39: Half On A Baby
Chapter 39: Half On A Baby
Now tell me what the deal is
Are you ready to bump
It's gonna take a lifetime
To give you all of this love
So baby, open up
And get ready to receive
A miracle of love
Gettin' down wit me
Like a baseball field
Wanna hit a home run
Me and you get together babe
And raise a little one
[Half On A Baby: R Kelly]
It was the second week of the new year and April was back at work taking a little break to just breathe. She had a lot on her mind and was trying to get right. The week before she had enjoyed daddy and daughter day as well as a day shared with both of her parents. Since Alaina had left she found herself spending more time with their parents and she didn't mind the extra loving. It was something she needed at the moment.
Searching for a puppy was unsuccessful. No matter where her and her father went and how many cute faces she saw not one puppy spoke to her heart so the search was still on whenever she had the time to look again. April had even managed to talk to her therapist about how she currently felt so that was a plus. The remainder of her free week April did something that she promised she wouldn't do since she was supposed to be chilling. She didn't want to revert back into the old April who drowned all her sorrows and losses into working so long to where she'd be the first to arrive and last one to leave her office. Yet for her work seemed to be a coping mechanism and the only thing that she could do that could occupy her mind the way she needed because as of right now she needed the distraction. April really didn't want anyone to know how she felt. All she needed them to know was that she was ok. She didn't want to be pitied or feel like she was being a burden on anyone especially not over another nigga.
Any, who it was a brand new week and she was on the top floor of her building in her office starring out of the huge window watching the snow fall. Blame it on global warming but New Jersey's winters just weren't the same anymore. She could remember growing up as a child and the snow would cover her from head to toe...literally because she was so short. Now it seemed like they only got maybe two or three bad snow days and the rest of the winter was just cold and blah. Maybe it was because she had no one to share it with. It wasn't magical or the least bit whimsical. It was plain ole cold. It was officially cuffin season and everybody in her circle was cuffin but her. Cuffin season her ass please! Cuffin season for her was non-existing. Her cuffin season consisted of her, her bed, a blanket, hot chocolate, a fat ass blunt, a fruity drink, and whatever she had recorded on her DVR. But since she was playing it safe she hadn't even lifted a blunt or a drink. They had both been put on the back burner.
Sitting in her mid-back white leather executive swivel office chair with rose gold frame and arms she leaned back into the chair and slowly sipped on her hot cocoa with three jumbo marshmallows and whipped cream hoping it warmed her body up even though she had the heat on in her office. It wasn't that she felt cold but she felt cold inside. She was low key going through the motions and trying her best to push forward but felt like she couldn't take much more. To be a workaholic she didn't even feel like being at work. Sure she had a second on command if needed but she was a billionaire for a reason. Although she could afford it but couldn't afford to not work she still chose to because that's how she became a successful billionaire. April did her shit herself and never leaned on anyone to do her job the way she did it or for her. All she wanted to do was go somewhere where the sun was bright and inviting. The weather was hot enough to give her a tan. You know add some more gold to her 24k gold melanin and have her looking extra chocolatey. She wanted to walk around in sand that felt like cake batter before you mixed in the wet ingredients where it's so fine that it feels like heaven against her bare soles and in between her toes. She wanted the ocean view where the water had that ombre effect as you looked at it from afar where the water went from the lightest shade of blue to the darkest shade of blue. She wanted to lie in the warm sand shielding her eyes as she sipped on a Bob Marley or a Miami Vice. April knew what she needed and what she desperately needed was a vacation. No friends, no family...just her. Her therapist even recommended it a few times. Hmm a vacation didn't sound bad at all.
"Damn it" April slightly jumped almost spilling her mug of hot chocolate on her white blouse and skin as the sound of her cell phone went off breaking her away from her thoughts. "I'm a fuck him up" she rolled her eyes as she rolled over to her desk and answered her phone. "Yes Chris" she looked at him while he was laid up in his bed with one of his dogs lying across him.
"Apple you've been avoiding me" he said trying to look all hurt and sound sad.
"April couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry" she truly was but she had her reasons.
"Mhmm I doubt it. How you answer my princess calls but not mine like she ain't using my phone to call you"
"You know I don't deny my baby. When she calls my ass will always answer and besides I did talk to you"
"Yea, yea, yea you did but it wasn't the same and we both know it" he sucked his teeth playfully.
"Ok it wasn't but now I'm talking to you" April gave him a small smile as she wheeled herself back in front of the window. April knew what his call was about and was trying to hold off because like previously stated she didn't want to get her hopes up for nothing.
"First and foremost how are you? You got that look. You're sad" Chris asked as he kept his eyes trained on hers reading her.
"Stop tryna read me Brown. I'm ok though thanks for asking. You" she replied looking at him then back out the window. Two plus years and he could still read her with his ole annoying ass. Yes she was sad. She couldn't even hide it from herself. She felt like she lost her soulmate and it hurt a smidge ok maybe it hurt just a little more than a smidge. April couldn't dwell on it though. At least she tried not to but it was easier said than done. She was trying to save face and act like she wasn't phased by the stunt Dave pulled but she was. Dave had her all in her feelings.
"You know we never talked bout it but I've seen all the gossip sites talkin bout you and Dave. If you want to talk I'm here" by the look in his eyes she knew he was being genuine but she wasn't going to talk to Chris about how she felt about Dave.
That was a no, no. The last time they talked about Dave is when she called him pretty much telling him there was no need because they were no longer an item so it was no need. Besides April had told Dave all about her and Chris's relationship thinking they were getting somewhere and they were but it didn't pan out for them. So she definitely didn't plan on telling Chris anything about how she felt about Dave no matter what type of relationship they had. Talking about Dave had now turned into a sore spot for her and to know he wasn't fucking with her period made it worse. April felt like shit for finally letting someone in all for it to go down the drain. She felt like she had spilled all of her secrets to someone she trusted all for it to backfire in her face.
"No East talk I'm good. Now what's on ya mind" she looked at him.
"Bet...we got more important things to talk bout anyway. I'm trying hard not to think bout it but I can't help but think bout it Apples. It's driving me insane"
"Same here but I don't want to talk bout it here. Can you hold out until I get home" she asked.
"I can do that"
"No problem. I heard it was snowing in Jersey. It ain't too bad is it?"
"Right now it's just flurries they said it's supposed to be a bad storm so I'm a leave outta here before it gets too bad"
"You gonna be aight by yourself"
"Yup I got my salt and shovels already and the fridge is fully stocked so I'll be fine"
"Maybe you should go to ya parents for the night" he suggested.
"Aww Chrissy you care" she joked. "I'll be fine no worries"
"Ms. Blackmon you have a call on line one. It's Mr. Anderson the principal at Maple Avenue School calling back to talk to you about speaking to the students" her office phone went off. It was her secretary Miranda coming through the phone's intercom.
"Hey Chrissy I gotta go. I'll call you back when I get in and comfy"
"Bet and please leave before it gets bad and make it home safe"
"I will. I promise"
"Aight later Apples"
"Later" she hung up and smiled. She and Chris had really come a long way and she was happy that he was back in her life. He kept her laughing. He kept her smiling and until New Years he had kept it PG. April wasn't going to blame New Years on him though. That was something they both did willingly and didn't regret it. Besides it was a fun night after all.
Taking care of business getting as much work as she could get done in a timely fashion April ended her day three hours before her usual time as well as telling her employees to do the same and not to worry about their pay. She was still going to pay them for the full day. April wanted everybody to make it home safe and sound before it got too bad outside. Home before the snow got bad April locked up and put on the alarm before putting her coat in the mudroom along with her boots. Once she was done she made her way upstairs and immediately stripped out of her clothing. All she wanted to do was take a nice hot shower, cook, and lounge around. A hour and a half later she was out of the shower dressed in a onsie sipping on a bottle of water waiting for her personal pan of baked ziti to finish. While sitting at her island she picked up her phone and facetimed Chris. She knew he was low key worried about her getting home safely and was giving her some time before he called her.
Answering the phone Chris sighed in relief. April couldn't help how adorable he was at the moment.
"Made it home safe Chrissy" she smiled.
"Good cause I was gonna call ya ass in a few if you hadn't called me" he told no lie.
"I know, I know. So are you alone and ready to talk"
"Soooo" she dragged out. "What's on ya mind"
"Look I know we crossed a line and I know we're just friends but is it wrong that I'm a lil excited that we might actually get a do over. I know it won't bring Jr back or bring us back together as a couple but we'll still have a second chance. Like we might have a lil bun in the oven" he smiled as if he could see it now and April couldn't help but smile too because he saw it the same way she did. They were exes now friends that might possibly be having a baby together. Life damn sure had a funny way of working.
"I can't lie I'm low key excited but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up. I feel like it would be a blessing but I don't want to think bout it but I can't stop thinking bout it. It's so bad I that I haven't been smoking or drinking any type of liquor just to play it safe. I feel like my feelings would be crushed and I can't take anymore blows at the moment" she got up and opened the stove checking on her baked ziti.
"And until you see Aunt Flo you bet not think bout picking up a blunt or drinking shit" he said sternly.
"Boy bye I'm grown I do as I please" she stuck her tongue out at him.
"You know better"
"Yea, yea, yea last time I checked you wasn't my daddy but hold on real quick so I can take my food out the oven" she didn't wait for him to reply. She put the phone down, grabbed the oven mittens, and took out the small pan of bubbling extra cheesy baked ziti, sat it on top of the stove, and closed the oven then picked up her phone.
"I was daddy on New Years though" he smirked.
April laughed. "That you were" she thought to herself. "Whateva playas fuck up sometimes too. So I take it you're actually ok with having another baby with me even though we aren't together" she asked and bit on her lip nervously.
"Granted the next baby I had I wanted to be married or at least on my way down the aisle. I wanted to do it the right way but I understand that shit never happens the way we plan. At least I know if you are pregnant it'll be a totally new experience not only for you but for me too. I won't need to get a DNA test for one. I won't even have to worry if the child is mine or not. I won't have to worry bout how my child is being treated and cared for. Is he/she eating? Is the money I'm sending being used for the baby or to make you look fly? Are you going to take the baby from me? Will I have to go back and forth to court or any other unnecessary bullshit? I know with you that I won't have to worry bout a thing when it comes to taking care of my baby. The way you treat, care, and love on Royalty is all I need to see to know that my baby would be in good hands without a doubt" Chris said and in that moment April thought about all the bullshit he went through with Nia when Royalty was first born.
The shit Nia had put him through was absolutely unnecessary but he made his bed and he had to lie in it. Chris was right though, April would never put him through any of the shit Nia did. For one April and Nia were totally different breeds. It didn't matter what Chris did for their baby she knew that she could take care of he/she on her own without a doubt. But just because she could do it on her own didn't mean she wanted to do it on her own just like she knew she wasn't going to be doing it on her own. Chris might've been a total piece of shit as her man but a father was something he was great at. Royalty was proof of that.
"Understood, I feel the same way although I didn't have to be married but I at least wanted to be in a stable and loving relationship but either way I'm good and I'll be good. I didn't expect or see this happening with you again but it is what it is. I chose to sleep with you, the condom broke, and I accept whatever is to come next. Besides you're a great father so I know if I am pregnant the baby would be in good hands as well. I just want the same energy you gave when Nia was pregnant" she was not with the fucks. If she was indeed pregnant April wanted him at doctors appointments and all that. She knew he wouldn't be able to make them all but shit he needed to be there for enough of them.
"That's something you don't even have to question or worry bout. I got you a 100%. I'm here for it and I ain't going anywhere. Only time will tell before we get an actual answer though. So now it's a waiting game"
"Bet, I'm a just let you know now my period is kind of off whack since Alaina left. TMI I know but we used to have them around the same time but since she left it's been doing whatever it wants to do. It's trying to regulate itself at the moment"
"Then I'm a need you to make sure you keep some tests around or something so we know what we're working with"
April laughed and shook her head. This shit was crazy but it was her life and the way life was treating her anything was bound to happen. "Is it just me or what? It sounds like we're actually planning on having a baby. One night stands don't usually work like this Brown"
"Ya right they don't but we both know that condom ripped. We don't know if it happened before or after but whatever the case maybe it ripped and what happened with Jr I just want to be on top of everything and I don't want to take any chances"
"True so like I said I'll keep you posted. Here I'm thinking I'm bout to start downsizing and now I got a potential baby to think bout" April sighed.
"You tryna move" Chris questioned.
This is the first time she mentioned it to anybody. It had been on her mind for a while ever since Alaina left. "Yea I'm still keeping my home but I wanted to downsize to a smaller house since it's just me but if a baby pops up then I'm a stay where I'm at. That's another reason why I'm not tryna dwell on a baby too much. You and I live in two completely different states. Shit even our time zones are different. I don't even know how we would go bout raising a baby together. I'm sure we'd figure something out but it's still a lot to think bout"
"I wasn't tryna think bout that either because one of us would have to make a difficult sacrifice" Chris sighed. Having a baby sounded good but being realistic about the situation it was a lot of things that they had to really think about and consider. There were some pros and cons that weighed in the balance.
"Exactly so how bout we leave the subject alone and play it by ear" April took the pan of baked ziti to the island and sat down. It didn't make since to get a plate because she was the only one eating.
"Sounds good to me"
"Bet and can we please keep this to ourselves. I already know that everybody most likely knows what went down between us but I'd like to keep this a secret until we know for sure. I don't want to get everybody's hopes up for nothing"
"Cool we can do that but once we know for sure we have to let them know. I know you don't want a repeat" and he was right she damn sure didn't want a repeat. She was going to tell them whether she was pregnant or not she just needed to be 100% sure.
"Damn sure don't so until further notice this is our secret" April raised her brow.
"Got it, I'm a let you go though I need to start getting ready to head out to the studio"
"Cool I'll talk to ya later. Be safe"
"You too I'll check on you in a few"
"Ok later Chrissy" April hung up. Pregnant or not she was going to put it all in God's hands and whatever the outcome she'd deal with it then. Until then she was going to go in the living room, hop under the blanket, get comfortable, and fuck up some bake ziti.
-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-April is def in a funk 😒
-All this baby talk how y'all feeling about it now 🤔 it seems like April and Chris are happy about it and down for the ride.
-I really don't have much to say this time around 😂
-How are y'all feeling about this chapter and what's going down 🤔
-Sharing is caring so don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 😊
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please and thank you 🥰
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