63: Press

Chapter 63: Press

Press, press, press, press, press
Cardi don't need more press
Kill 'em all, put them hoes to rest
Walk in, bulletproof vest
Please tell me who she gon' check
Murder scene, Cardi made a mess
Pop up, guess who, bitch?
Pop up, guess who, bitch?
[Press by: Cardi B]

The meeting was officially over as well as the family dinner which was a huge success. Now everybody was getting ready to head to April's house just to chill and do some more plotting because April wanted Millie's head on a stick tomorrow so she wasn't done plotting but she did have a plan that involved Dave. Before she could leave though her mother was on her heels and wanted a word with her. She already knew from jump that her ass was grass. Who gave her up? Of course her lovely father who was still upset with her decided to throw her up under another damn bus or better yet a Mack truck. She knew what she did was wrong but now she felt like a kid who had gotten in trouble at school and her parents dug in her ass and then the rest of the elders in her family found out and all took their turn digging in her ass.

"April Elegance Blackmon care to enlighten me on what daddy was talking bout because I just know I heard wrong. I just know my child wouldn't do something that stupid" Ananda sternly asked as they stood inside of the kitchen with the try me look on her face. Yup she was screwed her mother called her by her full name. Her tone even spoke volumes let alone the glare that she was serving her. She knew she had officially fucked up meaning Dave was about to be on her hit list for throwing her under not only one bus but two.

"Mommy I know what I did was wrong and I put my lil seedling in harm's way. I wasn't thinking clearly. I was going off of my emotions. I already feel bad enough as it is. Like I told everyone else I wouldn't intentionally put her or myself in harm's way. I just snapped" April teared up just thinking about it again let alone she hated when her parents were mad at her or disappointed in her.

"Look I'm not trying to make you cry or upset you but next time think before you do something that could potentially put y'all in danger. You know me and ass whoopins don't have an age limit so try me again if you want to. I'll whoop ya lil ass with no regrets and be upset with myself afterwards because it'll hurt me more than it hurts you. You already know how it goes I brought you into this world and I can take you out" her mother quipped. She hadn't gotten one of these talks in a long ass minute and hoped like hell this would be the last one forever.

April nodded her head and wiped her eyes before the tears could fall. She was a hard ass outside but in the house when she was getting yelled at she was the first one to shed a tear. You didn't have to whoop her ass all you had to do was yell at her and her little feelings would be all types of hurt. "I'm sorry" she said as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Stop crying, you know I hate to see you cry but next time let someone else handle the situation. We all know if you could you would've whooped her ugly ass but right now you can't. That's why my baby Ebony is here. Now that we got that squared away. Did you whoop that ugly bitch's ass" Ananda asked her with her hand on her hip.

"Yes" April softly replied.

"You better had because that's the last ass whooping you'll be handing out until my grandbaby is born" Ananda said what she said and that was that.

April nodded fully understanding. "I know"

"Good now put that smile back on ya face I know you done finally got back with ya man" Ananda smirked making April smile again and just like that she was back on the cloud nine. The same cloud she floated back down the steps on once her and Dave had finished talking. Her and her man yes her man. They were officially back together and she couldn't help but to be happy that Dave was all aboard and ready to ride this journey out with her.

"Good now come on so I can walk y'all to the door" Ananda cupped her hand and they walked to the front door together.

"See ya later mommy. I love you" April said and hugged her tightly. Ananda pulled back smiling and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too Thing 1"

"I love you too Peanut" Ian said as he walked up on her and engulfed her in his arms. "I'm sorry but you have too much to lose right now. I need y'all both to be safe" he whispered in her ear.

"Me too daddy I love you too" and with that she made her way outside with everyone else. Everybody was in their cars except Dave, Kairi, Chris, and Royalty.

"Please daddy can me and Kai ride with my Apple" Royalty asked Chris with Kairi standing beside her along with Dave standing next to Chris.

"Please daddy" Kairi asked next putting her little puppy dog eyes to work. April stood back watching her little girls try to work their charm on their fathers but they just weren't having it.

"We're all going to the same place. You will see Ms. April when we get there" Dave said as he scooped up a pouting Kairi.

April couldn't watch any longer so she walked over to them with her own puppy dog eyes on. "Really Apple" Chris looked at her and sighed as he glanced down at a pouting Royalty and then to the side to see a pouting Kairi in Dave's arms.

"Please" April said pouting with her puppy eyes still present.

"Y'all will see each other in a few" Dave said trying to avoid looking at April. Normally when she gave him the puppy eyes he'd just laugh at her but she knew since she was pregnant the baby and hormones would work in her favor.

"Please" April dragged as her eyes teared and that was all it took for Dave and Chris to finally cave in making everyone else laugh at how they had just been suckered. Victory was won! Both Chris and Dave took the girl's car seats out of their vehicles and put them inside of April's Range making sure they were secure and then safely strapped the girls inside. April already knew Royalty and Kairi were going to be thick as thieves. They were already plotting together. She knew that together they could sucker each other's dad and now she couldn't help but wonder what mischief they would get into when they got older.

"Ok my love bugs tell ya daddies thank you" April smiled as she looked to see them cheesing.

"Thank you daddy" the girls said in unison making April smile even more.

"Yea, yea, yea" Chris fake pouted and smiled at Royalty then planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Uh huh Lil Butt I see how it is" Dave faked pouted and smiled at her then planted a kiss on her forehead as well.

"Thanks boys we'll see y'all in a few" April said to them both. "Just a heads up we're making a pit stop to get slushees and I need to pick up the wings" April smiled, hopped inside the truck, and started it up making sure to blast the heat to get the car warmed up quicker.

30 minutes or so later everyone was at April's house getting comfortable. The adults were downstairs in the basement where April had made sure the bar and basement fridge was fully stocked with alcohol, waters, sodas, and juice so there was something for everybody. She had also ordered and picked up some hot wings making sure they weren't getting fucked up without having food there even though they had just eaten. While the adults were downstairs April was upstairs with her love bugs in Royalty's room making sure they were good. She had got them bathed, dressed in their onesies, and now they were in the middle of the floor playing. April was embracing her mother role and loving it. Once she had them settled she grabbed the baby monitor and left the room making sure she left the door open. April kept a baby monitor around for when Royalty stayed over and wanted to play in her bedroom while the adults were doing their own thing. She wanted to be able to look in and make sure she was good at all times. Making her way downstairs and into the basement all she could hear was laughter and that made her smile.

"Why do I feel like y'all are laughing at my expense" April asked as she fully made her way into the basement. As soon as she made her presence known everyone got quiet immediately letting her know that they were indeed laughing at her. "Please don't stop because of me. I want to laugh too" April said rolling her eyes as she stood in front of all of them.

Although they were laughing at her she couldn't help but admire the scene before her. No one was divided into their own groups. Everyone was altogether like the new family they now were. What made her heart swell was the fact that Chris and Dave were actually getting along well and there was no beef, bad blood, or anybody feeling themselves with no lotion on. Neither one of them were testing their testosterone's.

"Ma I promise I told them wasn't shit funny" Dave spoke up and scratched his head nervously. April already knew that, that was a whole ass lie.

"Lies you tell. It's ya fault we're all laughing at her ass anyway. Between you throwing her under the bus and Ebony ass like yeah Unc she was good y'all both slid her ass right on under" Alaina said and smacked her lips selling them all out.

"Really baybeh" August said and shook his head at her.

"In my defense I didn't know shit but IF someone would've filled me in I'd a been better prepared. Then again had I'd known I probably wouldn't have let her go that far" Ebony looked at April and pursed her lips. April was tired of the heat so she was about to get her ass out of the kitchen. They weren't going to keep coming for her when she wasn't sending for them.

"At the end of the day y'all all sat down here laughing at me" April said as her eyes teared up for the umpteenth time today. This baby was trying to come for her G status and she didn't know how she felt about that.

"Sis you know it's all love. How bout you join us and let Eb finish telling us how you beat Agnes's ass in a fuckin booth" Alaina said making April smile. Yea her hormones were definitely out of whack.

"Lil sis moods on a hunnid" Shooter looked at her laughing. "How you bout to cry because they were laughing at you but you damn near cheesing bout whooping Agnes ass" he continued.

April shrugged. "Because I know it was wrong but damn did it feel good" April said as she took a seat beside Dave and snuggled under him then took a second to check on the girls from the monitor. They were still upstairs playing which was good. April knew they would be knocked out in a little while though.

"I bet it did" Bully smirked. "Now Ebony run that story" he looked at Ebony and smirked making her blush.

"Before I start" Ebony said and looked at Dave. "New cousin Dave I'm highly disappointed in you. That girl looks like a naked mole rat and somebody's old ass auntie. You know the one that never wears a bra so she's always flapping around the house"

"Bitchhhhhhhh" April and Alaina dragged laughing along with everyone else.

"What I'm just saying I'm glad he done leveled up because that couldn't be life. It just couldn't be" Ebony said and shrugged. She didn't care she was going to say whatever was on her mind. "Any, who let me tell y'all how Agnes got her ass whooped in a fuckin booth" Ebony said and commenced to telling them how everything went down. By the time she was through with the story everyone was dead laughing and wishing they could've been there.

Speaking of Agnes Papi I need a favor" April said looking up at him as she still lay snugged up under him. She couldn't wait until it was bed time so she could lie on his naked chest while he gave her a much needed booty rub until she fell asleep.

"Whatchu need me to do" Dave asked without any sign of hesitation.

"I need you to get Millie out of the house tomorrow. I'm pretty sure her face is a lil maybe a lot of black, blue, and bruised all over. I know she's not gonna come out the house looking like that without a lil persuasion and I'm not trying to have my girls run up in ya spot making a scene so I need you to get her out the house"

"Done" Dave said as he took his phone out of his pocket. "Anything I need to know before I make this call" he questioned.

"I know Thing 2 wants to get to her too so the earlier you can get her to meet up the better" she replied.

"Word because a bitch is here for the fucks but I still need to make it home at a decent time because unlike her a bitch like me has a job" Alaina said throwing shade.

"Bet" Dave nodded his head.

"Does she have any more of ya cars at her disposal" April asked.

"Hell nah I got em all at my place"

"Even better so you'll have to pick her up" April said as everyone sat around quietly looking at her plotting. She never really wanted people to see this side of her but with the way she was feeling and her back against the ropes she had no choice but to let them see this side of her.

"Bet" Dave said and unlocked his phone then called Millie putting the call on speaker.

"What the fuck do you want Dave" Millie answered the phone with an attitude making Dave move the phone looking at it wondering who the fuck she was talking to. Dave immediately shot a look at April giving her the look. She already knew that he knew she was ready to talk her shit and put a bitch in her place but she kept quiet. She didn't want to fuck up her plan before it was even set in motion. If this shit failed she'd have to wait until Millie was brave enough to show her face outside again or catch her ass slipping.

"Chill with all that a nigga ain't did shit to you" he mugged her as if she could see him.

"Ya bitch fucked up my face" she spat angrily.

"First off calm all that down. We both know you asked for that shit but that's neither here or there. You and I need to talk face to face"

"We ain't got shit to talk bout and ya bitch lucky I ain't press charges"

Dave chuckled this bitch was hilarious. "Stop with the empty threats. I think we have a lot to discuss. One being Kairi ya daughter or did you forget bout her that fast. You're supposed to have her on the weekends yet she hasn't seen you in two and you haven't even called to check up on her or even ask to talk to her. Two you said ya pregnant and if it's mine we need to talk. I need proof and you haven't showed me shit" Dave said as he clenched and unclenched his fist getting angry all over again. Knowing her man needed her April grabbed his free hand into hers and stroked her thumb gently back and forth against it instantly calming him down. Millie knew she could irk people's nerves. She seemed to be real good at that.

"Ya right ya right but we can talk at my place I can't come outside looking like this. You should see what she did to me" Millie said almost sounding hurt.

"Bitch you ugly ass fuck anyway ain't nobody checking for you" April lowly mumbled and rolled her eyes making Dave lightly nudge her.

"Me and you in the house together isn't a good look. I think we'd do more arguing instead of actually talking. How bout you put some of that expensive ass makeup I bought you on and put it to use and let me treat you to breakfast"

"You sure ya bitch will be aight with that" she asked still trying to throw jabs at April.

"Look my woman will be just fine. She ain't the jealous type. She knows I take care of mines so she knows we need to talk. Besides she's not worried bout you" Dave said damn near snickering. April looked up at her man smiling. He was reppin his set. He was team bae and she was hear for it.

"What the fuck ever Dave what time do I need to be ready" Millie asked sucking her teeth.

"Ten is good"

"Whatever" click she hung up.


"Hi bitch" April said and cheesed at her little visitor as she sat strapped by her wrist and ankles to a bolted down metal chair in front of her looking half pass dead. Oh well she earned it. "I know I know. This is the most cliché ass bullshit ever but sweetie it had to be done. Just give it a second and you'll be up, alert, and ready to run" April said and chuckled as her family sat comfortably beside her ready for the fuckery to commence. "Take ya time ma take ya time we got all day to play" April said and smirked as she looked at a dazed Millie.

She had really fucked her face up bad the other night. No amount of makeup could hide the massive amount of swelling she had but April gave two fucks about that, that's why she wiped that shit smooth off her face so she could look at the damage she caused. April sat in front of her dressed to the nines as if she was having a business meeting dressed in a Versace savage baroque silk one button blazer paired with a pair of black wide legged high waist pants, and a white blouse tucked perfectly in her pants with a pair of red Versace pumps on. Her hair was styled in a deep side part with a smooth curly bun in the back of her head looking like perfection. April couldn't fight so she thought she'd mind as well look cute and sit pretty. Tapping her heels on the floor she looked at the time on her iced out Patek Philippe ladies nautilus watch wondering when this bitch was going to officially wake up. Yea she said they had all day but she was ready for her girls to play.

See just like April thought she knew Millie wasn't going to come out the house after she basically whooped her ass sitting down. That's why she had Dave call her up and persuade her to take a ride and talk about Kairi and her nonexistent baby and like the dumb bitch she is she fell right into April's trap. As soon as she got comfortable in the car with Dave Ebony snuck up on her from the backseat and knocked her ass out cold with a punch to the face right on the same side that April had punched her the day before which led them to this very moment. They were all sitting around talking and patiently waiting for Millie to come to.

See April believed in fairness so she wanted Millie to be up and alert to get this ass whooping she so desperately begged for. Everyone had come out to witness the grand event. She even sent out a special 911 text to Shooter to make sure her brother was on time and present. April even took it as far as making sure everyone had drinks and snacks because they were about to see the fight of the year. Which was being held in one of her father's many warehouses. This warehouse was currently empty so they had nothing but space and opportunity to play.

April could've gotten the girls to whoop on her ass while she was down but she wasn't that type of bitch. She wasn't going to fuck with you while you were down or sneak you from behind. She might plot against you behind your back but she wouldn't literally sneak you from behind. April didn't believe in jumping bitches either so she was going to make sure Millie was well alert while Ebony and Alaina shot their one.

"There you go" April cooed Millie as she finally woke up frantically looking around and taking in her surroundings as she started to panic once she realized she couldn't move. "Woah there it's ok calm down. I know ya wondering where ya at and how you ended up here. Long story short Papi brought you here and my lovely cousin Ebony rocked ya ass to sleep. So welcome to my personal playground. We've been sitting here for the past thirty minutes waiting for you to wake up ma. Ebony must've really done a number on you" April taunted her just like Millie had done her for the past few months.

"Thing 2 you can untie her now. Let's let her loosen up a bit. I want to make sure we're giving her a fair shot" April said and glanced at Alaina who got up and quietly untied Millie letting the thick rope drop to the floor making a loud thud then made her way back to her seat on the extra-large modular sectional that everyone was comfortably sitting on. It had more than enough space for everyone to sit comfortably and move around. They were well prepared for the event. April made sure of it.

"Damn it how rude of me" April snapped her fingers. "I didn't introduce you two. Agnes, meet Thing 2 my lil sister, best friend, and partner in crime. Thing 2 meet old ass Auntie Agnes, Agnes she'll be whooping ya ass today on my behalf. See as much as I would love to mop ya ass all across this concrete floor I simply cannot" April said and chuckled. "You'll realize why in a few though. I would ask you why you decided to choose me as ya target when we hardly know each other but I get it you've been bitten by the green eyed monster" April said as she leaned forward in in her seat with her eyes glued to Millie.

Millie looked at April with a mixture of hate and fearfulness but hey she brought it on herself. She thought there were no consequences involved with the way she was moing but there absolutely was. Time after time April warned her about this fifteen minutes that she wanted so bad but never once did Millie listen that's just why niggas who didn't know her were calling her ass Agnes now.

"If you have something to say or you finally want to be an adult and have an adult conversation with me here's ya chance to do so" April said serious as hell. This was Millie's chance to speak her peace.

"Look I don't want any trouble. I just want to go home. I'm sorry for all the shit I said. It was out of line" Millie said a little above a whisper but everybody still heard her.

"Whatcha say" April placed her hand over her ear being petty as usual.

"I'm sorry ok. I'm sorry. Please just let me go. I promise I won't bother you again" Millie cried out sounding like she was two seconds away from pissing or even shitting her pants as she pleaded. April could care less if she did either she was still going to get her ass whooped.

"Too bad I don't accept ya apology. It didn't seem sincere enough to me" April said and shrugged her shoulders as she stood up and unbuttoned her blazer and sat back down. "Normally when it comes to fighting I'm a woman of not many words. I get the job done and go bout my business but I feel the need to get some shit off my chest since we're face to face. Look I don't give a fuck if you don't like me. I'm use to the hate so it doesn't make me no never mind. It's just the way the cookie crumbles. Everybody can't be my friend and I accept that. These days I have all the friends I need in the form of family but that's neither here or there" April paused and smooth leaned over and took a sip of Dave's green smoothie then turned her attention back to Millie.

"My issue with you is that you constantly bring kids into and adult situation when you're a mother yourself but I had to realize that you aren't a mother. So saying shit bout children doesn't bother you when it should. My lil boy died and yet you poke fun like it's a fuckin joke and not only that whoever gave you that information gave you some half ass information instead of all the facts you dumb bitch" April looked at her and paused again then glanced at an angry and upset Chris and then an angry Alaina. Speaking about her not being able to have children was like talking about her child and that just couldn't be swept under the rug.

"Alaina can you please do the honors" April asked her as Alaina got out of her seat and nodded. Alaina casually approached Millie, cocked her fist all the way back, and stole the shit out of her causing Millie to fall out of the chair yelling in pain as the blow to her face and scream echoed throughout the room.

"DAMNNNNNNN" everyone yelled besides April and her family. They already knew what Alaina was capable of. Her little sister was about that life.

"Ahhh I'm sorry I'm sorry" Millie screamed while holding her face as she stayed planted on the floor clearly not wanting anymore smoke but hey the fun had only just begun.

"Thank you Thing 2" April nodded at her while she walked back to her seat next to August not phased at all. They weren't new to this they were true to this. As soon as she sat down August pecked her temple and draped his arm around her.

April looked back at Millie shaking her head. "You so damn dumb you could've at least tried to run for ya life because we all know you ain't going to fight back" April said hysterically laughing. "You have two choices you can either run for ya life or sit the fuck back down" April calmly spoke while they all watched Millie get up from the ground  and take off running like she was in a damn horror movie. Then again she was running for her life and to her it might've been a horror movie. They couldn't help but laugh. "Ebony" April called and Ebony got up and took off running behind Millie who couldn't get out even if she tried. Damn she did try but it was an unsuccessful try. Millie wasn't leaving here until she was black, blue, and red all over.

Millie could run and try to hide and she could scream at the top of her lungs but at the end of the day it was all useless. The warehouse was soundproof, locked down, and heavily guarded yet discreet. Of course April didn't plan on having her killed she was still Kairi's egg donor. She wasn't that evil she just wanted to make sure that Millie would never try her again or anybody for that matter. She wanted her to know that with ever cause there was an effect and sometimes the consequences wouldn't be so nice. A few minutes later Ebony was walking back with Millie walking in front of her looking shook up, scared as hell, and a fumbling mess. She knew Ebony pulled the toolie out on her because she wasn't about to keep chasing her around.

"Now sit the fuck down" Ebony barked and walked back to her seat beside Bully. They had been buddy, buddy since last night.

"Now where was I" April said and tapped her chin acting as if she was in deep thought. "I don't understand bitches like you. You have an awesome, bright, loving, happy lil girl and yet you treat her like shit. She didn't ask to be here. You're a piece of shit but she misses you. Yet to you she's just a bargaining chip to get what you want out of Papi but that all ends today. Lil mama got me as long as there's life in my body and even after that she will be well taken care of and loved. Kairi won't need or want for anything and she doesn't. She has one hell of a father who loves her out of this world that he even tried to make shit work with you again when he already knew the outcome" April said and paused as she took a moment to admire the man that sat beside her. He was definitely one hell of a father and it showed.

"I never wanted to replace you. Do I like you? No but I respected you because you're her mother but you gave me no choice but to be that motherly figure for ya daughter. It's cool with me though I'll love and take care of her as if she was my own. Kairi is mines and not only that she just inherited another set of grandparents and aunts and uncles who will love her to the moon and back. "So we'll make sure she gets all the love and attention she needs and desires" April said and smiled as she talked about Kairi and their blended family. She was already in love with the little girl and vice versa and like she said she would always be there for her.

"That's my fuckin daughter. I carried her. I gave birth to her. She already has a mother" Millie angrily spat as she narrowed her eyes at April seeming brave for the very first time. April knew then that she had struck a nerve but she didn't care at all. Someone needed to tell her that she was slacking in the mother department and had no room to talk about anyone when it came to kids.

"I got this one ma" Dave finally spoke up and looked dead at Millie looking like he was ready to explode any minute as the mug on his face deepened to the point it was actually scary. April was happy as hell it wasn't directed towards her. April immediately took his hand into hers as he leaned forward in his seat. "Bitch don't make me laugh you ain't ever been her mother. You walk in and out of her life as you please and yet that lil girl still loves you when you don't even love her back. I can't even call you a baby sitter because ya unreliable as fuck. The best thing you ever did for me was lay on ya back and donate ya eggs because let's face it that's all you did" Dave looked at her and shook his head and gripped April's hand a little tighter but not enough to hurt her.

"She's only known April for two fuckin weeks two and yet I've never seen her smile half as much as she does with April when she's with you. Morning, noon, and night and even in between she gets a phone call from April. Whenever Kairi calls she picks up no matter what time it is or what she's doing. I dropped ya ass two weeks ago and you basically said fuck Family Day and had my lil butt calling me crying but guess what this woman by my side did? She got up, fixed up the living room into a play room, got movies, cooked her breakfast, and baked a cake with her. I ain't ever seen you put up half the effort let alone see or hear Kairi laugh and smile so much and the kicker" Dave looked at her and chuckled.

"The kicker is you know how Lil Butt gets in my arms and sighs like everything is good and safe in her lil world? She does the same shit when she's in April's arms. Never once has she done that shit with you" Dave spat angrily speaking nothing but the truth.

"April this April that" Millie said and rolled her swollen eyes the best she could. "You got everybody wrapped around ya fingers but ya not that special. You have flaws too. What's so special bout you" Millie was on a roll a roll to get her ass whooped but April was going to let her speak because she knew what the outcome would be.

"Ya right" April nodded. "I do have flaws and I'm not perfect by a long shot but I don't go around causing trouble with others for clout and money. I don't say hurtful shit to others to make myself feel better. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I help those in need. I love unconditionally. When my family and friends need me I'm there. To you it may seem like I have everything but ya on the outside looking in. You don't know my struggles, you don't feel my pain, and you damn sure don't know me. What you think you know bout me is what you heard somebody say bout me but you didn't get it from the source but oh well" April nonchalantly shrugged. She honestly felt bad for Millie because she knew she didn't love herself and she had deep rooted issues but that wasn't going to stop the plans she had set in motion.

"Chris you got anything to say" April looked at him and asked.

"Just keep what you think you know bout my son out ya mouth. As you can see talking bout mines will bring you bodily arm and I will always be here for the fucks when someone is coming for my children" he said glaring at her. "Now when we passing out those slices of humble pie because a nigga ready for her to get that first slice" he venomously spoke now mugging Millie just as harsh and hard as Dave was.

"Noted" April nodded. "By the way ya stupid as fuck for letting a man like him get away. You act as if he forgot bout you when he made it. From what I understand he made sure you didn't want or need for shit. He was still checking for you and coming home to you once he made it and had plenty of women chasing after him. He loved you but hey that's ya lose thanks for fucking up because Papi leveled up" April said smirking. "Oh Papi wasn't there something else you needed to tell her" April smirked asking.

Dave looked at her and laughed. "Nah ma she like surprises so I'm a just surprise her"

"Bet" April kept quiet she knew Dave was about to fuck up Millie's whole life and change up her lifestyle.

to be continued...

-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Part 2 will be published Saturday or Sunday so be on the lookout. I'll be going back to updating on just Friday's until I have enough written to start back up on Wednesday's again sorry 😩
-Daddy Ian done told mama bear about what April done did. Her ass done got in trouble, trouble 😩😂
-I'm so here for the blended family look at our lil girls working together 😂
-Welp they done got Millie's ass and the fun as only just begun😂😂
-Hope y'all got those snacks ready🍿🍫🧁🍪🍩🍨🍦🍺🥂🥤🍻🍷🥃🍸
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

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