63.1: Press
Chapter 63.1: Press continued...
"Fuck all y'all" Millie spat with unshed tears in her eyes. "Y'all brought me here for what? To talk, to brag, to throw shit in my face, and to whoop my ass. Y'all ain't gonna kill me. I can always go to the cops" Millie said and awkwardly chuckled since she was still in pain from the punch Alaina had given her but they all knew she as trying to save face. But how much would her bravery actually hold up when she was slump inside the lioness's den getting stalked like she was prey. Everybody looked at her and laughed. She was a joke. She couldn't be serious!
Ian stepped out from the shadows and took a step towards her with a menacing look. He wasn't about to let anyone threaten his cub in his presence especially not with no damn cops. "You can try but I promise it won't turn out the way you expect. See while you was busy trying to throw salt on my child's wounds I was busy digging up ya life's story. Profit is ya nigga right" Ian asked and chuckled darkly as he placed his hands behind his back and meticulously walked circles around her making her eyes follow his every move. "Lower level drug dealer basically still a corner boy, extortion, and a snitch. Do I need to continue? I mean the list goes on. Mind you ya background ain't too squeaky clean either if I'm being honest" he chuckled again and shrugged. When it came to shit like this Ian and April were one in the same.
"I got a few sheets on you too. Shoplifter at a younger age even when you didn't have to. Your parents didn't have much but you had everything you needed. Recently you started dabbling in drugs right along with Profit. If I'm not mistaken there's probably drugs in ya crib at this very moment. You do keep it there don't you. Let's not forget bout the extortion and a lil prostitution when Dave wasn't lacing ya or should I say y'all pockets. I can go on but I think I've already said too much" Ian stopped dead in front of her with his eyes piercing through her. "My children warned you time and time again yet you didn't take heed to it. Now you gotta pay. By the way I know ya secret I wonder does Dave" he kept his eyes on her and casually walked away as Millie sat in the chair pale as a beat up ghost, confused, and altogether dumbfounded.
Ian had spilled a whole kettle full of tea and was still keeping secrets. He had everybody wondering what the secret was and knowing him he wasn't going to blow up her spot without Dave already knowing what was in store. Whatever it was had to be important. But prostitution and drug use was something no one saw coming. April already knew this was going to be a personal conversation between her and Dave whenever they had a chance to sit back, relax, and be alone. She also knew that her father was going to fill Dave in on whatever was going on because let's face it Millie wasn't going to tell him shit.
"Ladies and gents that's what you call a father, me and my lil sister's father" April looked back and smiled proudly at their father.
"Yassss...Issa whole man and a father" Alaina said looking back at her father as well smiling brightly at him while he nodded his heads at both his babies.
April looked at Millie and yawned. "I think we've all said enough. I'm tired of talking and I know Shooter's ass been ready so Millie I hope that new bark you just got is bigger than ya bite ma. Ebony whoop her ass please and thank you"
"My pleasure" Ebony responded as she stood up from her spot on the sectional. She was dressed in a pair of old school sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt with her hair wrapped in a tight bun ready to serve this ass whooping properly. Alaina's punch to the mouth was just the beginning. It was time to officially get the party started.
"Fuck yea Ebony...Ebony...Ebony" Shooter chanted as if he was at the Jerry Springer show causing all of them to laugh.
Millie never even had a chance to prepare herself for the ass whooping she was about to receive let alone stand up before Ebony viciously attacked her. Blow after blow Millie tried to her best to fight back as she pleaded for her life but Ebony wasn't having it let alone she wasn't letting up. A jab here and a jab there you could hear each and every one connect to Millie's face and echo around the warehouse along with her screams. It was music to April's ears. She had waited so long for this moment but damn was it worth it.
"I think I'm in love" Bully blurted out as he watched Ebony in awe with heart eyes making every one besides Ebony turn around and look at him. He just looked at them and shrugged and continued to watch Ebony whoop Millie's ass.
"DAMNNNNNN" everybody shouted as Ebony jabbed Millie so hard she knocked her ass out cold and her body fell limp to the floor where she laid slump and snoring.
"TIMBER" Ebony dragged out yelling and laughing.
"Can we get an instant replay" Shooter asked excitedly with his phone steady in his hands as he replayed the video that he had taken of the fight. "This shit needed to be a paper view event. I'd a paid to see this shit. Fuck going to the bar to watch this shit I'd a ordered this one. Nah fuck that I would've been there live and in effect in the front row" he said still pumped up and watching the video.
Ebony took a seat in the chair Millie had once occupied and looked down at her shaking her head and she stretched, clenched, and unclenches her hands giving them a light exercise. "I can't believe she talked all that shit, showed out the way she did, and got involved in the shit she did when she can't even defend herself. It's no way in hell I'd set myself up like that" Ebony said shaking her head in pure disbelief. What she said was all facts though. Who would willingly put their self in a situation like this and not be able to properly defend themselves? Somebody who stupidly thought nothing was going to happen to them.
"I bet you after this she'll think twice before she ever gets in the middle of some bullshit again. She had to learn" Alaina said and shrugged her shoulders.
"I gave her multiple warnings. Shit even y'all warned her. I told her what would happen. She earned this shit fair and square and I don't feel sorry bout her ass getting dragged. She came for me when I didn't even send for her" April said as she leaned deeper into Dave who had his arm wrapped around her as she looked at Millie laid out on the floor still snoring.
"I ain't ever seen a woman fight and not scratch or pull hair. This shit was too legit" Bully spoke with his eyes still glued on Ebony. April knew from the way he was looking at Ebony yesterday night that he was very much in like. She thought about playing cupid but decided against it because she knew if Ebony was feeling him she wasn't going to beat around the bush she was going to let him know. Ebony was always the type to go after what she wanted.
"Nigga if you don't stop lusting over my child" NyReek said and slapped him upside his head.
"Damn unc I ain't even do nothing" Bully said while rubbing his head.
"It's all in ya eyes nephew all in ya eyes. I see the way you looking at her" NyReek mugged him. Ebony was precious cargo when it came to NyReek so if you wasn't serious about his baby and just thought of her as a meal he wasn't letting you get close at all. Bully had nothing to worry about though NyReek trusted him with his little girl he just didn't want to see him drooling over her.
"Can't help it she's beautiful Unc. I think she might be my person" Bully chuckled. He was on his Dave shit. They couldn't do shit but laugh at his silly ass.
"Y'all do know I can hear y'all right" Ebony looked up from watching Millie and looked at Bully and her father.
"Ughhh" Millie moved around moaning as she came to trying to adjust to her surroundings again.
"Where, where am I" she asked above a whisper as she held her head in her hands in pain looking all type of tore up.
"Not where you want to be" April answered. As soon as Millie heard her voice she was scrambling to get up.
"Calm down damn. I keep telling you I don't bite. I shoot and luckily for you I have no plans of doing such a thing. So for ya sake I'm gonna allow you to get ya shit together then let my lil sister get her one. I don't have time to be here with you all day. I have two lil girls at their grandparent's house waiting on me. Today's Family Day after all" April said and winked at her. She was going to continue to keep rubbing shit in her face just like she did her. April knew that two wrongs didn't make a right but boy oh boy it felt so damn good to get even.
"David you really gonna sit here and let them do this shit to me. I know I fucked up but damn you really sitting there acting like I never meant shit to you. How can you sit there and watch" Millie asked with tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at Dave silently pleading with him to make them stop.
"Why should I care what happens to you" Dave asked mugging her. April knew his mind was wondering and still stuck on the secret but he was playing it cool. "You brought this shit on ya self so deal with it. You wanted money you got it. You wanted clout you got it and now you got more than what you bargained for"
Millie looked at him and broke down sobbing but no one was phased. "It wasn't just me. She...she told me to say the shit bout the baby and ya relationships. She told me too" Millie said as her tears continued to fall and mix with the snot and blood that was coming out of her nose as she rocked herself back and forth with her knees clutched to her chest. Ebony had done a number on her, her eyes were damn near swollen shut and she was even more bruised. By the end of the fight she would definitely need some medical assistance. If her ass wanted to walk around starting shit and not being able to defend herself she needed to go and get one of those life alerts because right about now she desperately needed one.
"Bingo that's what I wanted to hear" April said and cheesed as her eyes lit up with excitement. She was wondering how long it would take for Millie to rat out her accomplice. April was wondering if she would tell her the name that they already knew or would she tell them something entirely different.
"It...it..it was ya best friend Hazel" she stuttered. "I admit I don't like you but she started this whole shit. She hit me up on Instagram and dm'd me. She said we had the same common enemy and if I did what she said she would pay me. The first time she hit me up was late September. I honestly thought it was a plan that you concocted to start shit with me but it wasn't. Then I figured it was a joke. I mean why would ya best friend hit me up to fuck with you" Millie sat there singing like a little canary while everybody listened carefully.
Millie wiped her hand over her nose flinching from the pain then pulled her hand back to see it covered in blood and snot then wiped it on her blood filled shirt. "She didn't go into detail why but she did say she wanted you to be miserable just like I wanted Dave. I can't stand the way he looks at you, feels bout you, and talks bout you. Still I told her that I didn't believe her but that was until she sent me money through cashapp. After that I did whatever she wanted and like clockwork once it was done she put the money in my bank account" Millie confessed.
April still couldn't believe that Hazel was a backstabbing ass bitch who got what she wanted from her and her family. Then somewhere along the line shit went left. If anybody would've asked her or questioned Hazel's loyalty she would've told them to fuck off because she knew her sister had her back. Well in this case they proved her wrong because Hazel didn't know the meaning of loyalty anymore. But it was cool it still hurt a tinge but it is what it is. It wasn't going to stop April from living her best life. "I don't believe you. Hazel wouldn't do no grimy shit like that to me and betray our friendship" April said playing her role as the dumbfounded best friend who just knew her best friend wouldn't betray her.
"You can check my messages. Do whatever you need to do. I have no reason to lie. It was all her. Just please let me go. I'll go live my life. Y'all can live yours and you won't hear anything else from me ever again" Millie pleaded now on her hands and knees. April just looked at her and shook her head.
"Oh trust we're gonna live our lives regardless but if I see or hear any more bullshit from you, you won't have to worry bout looking like Martin when Tommy Hearns whooped his ass because I promise it'll be worse. I keep telling you I don't bite I shoot so try any of us again if you want it'll be another fifteen ya ass ain't ready for and two options. You can either swim with the fish or lie in the dirt with the worms" April looked at her and shrugged. She was dead ass serious. She wasn't afraid to pull the trigger if need be. "Either way I'm always down to have fun" April said smirking.
"Besides I didn't get my full fifteen so I can always find you and collect. Hey Chrissy I don't think you and Jr had a full fifteen either" April devilishly smirked at him and back at Millie who stood up fast. It was as if someone had lit a match under ass.
"Nah bitch ain't no running" Ebony calmly said to Millie causing her to stand at ease.
Chris chuckled and rubbed his hands together. "I mean we probably had five leaving us with ten"
"Bet so what you want to do" April asked.
"Well her eyes are pretty much swollen shut, she's quite black and blue and a hint of purple. Her lips are busted, nose all fucked up and probably broken. I feel a lil bad but not that bad" he shrugged.
"Make the call" April said feeling no remorse for Millie. Millie needed to understand that she wasn't just fuckin with April when she was busy being a keyboard gangster. She failed to realize that April's child had a father, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. So while she was busy taunting her she was taunting everybody who missed out on being a part of Jr's life.
"It's bout to get real" Shooter looked on ready for another round as he leaned forward in his spot with his camera phone ready.
"Thing 2 you know what to do" Chris looked at Alaina smirking.
"Yay me" Alaina got up cheesing and clapping as she wrapped her ponytail into a tight bun on top of her head then bent down to make sure her shoelaces were double knotted.
"Aye lil sis don't forget bout me and Lil Butt" Dave added in.
"Heard ju" Alaina nodded her head.
"Have fun lil baybeh" August stood up and kissed her lips then sat back down leaning back into his spot getting comfortable and ready to watch his woman have her one that she had been begging for, for months.
"Please, please, please I can't take no mo" Millie screamed getting cut off by Alaina punching her dead in the mouth.
"I been waiting to tag ya old looking ass for months on end" Alaina said smiling. She enjoyed getting her hands dirty just like the rest and since April couldn't get hers dirty she was going to make sure she got hers muddy and bloody. "If I was you I'd at least try to fight back. I love a lil challenge" Alaina toyed with her and gut punched her causing her to immediately fold over knocking the wind out of her.
"Ughhh please no" Millie managed to get out as more blood dripped out of her mouth and onto the concrete floor making splats with each drop. If it was dead quiet you could hear the blood drops hit the floor one by one but nope not today everybody was too busy cheering on Alaina.
"How many warnings did we give you yet you never stopped so take these L's while I dig all in ya ass" Alaina said punching her again this time making it another body shot. "This one is for my nephew Christopher Maurice Brown Jr" Punch. "My brother his father" Punch. "My brother ya baby father" Punch. "My niece Kairi ya daughter" Punch. "And this one for my mothafuckin big sister, my best friend, my Thing 1, my right hand man, and my partner in crime" Alaina said and snapped as she started wailing on Millie showing her not an ounce of mercy.
"Beat her ass lil baybeh" August looked on cheering his woman.
"Uhhh somebody might want to get her before she kills this damn girl" Bully said holding his hand over his eyes peeking out the slits as Alaina literally mopped Millie's ass all over the floor.
"Don't ever come for mines again" Alaina spat angrily as she starred at Millie's limp body sprawled over the concrete floor looking like somebody whooped her ass and dumped her body on the side of the road.
"Note to self never get on the Blackmon women's bad side" Shooter said dead serious as he watched Alaina who stood still above Millie starring at her like she wanted to finish her off.
April looked at him and laughed. "I thought that was a given. Blackmon's period aren't to be fucked with. Messing with us women only makes the men our family go crazy" she said and looked back at her little sister who's chest heaved up and down still starring at her prey. She was proud of her little baby. She held her own and not only her own but she made sure she got it in just for April.
"Peanut" Ian sternly called April making her look in his direction. "Come"
April nodded, stood up from her seat, and made her way to her father. "Yes" she said as she stood in front of him.
"Are you satisfied with the results? If not we won't move until you are" he asked.
April looked at him and smiled brightly. "I'm a lil pissed off that I couldn't have fun but my girls came all the way through so yes daddy I'm satisfied" she answered.
"Bet, aye Reek you know what to do" Ian looked at his brother who nodded already knowing how to handle the situation. It was time to call in the clean up crew.
"Already on it...my lil babies y'all know the routine go home, shower, and head to the house for Sunday dinner/Family Day" NyReek said looking at Ebony and Alaina. "Take the back entrance"
"Ok" the girls nodded.
"Shooter and Bully don't be strangers" Ian looked at them and said.
"Bet, we'll be there Unc" Bully answered for the both of them.
15 minutes later everybody who didn't need to be there any longer cleared out of the warehouse making sure not to leave anything behind and went to get cleaned up and ready for Sunday Dinner/Family Day at April's parent's place. Sunday Dinner/Family Day was a huge success for everyone involved. The adults got along; the girls were inseparable, and stuck to April like glue. The sad part about the day was Royalty not wanting to go home. She loved being around her Apple and with Kairi in the mix it just made the usual see you later even worse. They didn't want to part. They actually cried in April's arms until April promised them both that they could FaceTime each other and she'd make sure the next time Royalty came to visit that Kairi would still be here and they could all have a girl's day. She already knew that once they moved to LA because yes they as a family were moving to LA that Royalty would be at their house often and vice versa for Kairi.
Mommy April was in full effect. She absolutely loved it but she was low key tired. She felt like for the past few days all her attention had been on Millie and that was draining. She was just happy that the shit was done and over with. Now was it really done? April didn't know but she hoped for Millie's sake that Millie learned her lesson because if not shit would be way worse than what she had to deal with today and like Ian would say. That's law! All that had to be taken care of now was Hazel and after that April could relax the way she wanted to but until then let the games and fuckery continue.
"Aye ma y'all gonna be good while I'm out" Dave asked April as he, Kairi, and April sat on the couch lounging around. They had been this way since April had gotten her to calm down about Royalty leaving. So now they were on the couch watching Disney Jr at her place. Wasn't no way in hell Kairi was leaving her side tonight especially not after Royalty left.
"Yea we're good" April replied and bent down kissing Kairi in her hair as she soothingly rubbed her back. "I'm a get us bathed and ready for bed so by the time you get back home we'll be in bed"
"Bet, since she's damn near sleep I'll carry her upstairs"
"Ok" April nodded. Dave got Kairi and carried her upstairs to April's bedroom with April right behind him.
"Lil Butt I'll be right back. I'm gonna go get us some more clothes so you're gonna stay with April ok" Dave looked at her while she was still in his arms looking like she was ready to knock out for the night.
"Ok" she sleepily nodded and Dave kissed her forehead before placing her in the middle of the bed.
"Ma I'm heading out" Dave said as he walked into the bathroom and approached April who was on her knees getting a bubble bath ready for Kairi causing Dave to smile. They had pretty much dived right on in to family mode but to both April and Dave it felt like they had been doing this from jump. It clicked for them. It worked and it made sense.
"Ok papi be safe and take my keys with you. When you get back just call and I'll give you the gate and alarm codes so you can let ya self in"
"Bet" he bent down and kissed her lips. "I love you ma"
"I love you too Papi" April smiled at him and turned the water off watching Dave exit the bathroom.
"Come on lil mama it's bath time" April said as she entered the bedroom. Her baby was damn near passed out. She almost hated to bother her but she had been running around all day and needed a bath. 45 minutes later both April and Kairi were both clean, fresh, in their onesies, and in the bed falling asleep to Doc McStuffins. She couldn't believe this was her life now. She was with child, beyond cool with her baby's father, her and her man were officially back together, and had two little girls she absolutely loved and adored. Life was good!
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Welp we finally got our 15 minutes in with Millie 😈 Hopefully she learned her lesson and leaves them in peace. If not she can always get another 15 😈 next time courtesy of April‼️
-Ian came through as usual serving us with me tea. Wonder what the secret is 🧐
-I'm so here for mommy April. Motherhood was made for her🥰
-Do you think they were too hard on Millie? If so why🧐
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries🥰
-If you aren't commenting no problem. Just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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