52: Hi Daddy

Chapter 52: Hi Daddy

[Eda J. Le Shan]

Chris was downstairs in his in home studio putting in some serious work. He had a new album coming out and he was making sure he was putting his all into it just like every other project he put out. He had a few features but for the most part he had quite a few solo projects so he was working on those just pretty much going with the flow. He was going wherever his creative juices led him. He had been working on this album for a while and couldn't wait until it was actually ready. Chris couldn't wait for his fans to hear his new material. They always showed up and showed out when it reppin time. Just as he was about to go back in the booth his phone had gone off. At first he wasn't going to answer it but he said fuck it and did anyway.

Apples🍏🍎: Hey Chrissy are you busy?

Chris smiled he was wondering when April was going to hit him up. He had told her to let him know when she had made it home safe and sound. He had been checking on her all throughout her stay in Jamaica. From what he could see Jamaica had actually done her some good. She looked happier. It was like she was genuinely happy and he was happy for her.

Chrissy🕴🏽🕺🏽: Hey Apples yea I'm in the studio but I can spare some time for you. Sup?

Apples🍏🍎: Ok this won't take long. Are you alone? 👀

Chris scrunched his face wondering what was on her mind not really giving it any thought.

Chrissy🕴🏽🕺🏽: Yea what's up?


Looks like you're gonna be a father of 3 🥃🍾🤰🏾🤱🏾

Chris's jaw dropped damn near to the floor as he read, reread, and starred at the photo for what seemed like hours but was literally a few minutes. They were both positive. He couldn't do shit but smile a big ole koolaid smile smiling from ear to ear. This is the moment he had been patiently waiting for. He had been anticipating it for some time now. Fuck a text! What had to be said and what had to be heard he had to talk to her. A text wouldn't do it any justice so he facetimed her. As soon as the call connected and he could see April's face Chris was all over her ass.

"Apples are you fuckin with me right now" he asked his smile never leaving as he looked at a not only smiling April but a glowing April. To him her glow was off the charts and she looked damn right radiating and to know his seed contributed to that beautiful glow did something to him. It warmed him up inside. He shot no blanks the night he shot up her club even if it wasn't on purpose. The deed was done and now they had a little bun in the oven.

"Nope" April replied as she popped the P. "That's two tests Chrissy both positive. But I'm gonna call my GYN to get confirmation but before I do I wanted to see if you were free so we could go together. I know you wouldn't want to miss it"

Chris cheesed. "See if you can make it for Friday. I can be at ya place Thursday night and if you don't mind I can stay the weekend"

"Sounds good to me I have no problem with you staying. I know we have a lot to talk bout anyway. Shit just got real" she laughed. "But are you sure Friday is good for you" April questioned.

"Apples I'm there. I wouldn't miss it for the world" and he wouldn't nope not this time. "When did you find out? Come on a nigga needs details" he said excitedly. No one could take away this natural high away from him.

April laughed. "I actually found out yesterday. Mommy made me take the tests. I would've called you yesterday but I was going through it but I'll feel you in on that later. Right now I only want to share and spread positive vibes. This is a happy and special moment for us"

Chris wondered what had happened that she didn't want to share yet and how bad was it that she didn't want to ruin the moment. He just hoped it wasn't Dave's chihuahua starting shit with April again. She had stopped when April came guns blazing on the Gram so hopefully she had nothing to do with it because if she did he knew April wouldn't take this shit lying down. Right now she needed not to be in any bullshit that would stress her out and put their baby in danger. Whatever it was he knew she'd tell him eventually. But right now he was going to focus on the good news.

"Any, who on the flight back home I got sick and was throwing up then when I got home I threw up again that night. Shit was so bad it woke me up out of my sleep yesterday morning and I threw up again. I didn't think anything of it till mommy made me take the tests. I thought it was the jerk chicken and shrimp I had killed because I was going in" April said as she looked at him like she had just thought of something.

"I guess that's why my ass was killing off that damn jerk chicken and shrimp. That shit was delicious. I had it for dinner and woke up and killed the rest of it for breakfast. Then to top it off I woke up feigning for a hamburger with all the works and French fries. I should've known then that something was up because you know I don't eat nobody's burgers and I only eat ground beef in pasta dishes and still then I push it to the side"

"I knew ya ass wasn't glowing like that for no reason. I know you had that Jamaica lying up under the sun glow popping but it had some extra stank on it. That melanin was glowing, glowing" he laughed. Chris had noticed the glow a little while ago but he didn't want to press her because she didn't need any of that at the moment. Chris wanted her to take care and focus on herself and enjoy the moment alone while she had it. He didn't want her stressing especially not on vacation.

"You a damn mess but yea this glow is popping right now. That's that 24k melanin beaming at you" April laughed.

"Yea, yea, yea" he joined her. "So how are you feeling today? Is my lil seedling bothering you" he asked already giving the baby a nickname. Chris couldn't believe this shit. April was pregnant by him again and this time he'd be able to be there for her like he wasn't when she was pregnant with Jr. It was one of those bittersweet moments but a sweet moment nonetheless. This was their do over and a second chance to get it right and he was going to be there for her and their baby every step of the way.

April cheesed. "I'm actually feeling ok at the moment mommy made me some type of drink saying nana use to make it for her when she was pregnant with me and Alaina" April screwed up her face.  Chris could tell from the face she made that she didn't like the drink one bit. "But no ya lil seedling isn't bothering me. Lil Peanut is actually treating his/her mommy good at the moment. I am hungry though. Mommy should be done cooking in a few"

"Good, good...Yo I can't believe this shit" Chris damn near shouted ecstatic and still in shock but he was ready to take care of his responsibilities. He was on board.

"Well you better believe it because in a couple of months our baby boy or baby girl will be here" April cheesed. Chris knew she was beyond happy. "I do have a small request though"

"Sup" he raised her brow wondering what she had under her sleeve.

"I don't want to tell anyone till I'm at least three months. I just want to get over the first trimester safe and sound. My parents already know so I don't mind if you tell yours but just ya parents. I know Mama J is going to excited"

He laughed he already knew his mother was going to be over the moon. She had been asking when he was going to settle down and give her more grandchildren for a while now. Yea he wanted to be in an actual relationship before he had another child but it is what it is and the fact that the mother of his child was April Mama J was going to throw a fuckin party. She loved April so having child with her was a win, win for her.

"Mama is definitely going to be excited. Once she finds out she's gonna be on ya line. But that sounds good to me. We can have a lil intimate dinner or a family game night maybe both with everybody else when ya ready to announce it" Of course he didn't mind keeping the news to himself. He too didn't want to jinx anything. He knew the first trimester was crucial and he wanted to make sure his little seedling was safe and sound before sharing the news. Besides he wanted to fully soak it in and enjoy the moment.

"You know I don't mind. Between her mommy, daddy, and Alaina he/she is gonna be spoiled rotten and let's not forget bout you. But I think a family game night would be cool though. I can get mommy and Mama J to cook. I mean who says no to a pregnant woman" April laughed.

Chris couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. He knew they would cook whatever she wanted. "I see ya ass already plotting damn shame"

"I'm just saying" she shrugged and laughed. "Any, who I guess I'll let you go I know ya working, I see you in the studio, and I need to call my doctor and make an appointment"

"True, true keep me posted and send me a belly shot" he smirked. "I know ain't shit there yet but I want one each month so I can see my lil seedling baking in his/her mommy's oven"

April laughed and shook her head. "Sure Chrissy whatever you want"

"You know ya baby really gonna be on ya heels now" Chris chuckled thinking about how Royalty would react to not only April being pregnant but the baby would in fact be her little brother or sister.

"You know I don't mind. She'll always be my baby you know she's type stingy when it comes to me so I hope she'll be fine sharing" April chuckled. It was true though. When it was Royalty and her Apple's time than that's just what it was just her and April. Chris didn't mind though he appreciated the time April spent with Royalty.

"She'll be fine we'll just have to talk to her and let her know what's going on. She'll probably be happy that she'll get to see you more often"

"Long as she knows I'm not replacing her or going anywhere I'm good. I have a lot of love to give. I know other people wouldn't do half the shit I do and might think I'm crazy for doing so but oh well. Royalty might not have my blood but I love my baby as if she was mines. She didn't ask to be here and I wouldn't treat her any less than. She's Jr's lil sister and she's the big sister to our new baby so she's stuck with me" April said and smiled making Chris cheese even more. April was heaven sent and one in a million. He felt blessed to have her in his and his daughter's lives.  Chris was blessed that Royalty had a real woman/mother figure in her life in April especially with her mother being some timey.

"Nah I think you got it wrong. You're stuck with her because she's not letting you leave her for shit. You see how she acts when y'all be together. She be stuck to ya ass like fuckin glue" he chuckled.

"Fine by me" April laughed. "But I'm a let you go so I can call the doctor and officially start my day and yes I'll send you a belly pic. Ain't shit there but ok"

Chris laughed. "Bet, I'll check up on y'all later. Put the phone to ya stomach so I can talk to my lil seedling real quick"

"Lawd" April groaned jokingly but did as he said making sure she lifted up her shirt some.

"Hey daddy's lil seedling daddy just wanted to tell you that I'm happy ya in there baking. I love you already and I can't wait to meet you. Please take it easy on ya mommy though. Daddy has to get back to work so I'll talk to ya later" Chris said and beamed with pure happiness. He was really getting a second chance to do right and be there for both April and their child.

"Well we'll talk to ya later Chrissy" April smiled at him.

"Later Apples" he hung up still cheesing.

This baby was what he needed. It was a blessing. All the things he couldn't do with Nia while she was pregnant he'd be able to do for April and more. Just like all the things he didn't do for April when she was pregnant. This was his chance to redeem himself. He was going to make sure April was good, healthy, and happy this time around. He knew that being in LA and April being in Jersey that it wouldn't be easy but Chris was going to do whatever he could to make it smooth for her. Nonetheless he was extremely excited to be having another baby especially with a woman who was about her shit and do right for their child. It might have not been in his plans to be having one in the manner they were but he knew his child was in good hands.

Chris also didn't expect that just because April was having his baby meant that they would be getting back together. At this point in his life he pretty much accepted that he and April were only going to be friends. Honestly he was fine with that because one they made better friends than being a couple, two he wanted something new. It was no shade towards April at all because he knew she was more than a catch but their time had passed and he wanted a new start with new beginnings. Thirdly Chris knew that April would never be his again.  She might have not told him but Chris knew April was in love with another man that man being Dave.

He had no problem with it at all because April deserved to be with anyone she wanted. They had their time and he fucked up the least he could do was wish her love and happiness to someone who would love her wholeheartedly and treat her better than he ever had. Chris was down with just being her friend and the father to her children. There was no problem. Chris leaned back in his chair grinning from ear to ear. He hadn't received good news that filled him with this much joy in a long while unless it was about Royalty. Royalty was about to have a whole ass little brother or sister.

"Damn a nigga really bout to have another baby" he said to himself. Chris unlocked his phone and looked at the positive pregnancy tests again. He still couldn't believe it but the proof was staring him right in the eyes. Chris knew they had a lot to talk about but he wasn't going to sweat it at the moment. Shit was still fresh and April wasn't that far along. Whatever the case may be he knew that April would work with him and they'd be able to compromise so he wasn't too worried. By now Chis was even more inspired to go in the booth and do what he does best...make good music. Today was officially a good day.

-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Hiiiiiii guys I'm backkkkk‼️
-Welllllll Chris is down for the cause and he's excited about the baby. I have faith in him 😊
-Wonder How it's going to work out though he is in LA & April's in Jersey 🤔 but it's all about compromising so we'll see how it goes.
-Don't really have much to say but I'm excited about the baby and I can't wait to see what goes down...gotta get my own creative juices flowing now 😂 I got some writing to do!
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
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-Remember coloring the ⭐️ is FREE🥰

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