45: Grass Ain't Greener

Chapter 55:  Grass Ain't Greener

You used to be the one to talk to on the side
Waiting for my love to break up
It's crazy how your ass can walk through every night
Acting like you been a player
That grass ain't greener on the other side, I've been there
Oh yeah, I've been there
That grass ain't greener on the other side
Oh yeah
[Grass Ain't Greener: Chris Brown]

"Uncle Ian" Dave mentally groaned he already knew what this call was for and who and what it was about.

Fuckin Millie! He knew sooner or later that Ian would get in contact with him. Why wouldn't he? He also followed Dave on IG and Dave knew Ian just like the rest of April's people who followed him knew who Millie had been talking about from the very beginning. He knew Ian was about his family and his daughters were not to be fucked with and for him to get this call from him he knew Millie had barked up the wrong tree and took things too far. Ian was only calling him to give him a warning before shit went down. He was giving him enough time to clean up his house and get it in order before Ian himself made a house call. Just like Dave knew that if Ian didn't know him personally and considered him family he wouldn't have gotten a courtesy call at all and he was thankful for that.

"Unc what's good? Long time no speak" Dave greeted him hoping he could smooth shit over.

It had been a long time since Dave and Ian had spoken. Ian had actually hit him up on IG and they had exchanged numbers when Ian found out he and April were no more. That was the day she had actually broken it off with him. Ian hadn't gone off on him but he did let him know that his little girl's heart wasn't to be toyed with and left it at that. Ian was the proud Papa bear type so Dave knew he'd go above and beyond for his daughters just like he would for Kairi. So Dave respected it and could also see where Ian was coming from. He could relate.

"Same nephew but I'm pretty sure you know why I'm calling" Ian spoke sternly.

Dave rubbed his free hand over his face. "Yea, I'll handle it"

"Good, good you do that. I don't know why you and my lil girl keep playing this game and torturing y'all selves anyway. We all know y'all both still got the feels for each other but like I said y'all are too busy playing games. April is too damn much of an angel at times and too damn nice. She rather let non deserving mothafuckas step all over her happiness instead of taking what she deserves or what's rightfully hers. It's her gift and her curse" Ian said.

"As far as you go I see right through you nephew ya not happy with ya old lady but ya trying to do the right thing for ya baby girl and I commend you for that but ya happiness matters too. My daughter makes you happy and you make my daughter happy even though right now she's not fuckin with you and I can't blame her. You did some fuck shit" Ian paused as Dave let all he had said sink in.

"Y'all may actually be in love but y'all are looking out for everybody else instead of being stingy for once and looking out for y'all selves. I can't tell neither one of you what to do or how to feel so I'm a mind my business...after this. Y'all are both adults and will do what y'all want but I hope y'all get it together and soon. I shouldn't even be saying shit but I noticed the changes you imprinted on my baby girl and I KNOW you're the one for her. I was mistaken with the first nigga I gave the green light to but this time I know for sure. Just know that this is a test for you two and if y'all both pass y'all will find each other again. If y'all can get through the bullshit it'll be smooth sailing with minor hiccups along the road. But uh let me go mind my business" Ian chuckled but wasn't shit funny.

Dave didn't know why Ian had said all that he said but it felt as though it was something he truly needed to hear. For him to even give him his blessing even stamped it for him. April was his end game and although they weren't together at the moment they were going to meet back up. He was going to get his woman back and when they got back right he was going to insure her that this was it. It would be no leaving him included. You're either in or you're in. There was no out. He wouldn't dare let her leave again. He was a fool for letting her go the first time and an even bigger fool for not running after her.

"I hear you loud and clear Unc loud and clear" and he did.

"Good, good now back to ya old lady. She's lucky Peanut is in Jamaica taking some time out for herself because she'd be at ya door right now ending this shit on her own. I don't want her to fuck up all that she has worked for and built for a bitter and jealous woman. It's not worth it but my Peanut is fed up. She doesn't want any of us stepping in because she says we have a lot to lose but what she fails to realize is that we're gonna have her back 110% whether she wants us to bud in or not. You know me I'm protective bout mines just like you are with ya lil girl. Ya old lady been trying to drag my baby girl through the mud for months to no avail and you would think she would stop but no. So I'm a let you handle this shit and is she keeps talking shit you already know how it's gonna end. I know she's ya baby mama but imagine the shoe being on the other foot. You come for mine I come for yours is the way I see it and right bout now she's coming for mines and I ain't feeling that shit" Dave could tell that Ian was pissed. It was all in his tone and the way he spoke.

Dave knew that this wasn't a threat but a promise so he took heed to the warning. He was going to have to put Millie on a tight leash and fast because the way he saw it she was bound to get her ass handed to her.

"I'll handle it. I don't understand why she's so hell bent on starting shit when I know she ain't bout that life. April has been more than respectful towards her and yet she keeps starting shit when I know she doesn't want no smoke" Dave exclaimed. "I tell her time and time again that I'm focused on her and only her which I am. I promised her that I would put my all into our relationship and I have and still no matter what I say or do it's never enough" Dave didn't know why he was sharing this information with Ian but it felt different from when he talked to his family and friends about it. Maybe it was because Ian didn't know Millie personally.

"She knows just like you know that she'll never be what my baby girl is to you. Yes you and her share a child and been through some things once upon a time but y'all grew up and grew out of each other. You found another source of happiness besides ya daughter. She knows that whatever she does she will never make you feel the way my Peanut makes you feel and that bothers her. Instead of being an adult and counting her loss she sees my daughter as a threat and a target and her source of unhappiness because she won't ever have the relationship that you and Peanut use to have. Jealousy is a powerful thing and mix that with entitlement it's a recipe for disaster" Ian spoke.

Dave sighed because he too agreed with everything that was said but he was trying so hard to do the right thing. So far doing the right thing when it came to Millie had been the wrong thing.

Dave sighed. "Unc ya daughter is one of a kind. She's a special woman and person all together. I've never met someone so selfless and so humble. April's one of those people whose truly beautiful inside and out. She makes everything worth it. She makes life worth living. She's lovable, smart, genuine, gives no fucks, bold, funny as hell, and so much more. She's my light...my light during all of my dark days. She's everything I want and everything that I need but we can't be. Although she went ahead and got rid of her baggage I still have mines. What I failed to realize is that I still had this dream of being a family for my lil girl and no matter how good me and April were doing it would still be in the back of my mind"

"I should've just been truthful with myself and not drug her along. When I first met her I didn't know that I would get the feels like this but the first time we held an actual conversation I knew I was doomed. She marked me and as much as I miss her and want her back I can't go back at least not right now. I need to see what happens here before I get my woman back. Well if I get my woman back. That's if she'll even take me back. I just need my lil butt to know that I tried my hardest to make it work with her mother" Dave let loose. He needed to talk to someone and today it was Ian and luckily for him Ian was trustworthy.

Ian chuckled. "Peanut got you hooked. I wouldn't expect anything less when it comes to her. I can already see that you're going through it. Karma bit ya ass too. Do what you need to do and figure this shit out. If I know my lil girl like I think I do she's going through it just as bad as you but I know she wants you to be happy. But don't forget you can still be a family even if you aren't together. As long as you're both there giving ya child all the love, care, time, and attention she needs she will be fine. Remember ya lil girl wants you and her mom to be happy too. Kids feed off our emotions and energy. They know when things aren't right so think bout that. They see even when we think they don't. Just food for thought nephew"

"Unc I know this wasn't supposed to be this type of call or the reason why you called but you called at the right time" Dave groaned. This whole situation was just shit.

"Shit happens for a reason. You know I'm always here if you need to talk. Shit ain't change just make sure you handle ya situation and everything will be good. I don't know if ya old lady is just talking shit because she's jealous or if someone's feeding her information either or the shit is disrespectful. At the end of the day I will find out though. The shit she said about my baby girl not being able to have children sounds a lil too personal to just be saying. For someone to be a part time mother she should've just kept her mouth shut and work on being a better mother to the children she has" Ian went off.

"That's a sore subject for all of us and something we don't take lightly. Sounds like ya old lady doesn't value her life or she just don't know what family she's fucking with. My lil girl suffered enough. I won't tolerate a female or anybody else trying to come for her neck especially not when my grandchild is involved. See she was taught to hold her own and she definitely can but she ain't fighting all of her battles alone" Ian said sternly. Dave understood and knew this couldn't be taken lightly or sugar coated when it came to talking to Millie. Millie just got him wrapped up in her bullshit with the wrong ones.

"Say less Unc after the shit she pulled today and for even putting children into the situation like this I'll definitely handle it"

"Aight bet nephew. I'm a let you go. Love you"

"Bet love you too Unc" and with that they hung up leaving Dave with a lot to think about while he waited for Millie to come home. He questioned what he was doing with his life when it came to Millie being in it. Thinking about it more he already tried and tried time and time again. How many times did he have to try when he knew it wouldn't work? Millie offered nothing but a headache. She didn't bring shit to the table but drama and trouble and he didn't need that in his life. So why was he torturing himself when he already knew the outcome. Welp this was his bed, he made it, and now he had to lie in it.

"Papi we're home" Millie shouted as she entered the house.

"I'm in the living room" he shouted back. A few seconds later Millie entered the living room with their sleeping daughter nestled in her arms.

"We need to talk. I'm a put lil butt in the bed. I'll be right back" he walked out of the living room before she could say anything.

Dave already knew her wheels were turning and she knew why they needed to talk. When someone said they needed to talk it was never anything good so he knew she was raking her brain because shit could go left for her at any moment. He took Kairi to her bedroom, took off her kicks, and placed her in her bed and under the covers. Kissing her forehead before he left her room he headed straight downstairs and into the living room. Time was ticking and he had to handle the situation before time ran out. Hopefully Millie would listen and stop acting like a spoiled brat. He knew Millie was with him for all the wrong reasons and still here he was giving her the time of day when she didn't deserve it. Yet if you asked her she was so-called in love with him but the shit she always pulled made him question her love for him. Was it love or her just being selfish because she just didn't want anyone else to have him even if she didn't truly want him?

Dave entered the living room and took a seat on the opposite side of the couch across from Millie so he'd be able to read her the way he wanted to because he could always see pass the fake and tell when she was bullshitting him. Dave sat before her with his signature mug plastered on his face. Millie sat across him trying to look comfortable but she was anything but comfortable. She knew she started some shit.

"What's on ya mind papi" Millie asked softly keeping her eyes on him.

"I think you know already but in case you forgot I'll remind you. The shit you posted today was tasteless, disrespectful, and embarrassing as hell. You can say that it wasn't bout April but we both know you'd be lying. Even if you were talking bout another female it would still be tasteless and disrespectful. The shit was hurtful and for you to bring up babies is downright wrong and it sounds like you're trying to say whatever to hit below the belt. You're a fuckin mother yourself no shit like that should've came out ya mouth" Dave looked at her and shook his head disappointed. She was too grown to be doing and saying stupid shit.

"You do know that I'm a public figure and the shit you say and do is a reflection of me. I'm out here tryna brand myself and make moves but you got people out here looking at me side ways because you want to be messy. You don't know if the people I work with or my fans have gone through any of the shit you out here saying. I get it your in ya feelings bout what April and I had. Keyword HAD and now you think being petty and messy is the way to go but it's not" he stopped and just focused on her. She looked like she knew she was wrong but didn't care. He just shook his head. This bitch was unbelievable. "That's just why she said the shit she said to you today. She whooped ya ass without putting her hands on you and read ya ass. She read this whole situation we got going on"

Mille slightly rolled her eyes. "Dave I understand what you're saying and I'm sorry for making you look bad. Ya right I've been in my feelings and I'm sorry for the shit I've been saying. The shit I said today was definitely wrong. I just want what you guys have so badly but I know we never will" Millie blinked her eyes trying to stop her tears from falling but Dave wasn't buying the tearful act anymore. Of course he hated to see her cry but Millie was the type of person who could cry on cue so he took those tears with a grain of salt.

"I'm not with her anymore. I'm with you and I'm trying my hardest to make this relationship work. I'm taking a chance on us and you but you're making shit hard. The shit you do makes me think that this isn't where I should be. You're starting to show and prove that this shit we got is a joke. I don't know bout you but I don't have time for games especially when I know what's already out there for me. You can't compare our relationship to the relationship I had with April. You and I have a different history just like me and April have a different history. Our relationship will never be the same as what I had with April. If you want this shit to work then you need to work with me and stop worrying bout other people especially ones who aren't worried bout you" Dave said as he leaned forward. He was mad as fuck he even had to have this type of conversation with her.

"It's only you and me in this relationship and that's all you should be worried bout. For the past few months I've been coming home to you, waking up next to you, and going to bed next to you. That should count for something. Shit I moved you into my home" Dave continued hoping that he got his point across. If he didn't Millie was going to have to learn the hard way!

"I'll leave her alone" Millie said in a hush tone.

"Hopefully, if you want this shit to work you will leave her alone. She never did anything to you. If anything you fucked with her. We both did. I told you what it was and the first thing you did was run to the internet and talk bout wanting ya family back and then you came to the club acting as if we were a couple taking pictures and shit knowing damn well I was dating somebody. All the shit you did and not once has she said anything to you but you keep coming for her. Karma is a bitch you keep doing all this shit and watch it turn around on you. I keep telling you time and time again to quit with the shit. If something goes down I can only protect you but so much but you keep egging people on and talking shit you don't know bout. Something is bound to happen to you. You're asking for it"

"I get it Dave I get it" Millie shouted. "I will leave her alone and focus on what we have. I want this shit to work so bad. I want you and the love we had when we first got together. I'm done"

"Are you sure bout that cause I swear anymore bullshit and this shit we got is dead no questions asked. I'm not even gonna tell you I'm done I'm just gonne be out and you'll know" and he meant that shit.

"I'll do whatever I have to do to make this work. I'm all in. I'll even apologize if you want me to"

"Say less you can apologize all you want but I doubt you'll get the response you want but it would be nice to see you acting like an adult for a change"

"I'll handle it papi I promise" she stood up from the couch and sauntered her way to him standing in front of him and dropped to her knees. "Let me start with you daddy. Let me make it up to you. You know I don't like to see you upset" Millie spoke seductively and pushed him back so that his back was firm against the couch. Swiftly placing her hand in his sweatpants she pulled out his tool, placed her mouth around him, and went to work.

"Do you" his voice lowered as he lay back watching her please him. No matter how much she tried to snatch his soul he just hopped she was done talking shit because if she continued he couldn't help her out of the ass whooping that was lurking in the dark just waiting for her to slip up. Millie had been warned time and time again. He said what he said all he could do is hope she took heed to it. Her ass was on a thin line with him and a thin line with April and her family. Guess the grass ain't always green on the other side...

-Happy Reading guys I hope you enjoy 😊
-I know I know...I'm late but I'm on crunch time right now😩
-By the way papi looking goodTTTTT in this pic 🤤😩😝
-Welp Ian said what he said so Dave better hope Millie is done with the fuck shit or else that's her ass🤷🏾‍♀️
-Either way she gonna get got it's just the matter of when 👀
-Dave ass is ass backwards though 🙄
-Do you think Millie will leave April alone or keep on with the bullshit 🤔
-So what's on y'all minds 🤔
-I know there are a few things that y'all are waiting on and I promise y'all will get y'all answers soon 😂
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 😊
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you🥰

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