51: Backstabbers
Chapter 51: Backstabbers
"Be careful who you share your weakness with. Some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against you"
April lay in her bed with blood shot red puffy eyes and cradled in her mother's arm. She had been like this since not only her father but her mother had both dropped bombs on her. On one hand she was happy and still trying to register the news that she was in fact pregnant. She had taken all of the pregnancy tests that her mother had purchased and each one read positive. Now all she had to do was go to the doctor, get confirmation, and see how far along she was which she presumed she was reaching eight weeks which meant she was going on two months. Then on the other hand she was devastated. She had hoped and prayed that there was no snake in her crew and that Millie had been talking out of the side of her neck and pulling shit out of her ass. But for it to be Hazel someone she treated like a sister and was her best friend she felt betrayed in the worst way. The so called trust and loyalty they had, had been broken and there was no repairing it.
They had been best friends since 6th grade, did everything together, and April's family claimed Hazel as one of their own. They did more for her than her own family because most of the time they were busy ignoring her and once she was able to be on her own they stopped fucking with her because they thought that she thought she was better than them. April couldn't believe out of all people she would be the one to betray her. If anybody was the snake she figured it would be Trey but never in a million years did she think Hazel would turn into the enemy. Did she not know she was going to get caught or she just didn't give a fuck? Hazel had to know she was going to pay for this shit. Luckily for April she had kept quiet about the whole ordeal. Only she and Chris questioned a snake.
This shit hurt so badly that April didn't even go home last night. She stayed at her parent's and damn near lost it. April fell apart and became undone. If nothing had hurt her that right there had hurt her to the core she felt like she had gotten hit by a fuckin Mack truck. It was the ultimate betrayal between friends and she never once saw it coming. Hazel was someone she trusted with her life, her secrets, and everything else. Everything April had been through growing up Hazel was right by her side. When Hazel's family was wrapped up in their lives and in the streets forgetting about her and doing God knows what April's family had her back and took her in. They all loved her. When she was starving they made sure she ate. When she needed a roof over her head they took her in no questions asked. The clothes on her back and the shoes on her feet they provided even though they were struggling themselves. Whatever Hazel needed they all had her back and made sure she was straight. So the shit Hazel was pulling was a definite slap to all of their faces.
Laid up in her mother's arms with her hand laid lovingly across her stomach April didn't know what to do or what to think. All she wanted to know was why. Why did Hazel betray her the way she did? What had she done to her that was bad enough for her to befriend her enemy and turn into a snake? It couldn't have been for money because Millie had none. This shit was deeper than that. They were supposed to be best friends and sisters and if she felt any type of way she could've come to her like a real woman and let her know what was what and speak her peace. But to become friends with her enemy a woman she knew damn well didn't like her and then had the nerve to tell her, her business and not just any business but about her son. That was off limits and a major low blow. It was the ultimate no, no. You don't do shit like that especially not to someone you call your best friend and sister. Real friends don't do fuck shit like that. She had Trey questioning her loyalty when he should've been questioning his bitch. The way Hazel was selling secrets April knew she had felt some way for some time now and not just after the shit that went down between her and Trey.
"Shh...shh I know it hurts baby girl but we'll handle it. I know it's a lot to take in but I need you to calm down not only for yourself but for my grandbaby" her mother said as she stroked her hair trying her best to soothe her.
April knew she was right and she was trying not to stress about it because this time around she was determined to have a successful and happy pregnancy but damn it was hard. She wasn't going to let this bullshit ruin another pregnancy by snatching away her happiness and fucking up her health. April was convinced that people just didn't want to see her happy. They didn't want to see her win. Whenever she got a glimpse of happiness and a little bit of peace somebody had to pop out the woodwork and pull the wool over her eyes. She was sick and tired of the bullshit and petty ass females well besides her-self because she knew her ass could get real petty at times but it wasn't her fault. People liked to bring the mean out of her.
"I promise she won't get away with this shit but I need you to be strong. This isn't the time to let a bitch try to crack you. You know what time it is and what has to be done" her mother said then kissed her in her hair and placed her hand on top of April's which was still resting on her stomach.
"Mommy I'm pregnant and I'm supposed to be happy and living in the moment but how can I be completely happy when one of the people I'm supposed to share this special moment with is a fuckin snake in the grass ass bitch. After everything we been through, everything I did for her, and everything y'all did for her. How could she fuck me over like that? This is some bullshit I'm pregnant and can't even give the bitch a proper ass whooping" April whined. "That makes two bitches whose ass I can't whoop" April spat angrily. She was pissed the fuck off. This shit was just not fair. "Sorry for cursing mommy but I'm beyond pissed"
Ananda looked down at her and laughed. "Now that's something you don't have to worry bout. That's already being handled. Fuck them bitches. Ebony is already waiting on your call. You already know she's down with the fucks. She's just waiting on you to say the word so don't even stress over that. I'm a allow you this day to shed all the tears you want but come tomorrow that's it. You have more important matters to worry bout now" her mother was not here for the shits and she was going to make sure that both Hazel and Millie would be handled properly. Most importantly she was going to make sure that her daughter was all the way good. There was no way in hell that she'd allow her child to be miserable during her pregnancy nope not this time. Ananda was going to make sure she was happy, healthy, and enjoying her pregnancy like she should. There was no time for a part two not now and not ever.
"I still can't believe this shit" April said in disbelief as she thought back to last night.
"Aight, daddy lay it on me. Who's the snake" April asked as she took a seat ready to hear the news. She had to put the pregnancy results to the side and focus on one thing at a time. She needed to know who was out here telling her business and not getting their facts straight.
Ian looked at her and sighed. From the look on his face April knew he was about to drop a major bomb on her. "It's...its Hazel"
"It's positive" Ananda said at the very same time as Ian as she barged into the office cheesing while holding the stick in her tissue laced hand.
April didn't know which way to turn, what was her left from her right, or up from down. All she knew was that she had heard wrong. She had to because this didn't make any sense. She abruptly stood up and damn near fell to the floor but luckily her father was right by her side to catch her before she fell. Immediately going into father mode Ian picked her up bridal style and laid her down on the leather couch in his office while her mother never left her side. Ananda took a seat as well and placed April's head in her lap. While Ian sat down at the other end and placed her feet in his lap. April's head was spinning in all type of directions. She didn't know what she had heard at this point. Everything sounded foreign.
"Peanut you good" her father asked worried as he looked up at her while her mother ran her fingers through her curly tresses soothingly.
"No, no I'm not" she answered honestly. "I don't think I heard you correctly" April said as she looked at her father just hoping that what he said was a mistake, a huge mistake because it just couldn't be true. Ian sighed again and took her hand into his. He knew she was a little fireball and if she didn't keep cool everything would go left and she'd be out in the streets trying to tag bitches left and right when she didn't need to be living that life. "It's Hazel"
Both April and Ananda looked at him like he had said some bullshit because Hazel wasn't that type of person. She wouldn't do any backhanded shit like that to her. "Hazel Monet Wright my best friend, my sister, Thing 3" April said in a questioning tone and abruptly stood up starring at her father. She needed some kind of confirmation some proof or something because she just couldn't believe it.
"Baby girl I need you to take it easy" Ananda spoke up concerned but April's mind was entirely on something else.
"I'm positive it's her. I have pictures of them together. I have their call logs and text messages" Ian said pissed but he was trying to keep it together.
If he got riled up all it would do was make April riled and ready to pop off with him. She was always ready to go to war with him and stand by his side. The shit had hurt him too when he found out it was Hazel. She wasn't just his daughter's best friend but she was his daughter too. He loved and cared for her. He took care of her. She might have not had their blood but he treated her as such. So to know she betrayed his Peanut it felt like she had betrayed him as well and when you think about it she betrayed them all.
April laughed. "You gotta be shitting me. It's always the ones you least expect and then for her to actually be out and about with her in person" April said as her eyes teared up and shook her head. She couldn't and didn't want to believe it but her father wouldn't joke around about something like that. "I swear these bitches want to see me in jail. They must think I look good in orange. I guess they forgot I'm really bout that life. She gotta get her ass whooped too" April said while she paced back and forth pissed as fuck. She thought she'd only have to go after Millie and now she had to go to war with a bitch who was supposed to be her sister and right hand man besides her little sister.
Ananda sat there quietly looking at her daughter. She knew what time it was and what had to be done. She hated when she had to revert back to the lifestyle that they had somewhat left behind but people needed to know that her family wasn't to be fucked with especially when she knew her kids weren't out here starting trouble. She knew April couldn't do shit at the moment but she was going to make sure she got handled even if she had to make the arrangements herself. Hazel had officially fucked up and literally bit the hand that fed her and still feeds her till this day. Now it was time to watch her starve and hang her ass out to dry. Ananda already knew that once April got over the initial shock she was going to fuck shit up and once her little baby Alaina got word of the treachery then it was definitely going down. April alone was someone you didn't want to fuck with but add her little sister to the mix they were definitely a force to be reckoned with. They could go toe to toe with some of the best.
"How long have they been in contact" April asked because the only thing she could think of and made sense is the shit that went down between her and Trey when she was in LA to talk to Chris. If she was doing all of this because of Trey a fuckin nigga then she was a whole ass bitch.
Ian looked at her and clenched his jaw and nodded his head. "It was after you came back from talking to Chris" Ian said and confirmed her suspicion.
April really couldn't help but laugh. This shit was sad but it was funny. "So this bitch is in her feelings bout me man handling her fuckin man. After that nigga came at me all types of sideways and she still chose his side. Fine by me" April shrugged and looked at her mother. She had been quiet for a while now. April knew she was sitting there silently plotting.
"Like I said I need you to play this one the right way. She doesn't know that we know or that we even suspect that it's a snake in ya crew. So whatever you do I need you to play it safe and accordingly. I already have her under surveillance and being followed"
"No worries I got it" April said and waved it off trying to keep it together. The more she thought about it the more the shit really hit her. Her best friend was whole ass snake out in these streets over some nigga. She was disappointed that she would stoop that low especially with an ain't shit type of bitch. What could she get out of partnering up with Millie? There was nothing to gain from it.
"Enough of this bitch I got good news" Ananda finally spoke up and smiled at April. Both Ian and April gave her their full attention.
"What's going on mama" Ian asked. At this moment they could use some good news.
Ananda stood up and approached April. "Its positive baby girl" she passed April the pregnancy test.
April looked down at the stick and saw pregnant as clear as day. She couldn't contain her emotions at this point. She placed her hands over her eyes and bawled her eyes out. "Mommy is this real" April asked as she looked up at her not wanting to be disappointed.
After everything she had been through and was going through this right here was her special piece of happiness and no one would or could take it away from her this time. She wouldn't allow them to. April deserved this and didn't care about how anyone else felt or would feel about it. She didn't care who the father was because at the end of the day it was her baby and he or she wouldn't want or need for anything. He or she would be well taken care of and loved dearly. This would be her second chance at being a mother and she was going to embrace it and live in her special moment.
"Its real baby girl" her mother replied with tears in her eyes. "It's real" she reassured her.
"Oh my God...oh my God" April wiped her eyes as tears continued to fall then looked down at her stomach. "My lil baby" she whispered.
"Huh wayment" Ian spoke up as he finally joined them and looked at April's hand on her stomach and the pregnancy test in her other hand. "My Peanut is having a lil Peanut" he said as his own eyes teared up. He was never one to cry but sometimes he had to let a tear or two drop and this would be one of those moments. He was actually happy for his Peanut. He thought she deserved it. His Peanut would get to experience motherhood and he and his wife would be grandparents. He'd be able to spoil them rotten like he does his wife and daughters and he couldn't wait.
"Yes" April cheesed.
"Congrats Peanut" he hugged her tightly. "This is ya second chance. Mama and me are gonna be by your side every step of the way. We're gonna make sure this one runs smoothly. First thing first we're calling Ebony so she can take out the trash. We'll leave Hazel alone for a second because I want her to continue to dig her grave. I want to slowly watch her suffer because she forgot something real important and she needs to be brought back down to Earth" Ian said dead ass serious. Hazel didn't know what she was in for. Hazel was a whole fool because she didn't know just how long April's or Ian's names reached and what they had their hands in.
"This explains why you killed that burger the way you did and got all sad over a damn French fry" Ian laughed.
"I guess it does" April and her mother laughed. Ian pulled back and looked at her smiling.
"Looks like I have to have a talk with Chris"
April scrunched her face confused. "Why" she asked.
Ian chuckled. "Because I know that he's my grandbaby's father" he said as a matter of fact and smirked while Ananda laughed.
"How you figure that" April questioned still puzzled on how he knew.
"You know I know everything. Let's just say I remember him walking you back to ya room on New Years but I never seen him come back down to the party" Ian said and smirked.
"Ouuu I'm done" Ananda cackled.
"See what had happened was...So yea um...I need to go let all of this sink in" April blushed and smooth walked away heading to her bedroom as she heard her parents laughing behind her. It seemed as soon as she entered her bedroom and closed the door everything had hit her all at once leading back to this very moment.
Present Time...
"Mommy what am I gonna do" April asked sadly. She was supposed to be back at work and enjoying her first day back but no she had to take an extra day off to regroup and get her mind right.
"You're gonna put ya big girl panties on and take care of business. Talk to Ebony and come up with a plan to get back at Agnes. We'll leave Hazel alone and let her continue snaking her ass along in the grass. You're gonna make an appointment with Nora and check on my grandbaby. Then ya gonna go back to work and continue ya life while you get ready for the baby" her mother said as if she had thought everything through and knowing her she probably did.
"First things first I need to call Chris and see if he's free because I know he would want to be there for the first appointment. That's something he doesn't want to miss out on"
"Then get to it lil mama. It's still early enough to call Nora and Chris so you can schedule the appointment accordingly"
"Guess ya right" April smiled at her mother. She was so grateful to have the loving and caring parents that she did. They were always by her side and there for her. Her family's support system was amazing.
"Now get to it" her mother kissed her in her hair again and untangled herself from April's embrace then rose from the bed. "If you need me I'm here. I'll go make you something to eat. I don't need you starving my grandbaby" she said and smiled. As you can see Ananda was thrilled about the baby as well.
April smiled back. "Thanks mommy I love you"
"Love you too baby girl" Ananda said as she made her way out the room.
As soon as Ananda left the room April picked up her phone, opened up her and Chris's text thread, and sent him a message. She couldn't wait to see how he would respond.
Chrissy🕴🏽🕺🏽: Hey Chrissy are you busy?
Apples🍏🍎: Hey Apples yea I'm in the studio but I can spare some time for you. Sup?
Chrissy🕴🏽🕺🏽: Ok this won't take long. Are you alone? 👀
Apples🍏🍎: Yea what's up?
Looks like you're gonna be a father of 3🥃🍾🤰🏾🤱🏾
-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-I don't even know what to say...like Hazel a real ass snake out in these streets...not to mention she not even giving out the facts she's telling half ass stories 😤 but Pops came through with all the receipts...
-Do you think it's more to the story on why Hazel betrayed April or is it just about Trey🤔
-For those who kept asking if April is pregnant yes, yes she is🤗
-How do you think Chris will react 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 😊
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you🥰
-If you want to know when I'm updating or want to keep up just follow me I'm always posting on my wall 😊
-I'm going to try to upload at least twice a week on Wednesdays & my usual Friday's but don't hold me to it just yet...I want to have enough chapters already written so I'm not spreading myself to thinly...
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