19: Fight N Temptations

Chapter 19: Fight N Temptation

Fuming! Dave was silently fuming. Profit had brought these bitches in the studio as if it was some kind of party. Mind you he wasn't even invited to this session. He knew Dave had been off his ass for a while now but he kept pressing his luck. Then one of his bitches touched his fuckin woman. That's the fuck shit he wasn't trying to deal with. In a way he was happy that the shit did go down just so he could see how his lady would react. How she reacted he wasn't expecting but he was glad to know that she could hold her own. That whole shit with the trigger fingers he needed to know the backstory because the look she had in her eyes didn't seem like she was joking. For a second she didn't look like his woman. Her eyes looked shifty.

"Let me find out my lady a whole G out in these streets" he thought to himself.

Dave had no problem with bitches being in the studio as long as they weren't fuckin up the vibe or fuckin with him and with what just went down they violated both. The vibe was ruined and fuckin with April was as bad as fuckin with him but worst. They were cool before April walked through the door. As soon as she stepped foot inside they were on their bullshit just like April said but they both paid them no attention. The shit that had just popped off was definitely going to get handled right along with Profit. Dave never wanted for his woman to feel out of place, threatened, or checking over her shoulders especially not around him. It didn't matter if he was seeing April or another woman. That was a no go for him.

"Fuck that they gotta go" Dave said out loud but more so to himself.

Before Dave could get situated in the booth and vibe out with his woman he abruptly left out of the booth with his signature mug on his face that seemed to get more intense. Shooter and Bully already knew what was up. Dave knew they didn't like that shit that went down either. April wasn't about to even think about being uncomfortable around any of them. Dave tapped Skinny's shoulder to grab his attention even though Dave knew he already had it. He was about to shut shit down.

"Aye turn that off real quick" Dave told him. Skinny nodded turning it off immediately and turned his chair around to face everyone in the room to see how shit was about to unfold.

Profit was sitting at the table laughing obnoxiously loud and hugged up on the same bitch who bumped April and that made his blood boil even more. Yea they had to go.

"Aye yo the party over y'all gotta get the fuck up outta here" Dave said loud and clear he didn't have time for any miscommunication whatsoever. The extra chicks hopped up quick knowing this wasn't the time for games while Profit thought that the shit didn't apply to him. Bully stood to his feet and went to the door opening it so the bitches took heed to what Dave had just said. April came out of the booth and leaned against the soundboard. He already knew she was waiting for some shit to pop off. She had a look on her face that screamed don't fuck with her. Dave wasn't about to let her get into shit though. One by one each of the chicks walked out followed by the niggas that came along with Profit and still Profit and ole girl didn't even attempt to budge.

"Aye yo Profit that includes you my nigga and ya bitch too" Dave started making his way towards the table only to feel a soft small hand grab his pulling him back. He looked down at his woman and she shook her head.

"He's not worth it papi" April said looking him in his eyes.

"Listen to ya bitch" Profit stood up like he was about that life but they all knew he was putting on a show for ole girl. Guess he forgot who the fuck Dave actually was as well as it had to slip his mind that his bros were there so that shit wasn't about to slide.

Dave chuckled darkly with his mug still present. "That was cute but you still gotta go"

"You messing with this lil saditty ass bitch and now you think you betta than everybody. News flash nigga ain't she the same lil bitch that was riding and sucking Breezy's dick but I guess you're into sloppy seconds" Profit said boldly. He must've eaten a whole big ass bowl of Wheaties this morning because he was talking out the side of his neck like he couldn't get checked.

"Cuz you gotta go" Shooter stood up immediately pulling his pants up already plotting on Profit. Shooter was always the trigger happy one out of the bunch so they already knew what was gonna go down. Just like he knew Profit was going to try to lay low for a while.

"Fuck all y'all" Profit walked pass and bumped into Dave followed by the chick he was with. He just laughed he wasn't about to fight inside the studio and fuck up the equipment. Bully closed the door and gave Dave the look. Profit wasn't going to be around for too long. Dave went back inside the booth with April right by his side. He knew she was a rider...his rider. Something was off with her though and he was going to get to the bottom of it when they got back to his place. Right now he had a track to finish.

Dave did what he does in the booth and finished in record time maybe because his bae was there to give him some extra motivation. April vibed out along with him as if they were the only ones in the room and he was giving her a private show; she had the Henny and one of her perfectly rolled pre rolled blunts in her hand handing both the drink and blunt to Dave as soon as he finished the last verse. Little shit like this was a plus side to April being his woman. He truly fucked with her. April was one of those women who liked to please her man and it showed. Dave lit the blunt, inhaled, grabbed her hand, and proceeded out the booth and back to the soundboard. An hour later mami was dozing off in his lap and he was officially done for the night. He was ready to get the both of them home.

"As soon as we get to your place I'm taking a shower and hitting the sheets" April said in between yawning as they made their way out the building and into the parking lot hand in hand.

"Bet, we'll be there in no time. I'm ready to lay up under you and fill up on you until I fall asleep" Dave bent down and kissed her neck as they reached his Range.

"Sounds good to me" she smirked as he unlocked the door and opened the passenger side for her. She hopped inside.

"I need to go handle something real quick. I'll be right back"

"And you think I'm a let you go handle Profit without me. I know y'all bout to start plotting" she raised her brow. She already knew what it was and was trying to make her way back out the truck. Dave liked the fact that she was ready to get it cracking with his ass but he still wasn't going to let her get her hands dirty on his watch.

"Bully and Shooter here I'm straight and even if they weren't I'd still be straight besides I don't need you linked up in no shit like this" and he was serious Dave knew if the wrong person even seen her huddled up with them on some scheming shit it wouldn't look good for her. He didn't want to tarnish her reputation that she worked so hard for. He didn't want anyone to see her in a negative light.

"You made ya point but I'm not making any promises. Go handle ya business papi I'll be here" she folded her arms across her chest.

"Say less" Dave pecked her lips, closed the door, and made his way to his boys. It was a few dudes and chicks loitering around the parking lot.

"East, take ya ass home. We'll handle this nigga another day. Ya woman ready to hit the sheets and she's feeling some type of way. Hit us when ya free" Bully said. He was right though Dave needed to get April home. He also knew that Bully and Shooter didn't want him out in these streets being reckless when he had his feet already out of the door. He had a lot to lose these days.

"Bet just don't do shit without me" he looked between the two of them.

"Say less" they said in unison. They dapped each other and he made it back to his ride.

"Damn ma how close do you need to be to the steering wheel" he fixed the seat back to his liking laughing.

She laughed. "Boy bye you know damn well I couldn't drive with the seat that far back"

"Short ass" he fixed the rear view and side mirrors, pulled the truck out of park, and put it in drive.

"But you like me though" she stuck out her tongue. If she kept it out long enough he was going to put that shit to use.

"True, true" he pulled out of the lot and into the streets stopping at a red light. "Lips ma" without hesitation she leaned over and planted her soft lips on his and kissed him. "You know when we get home I'm a want more than that" he licked his lips tasting her passion fruit lip balm mixed with weed and focused back on the road.

"Well you better get as many kisses as you can cause once I get out the shower I'm hoping right in the bed" she yawned again.

"Say less, just know that I can still get kisses in the bed" by the time they made it to his place April was knocked out. Dave hopped out of the truck and went to her side opening up the door for her. "Ma" he pecked her lips. He couldn't get enough of them.

"Yes" she mumbled with her eyes still closed. He sort of felt bad for having her in the studio so late but he knew she didn't mind being out with him at all. Besides he knew she liked to be laid up under him anyway. If they weren't at the studio they would've been at her house cuddled up or on the phone falling asleep on each other.

"We're here" she wiped her hands over her face and looked up at him. He gave her some room and she hopped out of the whip looking around taking in the sight around her.

"I could've sworn you lived in a condo" she grabbed her purse while he grabbed their bags.

"I did but me and lil butt was running out of space" he said as they made it to the door of his newly purchased 3 story home. It was a purchase he was proud of. It beat the cars, clothes, and every other materialistic thing he owned. He had a roof over his head that he paid in full. He and his baby girl would always have a roof over their heads. Dave's lil butt needed space along with a backyard to play in and privacy so he had to make it happen. It was bound to happen it just so happened to happen sooner rather than later. He didn't want to say anything about it until he had secured it. They had been there for a good 2 weeks and so far he and Kairi loved their new place. It was in Jersey but 20 or so minutes away from the city on a good day. The neighborhood was nice. The schools had good ratings and although they had neighbors they weren't too close to each other's properties.

"This is nice papi" April said as she entered the house immediately looking around loving his set up. It had a masculine vibe to it yet a feminine touch but definitely felt like home all warm and cozy.

"Thanks ma I'm tryna be like you when I grow up" he chuckled and grabbed her hand. He just loved to touch her.

"Different strokes for different folks. Be you" she smiled at him as he dragged her into the kitchen putting their leftovers in the fridge.

"Come on I'll give you a tour later. I know you want to get showered and in the bed"

"That I do" she followed beside Dave as they walked hand in hand up the spiral staircase. He hit the light as soon as they entered his master bedroom and placed their bags on the dark grey couch that sat in his bedroom posted a few feet away from the foot of the bed. He knew she was sleepy because she didn't even attempt to look around. She tossed her purse on the couch alongside their bags and started coming out of her kicks and stripping out of her clothing.

"Damn" Dave said under his breath as April stood in his bedroom in just her red and white Calvin Klein bra and panty set. Her ass was looking too damn good in her panties and her titties were sitting up just right displaying her hard nipples and nipple rings under the thin fabric.

"Papi I know you like what you see but um I need a wash rag and a towel" she smirked at him.

"Gotcha" he walked inside the master bathroom with her right behind him. He knew they were both sexually attracted to each other and trying not to complicate shit but with her walking around like that shit was going to be hard literally and figuratively. Dave was ready to dig in her guts fuck condoms and birth control. He'd hit that shit raw. Fuck the consequences. He opened the bathroom linen closet and grabbed a towel and wash rag and placed them on the his and her white marble sink.

"Thanks papi" she walked over to the walk-in glass shower, opened the door, and turned on the water adjusting the temperature to her liking.

Bent down at the shower, body looking all types of right Dave had to step out of the bathroom or lil butt was going to be a big sister. The way mami was looking he'd shoot up the club with no remorse. Shit he or she would be taken care of either way. He shook his head trying to clear his mind before he fucked her whole shit up. He stripped out of his clothing leaving him in just his socks and boxer briefs and laid on the bed turning on the TV to ESPN. April came back in the room grabbed a few things out of her bag and went back in the bathroom not even bothering to close the bathroom door. From where he was laying he couldn't see anything anyway. She was trying to get a nigga. Dave already had some Henny in his system and a few blunts so he was definitely feeling the effects and with a naked woman in his bathroom showering with the door open wasn't helping his situation. He groaned. He was trying to be patient but...

"Tonight just might be the night" he thought to himself.

25 minutes later April stepped out of the bathroom with a fresh face, her hair in a high messy bun, dressed in a pair of white and black cotton boy shorts and a matching fitted tank top. She folded up her clothing, placed them in her bag, and pulled out a bottle of cocoa butter and shea butter mixture. It was the scent he loved on her. It was natural and smelt and looked good on her skin. It gave her a sort of glow.

"Papi stop starring and get ya ass in the shower so I can cuddle up under you" she made her way to his California king size bed and hopped up on it making her titties and ass jiggle.

"Bet" Dave rose from his spot on the bed and made his way behind her and kissed her neck reaching up to her bun pulling her scrunchie out letting her hair fall down her back and hang loose.

"Dave" she moaned as he continued kissing her neck and gripping her hair in one hand pulling her head back getting all the access he needed to attack her neck. "Papi" she moaned. The shit sound like music to his ears he couldn't stop himself. He let his free hand roam about her soft body taking in the feel of her soft skin against his manly hands. "David" she moaned. The way that shit sounded she could call him David any time she wanted.

"I'm bout to fuck up ya life ma" he whisperd in her ear and nibbled on it.

"Papi that's that Henny and weed. Get in the shower so you can rub up on me until I fall asleep" April whined. Dave knew she was fighting temptation but the way he was feeling fuck that. He was ready to give in to his temptations.

"You gonna have to put on a shirt or something cause the way I'm feeling right now I'm liable to dig in them guts, shoot up the club, plant a seed, and not give a fuck" he knew he was feeling wavy but he was speaking the truth. April jumped from his grasp and off the bed starring at him with hunger and lust filled eyes.

"Nope, nope, nope not today" she shook her head and closed her legs together tight. "Shower now" she pointed to the bathroom. "Lord, father God please give me strength" she cupped her hands together.

Dave licked his lips and got out the bed. "Come keep me company" he picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist holding her up by her butt before she could even protest and walked inside the bathroom placing her on the countertop of the sink.

"The devil is a lie" April mumbled to herself while he smirked and went to turn on the shower. She closed her eyes as soon as he placed his hands on the rim of his briefs. "April you need to be in a stable relationship before you bust it wide open on a hand stand unprotected. He ain't worried bout his pullout game. Birth control bitch...birth...control" Dave heard her chanting to herself. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Mami can you pass me a wash rag"

"I can't with you" she hopped off the counter and went to the linen closet grabbing a rag. "Between you, God, and the devil all y'all testing me tonight" she mumbled as she made her way to the shower keeping her eyes on the floor. She opened the shower door and stuck her hand inside still trying not to look. Dave grabbed the rag chuckling.

"Thanks ma" he thanked her as he watched her speed walk out of the bathroom. 20 or so minutes later he was out of the shower and back in his bedroom with the towel secured around his waist. April was in the middle of the bed with the cover covering her from head to toe. He couldn't help but laugh she was really trying to fight it.

"Don't be laughing. This is pure torture. When my ass was ready to jump ya bones you was on some nope shit so nope I ain't beat" she peaked over the covers by then he was dressed in a pair of boxer briefs and putting cocoa butter on his face. He had to keep his shit right. "Give me till the end of the week after my doctors' appointment and then I'm down for the cause. You can do as you please" she said as he slipped in the bed and pulled her close to him. As soon as she was in his arms she cuddled into him. Her head nestled on his chest and leg wrapped around his waist. He liked having her in his arms. It felt right as if this is where she belonged.

"I can do that" he gently rubbed her ass just how she liked giving it a firm squeeze every now and then for his own satisfaction. Her shit was firm yet juicy. It was just right.

"You better or else we're stuck with each other for life and baby girl is a big sister" she ran her hand up and down his tattoo and lightly hair filled chest. She was dead ass serious. They were both on the same page. "This shit is too new to be popping out a baby. I mean if it happens it happens but we gotta be responsible. I don't want to be just another baby mama"

"Heard ju I swear if it was anyone else they'd say fuck it"

"True and then you'd be stuck with a chick that ain't bout shit but a check and some clout" she looked up at him.


"While we're on the subject of kids I know you want more but how many more"

"1 or 2 is my limit. I know most niggas want a team but I'll be content knowing lil butt wouldn't be alone. What bout you" he replied and asked. If they were talking about sexing each other they mind as well talk about the consequences of doing it because it didn't matter how much protection you used shit could still go down.

"We're on the same page. 2 is my limit. I don't want a daycare full" she replied.   



April kissed Dave's chest as he continued to rub on her ass. Just like him she loved to be in his arms. It was funny how a few months could pass and they were close as if they had already known each other. Were they moving fast? April questioned it a few times but she was honestly a grown ass woman and she was very much in like so she was just going to go with the flow until they didn't flow anymore. Did she have any uncertainties about it? She sure did but she wanted to enjoy the moment. April hadn't been this happy in a very long time so she wanted to make sure that she enjoyed whatever they had going on while it lasted because her and happiness never seemed to last.

"Ma" Dave called her causing her to look up at him.

"Yes papi" she answered as he swiftly lifted her up and placed her on top of him. To get comfortable she sat up and straddled his waist letting her eyes roam about his body. Dave was a sexy ass nigga and he knew it. His sun kissed tanned skin due to the summer sun, the tattoos that adorned his body, those brown eyes, those brownish pink full lips that were soft and kissable just made April want to forget about being responsible and have some irresponsible ass sex and give 2 fucks about the outcome. Shit even his patchy ass beard and unibrow did it for her. Yet here she was being responsible.

"Fuck my life. Why couldn't I be a fast ass" she thought to herself.

"I ain't know you had all that hostility in you. Where all that come from" April knew he was going to ask sooner or later. "Explain that itchy trigger finger shit too"

So she told him the truth. "I wasn't born into money. There was no silver spoon. We were a regular black family just trying to make it. My dad use to be in the streets heavy until he made enough money to get out and turn it into clean money. With him being in the streets and Alaina and me not having brothers he taught us not take shit from anybody as well as how to fight. So when it comes to these hands they're lethal. I've had my share of fights. I even took up boxing for a lil while. I'm pretty good if I may say so myself. We had to learn how to fight for ourselves if anything went down while he wasn't around to protect us. Not gonna lie I got my ass handed to me a couple of times so I know I'm not invincible but I always bounced back and end up whooping ass"she said sort of reminiscing. "The deeper he got into the streets he knew fighting wasn't always gonna help so he would take us to this lil spot along with my uncle and teach us how to shoot still targets and moving targets. When we each turned 18 we got our gun permits and blinged out glocks gifted by our father" she shrugged like it was normal. Then again it was normal for her. Her and her family had come a long way.

Her life wasn't always peachy and money wasn't always around. So when her family did get their money up their parents made sure they remained humble. Just because they had it today didn't mean that it would be there tomorrow. That's why she didn't mind giving back to her community and investing in small businesses. April wanted the youth to know that yes times can get hard but you can make it out.

Shit she was a prime example. Her whole family was examples. She was a young black successful woman who happened to be running her own billion dollar corporation. April's dad owned several apartment complexes, barber shops, restaurants, laundry mats, and so on in the hood and rich neighborhoods. He also made sure to employ people who truly wanted to work, wanted to do better, and really needed the money.

Her little sister will be graduating from Rutgers college in a few months. Her plan was to become an elementary teacher in a school where kids needed education, guidance, and love. As for her mother she's pretty much a stay at home mom but don't get it twisted she helps her husband run his businesses and keeps all of them in check. If anybody needs something she's the one to call. She doesn't turn her back on anyone.

"Wayment so you really know how to use a gun" Dave asked shocked. She didn't look the type.

She laughed. "Yes" she picked up her phone, unlocked it, went to her photo album, and searched for a specific video. "See" she turned the phone towards him so he could see the video of her at the gun range shooting her blinged out glock. He pressed play.

"Damn that's sexy ass fuck. My woman a whole fuckin G out in these streets" he gave her back her phone looking at her with lust filled eyes.

"Oh so I'm your woman" she smirked and bent down placing a kiss on his lips. She couldn't get enough of him calling her his woman.

"We established that last night. Your mines I'm a let you get closure with ya boy and then its official but like I said I'm taken and ya sexy ass taken too and don't forget that" he smacked her ass then rubbed and gripped it causing her to moan.

She ran her hands up and down his chest. "Noted papi"

"I thought you were sleepy"

"I was but once I took that shower it woke me up and since I know I won't see you for a few days I'm trying to savor the moment"

"Say less" he pulled her down on him and dived into her lips adding his tongue kissing her passionately as he ran his fingers through her hair while his other hand cupped her cheek. She didn't know what it was but he had a thing for her hair. He always liked when it was out and wild or maybe he liked running his hands through it because it was real.

"Mhmm" she moaned into the kiss.

"Keep it up and I'm a have ya ass face down and ass up" he spoke into her lips. Since they kissed last night and played around they've been quite touchy feely which she didn't mind at all. She missed this type of attention and feeling.

"Don't threaten me with a good time" she giggled. "I'm not fuckin with you tho" April leaned up just as her phone went off.

"Who hitting you up this late" Dave playfully asked but she knew he seriously wanted to know. She picked up her phone and saw that it was a text from Chris.

"It's Chris. He's probably letting me know when he's free"

"Bet, handle that" he placed his hands on her waist. She unlocked her phone once again, opened his message, and just like she thought it was just him letting her know when he had time to meet up. April quickly messaged him back and told him that she would confirm the date with him when she checked her schedule.

"Done" she sat her phone back down on the bed and focused on Dave who seemed to be stuck in his own head as he ran his hands mindlessly up and down her thighs. "Papi what you thinking bout"

"How that conversation with you and ole boy gonna go down"

"I know tears are gonna be shed between the both of us and shit might get ugly for a second but hopefully it goes good that's all I pray for" she shrugged. "I'm going in with an open mind. I got a lot to get off my chest"

"You sure you done with him nah mean I like ya lil ass and I want to see where this goes but I don't want to get screwed over if you still want to be with him. I mean let a nigga know. I know how it is after you done did some time with someone and y'all got a long history"

"I can't stress it enough. We've been done for 2 years plus. I'm done. Besides I'm sort of talking to this sexy ass Harlem nigga named David Brewster Jr but known as Dave East in the streets but papi to me" she smiled. April wasn't trying to rekindle shit with Chris unless it had to do with their friendship. She was willing to give Dave a chance and focus solely on him.

"Say less" he smirked.

"But" she dragged out. "Are you sure you're done with your baby mama. Earlier it sound like it was something you still thought bout. Like if shit was good you'd give it another go if not for you then for Kairi" April bit the bullet and asked him she mind as well get it out the way. "You know they say dudes always got a thing for their child's mother" she kept her eyes on him. She wanted the truth.

"You know I don't sugar coat shit. At this point in my life I'm done with her. All we can do and will do is co-parent. I had hope for us and figured down the line we'd get our shit together and be a happy family but shit doesn't always go as planned. I'm there if she needs me but relationship wise we're done. I'm good over here. If I wanted her I'd be with her. I'm into you and that's all I want to be into. You have nothing to worry bout when it comes to her or anybody else for that matter" he confidently spoke so sure of himself making April smile letting the weight release from her shoulders putting her mind at ease.

"That's all I needed to hear because I'd hate to be deep in with you and she finally comes around and realizes that she wants you back. I know she's special to you and I'm not even going to try and compete with her" April had already been there competing with bitches for a nigga that was supposed to be hers and only hers. She wasn't doing that shit anymore especially when the nigga was giving other bitches attention like she mattered and had a place.

"You done made me block hoes, delete numbers, and tell chicks I can't fuck with them anymore. You better know I'm only fuckin with you" he mugged her.

"Ok, ok" she bent down and pecked his lips. "I fucks with you Mr. Brewster" she laid down on him and snuggled her face in the crook of his neck taking in his scent. Dave pulled the covers over their bodies, turned off the TV, and continued to run his hands soothingly up and down her body.

"I fucks with you too ma" he yawned.

"Somebody's sleepy" she giggled into his neck.

"Hells yea don't act. You are too"

"True" they both laughed. A comfortable silence crept over them as they pretty much were into their own thoughts. Well that was until his phone rang. "You talking bout me. Now who calling you this late" she joked. Dave wiped his hands over his face and answered the phone. By his facial expression April already knew it was someone he didn't want to speak to at the moment but she could also hear the voice of a female but still she wasn't going to jump the gun.

"I'm coming" he spoke and groaned into the phone at the same time tapping April's thigh so she could get up. She rolled over and watched him get out of bed, reach in his dresser, and pull out some joggers putting them on. She didn't say anything but she did wonder what was going on and where was he going. She knew that Bully and Shooter knew that they were together so they weren't going to call unless it was important. April knew that it clearly wasn't either of them though. She did hear a woman's voice but after the conversation they just had she wasn't sweating it. She knew Dave wasn't stupid enough to answer a random bitches call while she was there and lying right on top of him. But who the fuck was on his phone at this time of night to make him get dressed and leave?

-Happy reading 🤗
-This chapter is a lil longer than I intended but I wanted to put both of their POV's together for this chapter.
-Dave & Profit🤔
-You got a lil look into April's background..so know she bout that life.
-But um who the fuck calling Papi Dave at this time of night🤔

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