27.1: Enemy
Chapter 27.1: Enemy
Both of their eyes bloodshot red and puffy from crying and smoking April and Chris sat in a somewhat comfortable silence deciding on where to start next because they still had more than enough to talk about.
April started. "Why didn't you upgrade while you were cheating? You were fucking bitches that shouldn't even been able to take a sneak peek at the dick" she asked him even though she knew that no one could compete with her. Not being cocky but she knew that she brought a lot to the table.
Chris chuckled. "You were the upgrade. No chick could compare to you. No one I fucked with or would've fucked with would've been an upgrade. They tried to compete but that wasn't happening. What everyone failed to realize is that I had the full package at home already but I didn't treat you right. Everyone kept saying that you had to be doing something wrong. That just goes to show you where their heads were at. It was me doing wrong but they never saw it that way. Then again maybe they did but just didn't care" Chris replied. He knew most of the bitches he was fuckin with gave no fucks about who he had at home. It didn't matter if he was dating April or any other chick for that matter they still wouldn't give a fuck.
"You were cheating on me with messy bitches. Like what happened to side bitches knowing their place. I'd a still been pissed but at least I wouldn't know who they were. Sending pics and texts to my DM's like damn ok you fucked him clap, clap. Keep his ass" April rolled her eyes.
"They thought they won a prize" he leaned back into the couch. "Yea they had me physically but my heart was still with you...is still with you" he admitted. April looked at him wide eyed. So she did still have a piece of his heart just like he did in hers. "Yea you still got my heart. Always have and always will"
"I'm all of this to you yet you broke me. How is it possible to have ya heart when you treated me the way you did"
"I can't take back what I did to you, to us but I'm sorry. I know ya tired of me saying sorry but I don't know what else I can do bout it to make it right or better" he glanced at her.
"You did what you did and yet you proposed to me. Like why even bother" April asked really wanting to know. Why propose to her knowing damn well nothing was going to change including him.
"We always talked bout getting married. I knew I wasn't ready but I thought you deserved a ring and the wedding of ya dreams after all the bullshit I put you through. I thought if we got married it would keep me focused on you and what we had. Trust I wanted you and only you to be Mrs. Brown but it wasn't the right time. I was being selfish. I thought I was finally doing right by you but I was really just trying to keep you so you wouldn't leave. If I could do everything over again I would never do you wrong. I'd never step out on you. I'd love you and you'd know it. There would be no doubt in your mind that I love you. You'd know it" Damn he wished he could do it all over again because he knew he had lucked up when it came to April. The love she gave to him was raw and unfiltered. She loved him wholeheartedly.
"I think bout all the what ifs and what we would be now if we had gotten married and I don't think neither one of us would've been happy because our relationship had been tainted so badly. We weren't the same people we were when we first got together. You were a serial cheater doing any and everything you wanted and I was a broken woman. I was just a shell of my former self hiding all the hurt with fake smiles. Shit was so bad I didn't recognize myself anymore because I put up with shit I'd never thought I would all because I loved you. I failed to realize that I was fighting by myself. I didn't have anybody to talk to because our relationship and our business were between us" she took a deep breath.
"Not to mention I was too ashamed and embarrassed to let anyone know what was really going on. I never told anyone what we were going through when we were together. Outside I smiled to keep up the front like everything was all good but as soon as I stepped foot inside our home my soul shattered, my heart broke even more, I felt like I was suffocating, and never once did you notice me slowly falling apart. If you did you damn sure didn't give a damn" she exhaled feeling like she had spoken a mouthful yet again.
"Of course I knew you felt a way but what was I supposed to do when I was the one who made you feel like shit. I couldn't comfort you. I damn sure couldn't comfort you when I felt like shit myself. I felt like a fuck up and a failure. All you wanted was my love and I couldn't even give you that the way you wanted" he wiped his hands over his face still frustrated with himself as he should be.
"All I wanted was for us to get back to how we use to be. We were 'goals' and now all we are, are examples of what to do and what not to do in a relationship. Fucking with you I lost myself and forgot my worth but I fought and fought to no avail" she played with her hands. "No need to say sorry. I'm just telling you how I feel" she looked up at him. April was tired of hearing him say how sorry he was. Sorry could only help but so much. It really didn't mean a thing. To her actions spoke louder than words and Chris had to prove himself to her.
"It's crazy because we had been friends for so long and when we started dating everything seemed right. It was perfect. It felt perfect like this was how it was supposed to be. No lie I was crushing on you from jump and when we finally got together I was the happiest I had ever been. My best friend was now my girl. What could be better than that" Chris smiled thinking about the beginning of their relationship. "I got to kiss and touch up on you and do things that friends wouldn't do, well some. You walking around the house dressed in my shirts with ya panties on or nothing at all. I got to do and see all of that and still have my best friend by my side"
"Welp, you fucked that up. Now shit just ain't the same. We aren't lovers nor are we friends and what sucks the most is that after all of the bullshit you put me through I still miss my friend. I still miss you"
Chris sighed. "I miss my friend too"
"Welp friends...how many of us have them" April laughed to herself. She knew that real friends were hard to come by. It didn't matter how popular or how many friends you had growing up. If you were lucky you had at least two real friends that stuck by you since day one. Shit the way she saw it was the more friends you had the more funerals you had to attend.
"I see you still got jokes" he gave her a small smile.
"I wouldn't be me if I didn't" she shrugged.
"True...I know you're avoiding asking me so go ahead and ask" he was right April had been dying to ask a more serious question but didn't know how to go about it.
"When we first got together I told you that I was in this for the long haul. I wanted to build together, get married, have children, and we were both on the same page. You use to love talking baby talk and then like everything else you started to despise talking bout babies like it made you sick" April took a breather. Shit was about to get all the way real and heavy. "The least you could've done was give me that but no you had some old groupie ass bitch come to a house where not only you lay your head but I lay mines as well talking bout she's pregnant and it's yours. You will never know how that feels. First you give away the dick and now you dropping seeds and planting them in another bitch's garden besides the one you're supposed to love. You knew like I knew there was no way in hell that you could talk her out of it. She was too far along for you to even think or mention an abortion" Of course April wasn't going to tell ole girl to get an abortion. That would've been wrong on so many levels. It wasn't her place and nor did the child ask to be born. Besides it was her body and her choice no matter what. April knew if Chris even asked her she'd a said no in a heartbeat anyway. That child was her meal ticket. "Not only did she know where we lived but you weren't even the least bit surprised that she showed up and was pregnant." April got up from the couch not even wanting to sit beside Chris anymore. She didn't even want to be in the same room as him. Cheating was one thing and as serious as it was a baby was a totally different ball game and one she didn't ask to play in. April stood there and faced the wall with her hands tightly balled up into fists. She was trying her best not to cry anymore but she could only hold in her tears for but so long. This was the part of the conversation she was dreading because it was way deeper than Chris knew or even imagined.
"Every single fuckin time I mentioned the word baby you'd shut me down like your word was bond like we weren't in a relationship. Sure maybe we didn't need a child because our relationship was all the way fucked up and too toxic but you gave away something freely that belonged to me. Something that you promised and planned with me" she wiped her eyes roughly as each word that came out of her mouth was laced with pure venom. "I could call you baby and you'd have a fit that's how bad you didn't want a baby or maybe a baby with me" April bitterly laughed. There was nothing Chris could say or do but to let her vent and get everything off her chest. Clearly she had been holding way more shit in than he thought. Then again he had fucked up too many times to know that this wasn't it. This was just the tip of the iceberg. April had way more than this to get off her chest.
"Before our relationship got even worst people were already calling me pathetic, stupid, and any other name they could think of because I never once left ya sorry ass. As many times as I thought it I never left ya side. I stuck by your side when I should've been running for the fuckin hills. Shit it wasn't like I couldn't make it on my own because I damn sure could. But nope I was too busy being a fool in love. Trying to be ya ride or die bitch" April chuckled at her stupidity. "All the riding I did and I got shit in return" she still didn't face him. She couldn't. "Loyal ass April" she rolled her eyes beyond disgusted with herself at this point. "Pathetic ass April...I let yo walk all over me. Shit I let you drag me all through the fuckin mud" she finally faced him and then turned back and faced the wall as tears ran down her face. It was no point in wiping them all they were going to do was continue to fall anyway.
"Ole loyal ass April, I was so loyal and fuckin stupid that I was there the first time you went to the doctors' appointment with that old bitch. At least you claimed it was your first time. Who knows with ya lying ass. You wanted me there to support you but who was there to support me. You didn't even know if the baby was yours but as soon as you heard the heartbeat you looked like you were the happiest you had been in a long while. I think you already knew that baby belonged to you. The smile on ya face I hadn't seen in what felt like ages. Yet a baby a so-called baby that you didn't want made you smile. Not a baby by me but by an old ass groupie looking for a come up and boy did she get one" April laughed but wasn't shit funny. She was hurt, angry, and in her feelings and had every right to be. "Ole girl came looking for a check and she got it. It might not have been for the amount she wanted but she still got her bag and gets it like clockwork every month" The more April thought about it the more of a fool she felt for even going along with them to the appointment.
"Do you know how hard it was to watch the man you're in love with make every damn doctors' appointment to a woman who claimed her baby was his. You didn't know if you were the father or not but you were there every step of the way. To see you jump out of our bed every other night to run to her side because she was so-called craving this and that. To see you collecting sonograms" April dropped to her knees sobbing into her hands. Chris immediately stood to his feet, sat down beside her, and pulled her into his arms. He had never given it any thought how she felt about the aftermath of finding out that ole girl might be pregnant by him. All he was trying to do at that time was be a good man just in case it was his child. He knew the pregnancy had bothered her but this was beyond being bothered. April was truly hurt and he was the blame.
"It hurt my heart to see you doing all that you did for another woman. You had me out here looking like a whole fuckin fool" she pulled away from him. "To see you do everything that you wouldn't do for me broke me. Tagging you in pictures, posting every sonogram, posting every time and thing you did for her hurt. You knew it hurt and you gave me some bullshit ass apology that you knew damn well didn't mean shit. You couldn't even keep her ass in check. Knowing you had a whole woman at home didn't mean shit to her. She got a baby, a check, and 15 minutes. I got NOTHING. Luckily baby girl turned out to be yours. You didn't need a DNA test to prove that. She looked just like you and nothing like me" April pulled her knees up to her chest and rocked back and forth.
"I dropped the ball and fucked up. I accept everything that I did to you and put you through. Words can't express how much I wish I could do things over and make things better. But I'm sorry I don't regret my daughter. She's the best part of me. She makes me want to do and be better" Chris said as he focused on nothing particular. "All I do is for her. She didn't ask to be here. I never said thank you but thank you for accepting her. You never once treated her wrong. If anything you treated her as if she was yours. You fed her, kept her clean, you took care of her, bought her shit when you didn't have to, and even watched her when neither I nor her mother had anybody to watch her. You sang to her, read to her, bathe her, and did everything you didn't have to do. You loved my baby as if she was yours. She was yours. She may not have come from you but blood wouldn't make any difference. That lil girl loved you just the same" Chris had finally thanked her after all these years. He knew April didn't have to help out and be there at all but she did because of the love she had for him. For him she'd accept every piece of him including his baby girl. That's just the type of woman April was.
"Ya welcome" April bitterly mumbled. She turned and faced Chris with a mixture of sadness and grief present in her eyes. "You know what hurts the most" she asked as she looked him dead in the eyes. She didn't expect an answer. "What hurts the most is for your man to tell you that he doesn't want a baby. Yet the same day you plan to tell him that you are in fact pregnant some chick pops up at your doorstep and beats you to the punch taking away your special moment and crushing you to pieces all at the same damn time"
To be continued💃🏾
-Happy Reading 😊
-Well...well...well I'm perched and I'm sipping☕️ but I think a 🍹 might be more appropriate😫
-I don't even know what to say but yea that cats out bag!
-Chicks showing up at the doorstep🤰🏾April 🤰🏾
-Wonder how this shit is bout to play out😈😂
-Talk to me...what's on y'all minds🤔
-Sharing is caring😊 tell a friend to tell a friend! Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your library🤗
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