27: Enemy

Chapter 27: Enemy

But if you could see what my eyes can see (oh)
You would see what you mean to me (oh)
If you could feel the way my heart is beating
You can feel my energy, you keep coming back for me, you can feel my energy
I wouldn't be the enemy
I don't wanna be the enemy
I cannot undo what I have done (oh, what I've done)
I know you don't understand, how I couldn't resist it (understand, no)
Especially since I knew you were the one, girl, I knew you were the one
Should have been the only one
[Enemy: Chris Brown]

Feeling less stressed since she talked to Dave, April had managed to get dressed and ready on time. She didn't want to be petty but she wanted Chris to see all that he had missed out on. So she had decided to pull a play out of Millie's playbook by wearing a long sleeve black skin tight jumpsuit that showed off every single one of her curves that her body possessed. She didn't know what she was thinking when she packed it but she was happy that she did. When April had first walked out on Chris she had stopped eating properly and let's not forget about the stress that her weight had dropped drastically. Knowing she needed to get her act together she got herself back on the right track and since then her body had been better than ever. Her breast sat up all nice and perky, her stomach was as flat as a board, her waist snatched, while her hips expanded just the right amount to flatter her nice, juicy, plump, fat ass that her baby liked to grip like it was his own personal basketball.

It all showed as she stood in front of her full length mirror. April knew Dave would have a fuckin fit if he saw her. She knew for a fact that he would make her change but she wanted Chris to see that if he wasn't so busy out in the streets doing as he pleased that he could've still been coming home to a woman that put most if not all of the chicks he fucked with to shame. April was all natural and nothing on her body was enhanced.

She kept everything else simple. She had her hair in a sleek high fluffy, curly bun with her edges tamed and slicked just right, and not an ounce of makeup on her flawless face besides the Chap Stick on her lips. April had on diamond stud earrings that ranged from large to small and that was about it. On her feet was nothing but a pair of fuzzy long socks that she loved to walk around in. She had taken a few pictures reminding herself to send them to Dave later on during the day. She wouldn't dare send them now. That would just be asking for punishment. He'd be on her heels and knocking on her front door. Her sisters, brothers, and her man had all reached out to her sending her best wishes. When the clock stroke 12 she was walking downstairs to answer the door as she silently prayed that she would be ok because this was something she had been needed to do.

April already knew it was Chris she had saw him on the security monitor when he punched the code in to get through the gate. It was nice to know that he had remembered it. Knowing Chris he probably still had his set of keys to the house because she knew for a fact that she had never taken them or asked for them back. Meaning maybe it was time to change the locks. Taking a well needed deep breath she opened the door and looked up at the man who was supposed to be her past, present, and her future. April had to admit that he still looked daddy-ish as he stood before her. Dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white and black Supreme hoodie, paired with a light blue denim jacket, and a single gold chain that of course had a diamond encrusted cartoon character hanging from it. Diamond studs glistened in his ears as he also had his 2 gold loop nose piercings. Chris had come looking like a whole fuckin snack not to mention he had let his hair grow out and was sporting the new thot boy hairstyle...2 cornrows and a man bun. He was on the same page as April they both dressed to impress even though they weren't dressed up at all but just enough to catch the each other's attention. April cleared her throat causing her and Chris to snap out of it and focus and stop low key checking each other out because yes that's what they were doing.

"Hey, come in" April spoke softly and stepped to the side to let him in. Stepping inside he slid out of his kicks and placed them to the side like he remembered and took off his jean jacket placing it inside of the coat closet by the front door. Guess some things don't change unlike people. April shook her head and inwardly laughed because after damn near 3 years he still remembered the routine. If only he remembered how to love her they wouldn't be in this situation. "Follow me" April walked ahead of him as he followed behind her to the living room not even attempting to take his eyes off of her ass and she knew it. She felt his eyes burning into her backside and hoped it burned a permanent image in his memory bank because he wouldn't see it like this again. "Would you like anything to drink? I have water and I made some strawberry lemonade" she asked being cordial.

"No thanks I'm good at the moment" he answered as he took a seat on the couch. She could tell he was a little tense and for that she sighed in relief because she wasn't the only one feeling a way.

"Ok" April sat across from him on the opposite couch with her eyes locked on him still checking him out possibly burning an image of him in her memory bank as well. He still caught her eye and if she wasn't committed and only focused on Dave her pussy would've been clenching for days. Unlike Chris, April was loyal.

"First off thanks for coming to LA to talk to me and even allowing me in your space"

"You're welcome it needed to happen anyway" she shrugged her shoulders acting as if it wasn't a big deal.

"True, so how have you been" Chris asked. Honestly they both didn't know where to start. They just knew that they didn't want to argue. They just wanted to talk like adults they were.

"Politically correct answer or you here for the truth" she folded her legs up into the crisscross apple sauce position and started playing with her hands just like he knew she would. He knew she was nervous.

"No lies all truths today. I want no I need for you to tell me the truth just like I know you want the same from me" he answered.

April took a deep breath. This was it. It was finally happening. "Right now I'm in a happy place and living my life but I have days where I'm thinking bout you and questioning our entire relationship but we'll get into that in a moment. How have you been" she looked at him wanting to hear his answer to see if he felt remotely as bad as she did some days or even worst.

"I'm ok for the most part. Could be better but I realized that I brought most of this on myself so all I can do is deal with it and pray that it gets better. At the end of the day I dropped the ball and fucked up" he answered honestly. There was no reason to lie.

"We were friends first. You were my 'Chrissy'. Then you became my best friend and then my boyfriend. I honestly thought that we were good. 3 years into being your girl you switched up on me and I never saw it coming. You showed no signs" she fanned her eyes not wanting to cry. Chris had meant so much to her. "What did I do or didn't do for you to change up like that" she asked. "Like I really thought we were good when it came to us and our relationship" she had being dying to know what the hell she had done.

"And that's why I need to apologize. It was never your fault that I acted the way I did. I did what I did because I wanted to. Things at home were good. We were good but I got caught up and even when I wanted to stop I still couldn't because I was living my life having fun and not thinking bout you or the consequences. It was like at home I had the perfect woman. Beautiful, intelligent, had your own, cooked, cleaned, sexed me right, my voice of reason, ear to listen to, and held me down. You were everything I needed"

For some reason the word needed stuck out to her and made April feel even worst. She felt like she was needed but wasn't wanted and that threw her off and she was going to speak on it. She wasn't holding shit back today.

"Outside of the house I was Chris Brown. The ladies loved me and the niggas wanted to be. I could do whatever I wanted and I did but it all came with a hefty price...you. So don't ever think it was something you did when it wasn't. It was all me. I take full responsibility for fuckin us up. It was me" Chris sighed in relief as if he had been holding this in for years. Then again he had been.

"Everything you needed but didn't want" she spoke harshly. "You use to call me the Apple of your eye but slowly I started to feel like you didn't even see me anymore but rather what I could do for you. In the house things started to feel more like a chore. Like I had to do all these things to make you stay. You didn't care if I cooked or cleaned or did anything that I would normally do out of the love I had for you. I was your woman. I was also the woman of the household so of course I didn't mind doing any of it until I would cook breakfast and end up eating alone. I would cook dinner and eat alone. No more date nights, no more cuddling, no more talking, and no  more love making. We just came and went like we were mere roommates instead of you being my man and me your woman" she took a breath.

"I felt like I was hidden like you were hiding me. You made me feel like a brand spanking new car fresh off the lot and a trophy wife. You only tagged me along when you needed me. BET events I'm there on ya arm, MTV I'm there too, award ceremonies, charity events, and any other special event I'm there looking like a million bucks. I'm smiling, laughing, socializing, and doing anything to make you look good. Anything to make our relationship look good but on the inside I didn't feel like a million bucks. I felt like a copper penny that someone dropped in the street where cars rolled over it, people stepped on it, the weather tethered it, and the only time it was picked up was when a bum found some use out of it. That once shiny off the press copper penny that now looked dull and dingy is what I felt like on the inside. Worthless is how I felt" tears streamed down her face as her nose burned.

"Use me when you need me and when you don't toss me away and put me back on the shelf to collect dust and be forgotten until the next time" April wiped her face. She felt like she had said a lot and she still weren't done. She had been holding in a lot.

That shit broke Chris to shreds but April was already broken. She had been broken for years. He swallowed hard trying not to cry himself. He felt like he didn't deserve to cry. It was his fault anyway. "I'm so sorry I never meant to make you feel worthless or like I never loved you at all. I'm sorry" he wanted to hold her in his arms but knew it wasn't the best thing to do at the moment especially not now. He just wanted to make her feel better.

"When we first got together I had confidence. I didn't have to second guess anything. Am I pretty enough? Did my body change? Does he want me to look like the women on TV with the build a body? Is my sex bad? Am I not doing enough? Do I make you look bad? Am I not enough, period? Do I spend too much time at work? Am I not worthy of ya love" she sounded off all the things that crossed her mind and bothered her. "I just don't get it. Chris where did we go wrong"

Chris stood up and walked out of the living room and came back with a box of tissues and passed it to April while he hesitantly took a seat beside her. "Listen and listen carefully. It was NOT your fault. I fucked us up. I did...not you. You never changed. If anything I felt like I wasn't good enough for you. You had so much good going on and were beating all these obstacles and records. You're this billionaire computer software programmer; you got a degree, and investments out the ass. When I looked at you all I saw was all of the things you had accomplished and going to accomplish and I just knew I couldn't compare or compete with any of that. Yes, I'm Chris brown singer, rapper, producer, and actor but if you take all of that away what the fuck am I? Who the fuck am I? I didn't go to college. I don't have a degree. What did I have to offer you but some good dick that you could get from anyone else" he finally admitted the main reason why he fucked around and did what he did. Chris thought he wasn't good enough for April but he forgot 1 major thing. He was dating April and she could care less about any of that.

April shook her head frustrated with him. "Chris I told you time and time again since day one that I didn't care bout any of that. All I cared bout was you. I know all of that isn't promised forever just like what I have isn't promised but I loved you. If I had to carry us on my damn back I would've without giving it a second thought. I got with Christopher Maurice Brown not Chris Brown. The man that made me happy, laugh, smile, feel beautiful, feel wanted, and needed. The man who would talk to me while he thought I was deep into my sleep and promised me the world. I fell for the man who snuck pictures of me when he thought I wasn't looking. The man who would draw me over and over again until he deemed the drawing perfect. The man that lied with me at night as we talked bout our future and all of our wants. I loved that goofy, light bright, freckled face man. I loved ya ass I didn't care bout what you thought you couldn't be for me when you were already all I needed and wanted" April looked him in the eyes reminding him for the umpteenth time that none of that other shit mattered to her but him.

"I couldn't help but feel that way. I just thought you could do so much better than me. I thought you deserved the best because I know somebody could've treated and given you more than I could" he shrugged. No matter what April said it wouldn't change his mind. Some people thought he had everything planned out and in the bag but in reality he was just as human as everyone else.

"Well I didn't want anyone else. I wanted you. I wanted you Chris" she damn near shouted.

"I was trying to push you away and ended up doing more harm than good"

April rolled her eyes. "That you did. You did me dirty. I swear I wanted to kill you but I loved you too damn much so I kept fighting you to get right but you wouldn't" she shook her head and wiped her eyes. She knew they were red and puffy by now. "You could've just broken up with me yet you did some disrespectful and foul shit. You would get right for a few weeks and then fuck up all over again. Like you would come home later than usual that's if you even came home. Cheap perfume lingered all over you. I would smell it as soon as you stepped foot in the room. You'd have lipstick and foundation stains all over your shirts. Hickies and scratch marks all over your back" she felt so disgusted in herself. She had all the proof she needed but never attempted to walk away which was stupid on her part.

"You couldn't blame any of it on me. We didn't cuddle anymore. I gave you cheek kisses because I was too afraid to touch your lips because I knew someone else's lips or pussy had been on them. While you gave me forehead kisses like I was a child you were putting to bed" she broke down sobbing. "We lied in the same damn bed and I swear it was like sleeping with a stranger. How do you go from knowing someone to completely not knowing them at all?"

Chris placed his head in his hands as the tears he tried to contain finally escaped and trickled down his cheeks. He was wasted many of those nights and barely remembered some of them. To hear April sobbing uncontrollably and hearing the shit he was doing and putting her through made him sick to his stomach and broke his heart all at the same time. He had truly fucked up. April passed him some tissue and leaned against him. She couldn't stand to see him crying just like he couldn't with her. Chris was her weakness. He was her kryptonite...her Achilles heel. They both had soft spots for each other and it probably would never change.

April randomly burst out laughing. "I still can't understand how you fucked other bitches when we both know my shit is premium quality grade A. My body count is pretty much nonexistent. I can still count on one hand how many people I slept with. Pussy smell like a bowl of fresh fruit and slippery when wet. Let's not forget how tight that shit is. I still do my Kegels. Nice pink, fresh, and waxed to perfection. I creamed ya dick every time you entered my walls and let's not forget bout that super soaker squirting when you would hit the right spot. Clenched that dick so tight I'd have your vocal ass moaning my name, toes curled, and groaning. I took that dick like a champ and barely ran. I would suck the soul right out of ya body and watch that shit leave every time. Have ya ass in here twitching like you had a damn disability" April laughed remembering all the times they had sex. Although she missed it, it was his lose no matter how much she craved it.

"I'd suck ya ass off until my jaws hurt. Had ya shit all in the back of my throat! I can't even tell you what a gag reflex is because we both know I ain't got one. I'd let you spray ya kids all down my throat not even daring to let a single seed go to waste. Yet you go around sharing all of my dick. Turned that shit into community dick" April shook her head in disbelief. "You had that bomb dick and ya own woman couldn't even get any because I didn't want to catch shit cause it ain't no telling who you was fucking around with. I couldn't chance it. You deprived my ass mentally, emotionally, and sexually" she huffed.

Chris groaned as he thought about her succulent lower lips and the countless times she indeed snatched his soul. He had to be on some serious shit to fuck up that bad because April's pussy was fucking phenomenal. Nothing she said about it was a lie. It was 100% facts. "I get it I get it" Chris spoke up. Not only was her pussy on point but her mouth game got him every time.

"You know my sex drive was high as hell. I loved to have sex with you. Whether it was a quickie, fucking, or making love it was always bomb. So could you imagine me at home already pissed off at you for cheating and fucking up but not being able to get dick. I don't know what makeup sex feels like. You had me in the bedroom literally crying trying to get myself off to no avail because it didn't feel like the real thing. From having sex every day, countless times a day no matter where we were at to not getting any at all. Be grateful that you didn't come home to a Waiting to Exhale moment" April kept going in. She wanted him to know how bad he had fucked up in every way possible.

"I tried to get some from you" Chris stopped her.

April looked at him and rolled her eyes so damn hard. "That's true once in a blue moon but how did you expect me to touch you or rather let you touch me when some bitch had already touched all over you. If I was to have sex with you you'd have to use a condom. We been stopped using condoms shit we stopped buying them period. I wasn't beat for catching germs so I wasn't gonna fuck you. I even stopped taking my birth control pills. It was no use" April was pissed.

"I need a smoke break" Chris blurted out. He couldn't hear anymore without taking a smoke break.

"Who you tellin" April agreed and knowing Chris she knew he had that good shit.

"Bet" Chris pulled out a fresh pre rolled blunt and a lighter, reached inside the side table that one of the lamps rested on, and pulled out a glass ashtray causing April to shake her head. "Some things are hard to forget" Chris shrugged as he sparked the blunt. Just like April remembered everything that went on in her house he did too. How could he not?

April got up and went to the kitchen and fixed them both a cold glass of strawberry lemonade and placed them on the coasters on the coffee table. Chris passed her the blunt and thanked her for the lemonade. While April smoked Chris couldn't help but steal glances at her. Like he predicted she was still beautiful, her body had filled out more, her hair had grown longer, she looked more grown, and more mature. If he wasn't mistaken she also had a glow about her. She smelled amazing and like always her scent lingered not only on her body but in the air. Meanwhile April kept her eyes to herself. She had a whole man at home and wasn't even about to think about fuckin up. Yeah he was still a sexy ass man, daddy-ish and all but she already knew what was on the back of his label and she wasn't with it. April wanted no parts of it. They continued to smoke in silence until the blunt was no more.

To be continued😈

-Happy Reading😊
-First off I'd like to dedicate this chapter and the next few parts of this chapter to: @issa_kareign @londie1980 @Thatgirlreci @VirgoCharms @destiny1222
I know you guys have been waiting forever and a day for this chapter to go down😂 but thanks for sticking around, always commenting, and voting. It means a lot okuuuuuur 👌🏾😂😊
-So um yea lol part 1 of the showdown has just went down and there's much more to go so grab some 🍿 and a 🍹cause April is about to spill all of their ☕️
-Let's talk how are y'all feeling their talk so far🤔
-What's on ya mind🤔
-Feedback and suggestions welcomed😊
-Sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend 😂 don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries!

Side Note & Some Girl Talk: Please don't be Boo Boo the Fool! When a guy/girl shows you all the signs and red flags please leave. Know your self worth and love yourself enough to get up and go. Most of the time what you see is what you get and although you might be in love sometimes love just isn't enough. It's someone out there for everybody and sometimes we go through all the bad men to get to the good men. Whatever you do please don't settle thinking that this is all you're going to get so why not stay. I promise you god is sending someone to love you your way he's just waiting for you to get ready to accept the love that's coming your way. But um yea I just wanted put that out there. Later guys😊

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