55.1: Drunk Texting
Chapter 55.1: Drunk Texting...continued
"News flash...I'm pregnant" Millie cheesed like she had just won something but nope not today not with the way Dave was feeling. Dave shook his head and laughed right in her face. This bitch was a whole ass comedian out in these streets. But Dave was no one's fool. This was just the type of shit Millie would pull and he saw that shit coming a mile away. She just couldn't accept defeat and gracefully bow out so she had to pull some shit out of her ass like always. So here she was sitting on the couch smiling looking stupid as she rubbed her hand over her stomach looking at Dave.
Dave smiled at her and started clapping. "Aww shit congratulations to you and the nigga you fuckin" He smiled back at her. He knew what the fuck she was doing and playing at and if Millie thought he was blind to it then she was beyond stupid.
"Don't play with me David. You're the only nigga I've been fuckin" She snapped talking with her hands as her smile dropped.
"Do you really want to do this like really do YOU want to do this? I haven't touched ya ass in how long. Not to mention the only thing you do for me is give me ok top and let's be honest you can't even do that right. So try again. Go tell whoever the nigga you fuckin the good news. I'm sure he'll be happy because we both know I ain't the papi" Dave wasn't here for the bullshit.
The only woman getting his next seed was his woman...April. She'd be getting his next, his last, and the baby girl he already had. But of course Dave knew that anything could happen but he was playing it safe when it came to Millie. She couldn't even buy him condoms let alone pass them shits to him at home or put those shits on for him. He didn't trust her ass at all guess that should've been another reason for him not to fuck with her again on that type of level. If Millie couldn't take care of the child they already had together than why would he even bother having another one with her unfit ass? Let alone she was supposed to be on birth control.
"Who else am I fuckin and why would I lie bout something like that" she stood up and walked up on him obviously mad that he pulled her card.
"How should I know? All I know is it ain't me and I could care less" Dave shrugged and mugged her ass. He knew he should've left her ass alone and now the shit was biting him in the ass.
"Dave this baby is yours" Millie took his hand and placed it on her flat stomach. Dave snatched his hand back so fast and backed away from her disgusted that she would stoop that low.
"I'm not with the shit Millie but you already know that. I don't know why you keep trying me. I just want this shit to be over. This shit we got ain't working and it never will. You and I both know that. I'm done! I'll pack ya shit up and you can go bout ya business"
"I'm not going anywhere and you ain't touching my shit" Millie shouted with an attitude throwing her hands up in his face looking like a child having a temper tantrum. Dave knew she was looking for a reaction and he wasn't about to give her one. He wasn't about to give her an excuse to have the cops knocking on his front door.
"You mean my shit right because I remember paying for it. Ya lucky I'm letting you take it. I could donate that shit to people who really need it and someone who would appreciate it" Dave said as he walked away, went into the kitchen, grabbed the black trash bags he purchased last night, and headed into the living room with Millie following behind him still talking shit. Right about now all she sounded like was a pesky ass fly that he was ready to swat. So before it came to that point he had to call back up because she was trying to make him step out of his character. Both Millie and the whole situation weren't worth it. She already had him out here looking stupid so he didn't need any more of her bullshit or her drama or any backlash from his peers and others.
"Aye Cecil I need you to watch her while I grab her shit" Dave said to Cecil as he poked his head out the front door. Cecil looked at him and nodded his head.
"Fuck you David! Fuck you and that punk bitch. I don't know what the fuck you see in her. She ain't even checking for you. That's the only reason why you tryna get rid of me. You know how this shit goes. You know how I get" Millie shouted pissed as hell as Dave turned his back towards her then faced her again mugging the shit out of her.
He angrily chuckled. "You want to know what I see in her. I see everything in her. I see my future, my family, and my happiness in her. She's everything to me and everything you will never be. I love that woman. I'm head over hills in love with that woman. I'm infatuated with that woman. She accepts all of my flaws and praises all of my accomplishments. April's my light. She's my heart. Say what you want to say she doesn't have to be checking for me but I'm damn sure checking for her. I fucked up bad thinking I could make you and me work knowing damn well it was a disaster waiting to happen. I fucked up something good not only for me but something good for Kairi and I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get my woman back. If ya ass wasn't fuckin jealous, bitter, and petty you could learn a lot from her but ya still stuck in ya old ways. But I could care less what you do you gotta go" Dave went completely off and told Millie exactly what he saw in April and didn't give a fuck how Millie felt. She asked and he answered. April was good for both him and Kairi and she was who he wanted to be in both of their lives.
Dave looked her up and down before he turned around and made his way to and up the stairs to his bedroom blocking out all the shit Millie was yapping about. He knew that shit had to sting but Millie brought it on herself. As soon as he entered his bedroom he opened up one of the trash bags and started tossing shit in left and right. He started with the items on top of the dresser tossing perfumes, deodorants, and anything else that belonged to her. Dave moved to the dresser drawers and closet tossing everything not giving a fuck if the perfume bottles broke or lotions spilled open. All her shit had to go even the shit he brought her which was everything she pretty much owned. Three bags full Dave dragged those shits to the staircase and rolled them bitches down the long spiral stairs one by one.
"FINAL SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO" Dave walked down the stairs laughing. Millie started cursing at him in Spanish as she tried to make a mad dash towards him but Cecil was on her heels. He wasn't letting shit get pass him. "Cecil take out the trash" Dave looked at Millie like she was pathetic and she was. She was behaving like a child and doing way too much. The shit could've gone by smooth but nothing with Millie was ever smooth.
"Fuck you David this shit ain't over with my nigga" Millie yelled as Cecil tried to usher her out the house as she continued to make a scene.
"I keep giving you warnings but you never take heed to them. Try some bullshit if you want to. It won't end the way you think" Dave said mugging her as he watched Cecil pick her up and carry her out the house and out the gate.
"Laugh now cry later we still coming for that bitch. This shit ain't over" Millie screamed enraged.
Dave didn't know why but that shit struck a chord with him. He wouldn't show her but as soon as he closed and locked the door he went for his phone and immediately called Ian. Something was up and Dave wanted to know who the 'we' she was screaming about was.
"Hello" Ian answered on the third ring.
"Unc I think we got a situation" Dave jumped right to it.
"I just broke shit off with Millie and we got into a lil situation and on her way out she said some shit that rubbed me the wrong way"
"Feel me in"
Dave could tell Ian was in boss mode and in this case he had every right to be. This was another threat to his daughter. Shit it was a threat to his woman and there was no way he was going to take this shit lightly or lying down. This shit had him thinking about the conversation he had with Ian a while ago when Millie first made the post about April not being able to have children. Ian had said it seemed like Millie had been talking to someone who was actually feeding her information. Could that be the 'we' she was talking about? Dave didn't know for sure but he was damn sure going to find out. Dave took a deep breath and told Ian everything that Millie had said on her way out and some of the things she had said before he put her out. It was certain things she knew that she shouldn't have.
"Unc I feel it in my gut that you just might be right. Someone's feeding her information and the shit she's saying it sounds like it's coming from someone close. I ain't trying to have April out here blindsided by a jealous bitch and her minion" Dave said and sighed. This shit was too damn much. He wish he would've seen all of this shit coming before it even started. He wished he could've prevented it.
"I'm on it but are you really done with her" Ian asked. Dave knew he was asking because shit could get ugly and end up with a different outcome than expected.
"I'm done. I'm D.O.N.E! I know where my heart lies. I know where I want to be. I've already spoken to my woman and yea she's off me but I won't stop until we're good and back together" Dave spoke with conviction. He had no time for games. He was done with the games and wanted something serious. Dave finally wanted to settle down and plant roots with the one he loved.
"Bout time" Ian exclaimed. "Do what you need to do but if you heart my Peanut you already know what time it is. Everybody doesn't get a second chance to be with their person so you better grab this shit by the balls no homo and do what you need to do. If you aren't serious then don't even bother trying she's already been hurt before and she won't be going through that shit again and that's law"
"Heard ju Unc" and Dave did. He heard Ian loud and clear and had every intention of making things right and treating April the way she was supposed to be treated and this time he didn't have second thoughts. He knew exactly what and who he wanted. Dave knew this wasn't a threat but it was yet another promise.
"Listen, what I need you to do first is call a lock smith and change all ya locks to ya house and then call ya alarm company and change ya password. If you have a gate with a passcode change that too I rather you be safe than sorry. Agnes is moving shifty and there's no telling what she's up to and what she has planned so keep an eye on ya lil girl"
"I wish she would fuck with my child that would be the last time she fucks with anybody" Dave said getting mad just thinking about it. But it was food for thought because Dave really didn't know who this version of Millie was or what she was capable of. The shit she was doing was out of spite and sheer jealousy and jealousy could make people do anything. "But I'll handle the lock smith shit first thing in the morning"
"Say less"
"Aight Unc it's Sunday I know ya in there chilling with Auntie Anna so I'll let you go. I just needed to fill you in"
"You forgot someone. Ya woman over here too" Ian said and chuckled and Dave joined him.
"In that case how's she doing? I saw her yesterday and she wasn't feeling too good" Dave asked concerned just hoping she felt better.
"Yea Reek was telling me she wasn't feeling too good but she's good right now. She hasn't complained or anything" Ian replied.
"Good, good but I'll let you go tell Auntie Anna I said hey"
"Will do nephew and thanks for the heads up"
"Bet" Dave said and hung up. He wondered what Millie was up to and who she was working with. Whatever it was he knew she was up to know good and the way she was moving this shit could end badly. She clearly wasn't thinking straight or taking heed to anyone's warnings. The way she was moving she wasn't even thinking about how it would effect Kairi.
Millie stood outside of Dave's gate still in front of his house fuming and in her feelings. She couldn't believe that Dave had actually thrown her and her shit out of his house. Yea she had said some shit that maybe she shouldn't have said but she didn't care. But she at least thought she held some type of weight in Dave's heart but she didn't well not anymore anyway. She knew that April had now filled that void for him and that irked her nerves. Millie didn't know April from a can of paint and had only met her once but she despised the hell out of her to the point you would've thought that April had personally done something to her. Yet all April was doing was living her best life.
To her April had everything, everything she ever dreamed of and a life she wanted to live. She had a stable career, a billion dollar business, an endless amount of money, a mansion, luxury vehicles, brand name clothes, designer purses, a fuckin jet, jewelry, friends well some friends, and a family that actually gave a fuck about her. She had everything but David...physically and Millie wasn't about to let April have him without a fight. April had everything but she couldn't have Dave because Dave belonged to Millie even if she didn't really want him. He was off limits. Let it had been a regular hood rat bitch she wouldn't have even blinked twice but Dave couldn't have someone like April. Neither of them could be happy because she wasn't happy. Millie was just living this thing called life and she didn't think it was fair for April or Dave to have it all but then again she was too busy on the outside looking in. She didn't know their struggles and if she did she still wouldn't care.
Besides Dave was a typical hood nigga from the projects turned rapper what did April even see in him. Whatever it was Millie was his baby mama and she held rank so she thought so April wasn't winning this fight or this round and with the help of her new friend they were both going to make both April and Dave's lives hell. Millie couldn't understand why she couldn't have the type of lives April and Dave had. Then again she knew she could have had it all if Dave had still loved her like he use to but the love he had was long gone for her and that was way before April had even stepped into the picture. Then again she knew if she played her part that he would always make sure she was straight but she just couldn't help herself. At the end of the day it all boiled down to one thing and one thing only JEALOUSY. She wouldn't admit it but she was.
Millie unlocked her phone and went straight to her call log and found just the person she was looking for and pressed the contact.
"Ma what's up" he answered on the third ring. Millie couldn't help but smile. Yea she was fuckin around with another nigga and she had been from jump. The way she saw it was what Dave didn't know wouldn't hurt him besides her man was cool with it. He didn't fuck with Dave like that anyway.
"Hey daddy I need a favor"
"What can daddy help you with" he asked.
Millie sighed frustrated at the situation she saw herself in. "Ya boy just kicked me and my shit out he didn't even let me get my car" she rolled her eyes pouting as if he could see her as she tapped her foot on the ground repeatedly.
He deeply sighed. Millie already knew he was going to grill her. "What the fuck did you do" he questioned.
"Look I'm still in front of his place with my bags. Can you pick me up first then we'll talk bout it when you get here"
He sucked his teeth. "I'm on my way" he replied and a few seconds later she heard him pick up his keys.
"Thanks daddy. I'll meet you at our usual spot" The usual spot was nothing special just the corner of Dave's block. They had met up like this plenty of nights.
"Whatever" he said with an attitude and hung up. She knew he was pissed but oh well they'd deal with the shit later besides he wasn't the one who had just been kicked out like they meant nothing.
Millie looked down at the three large filled trash bags. To her this was some bullshit. "Well at least I get to keep my shit" she mumbled to herself smiling as she picked up one of the bags and started trekking down the street to the corner. Luckily Dave lived in a nice neighborhood so she didn't have to worry about anyone running up and stealing her shit while she left it to go get the other bags.
By the time her ride had arrived Millie was over the whole situation. Dave had kicked her out like it was a hot summer's day but it was every bit of February meaning it was fuckin winter time and cold as fuck. There was still black ice and mounds of dirty snow piled around and the temperature alone was enough to keep you in the house. He hadn't even come out to check on her or at least sent his body guard to see if she was good. Luckily she had her shit so she could at least be as warm as she could be at the moment.
"Now what the fuck did you do" the guy grilled her as he got back into the car after putting all her shit in his trunk.
Millie looked at him and then out the window resting her head against it but she knew it was coming. "I didn't see this shit coming. I hadn't done anything to him. Shit we were good yesterday. He basically told me we needed to talk then took Kairi to his parents and when he came back he was breaking up with me. He's trying to win back that bitch" Millie said angrily and rolled her eyes. She wished April would just disappear.
"Look I don't give a fuck what he does just as long as this shit doesn't fuck up our bag" he said and glanced at Millie and back at the road.
"Well I still get Kairi on the weekends and he gives me money for that and"
He cut her off. "Ma I'm talking bout the money shawty been passing out. We've been making some good money. The money you get for watching Kairi is a given"
Millie nodded agreeing. "True I'm a hit her up and let her know what's going on"
"You do that...that was easy money. I don't like that nigga and you don't like that bitch so why not cake off them. The way I see it it's a win, win"
"I'll handle it daddy"
"Bet" he nodded his head.
He was right the money they had been making was pretty good and definitely easy. They had already made quite a few thousand already so why not continue to milk it until they couldn't anymore. As long as the money train was rolling they were good. Millie couldn't afford to mess up another bag especially with Dave threatening that he was capable of taking all his shit away but she wasn't going to tell her man that, that shit was on the line as well. He didn't need to know that she sort of jeopardized it. Millie knew she'd really have to keep her weekend visitations going with Kairi in order to keep her shit because without Kairi she had absolutely nothing. Millie picked up her phone and went to her message threads opening up the one she needed.
The Bag💰🤑: Hey we got a situation. This nigga broke up with me and kicked me and all my shit out the house.
Margarita🍹: What the fuck did you do?
Millie looked at the text and immediately rolled her eyes. She wasn't trying to deal with anyone else's attitude at the moment. Dave had already been enough for the day.
The Bag💰🤑: Shit we were good yesterday. He's trying to get back with ole girl.
Margarita🍹: Bitch all you had was 1 damn job. You want that nigga miserable and I want that bitch miserable. This shit ain't over until that bitch crumbles and falls off her high ass horse‼️
The Bag💰🤑: Whatever 🙄 this is ya so called friends fault so don't blame me.
Margarita🍹: That ain't my friend fuck that bitch. You gotta do something to keep that nigga around. She's acting like she's off him but I know she still wants him.
The Bag💰🤑: Well she ain't getting him. I told him I was pregnant so hopefully this 'break up' doesn't last long.
Margarita🍹: Are you pregnant? NO! Some niggas don't give a fuck bout that shit they'll still leave.
The Bag💰🤑: If I know Dave like I think I do he'll do anything for his kids even if that means staying with me😝
Margarita🍹: Bitch if that was the case then why his ass leave you and kick ya ass out🙄🤔
The Bag💰🤑:🙄 Look going back and forth with you isn't going to help our situation. We need another plan. I can only play this pregnancy shit but for so long.
Margarita🍹: True, true I'm a need you to start talking shit on the Gram again. That shit got her ass hot last time 😂
The Bag💰🤑: Yea but did you forget how she went in on a bitch and got these bitches calling me some fuckin Agnes?
Margarita🍹: I did and you got paid for that. Look Dave just dumped you. You can turn this around on both of them so people will be looking at them instead of you.
The Bag💰🤑: That just might work. Now let's talk bout this payment.
Margarita🍹: You do what you need to do and the money will be in ya account once the job is done.
The Bag💰🤑: Aight I'm on it‼️
Margarita🍹: Bet
Millie looked over at her man and smiled everything was going to be just fine. Their bag was still secure and nobody knew none the wiser. April and Dave could have each other all they wanted but it wasn't going to be a peaceful union not when she was involved and her bag was on the line.
"Daddy everything is taken care of. We're still good" Millie cheesed at him as they finally pulled up to her spot.
"Good girl" he smirked at her.
Millie was so busy chasing a bag and being grimy that she never really knew what she had actually signed up for or who she was really fuckin with but she would soon find out.
End Of Flashback...
Dave shook his head groaning. Millie's ass was like a real life headache. Dave felt like she was destined to make everything and everyone around her lives miserable. He wasn't going to dwell on her too long though he had shit to do and things to make right. He picked up the almost empty bottle of Henny, looked at it, shook his head, and placed it on his nightstand. He was taking his ass to bed.
-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊 (Sorry for my lateness)
-Yes guys Papi is officially done with Agnes. He's not here for her bullshit! He done kicked her and all HIS shit out the house house 😂
-Do you think he did too much or not enough 🤔
-Millie is definitely mixed up in some shit 🤦🏾♀️
-If you ever wondered who Ian was talking on the phone with when he was talking to April about the 🐍 now you know...
-And um who do you think Millie's boo is and how close do you think he is to Dave 🤔
-As you can see Millie ain't here for Kairi that baby is just a bag for her so how easy do you think it will be for Dave to get up and move 🤔 that's if he decides to.
-Hazel, Hazel, Hazel she really ain't fuckin with April. She's out her paying fools to fuck up her life. Welp that won't be ending well and that's facts‼️
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you..that means you too 👻 readers 😂
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