20.1: Pop Ups & Family Dinners
Chapter 20.1: Pop Ups & Family Dinners (cont)
Freshly showered and dressed in a pair of black leggings, a white fitted tank top, covered in a red and black high low flannel shirt April sat at her acrylic vanity fixing her hair into a sleek high curly ponytail. Once she got it to her liking she fixed her edges and tied a silk scarf around her head to lay them just the way she liked and to hold them in place. Now in her walk-in closet that looked like a big ass women's boutique she walked over to her sneaker section and pulled out a crisp pair of Bred 11's. Placing her kicks on over her ankle socks she grabbed her red Gucci soho leather disco bag, made sure everything she needed was inside, put her purse strap over her shoulder, and left out of her room turning the lights off behind her.
Downstairs and back inside the kitchen she grabbed the perfectly made 3 layered caramel cake and placed it inside her cake carrier. With the cake now in her hands she made her way out the side door connected to the top portion of her garage, locked the house up, and grabbed the keys to her white drop top Mustang. That was her baby. She thought she looked bad ass and sexy in it. It was cocaine white with 2 black stripes on the hood that faded to the back of her trunk. It had all black interior and she kept the display lights red in the inside. Unlocking the door she placed the cake along with her purse in the passenger seat putting the seatbelt over the cake carrier to keep it secure. Her own seatbelt on April pressed the start button, opened her garage door, pulled out, and closed it behind her.
40 minutes later she arrived at her parent's house. They also lived in a mini mansion. They liked to have extra room for visiting family members along with April and Alaina's bedrooms. It was decked out but modest and homely at the same time. April pulled up and parked in front of the house beside another car that had to belong to August. She turned off the car, unbuckled herself along with the cake grabbing it and her purse, and hopped out of the car locking it. She got to the door, pulled out her house keys, only for her mother to open the door with the brightest smile ever and open arms.
"My baby's home" her mother said excitedly. They loved when their girls came home. This is why April needed to come home more often. She missed the feeling of being home surrounded by genuine real love.
"Hey mommy" April mirrored her mother's smile. Her mother was in her early 40's but looked very much like she was in her 30's. April, her mother, and sister could be a dead ringer for sisters. They all looked that much alike. Her mother had smooth milk chocolate colored skin, not a wrinkle in sight, short just like April but just a tad bit taller standing at 5ft 1in, chocolatey brown eyes just like April, a button nose, and nice full lips with a perfect cupids bow. Her body was to die for. You couldn't even tell that she had kids. It didn't show. She was slim thick, not so big B cup breast, a flat stomach, a nice size ass, hips, and toned legs. She got it honest genetics did play a part in it but she also worked out and took good care of herself. April's mother also had hair just like her and her sister. Long natural kinky curly that cascaded down her back in its natural state but down her waist when straightened but make no mistake she also wore weaves and wigs. She called them her personality pieces. Ananda was bad and she knew it.
"Daddy said you were coming but I thought he was bullshitting me" her mother said as she gave her a side hug since the cake was in the way. Yes her mother called her father daddy. April was used to it. Since she could remember she's always called him that. Her mother wrapped her arm around hers and they walked side by side to the kitchen to place the cake down.
"Nope I didn't have anything to do today so since I was free and missing your home cooked meals I said why not" April pulled her mother into her arms giving her a tight hug. "I missed you mommy" she inhaled her cocoa butter and cinnamon scent that she loved.
"I missed you too baby" her mother rocked her side to side and pulled back cupping her face in her hands looking into her eyes that mirrored her own. April knew she was reading her. It was something she did to both her and Alaina. Let's just say a mother knows.
"I'm ok mommy"
"Uh huh you know you can't lie to me but I'll let it slide for right now" she kissed her forehead.
"SHORT STACK" her father yelled while walking into the kitchen with a big smile.
"Daddy" she laughed and smiled excitedly. Her mother let her go and she ran into her father's arms embracing him in a tight hug. Ian was a good looking man as well. He was 2 years older than Ananda and still looked like he was in his in his 30's as well. Smooth dark caramel colored skin, light brown eyes like Alaina. He was 6ft 4in with a nice muscular build not too big but just right. He wore his hair in long dread locks that he always kept in some type of style with a neatly trimmed full beard. The ladies loved him but he only had eyes for his wife just like she only had eyes for him. They were the type of family who loved their blackness. Black was beautiful. They embraced it. They were the type of parents who raised their kids to love themselves inside and out.
"Hey Thing 1" he kissed her forehead. April just laughed. She was Thing 1 and of course Alaina was Thing 2 and Hazel was honorary Thing 3. "What you make for desert"
"Hmm I don't know" she laughed at him as he let her go.
"Momma what she bring" Ian asked his wife. Yup he called her momma as well. It was the norm for them.
"How bout you come and see" Ananda replied as he walked up to the cake carrier and opened it.
"Aww fucks yea Thing 1 you came through for ya old man" he rubbed his hands together still on his birdman shit.
"You know I got you" she laughed.
"Come on so we can get dinner started so we can get to desert" he walked off and out of the kitchen causing April and her mother to laugh and follow behind him to the dining room where Alaina and August were already seated and talking amongst themselves.
"Sistaaaa" the girls both said to each other and shared a tight hug.
"Hey lil big brotha" April hugged August.
"Wassam big sis"
"Nothing much" she took a seat on the other side of Alaina.
Her father prayed over the food and everybody fixed their plates. Her mother went all out as usual. Oxtails, macaroni and cheese, cabbage, brown rice, seared butter and garlic shrimp, and let's not forget about the home made cornbread. They all shared small talk but were more into the food on their plates. They all talked shop basically everybody filling each other in on their careers and how everything was going. Ian and Ananda were proud of their kids August included. They were doing damn good for themselves. Dinner done and now they were on desert.
"Aight, Thing 1 fill me in on this new nigga you're dealing with" Ian said making everyone laugh as he put a hefty slice of cake on his desert plate. April didn't care if August was there for this. There was no more hiding Dave.
"Time out my baby's finally dating again" Ananda said cheesing at her daughter. She was happy. She thought April would never date again after what happened between her and Chris. Ananda had never seen her little girl so defeated after she left Chris and she prayed to God that she would be ok and learn to accept love again because somebody out there was made just for her.
"Yes mommy. It's still new but we definitely like each other so we're just going with the flow. So far so good daddy you may have heard of him. He's a Harlem rapper that goes by Dave East" she looked at him.
"You're talking bout David Jr" he raised his brow with a questioning look. "I know his pops from when I use to be out in the street. He was part of my crew that was based in the city"
"Daddy you know everybody" Alaina said and they all laughed. It was true though. He damn near knew everybody.
He shrugged like it was nothing. "I do. I listen to his music too. He's a good rapper, relatable, and I can understand him unlike these other mumble rappers they got out now. It's like nowadays you gotta look funny and have a damn gimmick to be hot. I can't fuck with it." Ian vented but shit he wasn't lying. Today's music just wasn't as good as it use to be.
"Calm down daddy" April laughed.
"I haven't seen David Sr. or Jr. in years. How's he doing and and most importantly how's he treating you" he asked with his eyebrow still raised. He couldn't help it though. Chris was his boy and all but the way he treated his daughter put a sour taste in his mouth so whoever dated her had to treat her like she was supposed to be treated and nothing less. If not it was certainly going to be a problem. For a long while he couldn't even look at April without feeling like he set her up for failure and a failed relationship. He trusted Chris and Chris treated his baby girl like shit. He figured he should've known that Chris was no good. It wasn't his fault though and April had to explain that to him a few times. Ian didn't know Chris would turn out the way he did. If he had known he'd a stopped that relationship before it even started.
"He's good he's working on some new music and busy doing shows. As for us we're pretty good. It's only been a few months so we're still getting to know each other. He keeps me smiling and laughing. He's there when I need him. He's caring and treats me the way I should be treated like a queen. So I have no complaints" she answered with a smile.
"Good, good as he should. I need to get up with Sr. and see how he's been but are you sure you're good" Ian looked at her. April had nothing to hide. Her and Dave were good and she prayed they remained that way.
"Daddy he treats her right. I get to see it firsthand. His only focus is on her and his daughter. I haven't seen big sis laugh and smile the way she has in years. I think they're a good fit for each other. Sort of reminds me of you and mommy. She doesn't drown herself in work anymore either. He even looks out for me. Of course I told him that if he messes her over it wouldn't end pretty for him but you know" Alaina shrugged. She told no lies Dave was treating April the way she deserved and if he did mess up there would be hell to pay and not just with her but with her dad and crew as well.
"How do you feel bout him having a child and maybe having to deal with his child's mother" Ian asked.
"Honestly I'm ok with it. If I had a problem with him having a child I wouldn't have talked to him from jump. I'd a politely declined him but it doesn't bother me. It's not like he hides her or had a baby on me while we were dating. The fact that he loves and dotes on her the way he does actually gives him a few points in my book. As far as his baby mama I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I'm good if she's good I'm not trying to start no problems between them"
Ian nodded his head. "Aight I can deal with that but if anything goes wrong don't you hesitate to leave and tell me. I got ya back short stack. Im here whenever you need me"
"Thanks daddy" she smiled at him. April knew he would do anything to protect her heart this time around. Besides she didn't think she had anything to worry about when it came to Dave and her heart. She wasn't naive either though.
"Don't thank me that's what I'm here for" he smiled at her.
"I'm so happy for you baby. I never would've thought you and Jr. would've crossed paths. You know what...you should invite him over for Sunday dinner. Oh my God Fay's lil boy is dating one of my babies. Who would've known? I have to get in contact with her. It's been too long" Ananda went on excitedly. Damn it was a small world. "You can invite him, his daughter, and his parents over for dinner. We can catch up and meet the older version of Dave because all I remember is lil David dressed in big clothing and cornrows with a basketball in his hand and a mug on his face. He was the sweetest lil boy but looked so damn mean" she let out laugh.
April and Alaina looked at each other and bust out laughing because Dave still rocked that mug. He could be cooling around the house and everything would be going good but he would be sitting there with that mug on his face even when happy and content. "Fine by me I'll see when he's free. I haven't met his family yet but we have talked about it. I know his mother is dying to meet me" April laughed a little. Fay stayed asking about her.
"This would be a good way to meet them" her mother said.
"Cool, I'll talk to him bout it"
"Good, good"
"Sooooo speaking of boyfriends" Alaina chimed in. "I have something to tell you all and before you even say it no I'm NOT pregnant butttt" Alaina said and looked at August as he cupped her hand in his for support. "After graduation I'm moving back to LA to be with August. We're moving in together. I already have a job lined up at one of the local elementary schools. So work won't be an issue" she exhaled like she had been holding that in for months.
"I told her that she didn't have to work but you know how she is and I'm not gonna stop her for wanting more for herself" August said as he looked between her parents.
"You know we'll miss you but we were wondering when you were going to move back out there" Ian said. "Y'all been long distance for years now and y'all love each other so we saw it coming" he gave them both an approving smile.
"Just make sure you visit and call home as much as you can" Ananda smiled at her. They knew it was coming and had already started mentally preparing themselves for their baby girl's departure. They weren't worried they trusted August and as far as a job they knew she wasn't going anywhere without one because the way they raised her she wasn't depending on no man to take care of her.
Alaina looked at April with sad eyes. "Don't be mad at me sista"
April looked at her and laughed. "First and foremost if I haven't already said so thank you. I appreciate you for picking up your life and man to follow me and make sure that I was good. Many people wouldn't do that so thank you. I'm ya big sista and best friend I want and need you to go out and enjoy the world. Live, love, and laugh. I want you to be great. I know you love August and LA I wouldn't stop that. So congratulations those kids need someone like you who cares. You'll be a great asset wherever you go" April wiped her lone tear. She didn't want to cry. She was happy for her sister.
"I don't want you to be by yourself though" Alaina laid her head on her shoulder with tears in her eyes.
April cupped her face in her hands and wiped her tears away with the pads of her thumbs. "I'll be fine Alaina. Don't worry bout me. It's my job to worry bout you" she looked in her eyes. Even if she wouldn't be ok she'd never hold her sister back from living her life and being great.
"Aww my babies" their mother looked at them with misty eyes as she dabbed her own set of tears away.
"Are you sure you'll be fine without me" Alaina questioned. April already felt alone so how bad would it really be with Alaina not by her side.
"I'm positive Thing 2. I've been thinking bout getting a puppy anyway. You know to keep me company. Mommy and daddy are close by as well so I'll be fine. Then there's Dave and even if that doesn't last I'll still be fine. You act like I don't have a jet to come and see you. You'll only be a phone call and hours away" April smiled.
"But you never go to LA unless it has something to do with work" Alaina said which was very true.
"If you're there I'll be there. It's time for a change anyway. I'm not, not going to see my baby sista' April pecked her forehead.
"You promise"
"Yes Thing 2 I promise and you know I never break my promises"
Alaina cheesed. "Bet so that means I'm sleeping with you every night until I leave and you gotta make some extra time to hang out with me since you've been chilling with Dave heavy" Alaina stuck out her tongue playfully teasing her.
"Done and done" April said and looked at August. "August you better take care of my sista"
"Trust me I got her" he replied with a smile happy that their family was happy about the news that was just shared.
"Say less"
They continued with Sunday dinner and catching up with each other until they had to leave. April had to get some rest for work the next day and Alaina and August had plans for the rest of the night. At the end of the day it was a cool Sunday after all even though April never mentioned that she was going to visit Chris to talk to him. She knew her father wouldn't want her nowhere near him and she didn't have time for an argument after a good meal and a nice time. She knew she'd eventually have to tell them anyway especially since she had some news to tell everyone anyway. Other than that Sunday was a good day.
Happy reading🤗
-So April's parents know Dave and his family...small world
-Alaina's moving...how do you think that will affect April🤔
-Talk to me what's on your mind🤔
-And yes some black women and girls do have long hair...I happen to be one of those women...I'm also 100% natural and yes I do love my weave too...but I also like having options and take good care of my hair under my weaves and units
Bye now😂
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