53: Heartbeats & Dropping Bombs
Chapter 53: Heartbeats & Dropping Bombs
"A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty."
[ Author Unknown]
This was happening. This was really fuckin happening. Shit just got a hundred times real. By September April and Chris would be welcoming a bundle of joy and a dose of unconditional love. April was nervous yet she was beyond excited. This was one of the best moments of her life and a moment she really needed. This was her second chance and she was all for it no matter how crazy the situation looked or was. April knew people would talk whether it was good or bad. People were going to drag her all through the mud for having a baby by Chris again and not being in an actual relationship with him but she didn't care. It was a one night stand with the man she once loved and now they had to get ready for yet another journey. She knew that this was one of the consequences of having sex. Either way she would always be tied to Chris. It is what it is. Besides it beats getting pregnant by a nigga she didn't know and her child not knowing his/her father because she decided to fuck around with a random dude for a night. At the end of it all, all she wanted was a healthy baby and she was determined to do so. No one was going to fuck this up for her or make her feel like her baby didn't deserve to be here. It couldn't be said enough April deserved this piece of happiness.
It anyone felt any type of way then too bad too sad because it wasn't their life to live. It was hers and they'd either have to jump on board or go smooth sailing. April wasn't here for the negativity. No one but her and her child's father had to deal with the situation or raise their baby. She wasn't digging in anyone's pockets, asking for food, handouts, or anything else. Their child would be loved, well taken care of, and their responsibility. So if no one was paying said child's doctor bills, health insurance, buying his/her food and clothing, making sure he/she had a roof over their head, or putting up for his/her college tuition then whatever shit they had to say didn't matter. Just like when it came to her if you weren't fuckin, feeding, or financing her than your opinion didn't mean shit. April was a grown ass woman and still to this day she didn't regret her night with Chris and she damn sure didn't regret the consequences. She was already deeply in love with her unborn child and wouldn't change a thing.
Right about now she just wanted to live in the moment and embrace her little seedling anything else she'd dwell on and deal with later but this moment right here deserved all of her attention.
"Apple do you hear that? Do you see that" Chris asked excitedly while he held her hand and stared at the monitor in awe with tear filled eyes. April knew this was an exciting moment for him as well. There was there little seedling nestled in her womb now the size of a blueberry. Thud...thud...thud...thud could be heard all throughout the room. Their little seedling's heart sounded so strong and so powerful as it echoed throughout the room letting his/her parents know that he/she was definitely there and going strong.
April laid there smiling as tears slid down the sides of her face. This time everything was going to be different. It was already different. Chris was by her side ready to take care of his responsibilities and she didn't have to do this alone or tag her mother along. "It sounds so strong" April spoke proudly as she recorded the moment so she could share it with her family when the time was right even though she'd most likely send it to her mother today. April had even went as far as recording it on a little heart module so she could put it in a teddy bear. She wanted to cherish this moment forever.
"My lil seedling" Chris said in awe still staring at the monitor.
"Chrissy she's the size of a raspberry now" April looked at him and giggled. She was beyond happy. April was healthy, her baby was healthy, and she was just about to hit the 8th week mark. So she was two months.
"So what he's still my lil seedling I don't care how big he gets" he cheesed. "He will always be my lil seedling"
"Uh oh the gender war has officially started" the doctor jokingly said.
"Mommy Nora I ain't bout to argue with him. Whether it's a boy or a girl I don't care I just want a healthy baby" April quipped. Yes mommy Nora. Her GYN was her and Alaina's godmother and her mother's childhood best friend. April had been seeing her since she started seeing a GYN up until she moved to LA and when she moved back April started seeing her again. She was someone she trusted wholeheartedly. Nora was the only one who knew about Jr before her family just for the simple fact that she was her GYN but she never pushed April into telling her what had happened. As you can see when it came to business moves April liked to keep shit in the family so everyone could eat.
"I want the same thing too but I'm down for making a small wager" Chris chuckled and rubbed his hands together.
"Looks like I'll be getting an invitation to the gender reveal" Nora joked.
"And that you will Mama Nora that you will" Chris assured her still smiling. Nothing or nobody could wipe his smile away.
"Good now let me clean you up and go print out the sonogram. I'll print out a few extras. I know Anna wants one" Nora said and chuckled.
April shook her head while Nora cleaned off the ECG gel. "I know she already called you" April sat up and fixed her sweater then dried her face from the tears she had shed.
"You know I spoke to her this morning she's excited" Nora said and smiled. "I'll be right back"
"Ok" April nodded and watched her leave before putting her attention back on Chris. "So how you doing over there" she asked.
"I'm good. I'm great. Even with the conformation, looking at our lil seedling, and hearing his heartbeat I still can't believe I planted a seed in you. I never thought we'd get better yet I would get that chance again but here we are and I have no regrets. How bout you baby mama how you feeling"
"Boy bye" she laughed. "Put some respect on my shit. What you have with Nia is a baby mama but I'm ya children's mother. Same here though. I'm excited but you and I got some shit to talk bout. Oh by the way daddy wants to talk to you before you leave"
"Of course he does. I knocked up his Peanut for the 2nd time. I already know he's coming for my neck" Chris said as he rubbed his neck nervously.
"You'll be fine" April chuckled and waved him off. Her father wouldn't actually kill him off but April knew her father was just making sure Chris was on his shit and not on any bullshit. He didn't want April to go through what she had gone through the first time but April knew Chris wouldn't do anything but the right thing this time around. She was still down for Chris talking to her father though just to see where his head was really at.
"Tell me anything. That man had me on his hit list for years. I'm just getting off and I know I'm still on a thin line. I don't want those problems. But word shit just got real though. All the shit we put off and didn't want to talk bout we gotta discuss before I leave"
April sighed. They both had some serious shit to think about but the deed was done so it was time to boss up. "We'll talk bout it when we get back to my place especially before you talk to daddy. I don't want to send you into the lion's den unprepared"
A few minutes later they were receiving their sonogram pictures, saying bye to mommy Nora, and headed out the back door of the facility to April's ride. A quick stop at the pharmacy they picked up her prescriptions for nausea and her prenatal vitamins. The ride home was filled with light conversation and nothing but jokes. By the time they made it home April was tired and starving.
"You want anything to eat. I'm starving that smoothie didn't last at all" April asked as she made her way towards the kitchen.
"You already know" he rubbed his hands together and followed behind her. April washed her hands, dried them off, and went straight to the fridge and grabbed what she needed. "So whatcha thinking bout over there" April asked as she moved around the kitchen.
Chris sat at the island and sighed. "You're in Jersey and I'm in LA. I don't want to miss shit but being realistic bout the situation I'm gonna miss out on certain things that I would love to be around for. Yea I have the makes and means to travel but I don't want to be states away from my seedling. I want to be around for it all but I know I can't. I don't want this to be like me and Royalty's relationship where I get her for 2 weeks out the month. I want to be able to see our seedling whenever I want. I want to be able to come by and chill with him and pick him up just because" Chris replied as he got up and grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge then went back to his seat. April knew he wasn't done.
"At the end of the day I'll do whatever I have to do but I wish it could be easier. I don't want you to feel like you're a single mother when ya not" he looked at her.
April stopped what she was doing, leaned against the island, and looked at him. She knew she couldn't take him away from Royalty. She couldn't imagine doing anything like that. The way Nia was set up if Chris moved she'd make something out of nothing and have him back and forth in court over her own selfish needs. April didn't want a sometime or part time baby father or for their child to have to travel back and forth just to see or spend time with his/her father. Her child rightfully deserved to have his/her father in his/her life just as much as if Chris and April were together. She knew having both parents around was important for their child's growth and life all together.
April didn't want to be the type of mother where her child had to ask when he/she was going to see their daddy. It was bad enough that they weren't together so their child wouldn't grow up in a household with both of his/her parents. But something had to be done. This was something she had already thought long and hard about way before she realized that it was a chance that she could be pregnant. Just like April knew that one of them would have to make a sacrifice and she already knew who it had to be. She knew it from jump.
"Well that's something you don't have to worry bout. I've been thinking bout that for the longest and honestly I've been thinking bout this since Thing 2 moved. I miss being around and chilling with my sister. Besides she's been throwing hints here and there bout me moving back to LA and I didn't want to give her false hope but since we're having a baby I'm down for moving but only on my own terms" she said and went back to the stove.
"I still have my LA office up and running and finding a house isn't an issue. My only condition is I don't want to move while I'm pregnant. I want to enjoy my pregnancy, have our child in Jersey, and have my mother by my side throughout the process and when it's safe for our baby to travel then I'm all aboard. That way I can have me realtor find me a place and I can be getting things set up so by the time she's born everything is ready and all I have to do is move in"
"Are you sure bout that? I know you wanted to move but I didn't think you'd want to move back to LA. I'm willing to travel back and forth and do my part" he said sincerely but April was sure.
"I'm sure. Not only do I miss my sister but I'm making sure our child has both of her parents around. I don't want a sometime baby father and I don't want to take you away from my baby especially when we both know Nia would act a fool for nothing"
"April all jokes aside I don't want you to pick up and leave everything to satisfy my needs and make things easier for me. You have ya office, ya parents, this home, and whether you want to talk bout it or not Dave is here. I know you love him"
April turned off the oven and the pots on the stove then looked at him. "Thanks for caring I appreciate it trust I do but this isn't something I just thought bout. Like I said I still have my LA office, my parents don't mind traveling that's one of the reasons why I kept my place in LA. They stay there when they visit. My home is just a home there's nobody but me and as far as Dave let me worry bout that. The only thing I ask of you is to be at my appointments. I don't expect you to make everyone but I'd like for you to be a part of the journey"
"Ya not in this by yourself and you aren't alone. I'm here. I'll be there. I want to be there. Like I said I don't want to miss anything and if I can't make an appointment all I ask of you is to record it or FaceTime me"
April nodded. "I can do that"
"I want to be a part of everything. The gender reveal, baby shower, all that"
April looked at him and laughed. "Well ya on ya own with that. I'm pretty sure once everyone finds out our moms and thing 2 are gonna want to plan all of that. They'll probably ask for our input but that's bout it they are definitely going to take over. Shit mommy and Mama J are probably planning that shit as we speak"
"True, true" he laughed and agreed. "Damn no Thing 3"
April rolled her eyes and fixed their plates. "Oh you caught that...Fuck that bitch" April spat venomously and sat his plate in front of him while he got up and went to wash his hands.
"Wayment did I miss something" Chris asked taken back.
"Well Christopher the bomb that I'm bout to drop on you stays between the two of us until I figure out exactly how I want to execute my plan" she looked at him mischievously. April was plotting and she was going to hit Hazel from every angle she possibly could.
"April what the fuck happened" Chris questioned confused as fuck.
April took a bite of her food. "Agnes wasn't speaking out of her ass and pulling shit out of thin air. Somebody was feeding her information and low and behold Hazel is that snake ass bitch" April spat getting mad all over again. She still wasn't off that treacherous ass bitch and she wouldn't be until she dealt with her properly. She was going to hit her right where it hurt and watch as her world crumbled right before her eyes.
Chris dropped his fork making it clink against his plate and looked at April like she had lost her damn mind. "What" he asked and scrunched his face. Even he couldn't believe it.
"Hazel has been feeding Agnes information bout me. Daddy has the call logs, pictures, and texts. From what it looks like she befriended her ass immediately after the argument I had with Trey. I couldn't believe the shit either but daddy came through with all the receipts."
"Nah something ain't right. Hazel wouldn't do no shit like that" Chris still couldn't believe it which was understandable. She was highly trusted and was April's best friend and her sister.
"I didn't believe it or want to believe it either but think bout it though. When me and Trey were going at it she didn't even step in to stop him. She let him say all that bullshit without cutting in. But when it was my turn to go in she called my name trying chastise me like I was the one in the wrong but didn't check his ass. Not to mention when we came back from seeing Mama J she was nowhere to be found. Let alone she didn't even call or text me goodbye or call to see if I had made it back home safely"
"That's some fuckin bullshit. You and Hazel been connected by the hip since jump. If she was feeling a way she could've told you" See even Chris knew that shit. Everybody knew that shit besides Hazel so it seems.
"You would think she would but that's like the talk we all had. Some of the shit she was telling me was my first time hearing and if we hadn't had that moment she probably would've still been harboring shit and letting shit brew. Honestly the way shit is going down I think it's more than what happened between me and Trey"
"So how we handling this shit because she obviously doesn't know that you know? I didn't think she was this petty or fuckin stupid" he said angrily.
"You know I'd mop her ass all through these Jersey streets but right now I'm out of commission" April pouted at the fact that she couldn't physically get her hands dirty. "We're gonna keep this shit to ourselves so no telling Trey or lil bruh not even Thing 2 until I really need to. Me and daddy want her to finish digging her grave. Bitches be stupid. She knows how my family gets down so I'm guessing she just doesn't care or value her fuckin life. Either way I'm a fuck her up"
"Ya damn right ya gonna sit ya pregnant ass down but how am I gonna keep this shit to myself. She told that old looking bitch shit that was off limits. It's no telling what else she has up her sleeve or what else she's willing to tell" Chris said pissed off. April knew it was because he considered her as a sister too. Niggas and bitches were breaking all types of codes left and right and for what.
"Easy keep it to yourself. She's moving carelessly. I want to see what else she's got for me. She's so busy kicking my back in on the low and being petty but she forgets I'm the wrong one. People shouldn't bite the hand that feeds them" April smirked and said then finished off her food. "That's why I hate being mad at family and friends. Now it's like I got to go in and talk bout ya ass like ya some random bitch in the streets and make you realize just how important I am in ya life and how much you really need me. Bitches forget I know secrets too" April chuckled. Hazel must've forgotten that April knew a whole lot and could air her ass out but she wasn't petty like that. She wanted to do something a little more permanent and something that would shake up her lavish little lifestyle.
"Yea I def gotta talk to Pops. Ya ass is a hot head and it ain't no telling what ya planning. I don't need you in no shit that will put you and my seedling in harms way. If Hazels telling her shit like that then we gonna have to get rid of two bitches and soon. You need a smooth and happy pregnancy and if anybody comes for my fuckin child it's gonna be a fuckin problem" Chris was pissed as fuck.
"Aww look at you Papa Bear" April laughed a little. "Don't worry though daddy called Ebony and I'm a call her soon and give her the green light. She's gonna help take out the trash named Agnes and once this bun in the oven is finished baking and if I'm still feeling a way I'm going after her ass myself. I still want my one. I owe her a fade. Who am I kidding though I'm a still fuck her ugly ass up" April smirked. She liked getting her hands dirty every once in a while. "As far as Hazel no one is putting a hand on her but me and Thing 2 because once she finds out it ain't no holding her back and still then I'm a have to talk her ass down"
"This shit is crazy. The year just started and it's already some bullshit. It's never a dull moment. So are we keeping our seedling a secret too because if I tell Trey I already know he's gonna tell her the news" Chris asked.
"We're lucky bitches are showing their asses now so we don't have to deal with the bullshit later. As far as the baby you know I only want our parents to know for now. Once I reach three months than we can do the family game night you were suggesting and tell everyone else. Hazel is gonna find out too. Besides I gotta act like we're still cool especially if I want my plan to work out the way I want it to because according to these bitches I can't get pregnant nor can I carry a baby full term. But look at God and this banging ass pregnancy glow toting a gut full of you" April stuck out her tongue. She was going to rub her baby in their faces because one Hazel thought she had some shit to toss in her face and well Agnes she thought she would be the only one to ever carry Dave's baby. Only the future held that secret though anything was possible. Hey April had to make these bitches sweat besides she was great at being petty.
Chris laughed and shook his head he knew what it was. "See I already know ya ass scheming"
"And you thought I wasn't" April chuckled. "I'm bout to rain all over their whole fuckin parade and knock Hazel's house down brick by fuckin brick"
"Scheme, scheme, plot, plot" Chris said laughing. "I still can't believe she made friends with the enemy especially Agnes"
"Me either I can't even lie that shit fuckin hurts but I don't want to sit here and pout bout it. I gotta baby to get ready for" April smiled and rubbed her hand over her stomach. "Speaking of our lil seedling I know ya gonna do some hot shit in her bedroom at ya crib so I'm a need you to come and do a wall at my spot and let me tag it like I did it" April laughed.
Chris burst out laughing. "I see you still on that bullshit but yea I got you. I gotta make sure his room is on point. speaking of his room are you going to set up anything for him here" he asked.
April shrugged her shoulders still laughing. "See the way I saw it was you were my man so when you drew some hot shit my name should've been on it too because we were one. As far as the baby's room here I'll most likely will get the basics like all the furniture but I'm not gonna decorate the room" She replied it didn't make sense to decorate the baby's room and then move. It was pointless.
"Ok bet but um you need a nap. I'm done with you. My ass could draw some fuckin smiley face and you'd still sneak and tag ya name on my shit" he shook his head. See April had a habit where whenever he drew anything or tagged up something on the house she would let him do his thing and when he wasn't around she would put her tag beside his like she helped draw the shit.
"See you still don't get it. When you were drawing I was drawing through you" April said dead ass serious before she burst out laughing again.
"Yea take ya vitamins and when you done go take a nap ya sleepy"
"Whatever I ain't bout to go back and forth with you and I'm a go take a nap because I want to and not because you told me to" she rose from her seat.
"Go head I got the kitchen"
"Thank ya Chrissy" April grabbed her vitamins and took them before she made her way upstairs to her bedroom. Once she was inside she closed her door, stripped out of her clothing, put on a pair of leggings and an old college t-shirt. As soon as she was dressed she hopped in bed and under the covers and got comfortable.
This is when she had time to think about everything else specifically Dave. April had told him she wasn't going to wait for him and he had told her to live her life but at the end of the day she wanted him back and wanted to work on their relationship especially since she knew that he loved her and wanted to rebuild what they once had. All that was said before she even knew she was pregnant and not only pregnant but pregnant by Chris. Trust she didn't regret her child not one bit or the night she had with Chris because that was one hell of a night and something she needed but shit had just gotten complicated. Sure April and Dave weren't together while she slept with Chris but now she was a package deal. By all means he decided not to fight for their relationship and went back to his baby mama and tried to work on his family but damn. It wasn't like she wanted Chris or anything he just so happened to be the father of her children.
April hoped that Dave was serious about leaving Millie but would he really. She didn't want to jump all the way back in her feelings and her head for nothing. She knew if Dave really wanted it to work out between them then she would have to tell him about the baby ASAP. They needed to talk. She needed to know what his real intentions were when it came to her. See now she was a package deal so she had a baby to think about and didn't want just anybody in his/her life or somebody that was just around for the season.
Even with April being pregnant April felt as though Dave was still it for her. Her feelings never faltered but would he still want her. Shit it wasn't like she was looking for a father for her child because she damn sure wasn't. Her child already had a father. But she would definitely want Dave to treat him/her as if he/she was his own just like she would Kairi. If he couldn't accept it she would be ok and she'd just have to deal with the fact that he just wasn't the one for her because she wasn't going to deal with anyone who didn't care for her child. Her child was now her priority, priority number one and if anybody should understand where she was coming from it would be Dave. Would he still love her? Would Dave be there? Would this make or break them before they even got started? Would he be willing to pick up and move states away when the time came? April had to talk to him if she didn't she'd be in her head all day and that wasn't healthy especially after all the progress she had made. The quicker she talked to him the better. She knew she was going to have to invite him over and have a face to face once she reached the end of her first trimester but shit that was a month away. Whatever the case maybe she hoped everything would work out well.
-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Didn't really want to but I finally put a face to the name April. I know many of you wanted to know who I envisioned her to be so here you go I'm sticking with this cutie for the moment. Feel free to imagine her as whoever you want her to be 🥰
-April's baby is here to stay that heartbeat is strong, he/she is healthy, and he/she is the size of a raspberry 🥰
-Chris isn't here for the shits. He can't even believe that Hazel ass is a whole 🐍 out in these streets...
-Looks like April already made her decision. She's moving to LA in due time...
-Things just got complicated for April and Dave...first the baby and now moving. Those aren't easy to deal with. How do you think Dave will feel about all of this 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 😊
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰
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