35: One Night Stand

Chapter 35: One Night Stand

You should stay another night with me.
Oh woahh. (I just want your body baby)
A one night stand (night stand) is all I need. (With you and me) Just you and me.
(Baby you) You should stay (Ohhh) another night with me. (Stay until the morning come)
Oh woahh. (Stay until the morning come)
A one night stand is all I need. (Ohhh)
Baby, he ain't treating you right.
And I know he ain't hitting it right.
That's why you need me in your life baby.
Come here. Let me kiss on your neck
Down to your chest.
To your navel
All over all the way
So stay here another night
[One Night Stand: Keri Hilson ft. Chris Brown]

"Right there daddy...right...there" April moaned out loudly in pleasure as she twerked on his hardware throwing her ass back like her life depended on it matching every last one of his strokes. She was face down, ass all the way up, with a deep yet perfect arch in her back getting drilled by some bomb ass daddy dick.

"You like that shit ma" he slapped her ass hard watching it ripple in effect as he bit down on his bottom lip mesmerized by its movements. Her ass moved effortlessly.

"Yes daddy...yes" she purred as she gripped the sheets tightly in her small fists. He was giving her the business. Busting down all her walls, dipping into her guts, and rearranging her organs just the way she liked. She knew after this she wouldn't be able to walk and she gave not one single fuck. The dick was bomb that's all that mattered.

"Shitttttt" he groaned wrapping her Brazilian kinky straight weave into his fist pulling her head up and attacking her lips hungrily. He groaned at the taste of her lips. It was a mixture of Hennessy Pure White, weed, her juices and damn did it taste good.

"Daddyyyyy I'm close" she moaned against his lips still bouncing her ass on him just how she knew he liked. Taking one of her hands she reached down and placed it on her throbbing yet swollen clit rubbing it vigorously adding on to the pleasure she was already receiving. Walls clenching and unclenching around his dick she felt like she was going to explode any minute.

"Damn ma...damn" he let go of her hair groaning as he placed it firmly around her neck and bit down into her shoulder grunting while still busting her down.

"Daddyyyyyy" she screamed as she creamed and squirted all over his dick and bed sheets for the umpteenth time. Both of their bodies were soaked, covered in sweat, and their bodily juices. Her body convulsing underneath him but he didn't let up he beat her shit out the frame until his strokes got sloppy and he filled the condom up with his warm seeds.

"Fuck" they both moaned and groaned together as they both collapsed on the bed exhausted yet satisfied.

April went straight to sleep with a smile plastered on her face feeling beyond satisfied. They had gone round for round, hour after hour, and every position they could think of. She had finally gotten some vitamin D and it was well worth the wait. A few hours later April woke up with a slight headache and a mild hangover. She felt used and abused in a good way. Her body felt tired but she was well rested. The dick she received was so good her kitty was still feeling the aftershocks hours later.

Fully opening her eyes and shutting them just as quickly as she opened them she groaned and rolled over landing on a hard chest. She slowly opened one eye and looked about her surroundings. April was lying on a tattooed covered chest. Slowly opening her other eye she looked down the body of the man she was laying on and saw his morning wood standing at attention and covered in a broken condom. The only thing remaining was the rim of the condom along with a few straggles of latex. The shit was beyond broke. The way it looked he mind as well hadn't put one on in the first place.

April knew that this could go one or two ways but decided not to dwell on it...just yet. Slowly turning around and easing out of the bed she felt like her legs could give out at any moment. The aches and pains in her legs made a single tear drop from her eye and brought a smile to her face. He had fucked her good. If she would've known it was going to go down last night she'd a told his ass to have a wheel chair waiting by her bedside. Instead of trying to walk to the bathroom she slowly eased out of the bed and dropped on the floor on all fours and began to crawl.

"You can't be serious right now" she heard him say in between laughing.

"Damn right and I ain't ashamed either. You fucked me oh so good my legs broke" she looked back at him and did a little twerk making her ass shake just right making him groan.

"Don't start nothing we both can't finish" he looked at her with so much hunger and lust in his eyes. He walked over to her and picked her up placing her back on the bed.

"A quickie wouldn't hurt" April bit down on her bottom lip looking at him. She was satisfied but could go another round or two. Shit all day sounded good to her.

"We don't do those. Well only if necessary. Stay ya ass right here. I'm a go run you a bath" he bent down and kissed her forehead then went to the bathroom.

"Ugh" she sighed but he was right. Quickies were too much of a tease for them. It used to be anyway. "Can you put that bath bomb in there too please and thank you" she yelled out.

"Gotcha" he replied back. She heard the water cut on and a few seconds later the toilet flush. He walked out of the bathroom looking like he was two seconds away from panicking. April already knew why though. "The condom broke" he said and starred at her.

"I know. I saw it when I woke up" she starred back at him wondering how he would handle the situation. She could already see his wheels turning. He wiped his hands over his face as he stood in front of her booty butt naked.

"What you want to do bout it" he asked and she already knew what he was asking.

"Well I'm not taking a plan B so you can count that out. Besides we don't know what's gonna happen anyway" she shrugged and watched him walk back into the bathroom to cut the water off.

"You on birth control" he asked as he made it back to the room, picked her up, and took her into the bathroom.

"Don't put me in yet. I gotta tinkle" he placed her on the toilet but didn't leave. He had seen this scene play before him so many times anyway. "But no I'm not on birth control" she wiped herself and flushed the toilet before easing up and being picked up and placed in front of the sink to wash her hands. April had no reason to be on birth control. It wasn't like she had a man and the only pleasure she was receiving was from her fingers and her handy dandy dildo.

"Are you ready like really ready if you do so happen to be pregnant" he asked concerned and worried at the same time as he looked at her through the mirror. Her body was laced in love bites, hickies, and finger prints reminding him of the wild night they had. She knew why he was questioning her and she didn't mind. He had every right to be concerned.

"You're never ready for something like that but if it just so happens that I do end up pregnant then I'm ok with it. I'll do whatever I need to do to have a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby" she replied and turned off the water as she looked back at him through the mirror. She wasn't aborting or taking a plan B for nothing. She was a grown woman she knew the consequences of having sex and a baby was one of those consequences. April would deal with whatever cards she was dealt.

Picking her up and placing her in the Jacuzzi tub he got in behind her and pulled her in between his legs and close to him as possible. They hadn't been this close and intimate in a long, long while so he was going to savor the moment while it lasted. "True I'm here either way so know you aren't alone. I'll take care of my seed and you. You won't have to go through it alone just promise to keep me in the loop" he ran his hands mindlessly across her flat stomach. She wished it was like this the first time around.

"We're not gonna jump the gun just yet but thank you." April snuggled deeper into him and closed her eyes remembering the days they use to share like this. They sat there in a comfortable silence. April didn't know how they got to this point but here they were laid up naked in a tub together talking about pregnancy. Of course she knew it was all of the alcohol they consumed the night before and the brand new bottle of Hennessy Pure White that they opened and killed when they got up to her suite. He was supposed to make sure she got to her room safely and go about his business but that's not how it went down. April didn't want him to leave last night and she knew he would never deny her.

Although things were good between them they were still in the process of building and mending their friendship. At the end of the day they were cool and in a happy place but after last night's events and the wee hours of the morning it had all changed but she had no plans of rekindling an old flame. She was just in it to wet his dick and get her kitty licked and played in. It was simply just a one night stand with an ex/friend and that's all. Hopefully he saw it the same way. April knew they would have to talk about this when they were fully sober and their heads clear. What she did know was that she had no regrets. She had a great night and the dick was bomb. She didn't have to tell him what spots to hit or what itch to scratch he remembered her body oh so well and she couldn't help but allow him to get round after round. She needed it.

April was definitely blaming tonight's activities on her New Years/Software Launch party that she threw. She had invited all her family and friends as well as her colleagues, employees, and their families and friends to the event and it was a huge success nonetheless. April had also taken it upon herself to invite Dave, Bully, and Shooter but they couldn't make it and she was ok with that. Speaking of Dave life after him was no breeze. She missed him so much and still to this day she misses him but she doesn't dwell on it though. By any means April was doing exactly what he said "figuring out life and enjoying it" even if she wanted him apart of it.

The day they called or rather she called it quits she went to her parent's house, talked to the both of them, filled them in on everything, and ended up staying the week with them instead. Believe it or not it was what she needed. They didn't feed her lies and fairytales. They kept it real with her and she was thankful for that. Even when she told them about Jr they like Mama J had already knew well had an inkling that she was pregnant anyway. Her parents had told her that with all she had been through she should talk to a therapist and she took their advice and saw one. April had been seeing a therapist for the past three months and so far it was paying off. It was easy to talk to a stranger and she found herself opening up a lot. She felt so much better...so much lighter.

Of course Dave never left her heart or her mind and she was content with it. She had a gut feeling that he was still her happy ending or maybe that was just wishful thinking on her part. When she thought about Dave she thought she had made the right decision to let him go because they both had situations that they needed to handle and get squared away before they ever crossed paths again. Keeping true to her word April still supported him. She followed him on all his social media platforms, downloaded his latest projects, and showed love every single time he accomplished something. Every once in a blue moon she would send a text with a blue heart just to let him know that he was on her mind and she was still around if he needed her. No other words needed to be shared the blue heart was enough.

Halloween had passed, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and here it was New Years. Even Alaina had graduated, moved out, and went back to LA to live with August. Time had flown by so fast. She thought she'd be spending those special moments with Dave but instead she shared them with her family and friends and she was ok with that because she still shared those moments with people she loved and people who loved her back. The first week after she left Dave she told her crew what it was making sure to leave out specifics and let go of the situation. Luckily for her they respected her wishes and left the subject alone. Besides she knew they would figure it out on their own anyway. Bully and Shooter hit her up from time to time on the gram and they're all still cool. As far as Dave he shouts her out on IG when she makes a wave but that's about it. He doesn't even respond when she sends him the blue heart text. He always leaves her on read and never delivered. Believe it or not she's cool with that and doesn't expect him to respond.

He has a family to worry about and she wasn't trying to interrupt it unlike his old lady. Yes he had taken her words to heart as well. Dave was officially a family man now. He now posted up pictures of his woman...Agnes and his little girl and those were the moments that were bittersweet for April. She'll see them and glance at them for a few seconds and then keep it moving. One thing she noticed is that whenever there's a picture of all three of them his smile is never like the one he shared when he was with her or the pictures he shared with just his lil butt. She knew he wasn't happy but also knew that he would do anything to please his lil butt even sacrifice his own happiness which she knew in the long run would cause more harm than good. April hoped that one day Dave would realize that his happiness meant just as much as his daughter's happiness. But hey he wanted that family and his woman back and he got just that.

April couldn't understand how she could be laid up in another man's arms possibly pregnant and still thinking about him. She didn't know then again she did. Dave was her completion and everyone in between were place holders until God saw fit for them to make it back to one another. Pregnant...she tossed the whole idea out of her head. She wasn't going to dwell on it unless she needed to. So until she missed her period pregnant was just another word to her and that's how it was going to be. April wasn't going to worry herself and start stressing over nothing until there was something to worry about. Pregnant a second time she knew if that's what it balled down to that this was going to be totally different from the first time. There was no hiding shit. He would know everything. She wouldn't leave shit out. If April was in fact pregnant she wanted the same energy and more that Chris gave to Nia. She deserved better this time around. They both knew it.

"I need to get going before niggas come looking for me" he chuckled.

"Boy bye, the way shit went down last night they already know where to find the both of us" April laughed a little holding her head and biting her lip. Last night was a hell of a night.

"That's true" he laughed. "Either way I need to get going" he lightly kissed her neck.

"Cool I'll see you before you head back to LA"

"Bet" he carefully stepped out of the tub and went straight to the shower to wash off. April leaned back against the tub and closed her eyes. Since she and Chris talked things have been a lot better. They talked more, texted more, and when she's out to visit everyone in LA he's always included just like when everyone comes to visit her in Jersey he's also there. They're pretty cool for what it's worth. Better friends then when they were together and yes that was the first time they had been intimate since she left him a few years back. All they were and wanted to be at the moment were friends. It was better that way. Besides April wasn't looking for a man maybe it was the fact that the man she wanted was no longer hers for the taking.

April thought about all the what ifs. Like what would've happened if she would've stayed with Dave. What would've happened if he had actually fought for her? All of her conclusions balled down to they just wouldn't make it. It wouldn't be because they wouldn't try to make it but the fact that they had too much riding against them to make it. They needed to deal with all of the issues they had before fully committing to one another. For April she needed to get over her past with Chris and fully accept what had happened wasn't her fault and sometimes people are better off as friends instead of lovers. She also needed to embrace that she was still a mother even if her child didn't make it. Life happens you just have to roll with the punches and she was willing to do all she had to do to live a good and healthy life and continue to make her baby boy proud.

April was even back in Royalty's life and RoRo always makes sure to call her Apple everytime she's with her father. It's like they picked up right where they left off even though Royalty cursed her out just a smidge and told her that she couldn't leave her again. April was even surprised she remembered her but how could she forget her when April took better care of her than her mother. Besides Chris still had a few pictures of her lying around in Royalty's bedroom. April knew it was because he didn't want Royalty to ever forget about her.

Media of course caught wind of their reconciliation and had a field day but they paid it no mind. At the end of the day people were going to talk and there was nothing they could do about it. Besides they were strictly friends so it wasn't much to talk about. Then again after last night's events they did cross the line. Would shit change? Hopefully not April just wanted to be his friend. So that was most likely the last time he got to taste and play in her warm walls.

Speaking of people talking Millie threw a ton of shade April's way and probably a few trees too but never @ her so she would know it was real. She'd say slick shit when she would @ Dave so that's how she was able to see. All April could do was laugh. Here she had given Agnes her man back and helped rekindle her family and still Millie was in her feelings. Bitches were never satisfied. People asked Dave for a long while who he was dating and he only addressed it once making sure not to put April out there. He simply made a short video stating "she was someone special who captured my heart but gracefully let me go to work on my family and that's all y'all need to know". Soon after Millie made a comment under the post saying "I fought for my family and won. The other woman is irrelevant". Of course Millie thought she was going to be praised but social media ripped her ass to shreds for a long while. Some still can't stand her.

"Aight Apple I'm gone I'll get up with you later" he interrupted her thoughts and kissed her forehead.

"Ok Chrissy hit me up and let me know you made it safely"

"Bet" and with that he left.

April got out the tub, drained the water, and went straight to the shower. She got out finished the rest of her hygiene making sure to pop an Aleve in the process. She slipped into a PINK sweatpants and hoodie outfit, fixed her Brazilian kinky straight 20in deep side part frontal wig that Chris just had to run his hands through and fuck up. Hopefully she still had her edges the way he was pulling her shit. She had wanted to straighten her natural hair but didn't want to go through the hassle so a frontal wig was her best option. After she fixed her hair she made sure to cover as many marks on her body as she could. Once she was done and ready to leave she double checked to make sure she had everything packed up in her overnight bag.

Before she left she checked every square inch of her suite for used condoms even the ones in the garbage. She gathered all the ones that she found and deposited them in the toilet making sure they were all flushed then washed her hands. Sounds crazy but she wasn't here for the shits. April wasn't a fool and she'd be damn for someone to even think they were going to get pregnant by Chris off of her expense or even claim that they were pregnant by him. Nope no way but she knew bitches were foolish and loved to scheme like that. His sperm could've been dead to the world and she knew with the way bitches worked these days they'd still try something. Everything squared away she put on her shades, grabbed her phone, overnight bag, and bounced. She knew Alaina and Hazel were going to be on her heels. Speaking of Hazel...they were good. Like they were raised it was always sisters before misters.

-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy☺️
-Well, well, well it seems like some lines were crossed...how y'all feel about April and Chris now?🤔
-Another pregnancy hmmm who knows🤷🏾‍♀️
-Dave ain't happy...Agnes ain't happy...wonder why🤔
-I know some of y'all ain't feeling Chris and April being together buttttttt I just had to do it 😂 sorry🥺
-Talk to me what's on y'all minds
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend🤗
-Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries. If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure to color the ⭐️ please and thank you😊

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