60: Cat and Mouse

Chapter 60: Cat and Mouse

Cat and Mouse; noun:
Behavior like that of a cat with a mouse: such as
A: the act of toying with or tormenting something before destroying it

The week had gone by solemnly slow for April. You know how it goes when you're anxiously waiting for something and time takes its precious time passing by but when you need it to go by slowly it zooms right on by. Well that's how it went for April. Today was Friday meaning it was officially her and Dave's first date night and April had been overly excited throughout the whole week wondering what he had up his sleeve? But unfortunately Dave canceled on her the night before. Basically saying he had a studio session that he just couldn't miss and didn't know when he'd be finished. Mind you he texted her and didn't bother to call and tell her but April knew what it was. There was more to the story. Her baby played a part and the way she had held off on telling him had bothered him and let's not forget he high key questioned whether he should be concerned about Chris and her relationship that was pretty much nonexistent. Dave was pretty possessive when he came to April and their relationship so even though their talk had been a success he was still sorting his feelings.

April and Dave hadn't really communicated during the week besides his good morning and goodnight I love you texts and blue hearts throughout the day. Even when Kairi would call and facetime her Dave pretty much let them be and stayed to himself in the background. April had told Kairi she could call whenever she wanted to and so far lil mama took it to the heart and had been calling her at least twice a day and April didn't mind one bit. She had promised her that she would be there for her no matter what and she would even if she and Dave didn't last. April was still going to be there for her. She knew Kairi was missing that motherly figure in her life and April was there with open arms happily ready to fill that void. Guess Millie was actually right about one thing. April was the type of woman to take care of other women's kids but hey if they weren't such lousy ass females and sucky ass parents she wouldn't have to. Then again it was in her DNA to be loving and caring. She got it honest from her parents.

As far as April and Dave's relationship she was missing him but she knew this situation wasn't easy on him no matter what he said and that's why she was giving him the space he needed. She knew it wasn't going to be easy by a long shot so she was just rolling with the punches just like she did with everything else in her life. Besides she saw this coming. She had faith in Dave but she expected it. She just wished it was a little easier to deal with especially with her emotions all out of whack. She felt like she had everything in the palm of her hands and Thanos came along and snapped his fingers and fucked up everything. But April was a survivor so she was going to survive this as well. At the end of the day she knew Dave was here to stay he was still trying to wrap his head around the situation and accept it fully. So she wasn't going to write his ass off just yet. She was just waiting on the pill he swallowed to fully dissolve.

As far as her pregnancy went between April, her parents, and Chris they all thought it would be best to tell the immediate family that they were expecting. Meaning they would be letting Alaina and August in on the secret. It was basically for safety purposes just in case something happened with the way Millie and Hazel were acting but they planned on getting rid of the trash way before that could even happen. So it was precautionary. Their moment was already being ruined and April prayed day and night that after all the bullshit was over that she could enjoy it the way she wanted.

Any, who since Dave had cancelled on her the festivities, would officially start today preferably tonight and with Ebony by her side locked and loaded it was definitely going to be a good time. See April wanted to play a little game of cat and mouse when it came to Millie. She wanted to show her that she was very much reachable and damn sure touchable. See April already had Millie's phone number curtesy of her father and a shit load of burner phones to use at her disposal. April was going to pop up on Millie whenever she felt like it and tonight was one of those nights. She wanted to shake her up before she got her ass whooped curtesy of Ebony.

Fuckin with Millie was pretty much a game. After they finished their little game of cat and mouse for tonight they were going to get ready for the big family meeting at her parent's place. Everyone was going to be there including Dave, Bully, and Shooter because Ian had some information for them as well. But right about now April and Ebony were hopping inside the car getting ready to have some fun on this lovely wintery Friday.

"Did you text her" Ebony asked as they sat in the parking lot of some rinky-dink ass diner in an unmarked car in a space where they couldn't be detected by a camera. They were laying low for the night.

April looked at her and chuckled. "I been playing on that bitch's phone all day" April replied as she sent off another text. She had woken up sending her ass texts just to be petty.

718-555-5555: Damn ma I thought you only settled for the finest. This is a cute shabby chic shindig though. How's the food🤔 You know I'm only making sure that ya feeding ya kid I mean baby😬. I mean you are type neglectful. I just thought I'd be kind enough to remind you😁

862-555-5555: Who dis and stop texting me

718-555-5555: Agnesssss don't play🤣 You know who it is with ya retarded ass. How you asking who dis but telling me to stop? Ain't no stopping. It's my turn bitch🤣

862-555-5555: Fuck you get of my line

718-555-5555: You mean Papi's line🤔 Because WE all know you ain't paying for shit. I bet that bill goes straight to him. Am I right or am I right🧐

862-555-5555: Get off my line bitch!

718-555-5555: But I don't wanna. I just wanna play with you. You don't have to be so mean geesh 🙄😩

April looked up from the phone laughing.

"Ouu she big mad" Ebony laughed as she looked over reading the texts.

"Come on let's go shake some shit up" April cheesed. She couldn't wait to see the look on Millie's face. Ebony wanted to tag her ass from jump but April wanted to play with her for a little while before shit got real because shit was two seconds away from being there.

"Yassss" Ebony said as they both hopped out the car and closed and locked the doors behind them. April knew Ebony couldn't wait for Millie to jump stupid so she could whoop her ass on sight but tonight she had to wait. Tonight was just for sport.

"You good" Ebony asked before the two of them approached the diner.

"Peachy" she smirked and opened the door heading straight to the welcoming hostess station with Ebony right by her side not missing a beat.

"Good evening table for two" the hostess asked with a smile on her face.

"No thank you. I was actually looking for a friend" April said as she scanned the dimly lit diner in search of her prey. "Bingo I found her" April said politely as she and Ebony smooth made their way to the back where Millie's booth was to be greeted by a surprise. April knew some fuck shit was going on and she couldn't wait to tell Dave. She thought they had got rid of this nigga.

"Hey Agnes I didn't know you'd be here" April said chipper as she happily smiled and took a seat beside her as Millie's eyes damn near bulged out of her head. Even her dude looked a little spooked. "Looka here heyyyy Profit long time no see. I thought that was you. This place reeks of mutts and snakes. I could smell y'all from the door. Eb don't be shy boo they're cool have a seat I'm sure they don't mind" April said looking between Millie and Profit for any type of objection as Ebony smiled and took a seat beside Profit.

"This is Agnes" Ebony asked as she looked at Millie with her nose turned up in disgust and back at April. Clearly she wasn't impressed.

"Yes, yes where are my manners. Eb this old looking auntie bitch right here is Agnes and Agnes this is my not so very nice cousin Ebony" April looked at Millie smiling as she introduced the two.

"East could've did a lot better than this. This is preposterous" Ebony said and shook her head.

April looked at her and bust out laughing while Millie and Profit stayed quiet. "And he has. You know Papi had to level up" April said and looked at Millie cheesing. "I actually wanted to thank you for keeping my seat warm. You know until his main came along. You said like wasn't enough. I guess he just liked you because my Papi loves me" April said to a mute ass Millie then frowned.

"Why so quiet ma? You always have a lot to say on the Gram. I thought I'd receive a better greeting than this" April chuckled and moved a little closer to her pretty much trapping her in the booth. April looked around the table and spotted a phone in front of Millie and picked it up. "Here take it Agnes. Maybe this will get you to talk since you always got shit to say behind the keyboard"

"Look I don't want any trouble" Millie spoke softly as her eyes darted around the pretty empty diner but luckily for April it was a very slow night for the diner so it was pretty much empty. Besides the way the diner looked she wondered if they ever had customers. The shit looked like it was made for only random ass hook ups and truck drivers who wanted to fuck with lot lizards.

"You sure bout that? I mean you had a whole lot of shit to say the other day. I just thought we could be adults' bout the situation and hash it out in person. You know woman to girl mother to baby sitter" April looked at her and then at Profit who sat beside Ebony quiet as a mouse. She already knew Ebony's trigger happy ass had the burner pointed deep into his side ready to for him to jump stupid. As you can see the trigger happy syndrome ran deep in April's family.

"Come on you can talk to me. I don't bite. I shoot yea but I don't bite. I don't have time for rabies" April spoke as softly as Millie mocking her. The shit reminded her of when little kids get in trouble and their parents ask what's wrong and suddenly they don't know how to talk loud enough so they whisper talk and the parents look at them with the stop playing with me face and tell them to speak up.

"Look I really don't have an issue with you. I just want to finish my food so I can get back to Lil Butt" Millie said lying straight through her teeth and right to April's face.

April had already spoke to her lil mama earlier that day so she knew exactly where she'd be today and exactly where she was at, at this very moment. "Oh you mean the same Lil Butt that's at Mama Faye's right now because you pulled another no call no show. You know she's sleep right now with her grandparents so please don't try to play me for a fool. Hmm this is the second weekend in the row that you haven't seen or talked to her but know worries I got her" April said and rolled her eyes making sure not to speak so loudly in the establishment so she wouldn't bring any unnecessary attention there way.

"Excuse me I'm Jessika your waitress. Would you ladies like to order anything" the waitress asked as she stood at the head of the table with her notepad and pen in her hand ready to write down their orders.

"Sure what flavor milkshakes would you recommend" April politely asked and the waitress gave her, her recommendations. "I'll have the strawberry cheesecake milkshake and can you add some caramel on top and also put it in a to go cup please and thank you"

"Got it" the waitress said and looked at Ebony. "You Miss"

"I'll have the Arnold Palmer Uptown in a to go cup as well with lil ice" Ebony replied and the waitress jotted it down.

"Got it I'll be right back with your drinks"

"Ok" April nodded and watched her walk away then turned her attention to Profit. "So Profit while ya mutt ass girlfriend is trying to find her voice how's life been treating you? Last time I saw you, you were getting kicked out of the studio and calling me a sidditty ass bitch and sloppy seconds or some shit like that. But from what I'm seeing you done went to the bottom of the bottom" April said and laughed while he just stared at her. It looked like he wanted to say something but she knew Ebony has his tongue caught all up in his throat while Millie looked like she was damn near ready to piss her pants.

"I swear it feels like I'm talking to myself. Niggas and bitches had all the mouth in the world the other day but now everybody on some mute shit. Y'all are no fun" April pouted. "How bout I take a quick pic of us for Papi so he can see how good we get along"

"NO" Millie and Profit shouted at the same time as the waitress came back with April and Ebony's drinks.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome let me know if you need anything else"

"Will do" Ebony said and nodded at her.

"Y'all bore me" April yawned and picked up her phone, unlocked it, and hit up Dave on facetime. She knew they were going through it but he would still answer her call. At the end of the day he was still Papi and she was still ma.

"Sup ma why you looking all sad" Dave asked as soon as the call connected looking over her face ready to get in daddy mode.

"Because ya mutt is no fun" April replied and pouted lying her head in her free hand looking like an upset child.

He laughed. "Chill"

"I'm serious look" April moved the phone from in front of her and placed it directly in front of Millie's face making sure Dave could see her.

"Agnesssss" Dave dragged the S and laughed. "Looks like you in some trouble"

"Fuck you" Millie said and rolled her eyes.

"Ah, ah show some respect" April quipped and put the phone back on herself. "Papi she has a special guest out with her tonight too. Issa date night papi. I'm mad though we could've did a double but I understand when the bag calls you gotta answer"

"Who" Dave raised his brow curious.

"Look who I found" April placed the phone in front of Profit. "Say hi friend" April said and laughed as Profit's face paled.

"What's crackin cuz" Dave said and chuckled but it wasn't a friendly chuckle. "Ma where ya at" Dave asked as April put the phone back on herself to see him straight mugging. She knew he didn't give a fuck who Millie was fuckin with but Profit had been on his hit list for a while now. It looked like they both had a few loose ends to tie up.

"At some lil hole in the wall diner I thought ya mutt had expensive taste but I guess that's only when she's dipping in ya pockets. I'm bout to leave though she's too quiet for me" April pouted real life sad as fuck that Millie wasn't about that life. Granted April knew she was all talk but damn this was just ridiculous. Millie was really on some mute shit she really only had a voice behind the keyboard which showed and proved just how bitch made she was.

"I know ya not by ya self" he questioned getting ready to jump on her ass if she was.

"Nope but I'm good though" she replied. She knew security was outside anyway so she had no worries.

"She's in good hands East" Ebony said loud enough for him to hear.

"Who that" he questioned.

"You'll meet her tomorrow"


"But I need to head out of here bitches real live pussies out in these streets. I thought I was gonna have some fun" April said as she rose from her seat but still very much in the booth and glanced at Millie. "It is what it is though I just wanted her to know just how easily accessible she is so she should think before she decides to kick my back in behind the keyboard again" April said and rolled her eyes.

Ebony smacked her lips. "Here I thought I was gonna whoop some ass" Ebony groaned while Millie subtly rolled her eyes.

"Bitch I'll pluck them shits right out ya fuckin head" Ebony said nice and calm a little too calm at that. April already knew what it was though. It was those Blackmon genes that all three of the girls had inherited. When shit was going down and they were calm the altercation usually didn't end on a nice note.

"Fuck y'all if y'all were gonna do something y'all would've done it already" Millie snapped as she finally found her voice.

"Millie" Profit said in a warning tone through clenched teeth.

"You really should listen to him" Ebony said smirking. She was eagerly waiting on this moment.

"Fuck y'all" Millie said as she looked at April and then Ebony.

"Yasssss I needed this energy. Where have you been hiding it" April said as she scanned the restaurant and put her phone down with Dave still on it and cold copped the shit out of the side of Millie's face so hard making it hit the wall and bounce back making a loud sound making Millie groan in agony.

"What the fuck was that" Dave yelled through the phone.

"I'm a home wrecker right. I can't keep a man. I fucked my way to the top and my favorite one of all time I can't have a fuckin baby. I can't give Papi what he wants right" April said calmly as something snapped inside her as she grabbed Millie by her ponytail and wrapped it firmly around her fist not giving her a chance to react before she smashed her head dead into the table making the plates and utensils rattle. April lifted her head back up with the quickness with her ponytail still wrapped around her fist and slammed it right back into the table then once more for good measure.

"Y'all, petty dumb bird brain bitches get on my fuckin last nerve" April spoke calmly and finally let loose of Millie's hair while she moaned and groaned in pain trying to get away from April while looking at a quiet Profit for help.

"Don't look over here he can't fuckin help you. He's in a tight bond himself" Ebony snickered at the same time you could hear her gun cock making both Millie and Profit freeze in place as tears ran down her face.

"Is everything alright over here" a man walked up to the table that looked like he could've been the manager of the establishment.

"Yes sir my apologies for the noise we were just about to leave" April spoke properly in her business voice and fixed herself. "We thought we saw a roach" she whispered then glanced at Millie who didn't dare look back at her as she held her head in her hands. "It was just our imagination sir no worries" April looked up at him and smiled brightly while she batted her lashes every now and again.

"Oh ok miss" the man smiled back clearly drooling over April instead of accessing the situation. April grabbed her purse, opened it, and grabbed two hundred dollar bills out of her wallet and placed it in his hands.

"This should cover the bill. Jessika was a great waitress. Please make sure she keeps the change"

"Will do miss" he smiled and April smiled back at him working her charm and slid out the booth as Ebony followed suit with both their drinks in her hands.

"Goodnight guys it's been fun catching up" Ebony said and winked as her and April made their way to front entrance and out the diner then back to the unmarked car.

"Bitchhhhhhhh her eyes are gonna be black and blue tomorrow" Ebony laughed as she pulled off making sure to take the back streets.

"Don't forget her nose" April joined in laughing. "Shit he's gonna kill me" April groaned as she remembered she was on the phone with Dave.

"You'll be fine" Ebony snickered as she pulled up to the drop off spot and parked. April's driver was already there and ready for them to hop inside.  Stepping out of the unmarked car they locked it up and hopped in the waiting car. Any other day he would've opened the door for them but April had given him strict instructions to follow that night and staying in the car had been one of them.

"Where to Ms. Blackmon" he asked as he looked at her through the rearview mirror.

"Home Quinton" April replied and texted Dave.

🖕🏾East: Hey didn't want you to worry. I'm all the way good ya mutt on the other hand not so much. I'm in the car with Quinton on my way home.

Future👰🏾🤱🏾💍: I'm a fuck ya lil ass up when I get home.

🖕🏾Dave: Yours or mines and what the fuck did I do🤔

Future👰🏾🤱🏾💍: I'm not with the shits right now. You fuckin bugging. I don't know what time I'm getting out of here but when I call you better answer and when I get there you better open the fuckin door.

🖕🏾Dave: I can hear the bass all in that but I'm not bout to go back and forth with you. I'll see you when and if you come home🙄

April sent the message and rolled her eyes while Dave left her on read.

"Trouble in paradise" Ebony looked at April and asked.

"Bitch, don't even get me started" April said and smacked her teeth. "Nigga thinks he's somebody's daddy that's all" April said and shrugged.

"Well according to what you were calling him at the diner he ain't too far off" Ebony snickered.

"Last time I checked you were my cousin so who's side is ya really on" April playfully questioned and smacked her lips.

"Say no more" Ebony threw her hands up in the air and laughed.

Yup Ebony was a blood relative. She was NyReek's daughter and only child. She was born and raised in the hood just like April and Alaina and was taught the same street lessons. The three of them had grew up together until NyReek and her mother split and moved to Atlanta taking Ebony along with her but she always visited in the summers. Ebony was book and street smart as well but she loved the streets more. Luckily she didn't let the streets win. She graduated from Georgia Tech with a bachelor's degree in business and then went on to join the army. Nowadays she was officially out of the army and taking care of the business side of NyReek's security business but she worked from her Atlanta office instead of in Jersey.

"You staying at my place or with Unc" April asked as they made it back to her place.

"I'm a head to Pops. I figure while I'm here I'll spend some time with him"

"Sounds like a plan he misses you"

"I know I know that's why I'm a whoop some ass and spend time with him afterwards so I can focus on him and get on his nerves" she said and laughed.


20 minutes later Ebony had left with uncle NyReek and April was by herself. She locked the doors and made sure the alarm system was on before heading to her bedroom, stripping out of her clothing, and taking a quick shower. Once she was done she put on her cocoa butter and shea mixture, placed on a big t-shirt, and placed her hair into a pineapple. She didn't know what time Dave was coming home and she really didn't expect him to come over. So she headed back downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbed a few snacks, and went into the second living room plopping down on the couch and turned on the TV. Before she knew it she was sleep and her phone was ringing.

"Hello" April answered sleepily and yawned.

"Open the gate ma" Dave said on the other end.

"Ok" April hung up, got up, stretched, and went to open the gate, and a few seconds later she was opening the front door making a mental note to get him a set of keys made and give him the code to the gate "Hey" April greeted him as he came in with a mug on his face as usual. She didn't know what the fuck his problem was but she knew he was going to let her know. "I'm in the second living room once you get settled. She said and walked off.

A few minutes later Dave was walking into the living room and sitting down beside her with the remote now in his hands and turned off the TV then faced her. "You must really be big mad at me" April said as she gave him all her attention not knowing why he was mad.

"Any other time if you did some bullshit like that I wouldn't even blink twice or get mad. Trust me I'm not mad that you went after Agnes but what you did was stupid. Did you even think bout what you did before you did it" Dave somewhat shouted. April could tell he was trying his best to stay calm.

"I told you what was going to happen when I caught up with her. I'm not even done. I'm just getting started"

"And I'm fine with that but the next time let somebody else handle it. I don't care if ya there while she's getting her ass beat. My thing is did you even think bout the baby while you were busy putting her in harm's way. Anything could've happened to you and the baby and it would've been ya fuckin fault because you couldn't control ya fuckin temper. What if her punk ass decided to hit you back and she went for ya stomach? Did you think bout that? No you didn't" he snapped.

April could've cold copped herself because Dave was absolutely right. It was a little reckless of her and if something would've happened to her baby it would've been her fault and she wouldn't have been able to live with something like that on her shoulders. Luckily Millie's punk ass hadn't hit her back.

"I fucked up I didn't plan on touching her I just snapped. I was just worried bout keeping myself calm and not making a scene. I didn't think bout her hitting me back. I just got so mad bout all the shit she had been saying by the time I knew it I copped her ass in the side of her face and started smashing her head into the table" April said nervously as she toyed with her hands and kept her eyes off Dave. She couldn't bring herself to look at him when she knew she was in the wrong. She knew he was disappointed in her. Shit she was disappointed in herself. How could she be so care less?

"Look at me ma" he lifted her head up by her chin. "I get it ma I do but the next time you feel like whooping ass please let somebody else do it for you. Just let our lil mama bake properly and once she pops you can whoop as much ass as you want"

"I promise to stay in the background while my hands get dirty papi" and she meant it. She was going to sit on the sidelines and handle shit from there even though she did feel damn good getting a few licks in.

"Good because I'd hate to have to fuck you up and you know I will" he said with no hint of a joke. She knew he was serious. April knew he wouldn't really fuck her up but he'd punish her and not in a way that she'd like. April just raised her hands not wanting any of his smoke. She didn't want to make him any more mad than he already was besides she fucked up bad tonight.

"While ya checking me let me check ya ass too" April said and smacked her lips.

"Check me for what I ain't do shit" he furrowed his brows confused.

"So you think but you did. I know you need some space and time to deal with the package deal me and I understand that. That's why I fell back and let you deal with the situation as you see fit for ya self. But the next time you make plans with me and you need to cancel at least have the decency to call me and not text" she mugged him back.

Dave scratched his head looking at her. "Yea bout that my fault. I know I said I'll be here but I still need some time to process it but I really did need to be in the studio tonight"

"And I told you I understand if this is something you can't deal with. If this is a deal breaker for you then you are free to do as you please. We aren't technically together so if you want to try being in a relationship with someone else or you want to go back to fuckin and ducking you can. It's up to you. The ball is back in ya court. All I ask is for you to be real with me and let me know if you're gonna be here or not. If you still need time I'll give you that but if this is a wrap just say so. I'm a big girl I can handle it. You don't have to answer me now but eventually you will have to"

Dave just nodded his head. April really didn't want to talk or think about their relationship anymore so she changed the subject. "So it looks like ya mutt is teaming up with both of our enemies and from what it looked like her and Profit's bitch ass were definitely on a date"

"It just goes to show you that bitches and niggas ain't as loyal as they claim to be. If she wants to fuck and be with that bum ass nigga then so be it. They're a match made in heaven because that bitch a bum too" Dave shrugged not really giving a fuck.

"No lies told. Any, who are y'all still coming tomorrow" April asked.

"Yea we'll be there"

"Bet" they kicked it for a little while longer just chopping it up like usual.

"Well I'm a head outta here and let you get some sleep ma. I'll see you tomorrow" Dave said then kissed her forehead.

"Ok" April got up and walked him to the front door while making a pit stop at the mudroom so he could get his belongings.

"Goodnight ma I love you" Dave said and kissed her forehead again. She still couldn't get over these forehead kisses but she was dealing with it.

"Goodnight I love you too" she said and opened the door and watched him walk out and head to his Range. Once he was inside Dave honked the horn and she closed and locked the door then put the alarm back on.

April was fuckin done and her hormones didn't make the situation any better. She went back into the living room, cleaned up her mess, and headed upstairs to her bedroom as tears slid down her face. April and Dave were doomed and not only that she put her baby's life in the line of danger. As soon as she entered her bedroom she hopped in bed and did something that she hadn't done in months. She literally cried herself to sleep.

-Happy Reading hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Welp Dave is still trying to process the situation but I promise his ass ain't going anywhere.
-Ebony is officially in town and the war has officially started 😈
-Some of you guessed it the mystery dude was definitely Profit!
-April done got her a few good licks in but now she has to sit on the sideline 😩. She done fucked up with Dave and the baby 🤦🏾‍♀️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

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