dave knew Shooter meant what he said. Since day one Shooter was loyal to April. Even after they broke up Shooter never faltered. If anything he was pissed as fuck with him and let him know just how he felt about it.

"Nah this is it for me. This shit feels normal like this was meant for us like we been doing this shit for years" Dave admitted and smiled thinking about the last few days he, Kairi, and April had shared.

"It suits you. It looks like ya finally happy and got what you wanted and deserve" Bully said.

"I am happy" Dave smiled and leaned back into the couch and took out the extra blunt he had rolled a little while ago.

"Is she open to having more kids? I know you want more and would def like to have one with her" Bully asked getting a little deeper.

"Most definitely we already had that talk when she told me bout the baby. Thing is though the next baby she has she wants to at least have a ring on her finger or be walking the aisle. She doesn't want to be just another baby mama"

"I get it. She's basically mommy to Royalty when she's around, now Kairi, and she's bout to have a baby by a nigga she's not with. She's definitely wife material. Shit we told you that from jump" Shooter said as he finally put down his phone and fully tuned into the conversation.

"Y'all already know what it is. That's already my wife I just have to make it official one day and maybe one day soon" he smirked to himself thinking about his woman's performance last night and the way she came to his rescue when his mind was going haywire thinking about all the fuck shit Millie was doing. That shit made him want to drop down on bended knee right then and there and get her a ring later.

"I'll be damn not to. I learned my lesson being without her and I don't like that shit. I know that I could travel around the world and I would never find someone as close to the way she makes me feels and the way she treats me. She already treats me as if I'm her husband and I wouldn't trade that for the world" Dave answered honestly. He already knew when it was time to buy a ring, ask someone's family for a blessing, and get down on bended knee that it would all be for April. She was the woman who deserved a ring, his last name, and a gut full of his seeds.

"My nigga" Bully and Shooter said in unison. He knew his boys were genuinely happy for him.

"That's that grown man shit I'm talking bout" Shooter said smiling.

"Facts" Bully agreed. "So how you feel bout Breezy being around? Y'all looked cool this weekend but what's really good" he asked.

"We're good. We had a talk and we know where we both stand in April's life. He even gave me some good advice that he didn't have to and I appreciate it. All he wants to do is be there for his child and I can't fault him for that. Our family isn't conventional but so far it works. Everybody just wants to be happy and make sure our kids are straight. Besides neither of them is checking for one another"

"Look at y'all being adults. I can fuck with it" Bully said smiling.

"If ya good we're good" Shooter said.

"Say less" Dave nodded his head. This was the reason why Bully and Shooter had always been his day ones. They kept it real and always wanted the best for him and vice versa. The way Dave saw it was if he made it they made it.

"Now to the real shit because we all know you and lil sis would've found y'all way back to each other eventually. How you feel bout Agnes" Bully asked.

"Fuck that bitch! I can't believe she would stoop so low and put her own child in the middle of some bullshit. What type of mother only fucks with her child just to make bank? Then the fact that it wasn't just one text but multiple texts to that nigga bout what they were going to do with the money I'm giving her to take care of Kairi. I've given her thousands of dollars and for what? To give to a lame ass nigga!" he said as he mugged no one in particular.

"It wasn't like she was taking Lil Butt on trips and taking her shopping or anywhere she would have to spend money on her. She wasn't using any of that money for Kairi. Yet I'm sliding her stacks every weekend for her and her nigga. Fuck that bitch. I set her up in a nice ass spot, furnished the bitch, and pay all of her bills because she's my baby mama and I wanted to make sure that both her and Lil Butt were straight" Dave said angrily getting mad all over again. "Like how fuckin selfish can you be to take from ya own child. She deserves everything coming to her. I'm done giving a fuck bout things and people I shouldn't"

By now Dave was pissed the fuck off. The more he talked about it the more pissed he became. Millie was really the scum of the Earth. He didn't know what attracted him to her. Whatever it was it was all a lie. She had been pretending since day one. She was never who she claimed to be. It was all smoke screens, mirrors, and facades. But now he could care less about what she did or what happened to her because he was taking his daughter away from her because she deserved so much better than what she had. He had his woman by his side ready to pick up all of Millie's slack when it came to loving, caring, and parenting Kairi. So fuck Millie.

"Then to know she's out here getting high and keeping that shit in a place I got for her so she could have for not only Kairi but herself too. It just goes to show you what's more important in her life and it ain't my Lil Butt. I didn't even know she was out here living the way she is and according to Unc she's still hiding shit. Granted I know drugs make you do some crazy things but she wasn't always on drugs so what's her excuse" Dave said and huffed. This shit had officially blown his high. He didn't even bother to finish his blunt he just let it go out.

"I think if we all understood what was going on with Agnes we'd all be fucked up because her way of thinking and going bout shit ain't the wave. Besides at the end of the day you got lil sis and so does Kairi so y'all both straight" Bully said and shook his head.

"True shit" Shooter chimed in. "But real shit how you feel bout how they dealt with Agnes? At the end of the day she's still ya baby mama and the way she got her ass beat looked like a man whooped on her ass" Shooter asked ready to laugh. Dave knew this shit would be with Shooter for the rest of his life. It would be one of those stories he always told while drunk or whenever it crossed his mind.

"I mean when y'all brought her to the spot she was already looking fucked in the face. I don't care how many pounds of makeup she had on her face. You could tell she was hiding a beat down" he said and smiled still trying not to laugh.

"Go head nigga laugh. Get ya shit off" Dave said shaking his head laughing himself. Shooter couldn't hold himself together any longer he burst out laughing so loud and so hard. It was one of those gut wrenching laughs where he had to hold his stomach and slap his leg.

"Well damn" Bully looked over at him laughing himself.

"When me and Eb picked her up I noticed all of the swelling but when they wiped her makeup off her face I felt proud of my baby. She stays talking her petty shit and how her trigger fingers be itching but to see the damage she did I was proud. I ain't gonna lie though that first hit Eb landed my stomach clenched. Her jaw gotta be broke" Dave said shaking his head. He knew who the girl's parents were and knew they weren't pussies but he didn't expect them to do the damage that they did and the fact that April whooped her ass in a damn booth just showed they weren't to be fucked with.

"They're the type of women I want on my team. They're the type that will have you walking around like I wish a bitch would try me. Have you daring a bitch to say some fuck shit just so you can call ya sisters and be like sis we gotta situation" Shooter said cheesing. Dave knew he wasn't lying either. "Those some bad bitches too bad it's only three of them and their all taken" Shooter sighed looking like someone stole his puppy.

"Speaking of taken what's up with you and new cousin Ebony" Dave looked at Bully and asked. Bully looked away smiling.

"Somebody's smitten" Shooter joked making them all laugh.

"Unc gonna have to just whoop my ass because a nigga got her number. I'm bout to woo the fuck outta her fine chocolate ass" Bully said looking all types of goofy while rubbing his hands together like birdman.

"You better do right by her. I'd hate to be you if you did some fuck shit and I don't need any fuckery going on to fuck up my family" Dave said eyeing Bully. He knew he wasn't on any bullshit though. It was very rare to see Bully act the way he did about and around Ebony so he was here for it. He wanted both of his brothers to experience genuine love and happiness with someone who completed them.

"I'm not Agnes. I value my fuckin life" Bully said serious then laughed. Dave and Shooter joined in.

"So did you hit up the lawyer and shit bout getting full custody" Shooter asked as the laughter died down.

"Hell yea and I got to stop by his office tomorrow to give him everything Unc gave me so he can look it over and I talked to my realtor and told him I wanted to sell the condo effective immediately. Not to mention I got a moving company coming soon to pack up and move the furniture. Since it's still good I'm just going to donate it"

"Say less" Bully and Shooter said in unison.

"Damn she bout to be sick" Shooter said.

"Not my problem. I was down for keeping her laced and making sure she was good but she wasn't doing what she needed to do as a mother so why waste my hard earned money for an ain't shit bitch" Dave said and shrugged as his phone went off. "Besides she gotta nigga. She better run his empty ass pockets. If she was smart enough she should have some of that money she worked so hard for saved"

"True shit" Bully said.

Future👰🏾🤱🏾💍: Hey Papi don't forget bout our lunch date. Can you pick me up a 10 piece hot wing extra crispy with extra sauce on the side with cheese fries and a slushy from 711 ☺️😘🥰

Papi🤴🏽👅🍆: Gotchu ma but pick something else to drink you just had a slushy.

Future👰🏾🤱🏾💍: You can't be serious🙄 We want a slushy 😔

Papi🤴🏽👅🍆: And y'all had one over the weekend.

Future👰🏾🤱🏾💍: Whatever 🙄🥺

Dave left her on read. He wasn't about to go back and forth with her when they both knew he was right. It was pointless. He looked up from his phone and looked at his brothers who were both looking at him smirking.

"Clink, clink" Bully said laughing.

"Fuck you" Dave laughed. "Like ya ass ain't bout to be in the same boat but ok" he shrugged. "Let me get up out of here and go have a lunch date with my babies"

"Look at the proud papa and father of two" Shooter joked laughing.

"Damn right" Dave said as he put on his coat then clapped it up with his brothers before leaving.


Going to Wing Stop and ordering their food Dave waited and paid for it and headed straight to April's office. He had been there once or twice before but he had never stepped foot inside because they were laying low but now shit was totally different. April was his to claim. They had a family and hiding was no longer an option. Neither one of them were hiding anything anymore. Their love was for the world to see. They could hate it or love it but it was theirs and it was right.

Finding a parking spot in the lot of her building Dave parked, grabbed the food, and stepped out of the car. Walking up to the building he looked around it in awe. His baby was doing the damn thing. It wasn't a skyscraper kind of building but it was big enough and looked like it had all types of new technology inside. From what he could tell it was at least four floors.

Nodding at security he opened the door and stepped inside feeling nothing but warmth. It felt warm and toasty inside. It was welcoming. Even the inside looked high tech and filled with nothing but glass and chrome. He could tell she spared no expense getting her building to look exactly like she wanted it. Walking to the front desk he couldn't help but roll his eyes in his head. The receptionist was staring at him undressing him with her eyes instead of doing her job. Dave mugged her and cleared his throat. He was about to dead this whole awkward ass situation.

"Good afternoon welcome to Blackmon Industries how can I be of assistance" the receptionist asked licking her red two seconds from being dry lips seductively as she toyed with her pen looking up at him lustfully. Dave already knew if April was here to see this shit she'd be on her ass immediately. His woman wasn't the jealous type but it was certain shit she just wasn't going for and this bullshit was one. But like stated he was about to kill all her dusty ass hopes and dreams.

"What you can do is let my wife know that I'm on my way up" Dave said as he continued mugging her.

"Your wife as in" she said in a questioning tone yet still looking all types of thirsty. Dave was paying her ass dust and besides he was already spoken for and even if he wasn't he'd a paid her ass dust. She wasn't his type. She was far from it. Between her stale ass wig that looked like it was hanging on by an arm and a leg, her almost chapped red lips, and the shades she had on for eyelashes she would make any niggas dick soft. Dave knew damn well that it was no excuse for her to be sitting her welcoming people like that when he knew April paid her employees well. She was out here looking crazy because she wanted to.

"Yes my wife as in ya boss" Dave said.

"Ms. Blackmon" she questioned again making sure she emphasized Ms.

"Bingo" he said.

"Ms. Blackmon isn't married sir" she said as a matter of fact as she let her eyes continue to drink him in.

"And I'm pretty sure my wife doesn't pay you to discuss her personal business. So I'd watch it if I was you" he looked down at the name plate that sat on her desk. "Ms. Lewinski"

"Hey Papi I'm pretty sure ya right" April said as she walked up on him looking dead at her receptionist. If looks could kill Ms. Lewinski would definitely be six feet under or maybe even more since it was April.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Blackmon" the receptionist said putting some respect on April's name as she looked at her pleadingly like she knew her job was officially on the line.

"No worries" April shook her off. "Back to work as far as you Papi I'm hungry feed me" April looked up at him and back at the receptionist and winked. Dave just chuckled he knew his woman was petty as fuck.

"That's what I came to do so lead the way ma" he looked at her and licked his lips. "Damn that's all mines" he said to himself.

April grabbed his hand cupped it and intertwined their fingers and led the way while giving him a little tour of her building. Dave looked around in awe. He was highly impressed. Of course people looked and gawked at them as they made their way around the building but they didn't care about the looks. They paid no attention to it. He was pretty sure the gossip was already brewing and spreading. What he loved the most was that April talked to her employees and respected them in a way more than an average boss would. She wasn't stuck up, she didn't make herself seem as if she was better than them, she smiled, and occasionally asked a few of them about their families. He loved this version of her. Then again he wouldn't expect any less when it came to her.

"Hey Miranda hold my calls for the next hour and a half unless they're important" April said as they stood in front of whom he guessed was April's personal secretary.

"Got it boss lady" Miranda nodded and went back to work. Walking off a little further down the hall April led Dave to a set of double doors. Not even attempting to let her open the door he opened it for her and she walked inside with him following behind her making sure to close the door behind them. He even locked it just in case. His woman was looking extra good so he didn't know whether or not if someone was going to get some dessert but he was being precautious.

"Can you feed us now? We're hungry" April pouted while taking off her blazer placing it on the back of her seat while Dave looked around her office.

He knew she had decorated it herself. It had all of her special touches. Taking the food out of the bags while April went to wash her hands he sat back still looking around. He loved the huge window she had in her office he could see everything. It gave a boss vibe but also a peaceful vibe to it. He could imagine her sitting in front of it and looking at the snow fall and sipping on some hot chocolate. It suited her. He could also see himself digging her out in her chair right in front of it and he couldn't wait to make that a reality. As soon as April stepped out of the bathroom he went inside and washed his hands as well then went out and joined her at the round glass table with rose gold legs. April was already digging into her food.

"Damn ma you couldn't wait for me" he said playfully mugging her.

"I told you we were hungry. I can't believe you walked in here without my slushy though" she said while stuffing her mouth with a cheese fry. He knew she wanted to roll her eyes but he was officially back meaning she knew that he wasn't with the fucks. She better save that shit for a text.

"Y'all had one yesterday and that's enough"

"You would really deny us a slushy" she pouted.

"I did didn't I"

"Uh huh whatever" April mumbled. "What were you up to" she asked.

"Just came from shooting the shit with ya brothers"

"Bet, oh yea I wanted to talk to you bout my love bug's birthday. I know it's literally right around the corner. Did you have anything planned yet" she asked making Dave smile. See this is why he loved her ass so much.

"Yea" Just yesterday she was directing an ass whooping and today she was in boss mode and now she was on both boss mode and mommy duty. So they spent their lunch date eating and planning Kairi's birthday party and delegating who was going to do what.

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Y'all thought it was about to be some shit 😂 the boys just wanted the tea 😂
-I swear I love writing Shooter. I be laughing while I'm writing him. He's def bro‼️
-Dave talking that talk I'm here for it what about y'all👰🏾💍🥰
-Receptionist asking for an ass whooping and don't even know it 🤷🏾‍♀️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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