33.1: Friends

Chapter 33.1: Friends

April nodded letting her know that she had heard her. "Trey"

"At this point do you even know what the word loyalty means? I'm disappointed in you. Yea Chris fucked up but did you forget that we're all family. I'm dating your damn sister your so-called best friend. She's good trust me I got her. I wouldn't dare leave her. You know like you did. We all understood you wanting to leave but states away is fuckin ridiculous. You're selfish as fuck" he spat venomously at her as if he had been waiting to unload clips at her and guess what he had. He had just never said anything about it but tonight was the night and he planned on getting everything off his chest. Trey was tired of holding shit in. He felt like if nobody else was going to call April out on her bullshit then he was going to be the one to bite the bullet and do so.  Hey April said no sugar coating so he wasn't sugar coating shit.

"Trey" Hazel said his name as if he was being a kid and needed to be chastised but he had already started this war. The war had started the same day he found out that April and Dave was an item.

"Nah go ahead I'm good sis let him finish" she glanced at Hazel and stopped her then back at Trey. "Just make sure you say it with ya chest lil nigga" Shit was about to get ugly...real ugly. April was going to let him talk but he damn sure better be ready when it's her turn.

Trey chuckled. "You swear you tough but like I was saying Hazel misses you. The fact that you aren't there when she needs you is fuckin bogus. When she's sad bout you not being there I'm the one who sees it and I'm the one who has to pick up the pieces. Hazel took a huge blow and to see her like that hurts me because at the end of the day no matter what I do or say I can't stop her from feeling sad bout missing you. You left and put dents in all our relationships. You didn't give a fuck bout us! Just because yours was fucked up didn't mean you needed to fuck ours up. Youngin girl left, my girl sad because she misses you and we're the ones to suffer"

"Now you fuckin with around with East like where does ya loyalty lie? He and Chris worked together, broke bread together, they chilled together, and their daughters hang out and have playdates when he's around. I don't care that ya dating. I'm happy you're moving on but with Dave that's fucked up. Then again IF you were around you'd know exactly how close they really are. That's like Chris fuckin his baby moms. That shit is wrong and you know it. What you say Chris? These hoes ain't loyal! 2 years pass and lil sis turns into a whole homie hopper. Not to mention the same nigga you cappin for is in the club cakin with his baby moms as we speak. You ain't loyal and ya mans ain't loyal. Y'all ain't shit" Trey exclaimed as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Let's not forget she didn't even tell bruh she was pregnant and the baby died how many years ago. Lil sis out here smoking whole bags of dicks who in their right mind does some fuck shit like that. That alone is fucked up more than what you did to all of us. I hope and pray the dicks you out here smoking are well worth it" he laughed as if he had told a joke.

Everybody in the room fell silent as they looked at him like he had just lost his fuckin mind and to April he had most certainly did. Now he was just being rude, cruel, and disrespectful for no reason. April felt like he was trying to hurt her feelings on purpose. She felt like she was a bee and he was continuously swatting at her just setting himself up to get stung but no matter what she didn't dare shed a tear she just smiled. The same smile she wore for years, the faux smile. It was the one that didn't reach ear to ear...the one she had when she talked and saw Dave that real smile was no more. The fronting smile like everything was ok had made its return. It's funny how when niggas are mad and liquor is in their system they tell you exactly how they feel but if they were sober they wouldn't dare say shit. A drunk mind speaks a sober heart!

Chris jumped up and glared at Trey. "Yo what the fuck is wrong with you nigga. You buggin right now. Mad disrespectful for no reason. You in here talking out the side of ya neck nigga. You need to apologize that was low as hell and don't toss my son into ya bullshit. We dealt with that, that shit doesn't concern you"

Trey shrugged and chuckled still not giving a single fuck.

"You need to apologize" Hazel said to him looking like she was ready to smack the piss out of him.

"Sorry...NOT sorry" he shrugged nonchalantly. For him to bring up Jr he had no right and definitely pushed pass his boundary. April knew she had to leave tonight because nothing good was going to come out of this if she stayed longer.

"It's cool. I been through it all and saw it all" April shrugged trying to keep her tears at bay. She was not about to give Trey the satisfaction.

"No it's not cool" Alaina said mad as fuck ready to square up as well. If April or anyone else ran up on Trey she was following up.

"It's not sis. I'm blame it on liquor cause this nigga wild'n right now" August clenched his jaw. If it wasn't Trey he'd definitely rock his snot box.

April turned to Chris who still had his eyes trained on Trey. "Aye Chris is it possible to see Mama J tonight? I was gonna go in the morning before my flight but I'm not gonna be able to" April asked as her legs shook violently as she clenched and unclenched her fists repeatedly.

"Let me call her up and see if she's free"

"Ok cool"

Chris walked out the room to call his mother.

April wiped her hands over her face praying to God not to let a tear fall. "August I'm sorry for not keeping up with my sisterly duties and taking your girl away from you. I never intended for it to go down the way it did but I told her time and time again that she didn't have to stay but you know how stubborn she is"

"Don't come for me" Alaina cut her off and laughed.

"Any, who" April laughed a little. "I promise to get back on my shit and start harassing you again. As far as you coming to my house blame that on ya girl. You're always welcomed. She just keeps you away so she ain't busy fuckin in my house. I don't mind you coming over and I never have or will mind. You're my lil brotha my home is your home. You can always come by and stay the night. I don't mind. I love ya lil ass and once again I'm sorry for everything I caused you" April apologized.

"Apology accepted and you betta keep up with ya promise" he smiled.

"Pinky promise" she stuck out her pinky, kissed it as he kissed his, and they crossed them sealing the promise. That was how they all did their pinky promises.

"Thing 2 I'm sorry for picking up and leaving and letting you follow behind me. I didn't want you to leave August or your school. Even though I told you time and time again that I was good and you should go back. I'm sorry for interrupting what you guys had going on. I apologized the other day but just in case you need to hear it again I'm sorry for keeping secrets. I told you my reason behind it but I still should've said something. Maybe if I'd a said something my mental would be different bout the situation and maybe it would've gone differently. So no more secrets and once again I'm truly sorry for everything"

"Apology accepted Thing 1. I love ya big sis" Alaina said and pulled April into a much needed hug. Alaina knew she was barely hanging on and ready to fuck some shit up.

"Thank you I love you too Thing 2"

"Sorry to interrupt" Chris said as he entered the living room and sat down beside April still glaring at Trey like he was ready to kill him. They were boys yes but Trey had pushed it. Just like Chris wouldn't allow anyone else to disrespect her he wasn't going to let Trey do it either. "Mama's free tonight. She can't wait to see you" he looked at her and smiled at April knowing she needed some cheering up. He still couldn't believe Trey had really stepped out of line like that.

"Me either. I'll go after this lil kumbaya session. You coming" she asked.

"If you want me to"

"Yup you're coming" she chuckled. "By the way I just want to say sorry for coming between you and Dave. You know I wouldn't fuck with anybody close to you or on purpose. That's not the type of woman I am. I didn't know it would be that much of a problem. At the same time I will have to say that I really, really like Dave and I'm not gonna stop my relationship to make you happy. This time my happiness comes first. If he chooses to leave me then so be it but if not I'm not going anywhere. As for me and you I just want to get pass the bullshit and just work on our friendship because at the end of the day I do miss your friendship" April didn't have to apologize and Chris knew that as well but she wanted to start fresh and finally be happy in all of her relationships.

"Same here don't worry bout the Dave situation I'm a speak my peace to him. That's between the 2 of us. At the end of the day I just want you to be happy whether it's with me or without me. I love ya lil ass that's never gonna change and I'll always be here for you" Chris smiled at her. She knew he was being sincere and that's all that mattered.

"Bet, Hazel...Hazel...Hazel" April sighed and moved over closer to her best friend and grabbed both her hands. "You know if you really need me in the flesh I will stop whatever it is that I'm doing and make my way to you regardless. You never said anything so I didn't think that me not being here was that much of a problem when I'm always a phone call away. Even now whenever you need me I stop what I'm doing and give you all of my attention at the drop of a dime. I miss ya ass too all the time. I feel the same way you do when I need you and you aren't there in the flesh but I don't fault you because you're still there even if you're miles away. I know me leaving hurt a lot of people especially all of y'all but if I'm being completely honest I had to leave"

"I needed to leave. If I would've stayed in LA I don't think anything good would've come out of it. Believe it or not I haven't missed any of your events when it comes to your fashion line or anything that that has to deal with your accomplishments. Just because I'm not out in the open like everyone else doesn't mean I'm not there. I be right there lurking in the shadows. I will always support you. Sure I might miss holidays or certain occasions but realistically I can't make it to every event or party you have. I couldn't do that when I lived out here. If it's important to you it's important to me. I'm there I'm always there. Most of the time I want to show my face but I don't. It be your moment to shine and I know with me being there it wouldn't be fair to you. It would be a circus. People would be all over me trying to be nosey instead of giving you ya props" April sighed. It was true she was always there for her she just never told her. She thought she was doing her friendly duties by staying in the shadows. She rather paparazzi focus on Hazel instead of her.

"I know you feel a way bout me not coming to ya house while I'm out here and I'm truly sorry for that. I just didn't want to run into Chris not thinking that you'd tell him not to come over while I'm there. Sorry I didn't want to chance it. That's my fault. It also seems like I put a lil strain on you and Trey's relationship and I'm truly sorry for that as well. It was never my intention to hurt any of y'all" April said and looked around the room at her family. She was sorry but she had to do what she had to do. Maybe she went about it the wrong way but something had to be done.

"I didn't know you came to my events" Hazel said just above a whisper and wiped away the tears that were now falling.

"I wouldn't miss them for the world. If I got the time and I can move shit around I'm there. I promise I'll come out of lurking mode and show my face" April smiled at her. "I love you Thing 3"

"I love you too Thing 1. Apology accepted and I'm sorry for saying you aren't there when you are. I was just in my feelings"

"Don't worry bout it" April hugged her and focused on Trey. She moved directly in front of him. If looks could kill Trey would be 9ft under fuck 6. The way April was feeling he wouldn't even have a proper burial. Cremate that bitch made nigga.

"She bout to go in" August blurted out and couldn't wait because Trey deserved whatever happened next.

"Hell yea" Alaina agreed. "As she should"

Chris tuned in. He was ready. He knew April's mouth could get reckless. Depending on how she felt anything was liable to come out of her mouth and she would give no fucks if she hurt your feelings. There was nothing he could do for Trey. Shit he didn't want to do shit for Trey at this point anyway. He just like everyone else knew Trey deserved a dose of April. Hazel also knew he was wrong but was silently praying that April spared him just a little bit because at the end of the day Trey was still her man. Then again she knew wrong was wrong and with April you never knew which one you would get.

April chuckled. She didn't want to hurt Hazel's feelings but her man was about to get one hell of a tongue lashing and she hoped that her and Hazel would be fine after she man handled her man verbally. "First off brother...can I even call you that anymore? I'm sorry for putting a strain on your relationship. I'm sorry for any problem that I caused you and not being there like a sister should. I missed ya ass just as much as I missed everyone else. I get it your big MAD because ya girl was upset that her sister and best friend wasn't around physically. But make no mistake all you were doing was ya fuckin job as her man to make sure that she was straight. If you can't handle that then maybe y'all shouldn't be together my sis doesn't need a bitch made nigga. Don't ever say I'm not there for her when I know for a fact that I am. I might not be there in the flesh which by the way will be changing but I AM ALWAYS THERE. I'M ALWAYS A PHONE CALL A WAY. I'M ALWAYS A FLIGHT AWAY! I drop everything for that girl. When she needs me I pick up. I'm sorry that I'm not there to bring over snacks and let her cry on my shoulder but I DO WHAT I CAN" April rolled her eyes and chuckled shaking her head furious as fuck. Trey was a clown ass nigga.

"Loyalty" she chuckled again. "Loyalty...loyalty...loyalty...LOYALTY is a strong feeling of support or allegiance, faithfulness, obedience, adherence, homage, and devotion. Don't ever in ya fuckin life question my fuckin loyalty. I'm one of the most loyal bitches you know. Loyal for 5 years to someone who wasn't fuckin loyal to me. Sorry Chris" she looked at him then back at Trey. She didn't want to keep throwing shit in his face. Loyal when my nigga was fuckin whoever he wanted. Loyal when I was getting cheated on. Loyal when the man I loved came home smelling like cheap perfume, alcohol, stale weed, covered in hickies, scratches, and lipstick stains that I didn't put there. Loyal when my nigga got an old groupie bitch pregnant. Loyal after the fact that my son died when a few months later his daughter was born healthy with no issues and no complications. Loyal to my nigga when I'm bleeding buckets literally buckets pregnant with his child driving my gahdamn self to the fuckin hospital because he's laid up with said groupie bitch and not answering his phone only to have a miscarriage and still have to give birth to my fuckin dead son. Guess what?! I did that all by my mothafuckin self. Not to mention after I loss my child I took care of his baby as if she was my own and loved her ass to the moon and back and still to this day I love that lil girl. Nigga don't ever question my fuckin loyalty. Loyal even after I left his ass when I could've been dragging his name all through the mud" angry tears ran down her face but if niggas was questioning her loyalty then they needed to understand just how loyal she actually was.

"I'm so fuckin loyal that I even questioned my man yes East as you call him but papi to me. I questioned him asking him just how close he was to Chris because I didn't want to seem like I was being messy or even petty when I shouldn't give a fuck at all. But let me remind you and all of you for that matter. Dave's friendship with Chris isn't equivalent to the relationship you and August have with him just like Chris isn't equivalent to his when it comes to Shooter and Bully" she roughly wiped her face and laughed. "Now I'm a hoe, a homie hopper, and I'm smoking whole bags of dicks. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Never would I ever imagine this shit would come out of my brother's mouth. Never once have I ever stepped out on any nigga I fucked with and I ain't ever been a homie hopper. I stayed loyal when I should've been out doing me AND since we're on loyalty where the fuck was ya loyal ass when ya boy was cheating on me. Where was ya loyal ass when I was at home crying because my nigga wasn't being loyal to me? Sorry I'll wait" April paused. By now Chris could've whooped Trey's ass because all the shit he did to April was thrown right back in his face like they didn't just squash their beef yesterday.

"Exactly, you were by his fuckin side. You saw the bitches he was with. I get it though. Your loyalty doesn't lie with me it's to your boy. You're ya brother's keeper I get it. Fuck bro code. I can see why Chris would be mad but you hell no." April stopped and took a few sips of her drink. With all the talking she was doing she needed to be gulping it down. "Quick question though...are you really mad that Dave broke bro code and I took the chance on him instead of you. Cause bruh the way you bitching is like you was my nigga instead of my brother. I think you got ya signals crossed" April chuckled as Hazel looked at Trey confused. "I mean I don't forget shit. Yea I introduced you to my sis but I remember how you use to look at me before I introduced you two. Use to look at me like you wanted to what you say" she laughed and tapped her chin with her index finger as if she was thinking hard. "Oh yea Diveeeeee in" she sang. "But that's neither here or there. You need to handle ya feelings another way cause bruh you big mad for nothing"

By now Hazel and Chris were both looking at Trey. Shit even Alaina and August was looking but everyone kept quiet. They all knew it wasn't the time to speak up on it. Oop tea spilled. Yup drink it up. "Besides last time I checked Tremaine Aldon Neverson you ain't fuckin me, feeding me, and you damn sure ain't financing me so you shouldn't give a fuck" she spat venomously. All Trey could do was look at her and keep his mouth shut. For his sake it was best if he kept it shut. He had definitely pressed the wrong buttons tonight and now he knew it and felt it just like he knew once they got home Hazel was going to be questions the fuck out of him.

"Loyalty...where the fuck was ya antennas when ya boy was out cheating? You ain't EVER come up to me and said hey sis I think you should move on. Hey sis I think you should go get a checkup. Open ya eyes lil sis. You could do better lil sis. You deserve better lil sis. You ain't said shit so don't try to check me boo when you can't afford to and while you're on the gram checking for fresh bullets to shoot at me my nigga already hit me up and informed me on what's going on. Just like his bitch ass baby moms been on some bullshit since the first day we met but here you go assuming like you know some shit but ok. I'm a blame the liquor though for the disrespectful ass shit that came out ya mouth tonight. Just know ya fuckin lucky, fuckin blessed, and possibly touched by an angel that Hazel is ya girl cause I'd get ya ass run'd up and clapped quick without a second thought and come to ya funeral and place flowers on ya casket like I ain't have shit to do with ya death. A word from the wise be careful what you say to people you never know what ya silently asking for" April said that shit and she meant that shit. She hated being mad at people she loved and knew she could be a hot head like her mother and ready to do what she had to do to get rid of somebody just like her father taught her. When mad it could be a deadly combination.

"April" Hazel shouted and chimed in. April already knew Hazel thought she had went too far but she didn't give a fuck. Hazel should've warned her man to tread lightly.

"No worries Haze" April tossed her hands in the air surrendering. "I'm loyal I wouldn't get rid of ya man" April stood up and chuckled getting ready to walk out as everyone looked at her. The girls already knew how she got as well as Chris to a certain extent but this was new to Trey and August. This was the moment that solidified it for August. April was not one to fuck with.

"And by the way if you ever mention my fuckin son again you better pray to whoever you believe in that I'm not around. I don't take that shit lightly, at all. So make that the last time you mention my child Christopher Maurice Brown Jr. Talking shit like you can back that shit up ole bitch made nigga and so what I left did any of y'all ever think that I needed y'all" Yup April was going there. She was ready to shoot shots at everybody now. "The only people I had in my corner were my sister, my parents, and Hazel whenever she had the time. I never saw any of y'all banging on my damn doorstep to see if I was good. I left everything and everyone behind. I felt like I was by my fuckin self. Torn, hurt, betrayed, an idiot, un-pretty, unworthy, heartbroken, a failure, and so many other feelings I felt. I still feel a way to this day. Y'all ain't come to visit. Y'all talked to me through y'all girlfriends but I never threw that in anyone's face. When I'm crying at night, crying myself to sleep, crying in the fuckin shower by myself so I won't have my lil sister worrying bout me y'all ain't there. I walk around playing strong when my world is turned upside down when all I want to do is fall apart and say fuck the world. I'm so busy trying to keep up a perfect picture that I'm walking around fake happy and a smile that doesn't even reach my eyes. Or when I'm in my closet mourning the loss of my fuckin baby boy by myself y'all ain't there. I'm looking at pictures, starring at his lil urn, his sonograms, the few outfits that I did by for him and guess what I'm doing that by myself because guess what...y'all ain't there" tears ran down her face but no one dared to move or comfort her.

"Y'all don't know how that feels. Feeling like I failed my fuckin child like I didn't do enough to save him. Y'all don't know half of what I feel and I pray y'all never will. I'm done. I've apologized. I'm sorry bout all I put each and every one of y'all through. I'm a go see Mama J and then I'm out. It was fun while it lasted. I'm going home to jump into my nigga's arms because right now he's all I fuckin want and knows how to ease my mind" With that April walked on out and up to her bedroom to change while calling to make arrangements to have her jet ready as fast as they could because she was leaving tonight no questions asked.

She was fuckin done. Her weekend was going by as good as it could until tonight and she meant it when she said she was leaving just like she meant every word that came out of her mouth tonight. April wasn't taking shit back.

April and Chris went and visited his mother and both women cried. They were happy to see each other and April promised to keep in touch. They even told her about the baby. Surprisingly Mama J already knew she was pregnant and was patiently for them to tell her but when neither of them did she knew that the worst had happened. She didn't know for sure that April was pregnant but she had an inkling that she was and she was right. Mama J didn't want to bring the subject up to them unless they brought it up. They caught up for about an hour or so before Chris was dropping her off back home so she could pack up and head to the airport.

Luckily for her Trey and Hazel had left by the time she got back home. She didn't know how she felt about Hazel leaving but at the moment she could care less. Any, who April packed up everything she needed and was good to go. She was even taking the things she had packed up from her closet with the help of Chris and August. She had her driver come and pick her up. She just wanted to be by herself. Besides Alaina would be coming back Monday she wanted to spend some more time with August. Before leaving she hugged everybody goodbye and promised to keep in touch with them as well. As far as Trey went his ass was on her shit list and she didn't know when she'd ever talk to him again and at the moment she didn't give a fuck. All she wanted to do was go home and jump into her man's arms and cry until she couldn't shed a single tear. Trey had really done a number on her feelings and she still couldn't believe he said what he said. He might've been intoxicated but her had sober thoughts and cruel intentions.

-Happy Reading everyone! I hope you guys enjoy 😊
-Well, well, well Trey done lost all his damn brain cells 😩
-I don't even know what to say bout the disrespect🤷🏾‍♀️
-How do you guys feel bout that conversation 🤔
-Did Trey go to far...did April go to far🤔
-How do you think this will influence April and Hazel's relationship🤔
-And um I hope you guys had some tea cause some was definitely spilled😩
-Any suggestions? I would love you guys input.
-How's the story so far? To fast...to slow...just right
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend😊 Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries☺️
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem (but you should because I like to talk 😂) don't forget to color that ⭐️ please and thank you!

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