62: Man to Man
Chapter 62: Man to Man
"The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection"
[Thomas Paine]
"Aye, can I holla at you for a minute" Dave asked as he casually approached Chris. He knew in order to go any further with April then this had to be done especially if he wanted them to really work out. So whatever he had to do he was going to do especially if it helped ease his wondering mind. All this week he had been in his head and he was ready to put the shit to rest.
"Sup" Chris nodded as they clapped it up like they normally would and walked over to the other side of the room out of everyone's ear shot. This was a personal matter between the two. He didn't want any bad blood between any of them because at the end of the day Chris would be a part of their blended family as well as Royalty. So all Dave wanted was clarity and peace between them all and this was the first step.
"First off congratulations is in order so congrats. I know you and April are happy bout the baby" Dave congratulated him because even though the circumstances were fucked up he knew just how much of a blessing this baby was to April. Besides he was trying to be the bigger man. "I wanted to speak to you man to man father to father because we'll be around each other more often than usual and I'll be around ya child which isn't new but the dynamics will be a lil different. I know you felt a way bout me dating April in the beginning but real talk I love that woman. Shit is a lil tricky right now because I wasn't expecting this but I'm going to be around and I don't want any issues or cause any rifts between you two especially when there's children involved mine included" Dave looked at him keeping eye contact. He wanted Chris to know that not only will he be around Royalty when she visited April but he'd also be around and a part of the baby's life just as he would for Kairi.
Chris nodded. "Thanks preciate' it. I can't lie a nigga felt a way in the beginning. I figured we were boys so you knew she was off limits just like I wouldn't fuck around with ya baby mama. I honestly didn't think it needed to be said. It was an unspoken rule. But I come to realize that I can't stop y'all from fuckin with each other even if I tried. Y'all are grown and free to do as y'all please. We're still cool in my book. She's ya person I get it and she loves you. All I want is for her to be happy and you do that for her so there's no problem. There aren't many women out here like April so if you got her you gotta cherish her. They don't make too many like her anymore. I fucked up something good. So don't be like me and make the same mistake" Chris paused and took a pull from his blunt letting the smoke invade his lungs then exhaled.
"We weren't expecting this shit to happen by a long shot but we don't regret it. Shit I never even thought I'd get the chance to be that intimate with her again but shit happens" he said and shrugged. "I know you didn't sign up for this and neither did we but she's pregnant and it's happening. I don't know if she told you bout the whole situation with Jr but I fucked up bad. Not only wasn't I there for April but I wasn't there for my own son. My fuckin first born and a nigga weren't there. This is my second chance to do and get it right and this is April's chance at being a mother. That woman treats my child like she's her own flesh and blood. If April didn't deserve anything she deserves this. She looks out for everybody else it's her turn now. It might be hard for you to accept but trust she's not checking for me. She's all yours" Chris said speaking the truth.
April wasn't checking for anybody but Dave. Dave just stood there listening and smoking on his own blunt. Dave understood where he was coming from though. He wouldn't fuck with none of his boy's women but him and Chris weren't like him Bully and Shooter. He also understood how Chris felt about getting a second chance to do shit the right way and he couldn't be mad at that. He was also right April deserved her baby even if she didn't come from him. She looked and treated after their kids as if they were her own so why couldn't she have her own. It wasn't like they couldn't have a child together anyway. Dave saw kids that shared their DNA, blood, and features in the future anyway.
Chris continued. "I see the way she looks at you and how her eyes light up when someone mentions ya name. Just like when she walked in this very room as soon as her eyes met yours you were the only person in the room. She loves you and whether you choose to believe me or not I think you're a good fit for her. Shit just got complicated but don't let it fuck up ya chance at being happy. If you love her then be there for her. She could use you right bout now although she's pissed at you" Chris said and laughed. Dave knew he was being genuine about the situation and he respected it. He knew Chris didn't have to let him in or even talk to him but the fact that he did he had to tip his hat off to him.
Dave chuckled and wiped his hands over his face. "I ain't mean to throw her under the bus but y'all needed to know just in case. She can't afford to be reckless right now. But yea she's gonna kill me though" He was going to tell on her regardless. He wanted to make sure that somebody was on her ass at all times with the way bitches were acting out here. He didn't know if they would retaliate or what so he had to tell. Dave was all about their safety.
"You'll be aight" Chris nodded, patted his shoulder, and took another pull.
"Look you sure you ain't checking for her" Dave cut to the chase and asked dead ass serious. He wanted confirmation. He needed to hear it directly from the source. Yea he believed April but he wanted to hear it from Chris and see what his reaction would be. Maybe it was because he knew how he felt about putting his own family back together that had him questioning Chris's true intentions. Who was to say that April having this baby wouldn't make Chris want to work it out and try the family thing with her?
Chris shook his head and chuckled but it wasn't a happy chuckle. It was one of those chuckles where you pretty much know you fucked up a good thing and now you have to live with what you've done. "Nah I had my chance. Shit I had multiple chances and I fucked each one up and realized after it was already too late. Do I love her? Of course I do. She's one of my best friends and the mother of my children. Royalty included. Am I in love with her? Maybe if I was asked this question bout a year ago I'd a said hell yeah but nah that ship has sailed. We been there and done that and we both want something different. I ain't checking for her and believe me if I was she damn sure ain't checking for me" Chris said and shrugged.
"April wants you and only you. She loves you and she's in love with you. The way she feels bout you is different than how she use to feel bout me. She's off my radar. All I want to do is be there for my child and my best friend that's all. Anything romantic you can count me out" Chris spoke honestly. There was no reason for him to lie. What he had with April was dead and gone.
Dave nodded liking what he heard. "Say less. Do you or would you have a problem with me being around while she's pregnant and being around the baby once she's born" Dave asked straight up. He was going to be around regardless but being a father himself he thought it was only right to ask.
"I see she got you calling my lil man a she" Chris chuckled. "Being a hunnid though I'm happy you're around especially while she's pregnant. I can't be here for them 24/7 no matter how bad I want to be so to know she has you by her side it eases my mind. I know with you she's in good hands and I won't have to worry bout them so much. The only thing I ask of you is if you're gonna be there than be there. Don't choose to be there for them both because yes she's a package deal now so you can't take one without the other. Then the next you decide that you can't be there for them. I know it's a lot to take in but ya either in or ya out. I don't want any man walking in and out of my child's life like that only for them to get attached and then for you to walk away" Chris paused and took another pull from his blunt and leaned against the wall looking at nothing in particular. To Dave it looked like he had a lot on his mind when it came to his current situation with April. He wanted the best for her. He wanted someone to treat her better than he ever had.
"I'm pretty sure you understand where I'm coming from. Don't string her along. Be there if ya gonna be there if not let her know now and walk away. Don't give her false hope that's just gonna hurt her" Chris finished. From the way it sound Dave knew he was talking from experience. Any advice he could get from him on what not to do he was going to take it even if he already knew what not to do. Besides Dave wasn't going to treat her like anything less than a queen that she was to him. He might've been the king of their castle but April was every bit the queen to his thrown. He knew that with her by his side she was able to hold the fort down and love him like no woman had ever loved him.
"Bet I know exactly where ya coming from. I would want the same for my daughter. I'm not gonna lie I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation. I love that woman and I want to be there for her and I'm going to be there for her, for them" Dave didn't know why he was telling all of this to Chris but it is what it is. Maybe it was the effect that April seemed to have on the both of them.
"Then be there for her. Trust I ain't stopping ya. If you love her like you say you love her and she loves you then be there. I can't say it enough. Shit might be a lil rocky right now but if y'all can get pass the bullshit that's already against y'all then y'all can get pass this too. Yea it'll take some time to get use to but sometimes you gotta fight for what ya want and make shit work. If you do decide to stick around and be involved in my child's life all I ask is for you to treat him as if he was ya own. I know April's gonna do the same. From what it looks like she's already doing it and find another name because daddy is reserved" Chris said and laughed trying to make light of the situation. "Pops will work or whatever you decide just not daddy"
Dave couldn't do shit but laugh. "Nigga" he dragged. "I get it though" and he did. He didn't want his child calling no other nigga daddy but him.
"You gotta good woman by ya side. She's a rider. Don't let her walk away again. You'll live the rest of ya life thinking bout all the what ifs and trust me that's not something you want to deal with. I'm not trying to cross any boundaries and fuck up what y'all got going on. I already know what it is but just to let you know just like you'll be around I'll be around too and calling often just to check in and go to her appointments and besides that's my lil baby's Apple so she calls often and when she's around they gotta have girl's day it's a given. My lil girl loves and adores her just as much as April loves and adores her" Chris looked at him then around the room.
"Bet, she already filled me in. I don't have any intentions on fucking up the relationship she has with lil mama. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other"
"Well I won't hold you. I'll probably see y'all tonight. I know she was saying everyone was linking up at her place"
Chris nodded. "Bet y'all should fall through" Chris said and they clapped it up once more. Their conversation had went better than he expected. He appreciated the real ness. Chris was no threat when it came to his and April's relationship.
With that Dave and Chris went their separate ways. After talking to Chris Dave pretty much knew what he wanted to do when it came to rebuilding a relationship with April. The talk pretty much solidified his decision. All he had to do now was talk to April. He knew he'd probably have to talk to her tomorrow or at least once the girls went to sleep tonight because they were both going to be stuck to her like glue. Then again Alaina was here so his best bet was probably tomorrow because they were most likely going to play catch up. Then again he knew they were going to roll up on Millie tomorrow so he'd just have to be patient and wait it out.
Dave walked over to where Bully, Shooter, NyReek, and Ian stood around talking. He knew they were all plotting and would try to keep him out of it but he had to do something. Millie was really out here with a slime ass snake nigga who use to be his boy plotting on how to extort money from him and using their child as a bargaining chip. How low could she get? He could see her not being loyal to him but damn where was her loyalty when it came to her own flesh and blood a damn baby girl that she carried for nine months. He knew Kairi loved her mother but Millie was no good for her.
Millie had all the wrong intentions when it came to her and sadly for her, her money bag from him had officially ran dry and ran its course. She couldn't get dust out of him. The shit made him wonder about all the money he had given her. Was she using for herself or splitting that shit with Profit? Either or she wasn't getting shit anymore. Millie didn't know how easy she had just made shit for him. It was time to do what was best for their daughter and for him to fully live his life without her in the way and he was going to do whatever was necessary to get her gone and out of their lives. He knew his woman and her girls were going to handle her but he was going to make sure she couldn't reach Kairi. The only way he'd ever allow her to see her again was if she really and truly proved to him that she had Kairi best interests at heart but deep down he knew she would never change. Millie had been this way from the very start.
It was time to send her ass back to where she came from. She was really about to learn the true meaning behind not having a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. He was taking all of his shit back. If she didn't want to be there for Kairi like a mother should then it was no reason to have her living in his condo, paying all of her bills, and riding around in his vehicles. She was about to learn the hard way not to fuck with his daughter let alone his woman...his family.
"Aye don't be over here singling me out" Dave spoke up as he reached them.
"I don't think you should get involved. Just let us take care of it" Shooter spoke up.
"Not gonna happen these niggas using my child. That shit ain't happening"
"And that's why you should let us handle it. This is what you need to get full custody so don't fuck it up" Bully added.
Ian and NyReek nodded. "They do have a point nephew but I still see where ya coming from but maybe you should listen to them. You got some good shit going on in ya life you don't need to get in the middle of all this" Ian said and took a pull from his blunt.
"Says the father who just sat here at the round table and plotted along with his daughter" Dave shook his head laughing.
They all laughed. "You right you right but that's a different situation. They say you want full custody of ya lil girl and if you do then you need no parts of this. You need to stay clean because they will look into shit especially with the way Agnes is flapping her gums. Ya best bet is to let ya brothers handle it while you work on getting full custody and after you get it then go do what ya gotta do. You already have all the proof and help you need to get full custody so don't let this shit stop you from doing what you need to do" Ian said.
"That's true we just gave you all the paper work you needed to help ya case" NyReek said looking at him.
Dave knew they were right and Kairi was priority number one. He had to make sure his baby girl was straight so if he had to sit back and watch until he had full custody than he was willing to do so. She already had an ain't shit mother so he had to take Millie out of the equation and fast. With the way she was moving there was no telling what else she would do or if she would go as far as harming Kairi if she didn't get her way or what she wanted from him. He'd start working on getting full custody come Monday morning and once it was done he'd deal with Profit his way. Either way once he got her out his crib and took back the rest of his shit Millie wouldn't even be able to take care of Kairi.
"Point taken" he nodded in agreement. "But I want to be there when the shit goes down" Dave looked at Bully and Shooter.
"Say less" they said in unison.
They all stood around talking and joking for a little while longer before Ananda and April was calling everyone upstairs for dinner. What would a family meeting be without a proper dinner to end things anyway? Dave had sat beside Kairi while Kairi sat beside April and Royalty on the opposite side of April and next to Chris. Shit was unconventional to say the least but as he looked around he couldn't help but smile. This was his blended family and they were all unique in their own way. He already knew with April in the mix and in both Kairi and Royalty's lives that the two little girls were going to be inseparable than they ever had been before. Their bond would be locked and tight. Everybody sat around the table talking and laughing while April held a separate conversation with her little girls. She was on mommy duty and it suited her well. How couldn't he be a part of this? He was silly for even doubting that they couldn't make it work. He was silly for thinking he could just walk away.
"Hey ma can I talk to you for a minute" Dave whispered as April looked up and their eyes met.
April nodded her head. "Sure we can talk in my room" she said as they both excused themselves from the table with Dave following closely behind her. The walk upstairs to her bedroom was quiet. All you could hear were their footsteps and the conversation at the dining room table as it slowly faded the farther they got.
"Princess April huh" Dave said looking at the golden crown and her name perfect nailed on her bedroom door breaking the silence as they stood in front of April's bedroom.
"Yup I'm a princess here and a queen in my own home" April said and gave him a small smile as she opened her bedroom door and walked inside with him following behind her then closed the door behind them.
April kept her eyes on him as she took a seat at the edge of the bed and played with her hands. Dave knew she was nervous and didn't know what to expect and that was his fault. All week long he had sort of been distancing himself from her. So he knew she felt a way. The least he could've done was properly communicate with her but he was lacking majorly on that. He just had a lot on his mind and needed to think things through without anything or anyone clouding his judgement. Between the heart to heart conversation they shared last weekend, their first official family day, the talk he just had with Chris, the new information he found out about Millie and Profit, and the family dinner they were in the middle of sharing Dave knew his answer without a doubt.
It was clear as day and he didn't want to wait to give her an answer. He needed to tell her now. It was lying heavily on his heart. Dave pulled her desk chair from under her desk and rolled it directly in front of her and sat down looking her over in pure awe. She was beautiful, radiating, and one of a kind. She was cut from a different cloth and rare and what made her special was she was all his. At the end of it all they both wanted and sought out the same thing. All he wanted was love. All she wanted was love. All they wanted was LOVE.
"This is it isn't it" April broke the silence and looked at him. He could tell she was trying to save face but the sadness in her eyes made him sad and he knew he had to change that. He couldn't be out here making his woman sad. It was his job to make sure she always kept a smile on her beautiful face.
"The complete opposite ma I'm here to stay. I ain't going anywhere. I don't want or need space. What I want and need is you, our Lil Butt, and our growing family. What I need is us" Dave said as he grabbed her hands into his and intertwined their fingers. "I don't anybody else but you ma. Wherever you are is where I want to be. The plan is me, you, Lil Butt, baby Brown/Brewster, and of course ya baby Royalty" Dave said and genuinely smiled. "I can handle it and I want it all. I want our family and our new home in LA. What's that sweet shit you dropped on a nigga the other day? I choose you today. I'll choose you tomorrow and I'll choose you for the rest of my life" He looked her dead in her eyes letting her know exactly how he felt.
"A nigga fucked up this week all in my feelings, not thinking clearly, and just being selfish. I'm sorry ma. For every shitty thing I said to you, to how I made you feel, I'm sorry. I understand why you didn't want to tell me bout the baby just yet and I know how important this is for you. I'm even sorry for questioning ya relationship with Chris. You got a nigga feeling things I've never felt before and I want to experience it all with you. I want that title ma. I'll stay on probation for however long you see fit but I want to officially call you my woman and be ya man. So I gotta ask...will you have me and all of me" he asked as he cheesed at her.
April jumped into his arms as tears flooded out of her eyes. "My man...hmm I like the sound of that" she said as he held her tightly in his arms engulfing the scent that he had come to love and crave. She pulled back and looked him square in the eyes and before she could fix her mouth to ask he answered for her.
"I'm a 100% positive this is where I want to be ma" Dave spoke with conviction meaning every single word he had said. This was it for him. He had his family now all he had to do was get rid of Millie because come hell or high water he and April were going house shopping together and moving to LA to start a new. It was time to level up and put his foot down. This shit was going to work.
Dave took his hands and gently cupped her face with his eyes penetrating right through hers and into her soul seeing everything he had saw in her the first time he had ever stayed the night with her. He saw it all. After this little war their future was going to be bright. Not able to control himself any longer he finally let his lips come in contact with hers kissing her like he had never before. The softness of her lips, the smell of her lip balm intoxicated all of his sensing as he licked her bottom lip begging for entry and without a second thought April opened her mouth and gave full him access. As soon as their tongues touched Dave could feel that electricity that he missed feeling and April's body shivering against his. This kiss is what he longed for. Dave kissed her so deep and so passionate that they forgot about the world around them. Nothing mattered at the moment but him and her as they shared the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. Slowly pulling back April looked at him and laid her forehead against his sighing in contentment. This was it.
-Happy Reading hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Well, well, well Dave and Chris had a lil heart to heart..did it turn out the way you expected🤔
-Papi wants full custody and Agnes's money train is OVER‼️
-I had to put my babies back together I was missing them. 😊🥰Yes ppl they are back like cooked crack 😂
-Welp I have some writing to do..I've been hit with a lil writers block so I've been looking at the same 4 paragraphs all week😩 hopefully I get at least 2 chapters written this weekend 🤞🏾
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries.🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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