18: Studio & Basic Bitches

Chapter 18: Studio & Basic Bitches

April sat in Dave's lap in the zone as she vibed out with him. She had calmed down from the earlier event and put her all into Dave and his session. She didn't want him to be worried about bullshit while he was working. Yet April was pretty sure he knew something was still bothering her but she didn't want him thinking about her at a time like this. At a time he needed to be focused on his craft and not distracted by her issues. Weed filled her lungs as she sat comfortably on his lap with her back pressed firmly against his chest with his arms wrapped around her waist firmly as he rapped along to the song he had just finished recording.

As soon as she passed the blunt to Dave her stomach growled loud as hell as if she hadn't eaten in 40 days and 40 nights. It was late night, she was on her second blunt, and now the munchies were in full effect. She knew exactly what she wanted. A 6 piece hot wing and 6 piece lemon pepper wings from Wing Stop and a slushy from 711 was calling her name. Luckily for her no one had heard the monstrous sound that escaped her empty belly.

She turned and faced Dave. "Hey papi let me borrow those Range keys"

Dave raised his brow. "What you need my babies for" he questioned. He didn't mind her whipping his ride she could handle it. Shit she had one herself.

"The munchies kicked in and I'm hungry. Wing Stop is calling my name right bout now" she replied.

He chuckled as he now rubbed circles on her stomach. "I can send the boys. It's pretty late to go out by yourself"

"I'm straight besides LaLa probably still here. I'll get her to tag along. I'll even bring back some wings for the crew"

"See if ya sister here first. If not I'm sending the boys with you" he spoke sternly. Dave was pretty protective when it came to her. She understood why but she was good at the end of the day.

She laughed. "In case you forgot who I am let me remind you. I never leave out the house without security. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there" she was serious. Her security team knew where she was at all times. She had a tracker implanted in her arm for security purposes. She didn't trust everybody, she had money out the ass, was living the single life, and didn't want to end up like some of those stories she heard about people with money getting kidnapped. She was literally part of the Billionaire's Boy Club and knew people would do anything for money so she had to protect herself. No one knew about the tracker but the person who implanted it and the head and owner of her security team her uncle Amin which was her father's older and only brother and that's how it was going to continue to be.

"True but your still my woman and I need to make sure you're safe" he mugged her. Without giving it a second thought she rolled her eyes and she rolled them shits hard.

"What I tell you bout rolling them eyes ma" he whispered in her ear making her whole body shiver.

"Dave" she whined.

"Hit up La and see if she here and if not the boys rolling with you"

"Ok" she started to roll her eyes but caught herself and picked up her phone.

"Da fuck I thought" Dave said clearly checking her.

"Da FuCk I ThOuGhT" April lowly mumbled as she shot a text to Alaina. Dave bit down hard into the side of her neck and sucked on it even harder. He had definitely heard her and left another one of his marks on her already hickey filled neck. "I'm sorry" she whimpered and crossed her legs tight trying to suppress the moan that was begging to escape. Since the events that went down last night Dave knew a few buttons to press to get her to act right and if needed he was going to use them.

"Act like you know" Dave spoke in her ear. This time she didn't even dare roll her eyes or say anything slick. She had heard the chuckles and snickers and knew that everybody had just witnessed what had just taken place so she kept her mouth shut and eyes on her phone. Alaina had replied and was down for the ride. She showed Dave the text. "Bet" he licked his lips and turned down the music. "Aye, bae bout to go to Wing Stop y'all want something" Dave asked his boys.

"Hell yea" Bully said rubbing his hands together.

"I could eat" Shooter chimed in.

"Cool what y'all want so I can order online" April asked and started placing everyone's order. Everybody started reaching in their pockets ready to pass her some dough.

"It's on me tonight boys" she hopped off Dave's lap, fixed her clothing, and pulled out her makeup bag to check herself in her compact mirror. Satisfied with her appearance she put everything back, grabbed a cherry jolly rancher out of her purse, opened it, and popped it in her mouth. She zipped up her purse and placed it on her arm ready to bounce. She didn't mind spending a few bucks on them. The boys knew she had money but even when they went out they always brought her something back without thinking about the funds so she felt like it was only right to treat them as well.

"Nah ma I got it" Dave pulled out a wad of dough out of his pocket and pulled out a fresh blue face hunnid.

"You bought breakfast this morning papi. I got it if I didn't I'd be snatching up all y'all coints" he mugged her yet again. "Ok" she threw up her hands, took the money, and placed it in her purse. "Swear you somebody's daddy. Last time I checked you only had 1 child" she mumbled to herself.

"Ohhhhhhhh" Shooter instigated. April turned and cut her eyes at him. "I was looking at something on my phone" he said smirking.

"Uh huh" she mugged him.

"Don't worry I'm a handle that shit tonight" Dave said and from the tone of his voice April knew he meant it. She didn't even bother to say shit. She approached him and kissed his lips. This was the first time they shared a kiss in front of his boys as well and she didn't care if they saw. They were his best friends anyway so she could care less what they saw. He pulled her in between his legs. "Handle that attitude before you get back" he spoke in that daddy tone that she had come to love.

She pouted. "Nobody even got an attitude papi" she couldn't lie he was turning her all the way on and for him to be doing all this shit in front of his boys was doing something to her as well. It was like icing on a cake just getting better and better.

"Like I said handle it" he said as someone knocked on the door.

"That's probably LaLa. I'll be back in a few" she turned around to answer the door.


Dave smacked her ass hard enough to cause a moan to slip out of her mouth and an echo to sound off mimicking the sound of the smack. April just put her head down and hurried to the door like he set fire to her ass. She knew his ass was behind her licking his lips and watching her ass jiggle effortlessly in her jeans as she walked to the door.

"Lift ya head up ma" Dave said. April did as she was told and opened the door to come face to face with Alaina.

"Are you blushing" Alaina starred at her with a raised brow.

"Bitch I'm milk chocolate you can't see not a hint of blush on me" April shook her head but she knew she couldn't hide shit like that from Alaina. She knew all the tell, tell signs.

"You're right but I know the look" Alaina laughed causing the boys to join right on in. They were waiting for her to walk out to laugh but since Alaina started it they let it all out. April quickly stepped out of the room, closed the door behind her, and made her way to the elevator. "What happened back there" Alaina asked her as they stepped inside the elevator.

"Dave thinking he's somebody's daddy" April said as she went on and told her what had went down.

Alaina laughed. "From what it sounds  like he's obviously your daddy" she continued laughing while April hit the locks on Dave's Range and hopped inside. She adjusted the seat and mirror to her liking and brought the car to life. She knew when he got inside the truck later he'd be rolling at how close she had the seat up to the steering wheel. But hey it wasn't her fault she was short and he liked to drive around like he was lying down.

"Last time I checked our father name is Ian Amir Blackmon not David L. Brewster Jr" April rolled her eyes pulling off.

"Which is true but Ian is our father and Dave's your daddy" Alaina laughed.

"Whose side are you even on" she sucked her teeth.

"Of course I'm on your side buttttt"

"I see where ya loyalty lies" April kept her eyes on the road. Alaina couldn't help but laugh. She loved to see April flustered by Dave. She knew her sister needed to make a dick appointment and make it quick or else she would be even more sexually frustrated.

"Love ya too. Any, who how you feeling bout earlier" she asked.

April sighed. "I feel like I've been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Yes I know I'm grown and can date whoever I want but I wanted to keep this friendship/situationship/relationship with Dave to myself for a lil while longer. I don't think it would've bothered me as much if Dave hadn't worked with Chris. Shit honestly the way I see it is if I talked to anyone in the music industry they most likely worked with Chris or wanted to work with him" she took a breather and sighed. "I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't at this point. I know lil big brotha will definitely tell Chris especially if he asked so I'm hoping he keeps it to himself so I can be the one to tell him in person. I rather he hears it from me rather than someone else" Even then she didn't think whoever she ended up dating was any of his business. She just didn't want to be out here looking like she was being messy.

"That's true. When you put it like that I'll tell bae to keep quiet and let you do it"


"So when y'all meeting up"

"Don't know yet he has to check his schedule. So whenever he's free it'll happen"

"Bout time I'm happy y'all are finally bout to do this. It's been long overdue"

"The more I think bout it the more anxious I get. I knew I'd eventually have to talk to him but now it feels like I NEED to talk to him. I lost the man I thought I'd marry and grow old with let alone my best friend. I don't want to argue. I just want to know why" she shrugged as she pulled into Wing Stop's parking lot. "Like what did I do that was so bad for him to treat me the way he did because when I sit down to think I can't think of anything" she looked at her little sister with a sad expression.

"Trust me it wasn't you. It was him. I know every relationship has its ups and downs but don't trouble yourself thinking it was you when we all know that's farthest from the truth" Alaina hopped out of the truck and April soon joined her. They didn't say another word. They didn't like talking about certain topics out in the open. You never knew who was watching let alone plotting. They walked in paid for their food and left back out. Luckily there wasn't anyone inside.

"One more stop and back to the studio we go" April said as they pulled out of the lot.

"So how are you and my new brotha doing" April laughed. Alaina and Dave hit it off instantly. Then again talking and being around Dave he made you feel like you knew each other already. Yea he always had that New York mug on his face but he was a cool down to earth dude.

"We're good. Of course we're still learning each other but we're trying to see where all of this leads. He likes me. I'm feeling him but you know I have my baggage so until that's squared away we're just going with the flow and taking things somewhat slow. He says I'm his woman whether we're official or not. So yes he's bae unofficially until we're ready to make it official" April smiled and shrugged. "Buttttt" she dragged. She had to tell Alaina how she felt.

"Wayment...so brotha is basically claiming you as his. He's just waiting on you to talk to my other douche bag ass brotha and then y'all are going to make it official. Aww shit I'm so here for it. That shows he cares. Most guys aren't going to wait on you to get closure with your ex. He must really like you" Alaina said excitedly and smiled at April. "Wait, wait, wait what's the but for" she turned in her seat and gave April all of her attention as they finally pulled up to the 711.

"Trust me I thank him for sticking around knowing bout my baggage I really do. Dave's a cool dude and I like him. Like I said I want to see where it goes BUT today we had a conversation bout him and his baby mama and basically the only reason why they aren't together is because of his lifestyle and a few other things that he didn't want to share just yet. You know how it goes dating someone in the music industry. She can't deal with it. From what I understand is that if she could they would be together" April sighed. "Maybe he needs to work on his baggage too" she thought. "I don't want us to get serious and then she finally wants to make it work. He loves her. She's his first love, the first chick he brought home to meet his mama, and let's not forget she had his first and only child" April sighed again. Saying it out loud made it even worst. She couldn't and wouldn't compete with that. She didn't want to fight over a man again or a place in his life.

"Aww I understand but we both know that Dave is a real nigga. He's as real as they come. If he wants her regardless of the issue he'd be with her. He'd tell you if he wanted her. I doubt he'd lead you on just to screw you over. He doesn't seem like the type. I mean you never know but don't stress over it and mess up your blessing. He might be around long term or seasonal but I think he's around for a reason" she grabbed April's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Now come on before the boys call. I know we stopped for a slushy run" Alaina chuckled.

"I love your bean head ass" April said as they hopped out the truck and headed into 711.

"If I got a bean head you do too but yea I love me too" she joked and laughed.

"I'm done with you" April shook her head laughing and made her way to the slushy machine. In and out they finally made their way back to the studio. "Aight baby sis go ahead and feed my lil big bro. You know he all skinny swole now so he needs this food to maintain all of that" she joked.

"Don't be coming for my baby" she laughed.

"But you're laughing so" April playfully shrugged her shoulders.

"Whateva, I'll hit you up later. Love ya" Alaina kissed her cheek before walking off as April watched her walk down the hall and into the studio.

Once she was safely inside April made her way inside the room Dave was in to see the room full of smoke, bitches scattered around, more of Dave's peoples, liquor being passed around, and music blasting. It was sort of like Deja vu because they had just talked about this shit earlier. Luckily the women were scattered around his boys and not Dave. As soon as she fully entered the room Dave's eyes met hers as he got up from his chair at the soundboard next to Skinny and made his way to her grabbing the bags out of her hand and wrapped his arm around her silently letting the women and the rest of his so-called boys know that she was his. Headed straight for the table in the room April could feel bitches starring at her. She shook it off. She already knew what time it was and was ready for whatever. Trust she had been there and done that when she was dating Chris. Placing the bags on the table April sipped on her slushy and reached inside the bag to disperse everyone's meal.

"Yo Shooter, Bully, and Skinny come get y'all shit my woman ain't bout to serve y'all" Dave shouted over the music.

"Thanks lil sis" they said as they got their food and headed back to their seats.

Dave sat down pulling April down on his lap and opened up both their containers. "This my slushy" he pointed to the extra slushy on the table.

"Yea I knew if I would've asked you if you wanted one you'd say no but would be drinking my shit up. Sorry they didn't have wheat bark and grass flavorings though" April joked since he was always drinking something healthy if he wasn't drinking any Hennessy or Bel Air.

"You stay coming for ya boy" he laughed.

"Damn where mines at cuz" his boy Profit walked up on them while they were talking and eating. It was only a few niggas April fucked with in Dave's crew and Profit wasn't one of them. She didn't like him. He gave off a sneaky vibe like he couldn't be trusted. Like he only hung around Dave because he was popping at the moment and making moves. Of course she never mentioned it to Dave. She didn't want to start any problems.

"Cuz...ya ass wasn't even here when we ordered. Ya ass just now coming, you wasn't invited, and you brought the hood" Dave chuckled but April had been around him long enough to know he wasn't feeling the shit. She just sat there eating and sipping on her drink minding her own damn business because she knew Dave had it covered. She knew he could and would handle this by his self.

"I ain't know ya lady was gonna be here my fault" Profit chuckled throwing up his arms as if he was surrendering. He was definitely a fraud. He was low key a snake in the grass ass nigga and she wondered if she was the only one who noticed his slithering ways. The way he said it made it seem like if April wasn't there one of those chicks would've been up under Dave but she knew better.

"It wasn't that type of party to begin with loc" Dave mugged him.

"Say less" Profit walked away and went back to the bitches and niggas he brought along with him.

"Ma, slide my drink down here" Dave spoke in her ear. She nodded and picked up his drink putting it up to his lips so he could get a few sips. Once he finished she sat his drink back down next to hers. "Thanks" he pecked her ear with his now cold lips as they continued to eat until they were content. Whatever was left over April placed it in one container combining their food and went to toss the garbage in the trash across the room. By the time she came back from the garbage tin Dave was on his way back to his chair at the sound board with her purse in his hands along with their slushies. He wouldn't dare leave her purse on the table unattended with so many shady people in the room.

"Thanks papi" she pecked his lips and took her slushy and purse.

"No need" he picked her up and placed her back on his lap. "How you feeling" he whispered in her ear.

"I'm straight. You know I'm down for the cause" she turned her face towards him and smiled at him then lightly kissed his lips. Kissing his lips would never get old now that they crossed that boundary. April knew he enjoyed it just as much as she did.

"Say less. I want to finish one more track and then we're out"

"No rush but ok"

"Aye Skinny drop that beat again"

"Bet" Skinny did as Dave told him. No bullshit the beat was sick and April couldn't wait to see what it sounded like with Dave on that shit. She closed her eyes and bobbed her head to the beat along with Dave.

"You like that shit mami" he asked her.

"Can't lie I definitely do. I can't wait to hear what you do to it" she responded.

"Come on let's go make magic" he tapped her leg.

"Say less papi" she got up and stepped to the side. She already knew he wanted her in the booth with him. He clutched her hand in his and they went on their way only for April to stumble back hard ass fuck damn near spilling her slushy and dropping her purse. Luckily Dave was there to brace her from a nasty fall. April closed her eyes tight and took a deep breath placing her drink down. "I know she didn't" is what she kept repeating in her head. It seemed like everything and everyone around her stopped. Skinny stopped the music abruptly, Shooter and Bully's eyes darted between and April and the girl that pushed her, and Dave let go of her hand with an instant mug on his face looking like he was ready to snap while everyone else looked on not knowing what was going to happen next.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there" the bitch said acting fake sorry while batting the shades she called eyelashes dramatically. Wondering how April stumbled. Well one of the bitches that tagged along with Profit bumped into her shoulder as if her ugly ass was a damn linebacker. Yeah April was short but make no mistake every last one of those bitches saw her. Ole girl was just being petty and messy. She also happened to be the one up under Profit's snake ass.

"Ma you aight" Dave asked sounding like he was ready to beat the bitch's ass himself.

April raised her index finger in the air with her eyes closed tight, lips tucked tightly in her mouth, and her head slowing moving from side to side. She knew they were probably looking at her as if she was crazy but if she didn't calm herself down let's just say in the words of her Avenger baby daddy the Hulk you wouldn't like her when she was angry. Trust it wasn't a good sight to see. She didn't want Dave to see her like that. She low key had a bad anger problem that seemed to get worst after she left Chris. April opened her eyes and looked at the bitch that was still standing there like shit was ok. "I'm good" she said with a blank expression as she tugged Dave's hand and started walking towards the booth again and abruptly stopped then turned around with a sinister smile on her face and let go of Dave's hand. She knew she was going to have to make some shit shake. It was only right.

April cleared her throat and faced the side of the room where all of the bitches resided but kept her eyes trained on the bitch that "bumped" her. Everybody was about to understand why she was the wrong woman to fuck with. "Make no mistake you all saw me when I walked through the door. Just like all y'all bitches been snarling and rolling your eyes at me since I came in but I don't care bout petty shit like that so it let it slide. Him this one right here" she pointed to Dave as everyone in the room gave her their undivided attention. "I get it. He's popping better yet crackin, making moves, got money flowing in, and let's not forget he's thuggishly handsome" she counted on her fingers. "Trust me I know we all want a piece of him but ladies he's off limits...off the fuckin market so if you feel some type of way sorry NOT sorry" she shook her head and cupped her hands together. "I will like to inform you that I don't fight over niggas. I don't care what you heard. If he wanted you whether it be for a quick fuck, get his dick sucked, or whateva the case may be I'm pretty sure you'd know and I ME SHE HER wouldn't be standing here right now so I'm a need all y'all to FALL. THE FUCK. BACK" April smiled again but it was more sinister if anything. "Please don't" she stopped and looked dead at the girl who pushed her. "I really mean what I'm bout to say so listen carefully. Make no mistake I'm the wrong one to fuck with. I really am. I know I'm short so you think that you've got some type of advantage but you don't really want war" she chuckled. "I'll tag every last one of you bitches so PLEASE try me. I'm too pretty to get messy but these trigger fingers. This is not a threat but it is a fuckin promise" she made a gun with her hand. "These trigger fingers do get itchy" she turned around and faced Dave. "That is all" she said and clapped, picked up her slushy, and made her way into the booth leaving everyone speechless. She didn't want it to get out of hand but she needed bitches as well as the niggas to know she wasn't the one you wanted to fuck with. Shit could get ugly real quick. Yes she was a prominent figure. Yes she had some status and some class but she was cut from a different cloth.

As soon as they entered the booth Dave made sure to close the door behind them. He pulled April into a corner of the room and cupped her face in his hands looking at her as if he was trying to see if she was hurt.

"Ma you sure you good" he asked her. This was new to Dave he had never seen her like that.

"I'm positive papi I'm all the way good. Go ahead and do what you. I'm not sweating those bitches. I said what I said and I meant it"

"Bet, we'll talk bout it when we get home. I need to know bout those trigger fingers" he chuckled and pecked her lips. April just laughed and let him go finish up.

Happy reading🤗

Sounds like April and Dave need to talk she's not the only one with baggage🤔


Ole girl done triggered the wrong one. Didn't know April had it in her😡

The drama is slowly approaching I hope y'all ready 😝😈

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