48: Truth Is

Chapter 48: Truth Is

Baby, the truth is I need you in my life
I know that you're my wife
You're perfect in my eyes, yeah
Truth is I prayed for you
Truth is I was made for you
Truth is you make me better
Girl, I'm thankful you're my angel now
I'm only making love to you (Truth is)
So in love with everything you do (Truth is)
You're perfect in every way
You don't have to change a thing (Yeah, yeah)
Baby, the truth is that I can't live without you
[Truth Is: Vedo]

Dave stood in front of April starring at her with so much love, passion, and admiration in his eyes with her face still cupped in his hands and his emotions running wild. Yet he didn't know what to say or what do. He felt like a rock stuck in a hard place. Here stood the woman of his dreams and the woman he truly wanted and needed. The woman who made him happy, the woman he saw his future with, and yet he belonged to someone else. But April loved him. She really and truly loved him and now he knew that she felt the exact same way he did because he damn sure loved her. There was no question about it. This moment was surreal. This moment is the moment Dave seemed to wait a lifetime for maybe even an eternity.

To hear those three words come from her lips set his soul ablaze. It was on fire and woke him up from the trance he seemed to be buried deep in. It was like he could see the sun shining ever so brightly drawing away all the darkness and he could finally hear the birds chirping loud and clear. Dave had truly fucked up he played right into Millie's little trap. He knew he was holding on to what could have been when in reality he already knew what it was. Fucking with Millie was a huge mistake. In that very moment Dave finally realized what everybody had been telling him. His happiness mattered too. Kairi was always going to be happy and he was going to make sure of that. Now it was his turn to work on his happiness. He may have not deserved it anymore but he damn sure was going to earn it.

Dave kept his eyes locked on April as she kept her eyes locked on his. No words needed to be exchanged. He knew he needed to fix the mess that he had willingly created. He had to make things right. He knew he would never be happy with Millie. He was just settling on the what ifs and trying to live that picture perfect family life that was nonexistent from jump. In his perfect family Millie didn't exist. Maybe she did once upon a time but not anymore. His wheels were turning and he knew something had to be done and soon. Dave didn't want to wake up another day without April being in his life and by his side where she belonged. He felt that six letter word hitting him like a boulder sitting heavily on his chest and suffocating him. REGRET...regret for not fighting for the woman he loved. Regret for not sticking up for his own happiness. Regret for letting her walk away. Regret for making them both suffer without each other for months on end.

"Now what" April repeated breaking the silence.

"I'm gonna fix this. I promise I'll make things right" Dave answered with pure determination. You could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. He was not going to live another day without her.

April chuckled. "You do know it won't be easy right. I make no promises to wait on you to get right. I'm no one's runner up and I'm damn sure not a rebound. I won't be that woman not for you or anybody else. You had ya chance to make something out of us and yet you chose Agnes over me knowing damn well that I was it for you. But like I said I'm finally happy and I plan on staying this way"

Dave knew she wasn't bluffing. She had a look about her that he knew something was different about her. This wasn't the same woman he met six or so months ago. "After everything you've been through and all the unnecessary bullshit I put you through I wouldn't dare ask you to wait. It's my mess. I need to clean it up and do the shit the right way. Whatever I have to do to make it back to you I'm willing to do. I'm going to do" Dave was on a mission a mission to right his wrongs.

"Who said I was interested in you though or even checking for you? I've been in Jamaica for a whole ass month. My eyes could be set on a sexy ass Jamaican man at the moment. For all you know some other nigga could be occupying my time" April smirked and rolled her eyes.

It sounded like she was teasing him but they hadn't been cool for a long while so he didn't know what to think. Could there be someone else? Could she really be out here entertaining another man? He didn't even want to think about another nigga with his woman because yes April was his and he was going to make sure that she knew she was his.

"Do you, live ya life just know that I'm fighting for you and I won't stop fighting for you. I'm fighting for us"

"Boy bye been there done that. I heard that bullshit before" April removed his hands from her face and smacked her lips. "I actually heard it from you"

"Don't worry I'll show and prove it to you"

"Is this the part where I'm supposed to jump for joy and thank the heavens above because you finally woke up or am I supposed to drop my panties and bust it wide open for you? Am I supposed to jump in ya arms and yell yes Papi's home like I won a fuckin prize? Jackpot Papi's home I just hit the fuckin lotto" April exclaimed sarcastically and sucked her teeth. Dave knew she was off him.

"You love me! How am I supposed to believe you? You love me so much but once you leave here you'll be going right back home to play house with Agnes. I highly doubt you kick her ass out or leave her alone. You don't love me you love the idea of me. If you loved me then why did it take for me to tell you I love you for you to say it and for you to want to make shit right? How am I supposed to believe what you say is true? How"

Dave pulled April back into his arms and smashed his lips into hers shutting her up instantly and causing him to moan into the kiss. The feel of her lips pressed against his felt like fireworks going off on the 4th of July. Every last one of his senses erupted with familiarity like each individual one had missed April and they did. Of course April fought him for a few seconds but soon melted into his embrace and started kissing him back. Dave scooped her up in his arms, wrapped her legs securely around his waist, and pushed her back flush against the nearest wall taking all of her in as they kissed each other hungrily. It was without a doubt that they had missed each other. Dave didn't want the moment to end.

In that very moment April came to her senses and pulled away and just stared at him. Damn he missed looking into her chocolatey brown eyes. He missed his woman period point blank. Wanting to stay in the moment for just a little while longer Dave placed his forehead against hers and slowly took in her scent. April wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed the same way Kairi did when she was in his arms and content. Dave knew this right here is where she wanted to be. April wanted to be with him but he knew she wasn't going to make it easy for him and he'd have it no other way. He knew he was going to have to kiss some ass and put in work.

"I love you David but you hurt me" April said above a whisper.

Dave sighed and his heart felt heavy. He knew he had done some damage to her and that too made him feel like shit. "Look you don't have to jump or yell that I'm home. You don't have to do anything. You aren't the one that fucked us up. I still had my baggage and instead of throwing it out I decided to keep it and that's no one's fault but mines. What you don't have to do is question my love for you. My love for you is as real as it gets. The scary part of it all is that I fell in love with you the first time I spent the night at ya crib. It was the same day I saw you as my future. I saw ya future. I saw my future. I saw our future. I knew then what it was but I didn't want to scare you away when we were just getting started" Dave said and took a deep breath. He had also been holding that in for a long time as well.

"But you let me walk away. Why don't y'all ever fight for me" April looked up at him. He knew she wasn't looking for an answer. It was her thinking out loud. It was her being vulnerable.

"Don't do that. I know just as well as Chris knows that you are more than worth fighting for. We're just stupid so don't fault yourself. I spent way too many nights without you. I don't want to spend anymore without you by my side. I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I miss falling asleep and waking up with you in my arms. I miss talking to you for hours at a time to the point we both fall asleep on the phone. I miss you coming to the studio and vibing out with me. I miss you talking shit. I miss you being bold and blunt and ready to pounce on a nigga. Ma I miss everything bout you" Dave confessed.

April looked up at the ceiling and back at Dave. "I just knew me and you wouldn't go through no shit like this. I expected more from you. I thought you were ready to move on but I also knew Millie still had a hold on you. I saw the signs and I ignored them. I'm so serious Dave I've come a long way I'm not going back to the place I was at. I'm done feeling sad and waiting for you to get it right. I just want to continue living my best life. I don't have time to stress over a nigga and a petty ass bitch whose man doesn't even want her" April kept her eyes on him. He just wanted to make it all better.

"You say you want this but those are just words. Words don't mean shit to me. I can't let you back in that easily. You've got a hell of a fight ahead of you" April sighed. "Can you put me down now? Millie's spidey senses are probably tingling right now. Y'all are still together and I don't need nor want that type of karma.

Dave leaned down and placed a light kiss on her lips before setting her back on the ground. Taking his index finger and placing it on April's chin he lifted her head up so that she was looking at him. "Ma I promise you I'm going to do right by you. I'm going to fix this. I'm done playing games. I just want to come back home"

"Whatever you say East" April shrugged and backed away from him. "Any, who I need to get some sleep and you need to go play house with ya mutt that's keeping my seat warm" April smirked. "Come to think bout it I was planning on going puppy shopping again" she placed her hand on her chin as if she was thinking. "You think ya mutt is interested in the job. I pay well. You know what never mind she's too damn old looking in the face. I don't want that shit greeting me at the door. I don't know how you do it" April laughed.

"Still talking ya shit I see" Dave smirked disregarding all the shit she had just said about Millie. He was going to let her be because clearly he was defending the wrong woman all this time.

"Always have and always will. Bye East" April walked away and made her way to the front door with Dave right behind her. "Eyes on the door East and not on my ass" she shook her head.

Dave didn't give a fuck though. Her ass was looking nice and sitting right in her onesie. To him it looked like it had grown some. It had some extra juice to it and jiggled more than it usually did.

"Whatever" he said as they now stood at the front door. "I'm a make it right and that's on my life" Dave looked at her as she opened the door still looking like she didn't believe him and he was fine with that because he had every intention to make shit right. At the end of the day it was his fault and no matter how hard he had to work to get his woman back he was willing to do because April was worth it.

"See you East and don't forget what I said. Put ya mutt on a leash. Tootles"

Dave chuckled. "I know you don't believe me and I get it. It's my fault but I'm a show and prove it to you though" Dave bent down and softly placed another kiss on her forehead.

"We'll see...by then I'll probably be up under a new nigga and I bet not get a fuckin bum bump either. Ain't no telling what you got since you been lying with mutts lately. You know what they say if you lie down with dogs you wake up with flees" April laughed as Dave mugged her. She opened the front door and looked out it.

"Yea we will and talk ya shit while you can. The only nigga you gonna be up under is me" he spoke as a matter of fact as he walked out the door. Before he could even look back April was already closing the door. Dave hopped in his ride and sped off to the studio. He had a session tonight.

Dave was on a mission. Millie had to go. He knew it would create more drama but he was willing to deal with whatever came his way so he could get back to the woman he loved. Well that's if she would have him back. Even if April didn't Dave was still letting Millie go he was no longer going to settle. He was no longer going to continue to be unhappy or be in a loveless relationship. His family was broken and would never be what he wanted it to be. But that didn't mean he couldn't have or create a family with someone else. Making it to the studio he hopped out his ride, locked the doors behind him, and walked inside signing in. He continued making his way to the room he'd be recording in determined with a smile on his face. He knew his brothers were already there and waiting for him to arrive.

"What the fuck happened to you? You got a smile, smile nigga" Bully looked up at him then finished rolling his blunt.

"Word...who got you smiling like that? Or you finally got rid of Agnes ass" Shooter asked as he and Bully focused on Dave.

Dave sat down in the office chair that was stationed at the sound board and faced his boys. His boy Skinny hadn't arrived yet so this was the perfect time to talk to them.

"Fuck you" Dave said and laughed. Everybody was calling Millie Agnes these days even people on social media. "But nah I saw her today" Dave cheesed looking at them.

"Lil sis" Bully and Shooter said in a questioning tone.

"Yea" he replied. He couldn't wipe the silly smile off his face even if he tried.

"Aww shit so what's goody" Bully asked rubbing his hands together on some Birdman shit.

"Basically we sat down and talked, argued a lil bit, and ma slipped up and told a nigga she loved him. Can't lie shit hit me off guard but I needed to hear it. No homo but I've been denying my love for her for too long" Dave smiled and shrugged. "It wasn't supposed to go down the way it did but it did and I couldn't be happier"

"That's all well and good and all. I'm happy for you but what does that mean? You got woman I mean girl at home" Shooter looked at him. Shooter was the one that gave no fucks about Millie. If he felt some type of way he was going to say it and that's just what it was. He wasn't on team Millie. Honestly nobody was but when it came to her you could expect him to go in at any given moment. Bully would sometimes but he wouldn't go in like Shooter would.

"That's right I do but I'm done. I'm not happy and I haven't been happy from jump. I'm not in love with her and honestly I'm done settling. I'm washing my hands with her. I got her in my crib sleeping and walking around like it's her shit when that spot should've been filled by April and was filled by April. Millie gots to go! I know it won't be easy and I don't expect it to be but I'm willing to deal with whatever comes my way. I want my fuckin woman back and I'm a do whatever I need to do to get us back right" Dave spoke with conviction.

"That's all well and good too and I'm here for it but how you know lil sis wants ya ass back. I mean let's not act like you didn't fuck her over" Shooter asked. Leave it to Shooter to cut to the chase.

Dave sighed. "I can't lie y'all lil sis is definitely off me. She's not fuckin with me and she doesn't believe me at all. I understand why but like I told her I'm going to fight for her and us. I put that on my life" he replied.

"And what if you make everything right and she still doesn't want to be with you" Bully asked as he lit the blunt.

"Even if she doesn't Millie still gots to go I'm done and I been done. I wanted my family to be together but who says you can't make a family with someone else? I gotta fix this shit. Honestly the shit was over before it even started but I was on some dumb shit"

"Yea you were but it's nice to see you wake up from whatever delusional ass dream you were in. Now how ya gonna get rid of Millie" Shooter asked.

"First things first I'm a help her pack her shit. I don't give a fuck if I bought it she can have it. I don't want nothing that belongs to her in my crib besides lil butt. Then I'm a talk to her and tell her what it is and deal with whatever comes next"

"If you thought she was a problem now just imagine all the shit that's bout to pop off" Bully said.

"I can only do so much to protect her. Of course I hope nothing bad happens to her but between Unc, April, and her sisters they all sent warning shots. Shit even Auntie Anna with the fucks"

Bully and Shooter both shook their heads. They knew shit was about to go down, down. "For her sake I hope she stays in her lane because none of who you just named are the ones to fuck with" Bully leaned back into the couch and passed the blunt to Shooter.

"I'm sorry say what ya want but I want front row seats when lil sis beat that ass" Shooter said not giving a fuck. Millie's ass whooping was a long time coming and well overdue. He knew she deserved it. They all knew she deserved it. Bully looked at him and laughed. "Sorry not sorry" Shooter shrugged. "She's been saying some wild shit for months now. Something was bound to happen to her"

"Let's hope it doesn't go there" Dave chimed in. He knew she deserved an ass whooping but at the end of the day she was still his baby mama. Then again maybe this ass whooping was what she needed. This wasn't his fight anymore so if she got her ass whooped it was what it was. It wasn't like she didn't ask for it. Besides he warned her too many times to count.

"With the shit that comes out of her mouth you better pray to Allah and may the force be with you" Bully said and laughed. They knew this shit was inevitable. Just because April didn't pop up yet didn't mean she wasn't.

"Man fuck y'all" Dave laughed.

"All jokes aside I'm happy to see you smiling and finally taking charge of ya future. We tell you time and time again that you deserve better. I don't know what the future holds for you and lil sis but I wish y'all both nothing but happiness. Even though I high key would like to see y'all back together" Bully said.

Dave smiled. "Thanks bruh preciate' it" Bully nodded his head.

"So when ya gonna start operation get ya woman back" Shooter asked.

"Immegiately" Dave responded. "Tomorrow's family day so I'll go through the motions and Monday while Kairi is at school I'll use that time to talk to Millie and we can hash it out"

"Say less" Bully and Shooter said.

A few minutes later Skinny was walking through the door and Dave was more than ready to get on with his session. He had shit to do and things to make right. He knew Millie wasn't going down without a fight and this time he didn't give a fuck how hard she fought. He had to let her go and the family he thought would make him happy. Families were filled with love, happiness, and sometimes sadness. Families came in different colors and variations some even blended and Dave didn't mind having a blended family filled with love and happiness not one bit. Anything was better than what he had now.

Dave was going to do what he had to do to be happy and he was determined more now than ever to fight for the one he loved. It was something he should've done from jump and since he hadn't his mind had been clouded by the thought of Kairi having both her parents in love and in one household. But since April spoke those powerful three words he was wide awake and his mind was clearer than it had been for the past few months because now Dave finally recognized his self-worth. Millie couldn't equate to shit. Dave knew he was worth more than what Millie had been giving him. He brought everything to the table while she brought nothing but misery, dark clouds, and drama. They had never connected the way he and April had. Their conversations weren't the same. They couldn't have intellectual conversations and laugh at the same things. Shit she couldn't even hold his attention most of the time when she spoke. Dave was just holding on to what they use to have but not anymore.

OPERATION: GET HIS WOMAN BACK was in full effect...

-Happy Reading guys I hope you enjoy 😊
-Well, well, well looks like Dave has finally woken up from whatever dream world he was living in..about time 🙄
-Our good sis is still sticking to her guns although she gave in just a smidge 😂 but we all know she's good by herself but she also misses him.
-Do you think Dave is really about to get rid of Millie 🤔
-Her ass stays with the jokes though 😂
-Shooter 😂
-I'll probably upload another chapter sometimes during the week so I won't keep you guys waiting and guessing about whether there's a 🐍 or is April 🤰🏾(I make no promises though 🤷🏾‍♀️😂😘)
-Talk to me what's on y'all minds 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend..don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries😊
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰

-WAYMENT 🛑 pleaseeee tell me y'all seen papi out here with a fuckin doobie I'm talking Bobby pins and all 🤦🏾‍♀️ I'm a need him to chill or just cut that shit off and go back to the fade‼️

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