30: Cry Me A River

Chapter 30: Cry Me a River

You told me you love me
Why did you leave me all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me on the phone
Girl, I refuse
You must have me confused with some other guy
The bridges were burned
Now it's your turn, to cry
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
Cry me a river
[Cry Me a River: Justin Timberlake]

Dave had low key been on edge all day. It started with April calling him early this morning when she seemed to be experiencing a panic attack. Yes he calmed her down but honestly he was saving face. She scared him. He knew that she would be going through it today and no matter what he said to her in the end she'd still feel a way. He had texted her and called her throughout the day to no avail to the point he was plain flat out worried. Dave made a mental note to get Alaina and Hazel's number for emergency purposes. All he wanted to know was if she was ok so he could breathe a little bit. He knew he wouldn't be able to breathe 100% until she was back home and in his arms. At one point during the day he felt a sickening feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. He just knew something was wrong with her and prayed to Allah that she would call soon. Dave knew she didn't want him to worry about her but he couldn't help it. The way he saw it, it was now his job to worry about her.

What he didn't know was at the same time he had that sickening feeling April was actually going through the beginning stages of her nervous breakdown. All he wanted to do was be there for her. Wipe away her tears while she cried, hold her in his arms when she needed to be held, let her use his shoulder when she needed someone to lean on, and lend his ear when all she wanted was for someone to listen to her. Dave wanted and needed to be there for her. He couldn't express it enough. He was her man and felt like he needed to hold her hand and let her know that at the end of the day he had her back. She wasn't alone. He would be there for her no matter what and that she would eventually get over the situation. It would of course take time and it might hurt but it would get better.

Dave had been walking around the house on autopilot trying to compose himself and just clear his mind and spend time with his lil butt especially since she would be going to her mom's place later on for her weekend visitation. He had just watched his lil butt pullout the winding driveway with her mother when his phone had finally went off displaying the picture he snuck of April while she was cuddled up sleeping in his arms. He loved the picture and loved the fact that she was in his arms. He still couldn't understand better yet believe how a man like him got a woman like her. April was one hell of a catch. Like why did she even give him a chance? What was so special about him? Dave thought she needed to be with some super rich snooty nigga who could love her and give her the world but nope it was him the gang banging thug rapper that she wanted and gave all her attention to.

Before the phone could ring a 3rd time he immediately picked up and the conversation started. April told him what she could at the moment but he knew there was more to the story and was glad that she wanted to talk about it in person. In person he could be there like he wanted and needed to be. At the end of the day he was just happy that she was somewhat good and he could stop worrying so much. From her kinky curly tresses wild and about, her bloodshot red eyes, and tear stained face he knew that something had went down but he wasn't going to press her about it. He just hoped that she and Chris hadn't been arguing even though she claimed they didn't. Dave just talked to her about whatever was on her mind until she fell asleep on the phone with him. He knew that his woman was exhausted. He could see it. It was written all over her face.

Dave sighed and just listened and watched her sleep for a few more minutes before he finally decided to hang up since she had the phone propped up facing her. He couldn't wait for her to come home so he could comfort her the way he wanted to. As soon as she arrived to his place he wasn't going to let her out of his sight except for when she had to go to work and even then he planned on checking on her throughout the day. He knew Alaina wanted to spend as much time as she could with April before she moved away but April was his for a whole week. From Sunday to Sunday April was his.

Dave got up and headed to his bathroom to get ready for the night. He had a studio session tonight and a few things on his mind so the studio would definitely come in handy. For him the studio was a place where he could let his emotions take over and make some good music in return. Dave had a bunch of emotions flowing through him at the moment that needed to be released. From the happiness he felt for finally solidifying his relationship with April, to the shade his baby mama was throwing during their little meet and greet, to feeling like he needed to be with his woman physically to have her back when he knew and felt like she needed him the most, and for the way Trey tried to make April feel like she was in the wrong for even talking to him let alone being in a relationship with him. Dave knew the odds were against them but he could care less because he had finally found true happiness in someone else besides his daughter. With his lil butt and his woman by his side Dave felt like he could take over the world.

Dave knew that with April he had found a diamond in the rough and he was going to treat her as such. In and out the shower he headed to his bedroom and straight to his dresser. Tango boxer briefs, wife beater, and socks on he made his way inside his walk-in closet he pulled out a pair of black distressed denim true religion jeans, a fresh black polo tee, and grabbed his Timbs. Dressed from head to toe he finished off the half of blunt he had from earlier, grabbed his phone, charger, and his Gucci back pack that held a few lyric filled notebooks making sure to grab his black Gucci hoodie on his way out. He turned off the lights as he made his was throughout the house only keeping a hall light on as well as his porch lights. He put the alarm on and locked up. Unlocking his Range he locked the doors, started the truck, and buckled up. 45 minutes later he was in the city and parking in the studio parking lot right next to Shooter who sat in his ride smoking a blunt while on the phone probably talking to one of his many hoes. Dave got out of his ride and leaned against it waiting for Shooter to exit his.

"East" Shooter greeted him as they clapped it up doing one of their handshakes that they made up when they were younger.

"Shooter what's goodie" he folded his arms still posted up against his ride.

"I should be asking you that. Looks like you got a lot on ya mind"

Dave chuckled. "You don't know the half"

"What's good? Please don't tell me Millie showed her ass in front of lil sis" Shooter shook his head knowing Millie was capable of being an ass as well as showing it. He could never understand what his boy saw in her. She was cool but vindictive. If shit didn't go her way she'd be a problem. With the way Dave's life was heading she didn't need to be in the picture especially when she was out for self. Millie only needed to be there for their daughter and that's it. Shooter was Team April all day. She was good for Dave and they vibed well together. Shooter hadn't seen his boy this happy since his daughter was born so to see him with someone who actually cared about him he was here for it.

"I'll feel you in but let's head inside first" Dave took the lead with Shooter right by his side as usual. Inside the studio Dave got situated and was ready to unload what was on his mind to his brother.

"So what's good" Shooter asked again. It was only the 2 of them inside the studio at the moment.

"First things first I finally made it official with lil mama" Dave couldn't help but smile at that.

"Nigga bout time, I thought you liked being in the friend zone" Shooter joked and laughed.

"Fuck off" Dave joined him.

"But nah real talk congrats man. I fucks with lil sis and she keeps ya mean ass happy and level headed so I'm here for it"

"Thanks man preciate' it. As far as Millie goes she was aight in the beginning but then she was throwing shade throwing the fact that we had a child together. To me you know I stay reading in between the lines it seemed like she was saying that yea we have a kid together and y'all might be together but I ain't going no where. The look on her face when I said we were together I already knew she was in her feelings. She tried to hide that shit but I can still read her ass. Talking bout know ya place and you should be good knowing damn well she's more bark than bite. To make shit worse when she was leaving I walked her out and she was mad because I'm fuckin with lil mama. Said she thought we were going to give it another try when I was ready to settle down. I didn't even bother to tell bae that shit. It wasn't even worth it" Dave wiped his hands over his face.

"Bruh if I'm not mistaken she was the one who was fuckin up. You gave her chance after chance and she just couldn't be the woman you needed her to be. Don't even sweat that shit. Ya happy with lil sis so enjoy that shit. You deserve it"

"Say less I ain't worried bout it. I'm happy where I'm at. Lil mama ain't feeling her though she like she rubbed her the wrong way and she's just gonna keep her eyes open and I can't say I blame her. With Millie you gotta keep ya eyes open because she's always coming out of left field with some shit"

Shooter shook his head. "I just hope she ain't on no bullshit cause after that shit that went down in the studio a few weeks back with lil sis and ole girl with Profit's bitch ass I don't think Millie's ready" he said in all seriousness. Shooter and Bully both thought April wasn't playing any games. The way she said what she said and the way she looked spoke volumes. They knew if she had to she would show a side no one expected to see.

"Nigga" Dave damn near shouted. "I knew I had to tell you some shit. How bout Ian and Anna are her parents"

Shooter chuckled. "You talking bout unc and auntie from back in the day, the same nigga who use to be out in the streets with ya pops. The same nigga who took us under his wing"

"Hell yea"

"It's a small ass world bruh"

"Tell me bout it. I asked her why I never saw her with them and she told me they didn't bring her around when they handled business"

"Damn, so you know Millie ain't ready cause I know they ain't raise no punk bitches. Speaking of lil sis where da fuck she at she's normally right by ya side of Fridays"

Dave chuckled. Shooter was right from Friday to early Sunday they were connected by the hip unless he had a show and even then he'd go straight to her house because he always got the best sleep when he was next to her. Besides she was always happy to see and chill with him no matter what time it was. "She's in LA right now. She had to handle some personal shit but she'll be back Sunday"

"Oh aight" Shooter nodded.

"Enough bout all that I need to get these songs recorded. Where da fuck everybody at"

"Everybody should be here in a few minutes"


About ten minutes later everybody that needed to be in the studio was there and ready to get down to business just what Dave needed tonight to help clear his mind. Beat after beat was played until he heard one that matched his mood and the words that were circling around in his head. In and out the booth after he killed a song on one take he sat down to hear it replay to see if he wanted to make some changes.
Hearing it play back him and his boys bobbed their heads while Dave rapped along to the song with a blunt in his hand. He was feeling it. These songs were for the follow up of his Karma mixtape. This was for Karma 2.

"I know this girl that had me leaving my team (I know)
Her pussy good, can never leave her on seen (never)
Know how to speak to a Queen (queen)
She from Brooklyn, said let's meet up in Queens (bridge)
Can't wait to taste her, somethin' 'bout her said she keep her shit clean (mmm)
She Instagram'ing, posting pictures on a daily basis
The Weeknd or Drake, her playlist
She classy but niggas from the streets her favourite
I like her when I'm actually sober
She don't do the Fashion Nova
My other chick tripping, she left for lipstick in back of the Rover
You try to trick on her, show love, but not even that could control her
I had her playing 2k, she begged me to pass the controller (hah)
Brunch in the afternoon in the Heights when they actually approached us
Got caught day dreaming, this the same bitch I had on the poster (gone)"

"Damn that's a hit right there...you know something for the ladies" Bully leaned forward looking at Dave as he listened along.

"Say less" Dave lit up a blunt and leaned back in his chair vibing out.

"You want to talk bout it" Bully asked Dave. Between Bully, Shooter, and Dave they could all read each other.

"Before you get into that you might want to check the Gram. Ya baby mama out here confessing her undying love for you and shit" Shooter chuckled but wasn't shit funny. He knew Millie was going to pull some bullshit. It was her M.O. Dave looked at him and frowned.

"Dead ass" he said in a questioning tone. Bully looked at his phone and then back at Dave. "Yea, she showing her ass right now" Bully confirmed.

"I don't need this type of shit right now. I just made it official with bae and not to mention they just met each other yesterday" Dave wiped his hands over his face in frustration. Like he said he didn't need this type of shit going on. The shit Millie was pulling was disrespectful as fuck and if she really felt some type of way she had more than enough time to speak her peace. It would take her to see him with someone else for her to come out the wood work with her so-called feelings. Dave took his phone out of his pocket, unlocked it, and went straight to the notification that said he was tagged by Millie.

I really didn't want to do this but I knew if I'd a tried to say it to you that you'd try to blow me off as if I wasn't being truthful or serious. I didn't know you were ready for a serious relationship or better yet ready to settle down. I thought when you got to that point in ya life that it would include me by your side. That was the plan wasn't it. I know I messed up time and time again. I admit it. You messed up too but all of that is in the past. The way you look at her you've never looked at me that way. I want that. I want that with you, happiness and dare I say you look like you might be falling in love. But I still love you. I never stopped. I still want that family with you. I want our baby girl our lil butt to wake up in a household with both her mother and father in a loving home. I'm willing to fight for you and our family. I'm not trying to start any trouble in ya new relationship but I just needed you to know how I feel, how I always felt. David I know I might've waited a lil too late but if there's a slight chance for us I'm down for the cause. We've been through a lot together good and bad and I would happily like to go through more with you if that means having you by my side. I love you baby daddy @DEast. That's it let me get out of my feelings. If it's worth anything congratulations!

Dave didn't even bother to look at the likes, dislikes, or the comments. Millie had just started some bullshit and all he could hope for was that his girl not to be in her feelings because he only had eyes for her. He was only interested in her. For one Millie had already fucked up. No one knew that he was even in a relationship let alone talking to anyone and now she had just thrown the whole cat right out of the bag with no warning no nothing. That was not the way he wanted people to find out about him and April. It was their tea to spill and it wouldn't be done the way that Millie had put it out there. One thing Dave was happy about was the fact that Millie didn't mention April's name but still in all Millie had just fucked up.

Then the whole I'm not trying to start shit was straight bullshit. How you trying to shoot your shot at a man that you, yourself just said were taken? Dave knew he was going to have to talk to her and put a stop to her madness because she was being nothing but messy. Not only that now he had to deal with hundreds of people questioning him about his relationship and who was the mystery woman he was dating. He could've sworn he told her not to mention his relationship status to anyone and especially not online. Leave it to Millie to fuck some shit up.

"Fuck" Dave somewhat shouted. He was pissed off and had every right to be. April was already dealing with some shit and here was more shit to add on to what she was already dealing with and Dave didn't like that one bit.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you just say you and lil sis just made it official AND both of you talked to Millie so she obviously knows who sis is and just doesn't give a fuck" Shooter said shaking his head.

"What" Bully looked around confused he had missed out on the conversation.

"Yea I asked April to be my woman and we had a sit down with Millie since I wanted her to meet Kairi and get to know her since she's going to be around. As soon as Millie left shawty was saying she didn't trust her and now Millie pulls this bullshit. Bae already going through her own shit she doesn't need this extra shit. I'm supposed to be making shit better not worse" Dave was done. What Millie did was unforgivable and downright selfish. She could never just play her role.

"You can always count on Millie to start some shit when you ain't paying her ass dust" Bully leaned back into the couch. He was another one who didn't fuck with Millie. The way he saw it when Dave was up Millie was good. When Dave was down Millie was out and when Dave was on top of the world she liked to wreak havoc. She was a shit starter. Right about now Dave was feeling like he was on top of the world since he had met April and here was Millie ready to destroy his happiness because she was low key unhappy herself.

"News travels fast especially on social media. I think you need to hit up lil sis and let her know what's going on before she hears it from someone else and they blow it out of proportion. Well that's if anybody besides us knows since y'all been on y'all under cover lover shit" Shooter suggested while he rolled up.

"Word" Bully agreed.

Dave wiped his hands over his face once again. They were right he needed to call April ASAP. He knew she was in her feelings but he also knew this was something he had to do. Dave didn't know what to expect. All he hoped and prayed for was that April could handle what he had to tell her and not react as if it was his fault. He had no intentions or thoughts about getting with Millie especially since he met and had April. Millie had run out of chances a long time ago. Before Dave had the chance to call April somebody was already hitting his line.


-Happy Reading I hope you guys enjoy😊
-So um yea ole girl on her bullshit😡
-How y'all feeling about that lil post she put up?
-I know Dave says he's done with her but is he really🤔
-Let's talk...what's on y'all minds...how y'all feeling about this chapter?
-By the way the lyrics used in this chapter are from his song on Karma 2 called Day Dreaming...it's one of my faves😍
-Any suggestions?
-Any, who sharing is caring! Tell a friend to tell a friend...don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries🥰
-If you're reading my book and you like it but don't comment no problem (you should though..I like to interact with you guys😊) but can you please color that ⭐️ thank you😊
-And ummm..I'm trying to figure out how Wattpad actually works..I've noticed a long while ago that when I go look for my story that it's nowhere to be found..I can scroll and scroll and still not find it when I search for it on the site..Not only that I'm not understanding how I have 30 plus parts and I'm only getting but so many views when there are books on this site that have like 4 parts and haven't been updated in damn near a year collecting virtual dust but got hella views and it's easy to find. I've tagged my story and even still the only place I see it is on my own page..Somebody make it make sense..I know that Wattpad has hella stories but damn to type my shit in the search engine and not find the shit is a lil ridiculous..I guess if you just so happen to stumble upon it then that's just it..Shit is a lil frustrating..Now I'm not saying my story is better than anybody else's or throwing shade I just think it should get more notice then what it already does or at lease be a lil easier to find. On another note I truly appreciate all of my loyal readers, commenters, voters, and ghost readers without you guys my shit would still be sitting collecting virtual dust as well😂😂

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