56.1: Before the Storm

Chapter 56.1: Before the Storm...continued

"I'm a kill this bitch" Dave spoke through gritted teeth as he stood up himself. April knew that whatever was posted had to be some bullshit. She didn't expect any less when it came to Millie and her keyboard gangsta ways. She could say all she wanted to say but she was never bold enough to @ her or at least mention her name. That was the advantages of talking shit behind a keyboard you could say all you wanted without thinking someone was going to get at you. But Millie was beyond stupid at this point because April was liable to run into her at anytime. That's just how close she actually was so she could only hide behind the screen for but so long.

April immediately called Alaina back. "Sis you good" Alaina asked timidly like she knew April was actually ready to blow her gasket at any moment now and she was about right.

"Alaina where you at" April asked pacing back and forth with her freehand planted against her forehead.

"At home with August why" she replied and asked.

"Is it just y'all two or do y'all have company" April questioned needing to make sure that Hazel and Trey were nowhere around.

"Yea we're at our place. What's going on? What's wrong" Alaina fired question after question.

"Good, good I need you to listen to me carefully and do exactly as I say. There's a snake slithering around in our crew and we already have a plan in motion. No matter how you feel I need you not to do shit. It's already being handled. When I need you I will let you know but other than that I need you to fall back and play along" April said calmly trying her best to keep herself calm so Alaina wouldn't fly off the hinges. She knew with her attitude and how close she was to Hazel that she'd be on her ass in 2.5 seconds whooping her ass and asking questions later. April didn't need that at the moment though.

"What the fuck you mean it's a snake in the crew and there's already a plan? What the fuck is going on and who the fuck wants their ass beat" Alaina asked already pissed about it being a snake and being left out of the loop. April knew once Alaina heard who and what she had to say that it was going to be some shit so she had to make sure she had some sort of backup to help keep her calm and tamed as well.

April sighed and shook her head placing her hand on her hip. "Put the phone on speaker and go get August"

"He's right here"

"Ok bet lil bruh what I'm bout to tell y'all is gonna be some shit so I'm a need you to be on Alaina's ass. Don't let her do anything stupid or get herself in some shit"

"I got her big sis"

"You ain't got shit" Alaina snapped. "Now who's ass do I gotta beat" Alaina asked clearly ready to get shit popping.

"Calm all that shit down and save the energy for someone else" August said to her. April already knew what it was.

"Ok" Alaina sighed. "Now what's going on" Alaina asked again.

"Bet...Hazel aka use to be Thing 3 has befriended Agnes and they are pretty much plotting against me. Hazel has been telling her shit bout me since the day shit popped off between me and Trey. Everything Agnes has been saying and talking bout on the Gram has been coming from Hazel" April informed them.

"What" Alaina, August, and Dave blurted out at the same time.

"Nah stop fuckin with me. Hazel don't want this smoke. She wouldn't do no shit like that and have to deal with two crazy bitches. She wouldn't set herself up for failure like that" Alaina said not believing April just like Chris hadn't in the beginning.

"I'm dead ass serious. You already know I wouldn't lie or joke bout no shit like this. So Alaina I don't need you fuckin up me and daddy's plan. I need you to come home this weekend so me and daddy can fill you in face to face. August you might want to join her. As far as Hazel and Trey don't tell them shit this stays between us. I need y'all to act like everything is good between y'all. I can't afford Hazel to know shit and keep y'all personal shit to yourselves. She's not to be trusted and I don't know if Trey knows what she's up to but y'all know I ain't off his ass either so I don't put shit past him. Make sure y'all watch each other's backs at all times. I don't know what these bitches got up their sleeves and I'll be damn if somebody come for my lil sister and brother"

"Oh I'm a fuck that bitch up" Alaina snapped. This is what April didn't need. "Take a bitch in and treat her like family and this is the thanks we get. Fuck that bitch it's on sight"

This is why April didn't want to tell Alaina just yet. "And you will but not now. Chris knows what's going on too so keep this shit between the three of y'all. I need everyone on the same page for this shit to run smooth. I need to call Chris though. He's probably back in the studio and doesn't know what's going on and I need to read this damn post"

"You sure I can't fuck that bitch up sis. This bitch really had the nerve to call me and have me call you and she already knew what was what" Alaina asked dead ass serious. April already knew she was ready to fuck shit up that's why she was trying to keep Alaina out of the loop for a little while longer but now she had to be filled in. April had to make sure that her little sister and brother were both watching their backs because she didn't know what else was going to pop off and affect them. Hazel was selling secrets to the enemy and plotting against her there was no way to tell if she would do the same to Alaina or anyone else in there crew. So everybody had to be prepared for war and be on the same page.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on big sis but no worries I got lil baybeh. Call big bruh. We'll be in Jersey this weekend" August said. April already knew he was down for the cause no questions asked.

"Bet thanks lil bruh. I love you guys and stay safe"

"Love you too" Alaina and August said in unison then hung up.

"April what the fuck is going on" Dave questioned angry as hell. She knew he read the post but she was pretty sure he didn't know anything about Hazel and Millie plotting against her as well as their newfound friendship.

April looked at him and sighed. "I promise to fill you in right after I call Chris"

Dave looked at her and shook his head. She knew he felt away but she needed to talk to Chris and then she would let him know what was going on between Millie and Hazel. April wasn't putting Chris before him but she needed to make sure he wouldn't jeopardize her plans by snapping back on the Gram. "I'm going to smoke" Dave mugged her and walked off.

"Ok" April watched him walk away and phoned Chris. She didn't want Dave mad at her but she needed to handle this shit first. She already had too much on her plate.

"Apple you good" Chris asked as soon as he answered the phone.

"Yea I haven't read shit yet but that bitch and Thing 2 called me to tell me bout it. I had to fill Thing 2 and lil brotha in earlier than expected but it had to be done. I didn't tell them much but what they needed to know at the moment. I told thing 2 to come home this weekend so me and daddy can fill her and August in so y'all mind as well come together"

"I'm done with these bitches I ain't got too much to say anymore. They gotta go. Did you call Ebony" Chris asked clearly fed up and he had every right to be because this shit effected April and if it effected April then his child was being effected too.

"I'm a do it once I get off the phone with you. I just needed to know if you were good because I don't need you fuckin up the plan either"

"Of course I'm pissed I read the shit too and it I ain't here for it but I'm more worried bout you and the baby. I don't need you getting worked up or stressing over ain't shit bitches. Pops already filled me in when I was there so I ain't sweating it. I know this shit is gonna be handled"

"Bet we're good though I promise. I'm a just make this phone call and get up with daddy tomorrow. It's time to get the ball rolling"

"Cool you sure you good though. I don't want you alone tonight and I know ya not gonna go to ya parents" April knew he was worried. They both knew she couldn't afford to be stressed. At this stage they were both scared.

"I promise we're good. I'll be fine"

"Look, I know you and Dave are kind of rocky right now but do you think he'd come over and stay with you for the night. I know how you get and I need someone to make sure you'll stay calm throughout the night" he said serious. This shit never ceased to amaze April with how cool Chris was with her being with Dave. He had matured so much and she was so proud of him.

April sighed. "He's actually here as we speak so I'll ask him just make sure you don't reply or do something stupid"

"I'm straight as long as you and the baby are"

"Good because we're straight"

"Bet, keep me posted"

"Ok bet"

"Tell my lil seedling daddy loves him"

April smiled. Throughout all the darkness and fuckery going on in her life she had one thing to be absolutely happy about and that was their baby. "Will do now get back to work"

"Bet, talk to you later and keep me posted"

"I will" and with that she hung up.

"Can you explain to me what the fuck is going on" Dave asked and starred at her as he leaned against the opening of the living room arched frame.

April sighed and walked back over to the blanket and took a seat. "Come sit" she patted the blanket and Dave came and took a seat beside her.

"Ya baby mama and my so-called best friend is now frenemies. Hazel or should I say the slithering ass snake has been feeding Agnes certain information bout me ever since I came back from hashing it out with Chris. Remember I was telling you me and Trey had a huge argument" she looked at him.

Dave nodded his head listening. "Yea but you wouldn't go into detail"

"Well maybe I should actually let you know what was said so you'll understand the situation more clearly"

"Bet" he nodded his head again and April proceeded to tell him the whole story behind her and Trey's demise. By the time April was done telling him what had happened Dave's ass was pissed as fuck and this time his anger was towards Trey. He thought better of Trey. Trey was cool people. "So niggas out here questioning ya loyalty but ain't bring the heat my way like he ain't got my number or can't get in contact with me"

"Exactly but I handled that shit anyway which brings us back to why Hazel and Millie are now frenemies. I know my mouth can get reckless especially when I'm provoked or pissed off but Trey said some words that he couldn't take back so I went in on him. I guess she got mad and instead of telling me how she felt she pretty much went against the grain and told ya mutt certain shit bout me that I told her in confidence. At first I thought Agnes was just talking to be talking because she doesn't know me but nope Snake was feeding her ass bowls of Wheaties. I just found out they were scheming together when I came back from Jamaica. Daddy has the proof. There are text messages, phone calls, and pictures of them together" April told him everything as she tried her best to stay calm.

Dave looked at her like he had an ah ha moment. "That explains everything now. When I threw Millie out she said some shit like that's why we're still coming for her. I didn't know who the 'we' she was talking bout was but the way she said it, it seemed like she was up to no good. I called Unc and filled him in and he said he was on it" Dave said as he wiped his hands over his face. "So y'all already knew what was going on when I spoke to him. That's why he didn't grill my ass he already knew. So I'm guessing Hazel doesn't know that y'all know"

"Exactly she's clueless. We're pretty much letting her dig her own grave. I've been doing some plotting of my own and I'm a hit her where it hurts and make sure she feels it. As far as Millie I got something for her ass too" April looked at Dave dead in the eyes to see how he would react. Was he really Team April or was he just talking shit.

"Fuck that bitch. Do what ya gotta do. I warned her ass time and time again. Shit you and ya people warned her. This is all on her. Get a lick in for me too and while ya at it get one in for Lil Butt" Dave snapped. That was the reaction she needed to see because at the end of the day no matter how he felt about Millie she was still going to get handled.

"Say less" April nodded. "Did you read the post" she asked.

"Yea and it's disrespectful as hell. I would tell you not to read it but I already know it ain't no stopping you"

"You already know. Let me see it" April put her hand out for his phone and he passed it to her. She put the six digit passcode in and the phone unlocked. April went straight to the Gram and looked for Millie's post which wasn't hard to find. She knew she tagged Dave in it. That's how her people were still able to see her posts. Yet her punk ass still couldn't at her. As you can see Dave had no problem at all with April being on his phone. He had nothing to hide. "I see you still got the same code" April looked up at him and back at his phone.

"Felt no need to change it" he shrugged. April knew Millie didn't have his passcode let alone was allowed to go in his phone.

"Bet" April nodded as she found the post and immediately rolled her eyes. "Found it"

m_colon: There's nothing I hate more than a fuckin homewrecker😡 I know it's ya fault why David left me AND kicked me out. You were probably still fuckin around with him when we got back together. Yea I might've been wrong for pursuing him while y'all were together but what I did was different. I was fighting for my family. Anyone in my shoes would do the same for their child and the one they love. But I guess ya use to doing backhanded shit like that. You think you can give Papi what he needs and wants but I know you can't. He wants a family can you provide that for him? No disrespect to the women out there going through shit. But can you carry a child for a whole 9 months? No, you can't and that right there isn't going to keep Papi. Then again you're the type to raise other women's kids 🤭 I mean hey you already do it. Just know I'm not here for it you ain't raising mines. Now that's food for thought...

#backhandedbitch #youthoughtitwasover #justthebeginning #youlose

@random1: I can't understand bitter bitches like you. Dave what the fuck did you ever see in Agnes 🤔

@random2: Bitches be out here embarrassing themselves to the fuckin max but I'm here for it 🍿🍸

@random3: I guess we all know by now Agnes ain't bout that life. She stays talking shit but she hasn't @ nobody but Dave 🤦🏾‍♀️

@random4: Fuck all that how the fuck can you even call yourself a mother with the way you act and talk about women who can't have kids 😡

@bigBully: I guess you think you need a mother of the year award. I think NOT! We all know the truth but I guess you forgot.

@King_Shooter: @thing1AeleganceB lil sis if ya reading this just let me know when and what time the fight is going down. I need a good seat. Auntie Agnes out here wild'n in the streets for respect but still can't @ you

@things3_hazelneverson: You really out here still talking shit but won't say shit to my sister's face 😡


m_colon: I thought I was done but I had to come back. I still got shit on my chest. You couldn't keep the first nigga and you won't keep Dave. He always comes back 😝 I guess you give them what they want and once they get it they bounce on that ass. I wonder if laying on ya back got you to where ya at today 🧐 What were you doing using ya mouth, spreading ya legs, or both? Teach me the ways sis! By the way I heard it through the grapevine that Chris was blowing that back out on New Years. Was it good? I doubt Papi would like that shit. He's stingy with his he doesn't like to share. I hope you told him bout that...tsk, tsk, tsk. I told you it wouldn't be easy Papi @Dave_East. By the way are you still coming to the GYN with me? You know we gotta check on the new bun in the oven 🥰🤰🏾🤱🏾👼🏾. Call me...

#babybrewster#2 #itaintthateasy #checkmate

@random1: Bitches really out here in their feelings. That's not how you do shit ma.

@random2: Dave I know you ain't get this bitch pregnant again 🤔 please say it ain't so. I wouldn't wish her ass on my worst enemy 🤦🏾‍♀️

@King_Shooter: You don't even take care of my niece ain't no way in hell my brother would knock ya conniving ass up again. TRY AGAIN! You that mad he doesn't want ya ass. He moved on you should too before lil sis come and move you!

@things3_hazelneverson: Sounds like my sis really got you in ya feelings 😂 Why you so mad sis 🤔

@bigBully: @Dave_East you sure she's Lil Butt's mama? The disrespect!

@random3: Damn April and Chris fucked on New Years. I thought they been over 🤔🧐

@random4: This just sounds like a real jealous bitch. Tell us why ya mad son. Do you really think we believe you🤔

@random5: And this is why you need to be careful with who you have ya kids with. Shit is pathetic. Jealousy is not a good look on you Agnes. Leave @thing1AeleganceB alone she doesn't bother anybody. She be out here on her grind!


April didn't know if it was the hormones or that Millie really had her in her feelings and Hazel was the one helping her try to make April's life miserable. They were really out here trying to watch her crumble by saying any and everything they could think of and dig up. Her eyes teared up and she placed her hand over her mouth to stop herself from sobbing. This whole shit was getting out of control. Not only was Millie running her mouth making assumptions but she kept throwing her child's situation in her face. It was bad enough that she dealt with that shit on an everyday basis and the fact that she was pregnant now made the situation worse. She was already petrified that something might happen to her baby but she didn't want to speak it into existence.

April could care less what she said about her relationships because shit happens. Besides everybody knew that Dave and Millie's relationship was a joke so the joke was on her at the end of the day. She stayed embarrassing herself. Her ass had no job no nothing so everybody knew where her money was coming from but she seemed to have forgotten. Between Millie and Hazel they were trying their best to defame her character and act as if she slept her way to the top. April worked damn hard to get where she was at. She never once used her body to get ahead when it came to her work. She took pride in everything she did. In the world we live in today April made sure to do shit the right way because she never wanted anybody to think she fucked her way to the top. One she was black and two she was a woman so the odds were already against her so she made sure to do shit the right way just for this very same reason. But Millie would get what was coming to her because her new bestie didn't tell her about defamation of character or who she was actually dealing with. Millie and Hazel were both about to pay in more ways than one.

Dave pulled April onto his lap and held her closely. "Shhh baby" he looked down at her saddened and wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "None of what they said are true ma. They're just trying to throw shit in ya face because they're jealous and fuckin miserable. You know Millie ain't got shit to her name. So she's definitely in her feelings and as far as Hazel that bitch was never ya friend to begin with. Real friends don't do shit like that no matter what" Dave said as he held her close to his chest and rubbed her back soothingly.

"A hater is always gonna hate so you know that's all Millie but a real friend won't sit there and plot ya demise with ya enemy. The way Hazel is moving I don't think she was ever ya friend. She probably played her role to get what she wanted and for you and her family to help her get where she needed to be in life" Dave continued to speak to her.

"The people in ya life who truly love and fuck with you know the hard work you put in. They witnessed you on ya grind from the very beginning. They know that all this shit is vicious lies and rumors. I came after the fact. You were already and still established. I never questioned how you made it. I told you people will talk good or bad and sabotage you but you're gonna land on top. Shit ya already on top. So stop crying bitches just mad. You got my heart and my love and that's why Millie's in her feelings. You make ya own money and you don't need or want for shit. You out here living ya best life and they're big mad. They see that through all the bullshit that comes ya way you never let it stop ya show"

April heard every word Dave said and was happy that he was by her side at a time where she really needed someone. She tried to calm down the best she could because she couldn't afford to stress. She wanted to tell Dave so bad in this moment but she didn't want to jinx shit. April wanted to make sure she passed the first trimester before saying so. April wanted him to know that she could get pregnant, she could carry a child, carry his child, and they both could have the family they so desperately desired. They could be on big happy blended family.

April took a deep breath and straightened up. It was time to officially put her plans into motion. No one was going to have her in her feelings or threaten the health and life of her child. She had spared them long enough. Now it was time to get her hands dirty and make bitches pay.

"Thanks" she looked up at Dave and kissed him on the black rose in the middle of his neck like she used to.

"Ma no need. I'm here and this time I ain't going anywhere. Papi is here to stay if you let me" Dave said and kissed her forehead. April just smiled at him. Boy did they have a bumpy ass road ahead of them. People didn't want to see them win and all April wanted to do was prove them wrong because she had faith in them. They were going to make it. Yea it would be by a long shot and a miracle but they could make it.

"I need to make a call"

"Say less"

April picked up her phone and went straight to the contact she needed and pressed the phone icon listening to it ring.

"I was wondering when you were gonna call"

"It's time"

-Happy Reading hope you guys enjoy 😊
-🐶 & 🐍 really out here showing their asses. This won't end well at all and I hope y'all are here for it. I know y'all have been waiting so I had to start setting shit up so I could execute it the way I want.
-Agnes has posted about April & Chris's night on New Years...ouch😩
-I missed April & Dave 😩. I know some of y'all think she should've told Dave about the baby and she will it just won't happen when y'all think it should. I have everything planned out the way I want it to go. I'm going through the rocky road to get to all the glitter and gold 😊
-But yea the call has been made‼️‼️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

🛑 Both my baes done put out new videos so if y'all haven't checked out hubby's (CB) video Heat and bae's (DE) video Everyday make sure you do so. They were looking goodT‼️

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