23: The Baby Mama/Interview
Chapter: 23 The Baby Mama/The Interview
April woke up yawning and snuggling deeper into Dave as if that was humanly possible he already had her body melded deep into his. Being in his arms felt like home and she couldn't express it enough how much she loved being in his arms and around him period. He did it for her. No, she was no fool. She heard the rumors and saw the many girls Dave was associated with but since they started talking she hadn't seen any chick with him on that type of level. She wasn't going to pay too much attention to social media either until she had a reason to. Other than that she was going to continue to have fun and go with the flow as planned. Any, who April turned her back towards Dave so she could get out the bed and take her ass to the bathroom but as usual Dave refused to let her go and snuggled deeper into her. To be a nigga so damn hard he was so damn soft...well when it came to April, Kairi, and his mother.
"Papi I need to go to the bathroom" April whined as she turned back around and faced him. Without saying anything he let her go and turned on his back and went right back to sleep.
April hopped out the bed looking at the time on the cable box. It was 2:45pm meaning it wouldn't make sense to even get back in bed. His baby mother would be arriving soon. Once in the bathroom she took care of business as well as freshened up so she'd be ready for this little meet and greet. She prayed it would be good because she was not about to kiss anyone's ass. She was going to be cordial and polite but kissing ass was a no go for her. April was just going to go in with a positive mindset just like she planned for the rest of her weekend.
"Papi it's time to get up" she said as she now straddles his waist. One arm covered his face as the other gripped her waist. He didn't even attempt to open his eyes or respond. "Papi its 3 o'clock your baby mother should be here any minute" April bent down and pecked his neck and nipped at it.
"5 minutes" he mumbled sleepily.
"Nope, not today we both know you're 5 minutes is colored people time" April joked but was dead serious. This man always acted as if time waited on no one but him. He didn't bother to say anything because he knew her ass was telling the honest truth. Dave was awake though he just didn't feel like getting out of bed. He took his hand that gripped her tiny waist and started to stroke it up and down.
"What do I get if I get up" he removed his arm from his face and looked up at her.
"Boy if you don't-"
Ding Dong
The bell went off right on time.
"Saved by the bell" April smirked at him and removed herself from his waist. He got his ass up and went straight to the bathroom leaving the door open instead of going to open the front door. All April knew was that she wasn't going to answer shit. She was the guest.
Ding Dong
The bell went off once again along with Dave's phone ringing this time around. April heard the faucet running and Dave came out a few seconds later. He didn't even bother to answer his phone.
"Why call when you know I'm coming to the door" Dave mumbled as he shook his head. "Come on mami" he looked at her as they both grabbed their phones. April followed alongside him as they made their way downstairs. April went and got comfortable in the living room while Dave went and answered the door.
"Don't start Millie" April heard Dave groan as he made his way to the living room sounding irritated. Millie hadn't been inside the house for a whole 5 minutes and April could already tell that Dave was fed up.
"Please don't let this shit go left" April whispered to herself as she busied herself with her phone checking emails.
"I'm just saying I was out there for like 5 damn minutes" Millie said as she smacked her lips being dramatic as they both entered the living room. She immediately stopped talking once her eyes landed on April. Millie was a cute woman wasn't exotic looking just a regular Spanish or Dominican chick which wasn't a bad thing. It was actually refreshing to see a rapper with someone who was just regular for a change. April could tell that she threw it on for this little occasion. If April was going to meet her baby father's new woman she'd throw it on too so she understood why Millie looked the way she did. Millie's hair was styled in loose wand curls dropping a few inches pass her shoulders, her face was beat to the Gods as if she was about to do a photo shoot, and she was dressed in a grey fitted one piece jumpsuit paired with a navy blue and gray plaid shirt with matching colored high heeled sandals.
April stood up to greet Millie just as she would anybody else.
"Millie this is April my girlfriend and April this is Millie, Kairi's mother" Dave introduced the two woman.
"Nice to meet you" April put her hand out for Millie to shake as she stood there looking at her up and down sizing her up and silently trying to find something wrong. April wasn't worried about it she was comfortable in her skin. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings and a red black and white tie dyed muscle tee paired with a black sports bra with her hair in a messy top bun. Nonetheless she still looked good and Dave wasn't complaining. "Alrighty than" April said as she looked at Dave and reclaimed her spot back on the couch.
"Millie" Dave spoke to her as if he was reprimanding a child but April gave no fucks about it.
"My fault" Millie took a seat on the opposite couch. April already knew this was about to be some bullshit. Dave took a seat beside April and cupped her hand in his. "It's just you look real familiar like I know you from somewhere. I know I've definitely seen you before" she said as she removed her purse and placed it beside her as her titties damn near spilled out of her too little one piece.
"No problem I'm pretty sure you have" April said politely and gave her a small smile.
Dave spoke up. "I invited you over so you two could meet. We've been talking for a lil while now and made it official so since she's going to be around she'll be around Kairi. I know we both had that talk bout introducing lil butt to our significant others so I wanted to do shit the right way" he said as he kept his eyes on Millie who was playing with her hands low key in her feelings. Millie didn't know that Dave was looking for something serious or was ready to settle down and to see and hear that had her in her feelings.
"I understand" she said as her eyes focused solely on Dave.
April looked at her. "I didn't want to meet or be around Kairi until I met you. I think it's only right and the respectful thing to do. If it was me I'd want the same thing. I'm not here to build wedges between any of y'all, take anyone's place, or take any time away from Dave and Kairi's father daughter time. I just want you to know that you can trust me around Kairi" April said to her. "I'd treat her as if she was my own" and she would just like she would treat any child in her care.
"So y'all really a couple" Millie asked in disbelief. It was dripping out. April almost scoffed and rolled her eyes. Out of everything she had just said that was really her first question. "No I'm just the chick that's bout to ride his dick into the sunset" April thought to herself and she looked between Millie and Dave.
"Yea" he hit her with a one word answer and nodded. "No this is for play, play. Ain't that why you here" she kept going in her head.
"If you don't mind me asking, what do you do" Millie asked as she got comfortable. Mind you the only job she had at the moment was living off of Dave but ok.
"No I don't mind at all. I actually own and run my own computer software company" April answered not giving her too much information because she already knew she was going to look her up once this was over.
"Do you enjoy what you do" Millie continued to question as she cupped her hands together.
"I absolutely do"
"Cool, cool I'm not really into all that but it's not a bad career. Do you live alone or with family or somebody" she asked. "Before you answer I'm just asking because I'd like to know who else would be interacting with my child" April could understand the logic of her question. Who wouldn't want to know who would be around their child?
"No problem I fully understand. My lil sister actually lives with me but she'll be moving out once she graduates from college"
"Oh ok do you have any kids or been around kids. I'm just asking to see if Kairi will be in good hands" she kept her eyes on April.
April stiffened for a second. "No I don't and yes I've been around kids and even babysat quite a few"
"Ok so what do you like doing? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions but I just want to know bout the woman whose gonna be around MY I mean OUR daughter" she looked at April and then Dave smirking.
April caught the shade but kept her cool. It was clear as day that Millie was bothered. "Ask away" she had no problems answering her questions even though it felt like she was being interviewed to be a baby sitter. "I don't do much. I pretty much work during the week and when I'm free on the weekends I spend my time with Dave" she kept her eyes on Millie and smirked. "Besides that I love cooking and baking so you can always find me in the kitchen"
"And that shit be rockin" Dave interrupted causing April to laugh a little. Millie wasn't feeling that but she didn't show it well tried not too anyway.
"Any, who besides that I love hanging out with my family and friends and hosting dinners and kickbacks. Just typical chick things nothing major" April shrugged. Of course she loved to do more than that but she kept her answers simple.
"Ok well I'm pretty sure David has told you bout our daughter but I'll tell you a few things as well" April was still catching the shade but she wasn't going to let it shake her not one bit. As for Dave he was ready for this shit to end already but they both knew what was at stake. Millie leaned forward with her hands still cupped together. April nodded for her to continue. "Kairi is her father's child through and through. She's a daddy's girl and loves spending time with him. She loves daddy and daughter time. Kairi is 2 right now so she's a busy body and into everything. She's a good baby she might not be so welcoming in the beginning but if she feels good vibes she'll come out of her shell" Millie said as her eyes never left April. "Don't let the mug get to you" Millie chuckled. "She's her father's child so she's got it honest. She's into Doc McStuffins and any Disney cartoon movie at the moment. At the end of the day she's a regular 2 year old with no cares in the world. The only thing I ask of you is just treat her as if she was your own and please, please, please don't take up ALL of Dave's time. She's use to being around him and now with you in the picture she has to learn to share so please, keep that in mind" Millie said and smiled.
April nodded her head. "You have my word" she smiled back.
"Well that's bout it. Remember family comes first and Kairi is Dave's main priority. Basically just know ya place and things should be good. I'll be heading out now" she smirked and rose from the couch and picked up her jacket putting it on. "Dave can I speak to you for a second" Millie looked at him. April almost lost her shit. It took everything in her to keep her mouth shut. She was lucky as hell this little meet and greet was about Dave's daughter if not she wouldn't have let her go without giving her a tongue lashing.
"Just know ya place and things should be good" April repeated in her head.
"Bet" Dave stood up with a mug present on his face getting ready to walk her to the door knowing he had to get her out the house fast before shit got ugly.
"It was nice meeting you" Millie stuck out her hand. April stood up and shook it. She should've shaken it with her left hand because the bitch was fraud.
"Same here" April was relieved. Although things went ok she couldn't help but shake the feeling that Millie would be a big problem in the near future. April felt it in her gut that something wasn't right and she wasn't about to ignore it. She had ignored her gut way too many times when it came to Chris. She wasn't about to do it with Dave. April wanted their situationship/relationship to work out for the better and this time around she was going to do everything she should've done when she was dating Chris. This time she was prepared. April shook off the feeling but knew to keep her eyes wide open. While Dave and Millie talked April sat there and busied herself with her phone texting Alaina to remind her what time they were leaving tonight and to be on time.
10 Minutes later Dave walked back inside the living room looking beyond irritated. April knew why but she was going to let him speak on it. She was already low-key annoyed with the subliminal that Millie was tossing around and really didn't have the patience to deal with her bitterness because that's what she was...straight up BITTER. It was all on her face no matter how hard she tried to disguise it.
"Ma I'm sorry bout that shit. She had legitimate questions but she was definitely doing too much" Dave sat down and pulled April on his lap as she continued messing around on her phone.
"No need I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed the bullshit" April shrugged her shoulders still on her phone.
"Ma we talking right now" he looked at her and took her phone out of her hand. Dave wanted all of her attention. She knew he didn't like that shit anyway and honestly she didn't either. She would be pissed as hell if she was talking to him and he was on his phone. It was disrespectful.
"My fault I'm just not with the fucks. I wasn't bothered by her questions but the whole MY, OUR, DAUGHTER, DON'T SPEND TOO MUCH TIME. Oh and my favorite one...know my place and things should be good. I hope she knows my place so she won't forget hers. And I caught that silent threat. Trust this is not what she wants so you might want to talk to her" April rolled her eyes. "Like damn I know Kairi is y'all child and main priority that was the whole point of having this whole lil sit down. Mind you I already mentioned that I wasn't trying to take away the time that y'all spend together. She was in her feelings. I guess she didn't think we were that serious" April looked at him showing her annoyance for his baby mama written all over her face. She was trying not to catch an attitude but Millie was asking for smoke she didn't want.
"Yea all that was unnecessary and I don't know why she's in her feelings nor is it my problem. We had our time and it didn't pan out the way we wanted it to. Let alone it was her fault that I pulled away. My only concern for a woman in her feelings is you so she's gonna have to let that shit go. She's just pissed that she's not in your place so fuck that bullshit she's tryna spew. She's not bout that life. Never have or will be" Dave kissed her temple and wrapped his arms around her waist. April smiled. "So besides, all that how you feel bout it"
"I'm straight. That shit don't stop shit over here. I can't wait to finally meet baby girl though but I'm a keep my eyes open because ole girl rubbed me the wrong way. I just kept quiet because we were here for a bigger purpose which is Kairi so I wasn't gonna mess that up. I wasn't gonna come for her because of you and Kairi so she dodged a bullet. I'm not trying to make shit difficult for y'all. I know you're a bundle deal so I accept everything that comes with you and like I said I'm not here to push or overstep boundaries. If Kairi is around or in my care I'm gonna treat her as if she was mines just like I would want the same for my child if in that situation" April spoke truthfully. "People be so worried bout who their ex is fuckin with and them being off the market when they need to be concerned with how the new spouse is treating their child. She had her time and if she wanted to pick back up where y'all left off she should've said something beforehand"
"And that's why I fucks with you. I have my baggage just like you do but we both know what's important and we're trying to fix it"
"Exactly" she agreed.
"I'm a rapper with a baby and a whole baby mama that's a lot to deal with. The fact that you're willing to ride it out and rock with me is more than I could ask for especially with you being the type of woman you are. I can't lie I'm lucky to be with you and I'm a do everything to keep you"
"Babes you're the best. Thanks for tooting my horn for me but don't act like you don't have a lot to offer. Since day one your focus has been me. I'm all smiles and laughs with you. You know you're my cuddle bae" April smiled and kissed his lips. "You do a lot for me even if you think it's small or not a big deal. We both know we're in the cupcake phase and shit is good but I also know that realistically relationships have their ups and downs I just hope that when it's official, official that the good outweighs the bad"
"I gotchu if you got me" Dave licked his lips starring in her eyes. That had become their saying.
"You know I got you papi" she pecked his lips. "But um how bout we forget all this mushy shit and enjoy each other while we have the time" she looked at him.
"Say less...I do have a request or favor to ask though" he raised his brow.
April raised her brow matching his facial expression. "And what might that be" she asked.
"You know Friday till Sunday morning is our time which is bout to change butttttt" he dragged out. "Since I'm a miss that Friday meal you mind cooking for papi before you go" he kept his eyes on her ready to put his best puppy eyes on if need be. There was no denying it Dave loved her cooking. They ordered out once in a while but April liked cooking for them. It was healthier and she enjoyed the time they spent together while doing so.
April laughed. "It's only been a few months but I know ya somewhat. I already took out something to cook when we first came in. I knew you were gonna ask"
"And that's why you're bae" he kissed her.
"Tell me anything" she laughed. "Now can we cuddle and maybe watch a few movies until then"
"Say less" they went upstairs to Dave's movie room, got comfortable, and snuggled under each other as Dave placed a blanket over them. He put on Netflix, they picked a movie, and watched movie after movie until it was time for April to cook all the while enjoying each other's company.
Sorry I'm late but...Happy Reading😊
-Welp She met the baby mama smh ole girl seems to be a bit bitter🤔
-And the shade 🤦🏾♀️
-April behaved though so I'm proud of her lol
-Talk to me...how's the story going so far?
-Feedback and suggestions are welcomed!
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