57: Please Me

Chapter 57: Please Me

Please me, baby
Turn around and just tease me, baby
You know what I want and what I need, baby
(Let me hear you say)
[Please Me: Cardi B & Bruno Mars]

Dave watched and listened to April closely as she talked on the phone. The way she was talking and going about the situation screamed boss bitch because she was hands down taking control of the situation and it was low key turning him on but this wasn't the time to give into temptation. He knew she was upset and trying to stay as calm as she possibly could but this whole situation was putting a strain on her. Dave sort of felt like all of this was his fault well the shit with Millie anyway and he didn't want to put more of a strain on the relationship he was trying to rebuild with April. He felt like if he had never tried to pursue her that Millie would've never meddle in her business and be a problem for her.

For the life of him he couldn't understand how or why Hazel was stirring up shit with Millie. From what he knew and understood April and Hazel were tight as fuck and were more sisters than they were best friends so to know she was out here causing trouble that shit blew his mind. Dave had already came to the conclusion that Millie had to be getting some type of payment out of it because yea she talked her shit but this was a little too much even for her petty and bitter ass. But he couldn't understand what the fuck Hazel was getting out of it. Maybe Hazel was never April's friend to begin with.

Both Millie and Hazel had royally fucked up because April was making plans like her little ass was part of some type of black mafia family. He was here for it though. This time there would be no Captain Save a Hoe to rescue Millie. Dave knew she was a fucked up individual but now he was seeing her in a whole new light. Not only was she vile but she was disgusting. He wanted to wish that he hadn't met her but if he hadn't than there would be no Lil Butt. She was everything to him. She is everything to him an add April into the mix this was all he ever wanted and dreamed of.

So from here on out Dave knew whose team he was on and was going to make sure his woman knew whose side he was on. He was team April all day every day. Line A all the way! Whatever April needed him to do he was willing to do. If she needed his help with the whole Millie Hazel situation she mind as well count him in because he was riding for the home team. If his woman was going to war he was going to make sure she got out safe and unscathed.

"Bet let me know when you make ya arrangements. I can have the jet to you Friday since Alaina will most likely be using it to come home that Saturday or if you book a flight I'll just pay for it. Whatever works for you just let me know? Ok cool. So whatever you need is on me. Bet I'll get up with you later" April spoke into the phone. "Well that's done" she said as she put her phone down.

"What can I do to help" Dave asked as he held her in his lap with his arms still draped around her waist loving how her ass fit perfectly in his lap.

"Preciate' you asking but I don't think this is something you want to get involved in" April replied looking at him.

"I'm already involved"

"True" she nodded. "But maybe you want to sit this one out. I'm bout to fuck up ya baby mama's life. She keeps talking shit bout shit she doesn't know bout and she's trying to have people question my character and my reputation" April said bluntly. He knew she was serious but so was he.

"She started this shit and someone has to end it. I'm on ya side ma. So whatever you need me to do just say the word" and he meant that shit.

"That's good to know but I rather you keep ya hands clean. She's already an issue for you so she's waiting so she can run to the Gram and throw you under the bus again. She's already coming for me I don't think you should get involved"

Dave wasn't trying to hear none of that shit. "Look I get it she's my baby mama but fuck her. She can suck my whole dick. Sorry not sorry but she showed me every last one of her true colors and they aren't pretty. She showed me who I was really dealing with. She's a poor excuse for a woman and a fuckin mother. She doesn't even care bout our damn daughter. She's pulling no calls no shows not checking on her or anything but she has all the time in the world to jump on the Gram and start shit" Dave said heated.

"Yet she's talking bout being a mother. She doesn't know what a mother is. I don't want that type of person around my child. She doesn't give a fuck bout her own daughter than why should I give a fuck bout her. Time and time again I let her in and she fucks up. This is bigger than our fucked up relationship. Like you said right is right and wrong is wrong and in this case she's dead wrong" Dave said getting mad all over again at how Millie had been ghosting Kairi. "So what can I do" he asked again.

April looked up at him and sighed. "I wish I could tell you what I want you to do but honestly I'm in no position to ask much of you. I have a lot going on right now and all I want is for you to be there but I this point it would be selfish of me to ask you something like that. I know I'm speaking in riddles and things seem to be off but all I ask is for you to bear with me a lil while longer. I promise I'll fill you in when the time is right" she said practically pleading.

"I don't know what's going on with you but I know that something is up but I'm not gonna pressure you into telling me. So when ya ready I'm all ears ma. I love ya lil ass I ain't going nowhere"

"Hopefully" April mumbled but he had heard her. Dave knew she had something heavy on her chest and yea he wanted to know what it was but he was willing to wait just for a little while. He just hoped that it wasn't anything detrimental or something that would put their relationship on the line and test them all over again. "But uh can you stay with me tonight" April asked.

Dave looked at her like she was crazy. Hell yea his ass was staying. He couldn't wait for the day they shared the same bed again. He always got the best sleep with her by his side and the fact that she liked to be rubbed to sleep he was staying no questions asked. Then to top it off she was practically naked so that was bonus for him. Dave had plans to rub all over that booty. Besides he knew April needed him tonight so he had no plans to leave her side anyway. The same way she was keeping him calm was the same way she was keeping him calm. They both needed each other.

"Get those thoughts out ya head Dave" April mugged him.

"I ain't even do nothing" he smirked.

"Yea but you thought bout it"

"Can you blame me though" he chuckled.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes" she shook her head.

"Hell yea"

April shook her head and laughed then yawned.

"Looks like the itis done kicked in"

"Maybe, maybe not" she shrugged and picked up her phone. He wasn't trying to be nosey but he did take a peak to see who she was texting.

"Come on I'm ready to lie in my bed" April said as she looked up from her phone.

"Aight bet" he said as April rose off him. "Ya walking in front of me though"

"Nasty ass"

"Damn right now get to walking"

April shook her head and rolled her eyes as she headed out the living room and towards the stairs.


Dave smacked her ass as soon as her foot touched the first step causing April to involuntarily moan. "I told ya ass bout that eye roll shit ma"

"You ain't my daddy and I can do what I want" April mumbled to herself yet loud enough for Dave to hear.

"Ya right I'm not ya daddy. I'm ya papi" he said as he kept his eyes glued to her ass as they walked up the stairs. "I swear ya ass didn't look like this months a few months ago" Dave said again hypnotized by it. Then again he was an ass man and April had a nice ass.

"What's wrong with it" April asked as they entered her bedroom.

"Ain't shit wrong with it that shit got a lil juicer. Can I get a shake to go with those fries" he licked his lips looking at her ass hungrily like he was ready to eat her ass up.

"Boy if you don't" April laughed and shook her head. "Well you know where everything is so make yourself comfortable. You can grab one of these pillows and a blanket out the linen closet" April said as she sat at her vanity wrapping up her hair for bed.

"What I need all that for" Dave questioned dumbfounded as he started coming out his hoodie.

"Uh cause ya still on probation so ya sleeping on the couch" she looked at him through the mirror.

Dave bust out laughing. "You thought"

"You mean I know" she stood up from her vanity chair and made her way to her dresser pulling out a long t-shirt to sleep in.

"Ma stop fuckin with me" he mugged her as he placed his clothes on the couch. It was no way in hell he was sleeping on the fuckin couch mind you it was a bedroom bench a damn loveseat. Shit his body couldn't fit on that shit anyway.

"I ain't playing ya on probation"

"Whatever" he continued mugging her then made his way to the bed.

April mugged him back. Dave knew she wanted to roll her eyes but she wasn't. He pulled the covers back and got right in the bed. She bumped her head if she thought he was sleeping on the couch and not by her side.

"Now bring ya ass on"

"Whatever" she looked at him and slowly took off her lace robe letting it pool at her feet.

"Damn I feel like I need some music" he licked his lips as April stood in front of him with just her bra and thong on. Her body was looking all types of good and edible. He was definitely getting a taste tonight.

April looked at him and laughed. "It ain't that type of party lil daddy" she turned around with her back now facing him and unsnapped her bra letting it fall to the floor along with her robe as her bare ass cheeks starred back at him. Her booty ate up that thong and made it look like it never existed. If it wasn't for the lace in the front and the string around her waist he wouldn't even be able to tell she had on any panties.

"Damn" Dave groaned. She was making it hard for a nigga, real hard.

"Like what you see" she looked back at him and winked.

"Fuck yea" he kept his eyes glued on her watching her every move. "Twerk that shit for me for the onetime"

"Ah, ah probation" April smirked and slipped on the t-shirt she had took out the dresser.

"Please ma twerk some for a real nigga"

"Nope" April said and made sure she popped the P while she bent down and slipped off her thong. She reached down and picked up the rest of her set and robe and placed them in the clothes hamper.

"You could've kept on the shit you had on"

"Uh no sir I can't do a permanent wedgie all night" April said making Dave bust out laughing.

"You just wanted to tease me. You tryna make a nigga suffer. I get it I fucked up but damn don't do me like this" he looked at her and down at his now hardened dick. This was pure torture.

"You'll be aight" she blew him a kiss then made her way to the bed.

"You ain't putting any panties on" he asked. She was really trying to kill him.

"A t-shirt is all I need and it covers all of my goodies. You know this ain't nothing new. Besides I have some rules. Rule number one no touching and rule number two stay on ya side. Don't be easing ya way over here" she looked at him dead serious.

Dave sucked his teeth. "Whatever I'll take what I can get" he said and watched her climb into bed. Once she was in bed she grabbed the remote that controlled the lights and dimmed them.


"Goodnight ma I love you" Dave reached over and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Love you too"

"Nah say it the right way. Add that I in the front"

April playfully sighed. "I love you too"

"That's what I thought"

"Uh huh" April said as she got comfortable and lay on her side facing the wall.

Dave placed his hands behind his head and starred at the ceiling. He had something on his mind but didn't know if he should ask her but he knew if he didn't it would stay on his mind and he'd be making all types of scenarios and assumptions.

"What's on ya mind" April yawned and turned towards him.

"Nothing don't worry bout it" he glanced at her then back at the ceiling.

"Nope, that's not what we're gonna do. If something is on ya mind just ask me. Don't be holding shit in. We never did that and we won't be starting today"

Dave sighed. "Please don't get mad. I just need to know. What Millie said bout you and Chris is it true" he questioned. Dave couldn't even look at her. It wasn't because he was mad at her but he didn't really want to know the answer but he had to know.

April sat up and leaned against the headboard and heavily sighed. "I knew you were gonna ask" she said as she looked at nothing in particular. It was as if her mind was somewhere else.

"Look I know I don't have the right to be mad nor am I mad. I know I don't even have the right to ask you because we weren't together and you were free to do as you pleased. Besides I was playing house and I did sleep with Millie but I just need to know" he sat up and leaned against the headboard as well.

April looked over at him. "Yes I slept with him. It was a onetime thing" April answered and he believed her. She had no reason to lie besides they weren't together anyway.

"Do I need to be concerned or" he raised his brow.

"Boy hush" April cut him off. "Yes I slept with him but like I said it was only once. If he was who I wanted to be with then trust you wouldn't be in my home or in my bed right now let alone sharing I love you's. I honestly don't owe you an explanation and nor do I want to keep rubbing shit in ya face or reminding myself that you chose her ain't shit ass over me. But honestly speaking if you hadn't went to play house I'm pretty sure it would've been you I was fuckin on New Years instead of him" April replied sounding a little defensive. He didn't know how to take it all he knew was he didn't want to argue with her.

"Point taken" he deeply sighed. He knew she was right though. Had he never let her walk away it definitely would've been him she was fuckin. It was his fault and all he could do was live with it and get past it because he wasn't going anywhere.

"Anything else on ya mind that you think we should discuss before I take my ass to bed" April asked. There was no attitude but he could tell that she was actually sleepy.

"Nah ma you good get you some sleep" he leaned over and pecked her lips.

"You sure"

"I'm positive" he assured her.

"Ok" April lied down and got comfortable again and he followed suit.

"How long am I" Dave started to ask before April cut him off.

"You'll know when"

"Damn can I finish my sentence next time" Dave mugged her.

"You were gonna ask bout probation right"


"And you got ya answer now go to sleep" April said tiredly.

"I swear ya lil ass done got rude" he said still mugging her as if she could see him.

A few minutes later April was out like a light and snoring while Dave laid there thinking about their situation. He had faith that they would be back and better than ever and he was going to make sure of that. Dave didn't want to continue life without April by his side. She meant too much to him. If anybody would've asked him if he was ready to settle down almost a year ago he'd a said no that he was good with fuckin and ducking. But since April had walked well bumped her way into his life he couldn't see it any other way. He wanted everything she wanted and he was going to make sure he gave it to her.

One thing that was on his mind but he wouldn't dare bring up tonight was the issue about her pregnancy. She didn't give him all the details about it but he did know she had a miscarriage. Dave wanted to know was it true. Could April have kids or were they being petty about the situation and trying to act as if she had problems getting pregnant and being able to carry full term. He did want more kids but if she couldn't have any he was sure that they had other options to do so. Dave was willing to do whatever he had to do that she needed him to do. They could and they would make it work. Besides he already knew April would be there for Kairi so April could love on her. It was a win, win for both April and Kairi. Kairi would have an actual mother figure in her life that would treat her like a real mother should and April would have a chance at being a mother.

Luckily for Dave he wasn't going to take shit Millie had been saying about April's pregnancy for face value. He was going to get the answer he needed directly from the source. He knew there was nothing like a jealous and petty woman and add another jealous and petty woman to the equation then they were going to spread any and everything they could and add their own bullshit to the recipe a recipe that would soon turn into a disaster. His woman was going to have his babies and he was putting it all in Allah's hands.


Dave was respecting April's wishes by staying on his side of the bed and not touching her but it didn't seem like she heard her own rules because she was damn sure making her way to his side and damn near touching him. He knew she couldn't help it though. First off she was sleep and she always gravitated towards him when she was sleeping. April was a stone cold cuddler. She liked to be held and loved to be touched and rubbed on. So she was going to make her way towards and on him regardless. That's why his ass didn't bother to go back and forth with her over her so-called rules.

As soon as her ass touched him Dave turned over immediately and spooned her. There was no way in hell he wouldn't. Damn this moment was surreal to him. He was back in April's bed, her cocoa and shea butter scent flooding his senses with familiarity, and her body pressed firmly against his like it was melted into him like that was where she belonged all along. He and April both knew that right here in his arms is where she was supposed to be and he hated that he waited so long to come back. Her body melted into his as her head nestled underneath his chin. Dave missed these simple moments with her.

Dave did what he always did when she was nestled up under him. He gently caressed her body slowly and lightly dragging his hand up and down her t-shirt clothed body. April's body responded to his touch like always as she shivered against him and sighed in content. He couldn't help but smirk. He still had an effect on her. Running his hand down her smooth chocolate leg he took it a step further remembering she was naked underneath her shirt and ran his hand slowly almost feather like up to her thigh to her stomach and up to her breast. As soon as his hand grazed her nipple April moaned.

The sound of her moan was music to Dave's ears. Her moan alone had got him hard making him lowly groan. She was the only woman who made his body react the way it did. He switched to her other breast making sure to show it the same attention. Then took his hand and ran it slowly down her stomach past her pierced navel and traced along her landing strip. Dave knew from the feel that she had just gotten waxed. Dave couldn't help himself he was going to get his dessert like he said. He removed his hand and slowly eased away from April making her whimper in her sleep and turn on her back as if she was searching for him which he knew she was.

Making his way skillfully down under the covers Dave made his way to his final destination with his face starring at her pussy with heart eyes. He wished the lights were on so he could see his cake in all its glory. His face was so close he could smell the freshness radiating from it. A peck there and a peck there he kissed along her kitty while he slowly opened her legs a little more. Fuck his fingers Dave split her pussy lips open with his tongue and then took his fingers and spread her lips open even more almost growling as the taste of her essence sat at the tip of his tongue. He was about to wake her ass up and devour her pussy. He slowly licked around the inside of her folds causing April to moan again.

That was all he needed to hear to attack her pussy. His lips attached to her clit and sucked on it hungrily. He hadn't done much but juice was already seeping out of her opening slowly trickling down her seams. Dave was about to get a taste from the source and drink that shit up. He moved his tongue around April's pussy like an expert as he lapped up her juices and sucked on her folds every few seconds making sure to pay every piece of it some attention.

"Mhmm" April squirmed about and moaned relentlessly not knowing what the fuck was going as she tried her best to wake up. She looked to the side to see an empty spot where Dave had originally been then slowly lifted up the covers to see him feasting on her pussy like it was the last slice of sweet potato piece on Thanksgiving and he wasn't trying to split or share with anybody.

"Fuck" she moaned out in pure pleasure tossing the covers off the both of them panting as her chest heaved up and down.

"Ain't no dream ma. I told you I was gonna get my snack" Dave looked up at her with lust filled hungry eyes and went back to work darting his tongue in and out of her creamy opening as his thumb toyed with her now swollen bud. April was a moaning mess. Dave could hear the sounds of her juice pouring out every time he took a plunge and lapped it up. "Dave" April moaned out his name as her hands found their way into his hair trying to get a grip but she couldn't.

"Nope" he bit down on her clit with just the right amount of pressure to make her pussy juices squirt out and rain down on him making her body to convulse almost as if she was having a seizure. "You know my name" he reached up and pinched her hardened nipples.

"Papi" she screamed as her body continued to shake as she bust yet again. "Papi...Papi" she moaned as Dave now kept her still by holding down her waist. There was no way in hell that he'd let her take his plate from him.

"Mhmm you taste good ma" he groaned as he kept his eyes on her watching her love faces. Her face exuded nothing but pure pleasure. His baby wasn't lying when she said she had that super soaker pussy. It was beyond just wet, wet. He was witnessing it firsthand. April had already squirted and came and juice was still pouring out of her. "Can Papi make you cum again" Dave asked and April nodded her head as she bit down on her bottom lip. Reaching up Dave pinched her nipples yet again rolling them between his fingers. "Words ma use em. Tell Papi what you want" he asked in a husky tone as his voice vibrated against her making her squirm. He was going to do it regardless but he wanted to hear her give him permission.

"I...I" April moaned as her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Come on tell Papi. I need to hear you say it" he teased her as he blew on her clit watching her body shudder.

"Papi" April screamed out. "Please, please snack on ya pussy Papi. Please make me cum" she begged and looked down at him with glossy eyes. His baby had tears running down the sides of her face.

"Papi got you ma" Dave latched on to her clit and placed his middle finger inside of her and groaned. She was super wet and hella warm inside. He pumped in and out of her slowly almost teasingly as she began to clench and fuck his finger. "Damn it" he groaned and added another finger. He was ready to bust her shit wide open. He latched back on to her bud and quickly pumped his fingers in the come here motion as he kept his eyes on her. Her eyes were tightly shut; her teeth biting down on her bottom lip, and her hands were caressing her breast. It was a sight to see.

"Papi I'm...I'm cumming" she screamed as her back arched off the bed.

"Cum for me" he continued pumping his fingers inside her hearing her juices make the sweet ole macaroni sound and clenched on his fingers for dear life.

"Papi" April screamed and jolted up as she squirted for the second time. Dave had successfully snatched her soul and watched it leave her body as she crashed back against the bed panting and convulsing trying to get her breathing together.

"Damn" Dave shook his head and stood up on his knees and looked at her body shake while he sucked his fingers dry then wiped his hands over his drenched face. Not a single spot on his face was dry. Yea his baby had that Grade A. It was certified. It got his seal of approval.

April looked up at him with lust filled eyes of her own looking like she was going to pounce on him at any minute.

"Like what you see ma" he asked then bit down on his bottom lip as his dick stood proudly in his boxer briefs.

April nodded her head. "I do I really do and as bad as I would love to suck, swallow, and bust this pussy wide open on a handstand I just can't...ya on probation" April said and laughed then immediately pouted. Dave couldn't do shit but mug the fuck out of her. He wasn't looking for anything in return but it hurt how she had just played him. "I love you though Papi" April laughed as he got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Dave sucked his teeth and grabbed a wash cloth out of the bathroom linen closet and headed to the sink. He wiped of his face and tossed the rag inside the hamper then grabbed another one and wet it with hot water, rang it out, and made his way back into the bedroom to see April knocked the fuck out booty butt naked. Dave just smirked knowing he was the reason why she had KO'd. Not trying to wake her up again he gently wiped her off then placed the covers back over her. As far as Dave he had a date with his hand. He knew a cold shower wouldn't do shit for him. Either way he was good. He got a taste of some Grade A pussy, he was at home with his woman, and once he finished busting his own nut he'd be going to bed next to his woman. Dave knew they weren't official...yet. But Dave knew that April knew what it was. Today may have been somewhat of a shitty night but his baby was in there knocked out cold with a big ass smile on her face. What more could he ask for?

-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Sorry there won't be a post on Wednesday. I want to spend more time writing up these next few chapters. I'm trying to get shit popping 😜. There will be a chapter up on Friday though.
-This was a chapter I was going to scrap but I said 🤬 and put it up anyway because some jewels were dropped. Dave knows that something is up and he's just waiting for April to tell him what's going on. He also knows that she did sleep with Chris. Not only that he is also questioning whether or not if April is actually able to have and or carry children.
-What's on ya mind 🤔 talk to me lol
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

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