32: Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe

Chapter 32: Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe

I can feel your energy from two planets away
I got my drink, I got my music
I would share it, but today I'm yelling
Bitch, don't kill my vibe! Bitch, don't kill my vibe!
Bitch, don't kill my vibe! Bitch, don't kill my vibe!
[Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe: Kendrick Lamar]

Dave had finished his session at the studio a few hours later than he originally intended to do. He still had a lot on his mind which made him go even harder at the studio tonight. He had hit Millie to let her know he was sliding through because they needed to talk but he ended up changing his mind because it was way too late. He didn't want to give her any kind of ideas that he was coming over for anything other than to talk and hash shit out. Instead Dave went straight home, showered, and smoked a blunt while he talked to April for a few minutes before he fell asleep on the phone on her this time around. Normally April would be the first one to fall asleep but Dave was tired and he needed as much sleep as he could get.

Dave woke up bright and early the next morning and did his morning prayer thanking Allah for waking him up another morning. He had shit to do today and wanted to make sure he handled it early so he could get right and clear his mind before his show tonight. He headed straight to the bathroom pissed, washed his hands, brushed his teeth, and washed his face. Dave sort of felt out of whack though. He knew it was because he didn't wake up next to April snuggled deep into his body like he normally did on the weekends. He was getting use to waking up and going to sleep with her by his side right where she belonged. He had to admit that April was slowly changing him and he didn't mind one bit because they were all positive changes.

He grabbed his phone and made his way out of his bedroom and downstairs to his kitchen all the while sending April his usual good morning text. Of course there was a 3 hour time difference between New Jersey and LA and he knew she was probably sleeping but nonetheless he was keeping up with their routine. Opening up his fridge he grabbed everything he needed to make his morning green smoothie. This would be the part where April would be scrunching up her nose and minding her business just so he wouldn't make her try some. Dave chuckled to himself and got his smoothie together while going through his phone to check his emails, texts, and social media platforms. As soon as he opened his texts he groaned and saw one from Millie.

Kairi's Mama: Papi I thought you were coming through last night. I thought you needed to talk to me 😉👅

Dave knew she was on some bullshit and was happy as hell that he didn't stop by her place last night.

Daddy🤴🏽🍆👅: I'll be there in a few

He sent the message and left it at that. Dave finished his smoothie, cleaned up his little mess, and headed back upstairs to his bedroom to get showered and dressed to start his day. Freshly showered and dressed he grabbed everything he needed and headed out the house making sure to put on his alarm and lock up behind himself. He hopped inside his ride and sped off headed to Millie's while he silently prayed that this talk wouldn't go left because Millie knew how to push his buttons. Dave didn't like the fact that she knew what buttons to push and not push and also when to push them. Pulling up to her condo and parking in the visitor's parking spot he hopped out, locked up, pulled his hoodie over his head, and walked smooth inside since he had his own set of keys. He took the stairs considering it as a light leg exercise.

Standing in front of 3B he pressed the doorbell instead of using his set of keys. 2 minutes went by before Millie opened the door wearing barely anything with a seductive smile planted on her face. She had still yet to realize that Dave was finally over and done with her. The only woman he wanted and already had was April and that's how it was going to stay.

"Why didn't you use ya key daddy" she asked as she bit down on her fresh acrylic tipped index finger and moved to the side to let him inside.

"Didn't want to barge in" he looked pass her and walked inside as she closed the door behind him.

"Hmm ok" she followed behind him.

"Where lil butt" he took a seat on the couch and looked around expecting his lil butt to run out and greet him any minute.

"She's with my mom on her morning walk"

"Bet" he leaned forward, rested his elbows on his spread legs, and placed his head on his balled up fists. "What's up with that post you put up last night" Dave asked sternly while his usual brown eyes darkened and his glare hardened. He jumped straight to it. There was no point in stalling.

Millie sat criss cross apple sauce on the opposite couch and faced him putting on the best sad face she could muster up. "You've been fucking and ducking bitches left and right and I'm not gonna lie I was doing my thing too but if I'm not mistaken when we or 1 of us felt like we were ready to get into a serious relationship we would try us one more time to get it right. You know to be that couple...that family" Millie played with her hands and looked at him. "I knew someone was taking up your time but I didn't think it was anything serious. Had I known it was I would've been said something. Trust me I know what I said on the gram was somewhat wrong but if I'd a said anything to you, you wouldn't even bother to listen to me. I was here first and I should be your last. David I love you and I want that family that we use to talk bout. I know you want it too. You've always wanted it. I know you still love me" The way Millie was talking was as if Dave had just got on bended knee and proposed to April and although Dave didn't mind one bit he and April were in deep like and still getting to know each other. Granted she was wife material but it was just the beginning for them. Besides if they were at that point in their lives Millie would totally be wrong. Shit she was already out of pocket.

"What you did yesterday was straight up disrespectful as hell and fucked up. You sat in front of my woman, had a conversation bout being around our daughter, and a few hours later you post some bullshit on IG. I wouldn't dare do that shit to you if you were fuckin with somebody on a serious level and you know that. We both made promises to each other and didn't keep up with some but nothing like this. When I was tryna make us and this family shit work you weren't ready. You were busy making shit hard. You fucked all of this up, not me. Once we had Kairi all I wanted was for us was to be together and not only did you let me down but you let Kairi down without her even knowing. I loved you Milagrito!" Dave somewhat shouted.

"I fuckin loved you but you didn't return the same love, affection, and feelings that I gave you" Dave took a deep breath trying to keep calm and not get angry but as usual Millie could always take him there.

"I'm sorry David I'm fuckin sorry" Millie jumped up and shouted. "I fucked us up ok I did but I hoped we'd eventually get it together. The way you look at lil Miss Rainbow and Sunshine is the way I want you to look at me" she snarled. "I deserve it. I've been there when you had NOTHING...David nothing. I've been there for it all and never once have you looked at me that way. Y'all haven't even been together that long and the look you give her is one of love and admiration. I want that from you. I deserve that from you" Millie shouted as tears ran freely down her face.

She was jealous and obviously in her feelings. Boy jealousy never looked good on her. Any other time Dave would've had her in his arms by now trying to make shit right because he hated to see her cry but this time around he couldn't and wouldn't dare do it. He had a whole woman who he actually cared and gave a fuck about and felt the same way as he did.

"What bout me David what bout me" she pointed to herself.

"Millie I love you because you are my daughter's mother but I'm not in love with you anymore and I haven't been in a long while. I'm happy where I'm at and who I'm with. I've tried and tried with you but it's always the same outcome. I'm sorry that things didn't work out between us but it's nothing I can do bout it now. I'm in a whole relationship with someone I truly care bout. You're upset but imagine how she feels to have made a huge step by sitting down and talking to you while you threw shade at her and then you post online talking bout fighting for your family and how much you love and want me back. Me and you both know if somebody had did that shit while we were together you'd be all in ya feelings and ready to throw words online, fight, and call her all types of hoes, bitches, and homewreckers. Ya starting trouble but don't even know who you fuckin with. Now if she says something to you bout it then she's wrong for that too right. So like I said imagine how she feels right now"

"You don't mean that shit David we both know that. Fuck her and how she feels. I want you and my family back so I'm a fight to get it all back" she rolled her eyes looking deranged. Millie thought it would be easy to get Dave back but she underestimated how he truly felt about April. She was pissed off and willing to do anything at this point. Dave was hers always and forever and no one could ever change that.

"Millie get it through ya head. I. DON'T. WANT. YOU. LIKE. THAT. If I did I'd a tried to make it work once again but no I'm done. I don't care what you say bout me but keep my woman out of it. You talking bout fighting but it's gonna be a losing battle. Just worry bout Kairi and we'll be good. I'd ask you to apologize for the shit you started but that would just be a waste of breath and coming from you it wouldn't be sincere at all. You were so busy out for self that you didn't think bout how no one else would feel including me. You fucked up"

"David please" Millie pleaded. "Please can we just work it out. I know I did you wrong but please all I ask is for you to think bout it. We were in the projects struggling to make shit shake. Me working and taking care of everything while you pursued ya music career and played in the streets. All the late nights we spent talking bout our future. You're willing to throw it away for some uppity bitch you just met" she wiped the tears from her face. "We been through it all"

"Chill with all the name calling shit for real Mil. Where the fuck was all this when I was tryna make us work? All this fight all this emotion. It wasn't there until you figured I was serious bout being with April. When did you start feeling this way? Yesterday" Dave fumed. He had a soft spot for Millie and honestly if she was doing all of this months ago before he met April he'd be down to try it again not only for him but for the sake of their daughter.

"Believe me I thought we would make it because we struggled together but you weren't on the same page as me. I fought for you but you didn't fight for me when I needed you to. You act like I got big and said fuck you. I was still there showing you love, loving you, spending time, spending racks, and making sure you were straight. You still had my attention. I wasn't checking for anyone but you. But as usual you're just being plain ole Millie. When I'm up you're up. When I'm down and out feeling the weight of the world on my fuckin shoulders you're out. When I'm on top of the fuckin world you're right there belittling me and telling me I ain't shit and won't ever be shit. So Millie, why would I just happily run back into ya arms and give you what you want" Dave stood up and stepped to her. He was pissed as hell. This is what he didn't want to happen. He didn't want to go there with her.

"All of a sudden you want me back yet not too long ago it was fuck Dave this and fuck Dave that. I won't let you see Kairi. My parents don't like you. My sister want to fight you and my father is out in the streets selling drugs. My family ain't shit" he exclaimed. "Remember all that shit you said not too long ago. Yet my family adores Kairi. My mother and father watch her at the drop of a dime when I need them to or when I ask you and you can't pull through which is often. Why...because it's not ya day to watch her you only do weekends" he chuckled. This couldn't be who he had once fallen in love with. Anybody had to be better than Millie.

"My sister treats her like she's her own. You talk all this shit and yet you forget I'm Kairi's primary guardian and provider. She doesn't want or need for anything when she's in my care. Yet you're in a condo that I paid for. A condo that's in my name, utilities, groceries, and the fuckin car you drive that's all on me because it's my job to make sure she's good with or without me. All I ask is for you to do is be a damn mother to our child but you barely do that right. Remember you left her 4 months after she was born. You left me with a newborn when I knew nothing bout taking care of a fuckin newborn. Mind you, you had already checked out before then. I still stuck around and tried to see if we could make it work but for Kairi I had to leave cause you were in the relationship but you weren't there. Yet you're standing here in my face crying talking bout you love me and want ya family back. Miss me with the bullshit ma" Dave went off. He had been holding this shit in for far too long. He didn't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel like he was throwing shade better yet trees at her but she didn't give a fuck about his feelings or anyone else's but hers.

He didn't plan on letting loose like this but shit happens. Millie pushed his buttons and received a reaction she didn't want or expect. Dave starred at Millie as his chest heaved up and down rapidly as she sat back down on the couch looking up at him in pure shock that he had unloaded a full clip on her the way that he did. She knew he was hurt but not this much and she was the one to blame. Dave gritted his teeth trying to compose himself as he now paced back and forth across the hardwood floor. He felt his phone vibrate in his sweatpants pocket and pulled it out stopping him mid stride. It was a text message. It was from his baby so he immediately opened it with a smile slowly forming on his face. April had texted him just when he needed her. How did she know that he needed her? He didn't know but he was thankful she did. He honestly felt like this was the calmest it was going to be before a major storm hit. Millie saw the look on his face and already knew who it was that caused him to smile the way he was. All she could think was she had to get rid of April and fast.

Mine👸🏾🍑💙: Good morning papi. I missed waking up in your arms this morning 😔. I pray that you're ok. I don't know how but I feel like you're barely holding it together. Call me I need to hear your voice 😘

Dave left her on read.

"Anything else you want to say before I go" Dave looked at Millie and put his phone back in his pocket. Dave was done and said all he needed to say. He didn't want to waste anymore of his precious air on her any longer because she just wasn't getting it. Millie shook her head and watched him walk out on her and out the door. Dave made it out the door and took the stairway down just like he did when he arrived. He was hoping he would've ran into his lil butt but he already knew she was out with her nana getting spoiled. Once he entered his car and got settled he pulled out of his parking space ready to get far away from Millie's place and head back home. As soon as he stopped at the first red light he called April. It was something about hearing her voice and seeing her face that made him feel at ease. She was who he needed by his side.

"Papi are you ok" was the first thing April said when she answered the phone. Dave couldn't help but smile. She was worried about him. This was the first woman outside of his family that actually worried about him. It was a first for him and a new feeling he didn't mind feeling. It was good to know that someone he truly liked really cared about him.

"I am now. I miss you though" and he did.

"I miss you too papi but I'll be home before you know it. Whatcha up to" he could hear the pout in her voice. How? He didn't know but he knew she was pouting.

Dave sighed and focused on the road. "Just leaving Millie's place I went this morning instead of last night. I wasn't bout to give her any ideas that I was looking for something else"

"I'm guessing things didn't go as expected"

"Not even a lil bit"

"Well we don't have to talk bout it now. You can tell me when I get back. Today's the night of ya show so we're gonna focus on positive vibes ok papi"

He groaned. "I need you bad ma" Dave confessed.

"You need me or need me" she questioned with a smirk.

"Both" he admitted. Dave wanted April by his side badly but he also wanted to get his dick wet and she was the one who he wanted and needed. He had been in a drought since the day they first kicked it and he was cool and still cool about it. He didn't mind the wait because he knew it would be worth it but right about now he wanted to be in between her thighs buried deep in her folds and wetness feeling all her warmth and everything she had to give.

"I can have them prep the jet in no time and make it to you in a few hours bae" she said and he knew she was serious. Dave knew that April would drop anything for him and that alone made him smile. It made him feel special.

"Nah I don't want to take you away from ya friends. I'll be good till Sunday" as much as he wanted her he knew that her friends wanted that time with her so he could wait another day.

"Baby they'll understand"

"I know but chill with ya friends. Besides it's already Saturday so we'll both be aight"

April sighed. "Are you sure"

"This sounds familiar doesn't it" he chuckled.

"Shut up" she laughed. "Any, who whatcha getting into before the show"

"I'm a just chill in the crib until I need to head out for sound check and shit" he answered as he pulled up to his crib.

"Bet, then you can rest up till then. How was the studio?"

"It was aight. You had niggas asking bout you and shit" he chuckled and hopped out the range locking it up after himself.

April laughed. "They know how it goes on Fridays. I be attached to that ass" she stuck out her tongue as if Dave could see her.

"Put the tongue back in ya mouth ma before I make you put it to use when ya get back" at this point they had spent so much time together that Dave could tell when she pouted, rolled her eyes better yet attempted to roll her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and a few other things.

"Trust I was gonna put it to use anyway papi" she shot back.

"Say less ma say less" he bit down on his bottom lip just thinking about how her tongue could please him.


A few hours later...

Dave was in his dressing room dressed fresh to death in a royal blue Gucci tracksuit smelling fresh and ready to get the show on the road. His braids were still fresh and intact from when April blessed his head and he had his beard freshly trimmed and lined up looking like a snack as always. Well that's what his bae always called him anyway. His boys were in his dressing room, liquor was being passed around, and the scent of weed was heavy in the air. He had finished sound check about an hour ago and it ran by smooth. 10 minutes later he and his boys did a quick prayer then he was off to go to bless the stage. To Dave the feeling of being on stage and hearing his fans cheer for him was still surreal to him. It was a feeling he wouldn't trade for the world. Shit the fact that he even had fans still tripped him out. He had finally made it and didn't want or need for anything. Allah had truly blessed him and he thanked him every chance he got.

"New York, New York what's crackin" Dave hyped up the crowd and just like that everyone turned up, got lit, and the venue was live. Not to mention it was a full house. The performance only lasted for an hour and a half but he still couldn't leave. His job wasn't done yet. He still had to host at the same venue which he didn't mind because it was part of his job for the day. They were paying him for performing and hosting so all he was doing now was securing the rest of his bag. Signing a couple of autographs and taking a few pictures with his fans he was then safely escorted by security upstairs to a VIP booth in which his boys followed along. Bottle girls brought out bottle after bottle, females pranced around damn near naked lingering around his boys doing what they do to bag a nigga for the night, weed smoke heavily present in the air as some of his boys had a rotation going on while Dave sat there in his own bubble cooling. He couldn't wait for April to start coming to his shows and supporting him by being there by his side and partying with him. He just knew that she not only would be there for him but they would have fun together. Dave wanted to see her in his element. He wanted to see her lit and enjoying herself.

His boys knew he was in a relationship and respected it so they were low key keeping girls from prancing around him knowing that he didn't want to be entertained by any of them. His security was also on high alert for any sketchy females as well. Everybody was team April. It wasn't like he didn't trust himself around other females it was the fact that some of them couldn't be trusted. They'd do anything to get next to him and get a quick 15. Besides Dave was in a new relationship and didn't want to cause any more drama to come their way so tonight he was playing it safe.

A bottle of Balaire in his hand and a blunt between his lips he was enjoying the vibe as he got up every now and again to say some shit to hype up the crowd. Dave was cooling. The night was going good...perhaps a little too good.


"Boss we have a minor situation" his guard Roc approached him and whispered in his ear. Dave turned his nose up wondering what the fuck could be the problem because from where he was sitting he didn't hear any commotion so he knew it wasn't a fight going on.

"Sup" he leaned up and asked as he scanned his surrounds now on high alert.

"Ya baby moms is at the door trying to get into VIP"

Dave shook his head in disbelief. He knew it was too good to be true. The night was going by too damn good. Not wanting to cause a scene he sighed. "Let her in" he immediately picked up the phone sending off a text. Although he wasn't expecting this shit he was well prepared.

Mine👸🏾🍑💙: baby just a heads up. Millie just popped up to VIP. I didn't want to cause a scene so I let security know she could come inside.

My Papi💋👅🍆: 🙄 just watch ya back she's plotting. Her ass is really on a mission.

"Hey daddy" Millie purred seductively as she now stood in front of Dave dressed in a velvet blue lace dress that left little to nothing to the imagination. Her makeup was flawless, her hair bone straight a little pass her shoulders with a middle part, and neck draped in jewelry that he had once bought for her. Millie was looking good as fuck but he still wasn't checking for her. The quicker she understood that the better off they'd be.

"Where my daughter" he huffed as she bent down in front of him and up to his ear.

"Don't worry she's in good hands. My mom is watching her tonight. I figured they could bond while I spent some time bonding with you daddy" at that very moment Dave saw a flash go off. He already knew it was the club's photographer and he had captured the moment of him and Millie. He also knew that this was going to hit the blogs ASAP especially after Millie made that post about him being in a relationship and fighting for her family. Guess it was by any means necessary. Millie was going to do whatever she needed to attempt and win him back.

"Daddy I hope you love I how I look tonight. It's all for you" she whispered so close to his ear it looked as if she had kissed him and he knew that was just what she wanted. She was painting a picture and he was her muse.

"Millie get the fuck on" he was trying to keep calm. He didn't have time for bad press and he knew that she knew that shit. He should've never let her in.

"Aye yo East" Shooter walked over seeing Dave in a tight situation.

Dave looked up at him with a mug on his face while Millie stood up and took a seat beside him and sexily crossed her legs acting as if she was his woman and had been in his arms all night.

"You good over here" Shooter asked looking between him and Millie.

"Fuck no" he damn near snapped. "I ain't tryna cause a scene" he spoke through gritted teeth.

Shooter looked at the time on his watch. "You got an hour left"

"Heard ju"

"Lil sis gonna whoop her ass" Shooter chuckled as he took a seat beside Dave. Like always Shooter had his back and if he could get him out of a jam he would.

Millie leaned over placing her head on Dave's shoulder. "Daddy smile for me" As soon as Dave turned his head Millie quickly snapped a picture. Dave knew what time it was and what was about to go down. It was about to be a field day. Not only was Millie going to post pictures but he also knew others would surface online that would be posted by the people surrounding them.

"What the fuck you tryna do" Dave spoke through gritted teeth and roughly moved his shoulder.

"Getting my man back duh" she smirked and stuck out her tongue as if he had asked her something dumb.

Mine 👸🏾🍑💙: It's bout to be a problem!

My Papi💋👅🍆: I figured that much when she popped up 😤🙄

Dave didn't care if Millie was beside him while he texted April. He needed Millie to know her place as well as keep April updated because he wanted no smoke. He was trying to keep his woman and Millie wasn't about to fuck his shit up if he could help it.

Mine👸🏾🍑💙: Expect to see pics

My Papi💋👅🍆: That was the point of her popping up. She's trying to be seen with you. She's "fighting" for her family and her man. I'm a let her be at the moment but I promise you she don't want this smoke so you might want to warn her in advance. You know my pops and I'm a leave it at that. Hit me when you leave out.

Dave wiped his hands over his faced stressed. He didn't know how to take the text. He knew April wouldn't go too far but how far would she actually go. He knew her parents and knew they were people you didn't fuck with but still what would April do. Dave groaned just done with the night all together. He could always count on Millie to fuck some shit up. His high was blown and instead of sipping on liquor all night he felt like all he did was guzzle gallons of water. Bitch done killed his vibe!

-Yassssssss I'm on time today 😝 Happy Friday and Happy Reading😁
-Dave done emptied a full clip on Millie..she wasn't ready🤣
-Millie out here really trying to fight for her family oh and her man 🙄
-How y'all feeling bout that pop up and all this 🐍 shit Millie doing?
-Talk to me..what's on y'all minds🤔
-Do you guys think this is going to end well🤔
-Welp next to come is some Drama, drama, & more drama🤐 so get that 🍿 & 🍾🍸 ready and for the ones who don't drink get that 🥤or ☕️ ready 😂
-Suggestions welcomed
-Any, who y'all know what time it is! Sharing is caring! Tell a friend to tell a friend! Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries🤗
-And again if you guys are reading and not commenting no problem but don't forget to color that ⭐️ please and thank you!
-You should comment though I like to know what you guys are thinking and feeling.

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