17: Busted

Chapter: 17 Busted

Overnight bag packed with everything she needed Dave grabbed her bag and watched her as she locked down her crib. Dave placed their bags in the backseat of his Range Rover, opened the passenger side door for April, then closed it once she was fully inside and settled. April leaned over and opened the door for Dave. Dave smirked at that shit. He honestly liked when she did it. It was something April was used to doing for Chris that she never broke out of. Strapped up and now on the road they made their way to the studio.

April enjoyed spending time with Dave and the many conversations they had. One conversation was heavy on her mind though. She tried to dust it off but for some reason she couldn't shake it. When Dave mentioned how he felt about his baby mama she knew he still harboring feelings for her. If only Millie could deal with his profession among other things he would definitely be with her. What if April and Dave became exclusive and his baby mama finally wanted to work it out with him? Would he leave her? She couldn't deal with running in 4th place because his daughter was obviously number 1 which she didn't mind one bit. Then came his career but with the history he and his baby mama shared she knew she would be in 3rd place pushing April to 4th. The next relationship April was in she wanted to be in 1st place or at least 2nd since Dave was a bundle deal.

They road in a comfortable silence the only thing playing in the background was the radio and she was grateful for that. To April Dave was a real nigga/man and his word had been his bond...so far. So she knew she had to learn to trust him. Without trust they wouldn't work. The what ifs were fucking with her though. Right then and there she decided to just focus on their friendship and whatever else they had going on and prayed that if they did progress into anything serious that shit would work out for the best. She wasn't about to deal with a part 2 starring David Brewster Jr. She didn't have it in her to do so.

About an hour later they were pulling up and parking in the back of the studio. Dave hopped out of the truck and went to April's door opening it and closing it behind her then grabbed his Gucci book bag out the backseat. Getting buzzed inside the building and walking inside they headed straight to the receptionist to sign in. They shared casual words with the receptionist and headed to the elevator, made it to their floor, and made it to the studio that Dave was using for the night.

"Skinny man" Dave greeted the sound engineer as they entered the room he'd be recording in.

"East what's goody" they dapped it up. "I see brought the misses tonight. Hey beautiful" Skinny said with a smile on his face. He was always friendly with her.

April laughed. "Hey Skinny how you been" she asked as they shared a side hug.

"I been aight lil lady how bout you" Skinny asked as he sat back down.

"Cool, you know I'm always good" she replied as she got comfortable on the red leather couch that was in there.

"Good, good is this dude treating you right" Skinny asked as he looked at Dave who was grabbing his notebook filled with lyrics out of his book bag.

"Yup we're good over here" April replied smiling which he was so she couldn't complain.

"Skinny stop asking my woman questions" Dave chuckled and took a seat beside him. Dave had just called her his woman but she was used to it. Whenever they were in the studio he made sure niggas knew she was his even if she wasn't. April was off limits.

"Damn my fault I'm just tryna see if beautiful is being taken care of" he said in a playful tone. April just laughed. This was the norm for them.

"Like she said we good over here now let's get to work" Dave chuckled and winked at April.

"Say less" Skinny raised his hands surrendering.

A few minutes later music filled the room, Dave was in the booth, and they were all vibing out. She loved seeing him in his element standing there with a blunt in his hand resting snug between his thumb and index finger looking all daddyish. April sat there with her eyes glued on no one but him taking him all in. She used to love nights like this with Chris. It would just be the 2 of them as he was in the booth and she worked the soundboard which he taught her how to work and she worked it like a pro. She slightly shook her head trying to get him off her mind before he took over. Dave had wrapped up one song, came out the booth, and took his seat next to Skinny so he could listen to it. Before Dave could even call her April was already out of her seat and taking a seat on his lap as usual. April liked the song. He had went in as usual there wasn't a bad song that she had heard from him yet. She couldn't wait for him to officially blow up. Dave was so underrated it was shame.

"That shit go hard" Shooter said as he entered the room with Bully right behind him.

"Word that's heat right there" Bully agreed as they each dapped up Dave and Skinny.

"Lil mama wassup" Shooter greeted April as he hugged her.

"Hey Shooter I'm good how bout you" she replied.

"Bet, I'm Gucci"

"Hey Bully" they shared a hug as well.

"Hey lil mama I'm Gucci"

"Say less" April said causing them to laugh. They just knew Dave's lingo was rubbing off on her the more they chilled together. Just like that Dave was back in the booth back at it. April sat in his chair vibing out until her phone went off. Excusing herself she picked up the phone and walked out of the room bumping into her sister.

"Really" April laughed and hung up the phone since it was Alaina who had called her.

"Sistaaaa" they hugged.

"What ya want lil girl" she asked trying to remain calm. Just that fast she had forgotten August had frequented the same studio when he visited.

"I was just checking in and ya ass right down the hall"

"I'm guessing you're here with lil big brotha" April said as they leaned against the wall.

"Yup bae in there doing his thing you should come speak. He'd love to bother you" Alaina laughed.

"I'd love to but I'm good. His ass gonna want to play 21 questions and figure out why and who I'm here with" April shook her head just thinking about it. He'd definitely tell Chris.

"He's not gonna say anything"

"Yea uh huh you know damn well he'll go straight to Chris telling him everything. They gossip just as much as we do" April smacked her lips.

"That's true but if he wants this cookie his ass will keep it to himself" Alaina laughed but she knew his ass was liable to spill the beans.

"Girl bye" April joined her. "I need to get back before Dave thinks I pulled a Houdini"

"Baybeh" April and Alaina's head whipped in the direction of August's voice with his New Orleans twang slipping out. It was too good to be true. She was caught red handed with her hand in the cookie jar.

"Oh em gee" April lowly groaned as she saw him walking over cheesing. He had finally packed on some weight. He looked nice all skinny swol.

"Big sis" he dragged out that last s and scooped April up in his arms hugging her. She couldn't lie she was happy to see him but this was clearly the wrong time.

"Hey lil big brotha how ya been" she asked as he put her down. Alaina was looking at her with her sorry face.

"I'm straight, I've been good just came to chill with lil baybeh and get some work done" he wrapped his long arms around Alaina's waist resting his head on her shoulder.

"Y'all cute or whateva" she said in her Cardi B voice.

"What you doing here" August asked as he looked around. As soon as April was about to come up with a little white lie Dave stepped out of the room looking for her.

"Fuck" she murmured.

"Damn ma I thought you dipped on a nigga" Dave approached her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders from the back pulling her close to him. August eyes widen like he had just seen a ghost and quickly fixed them back. She knew she was done for. It was written all over August's face. She knew he wanted to know what was up. April wanted to keep whatever she had with Dave to herself until she couldn't anymore but like always shit never went in her favor.

"My fault I had got a call from LaLa but ended up bumping into her here" she said looking between him and August.

"Oh aight...Lil sis wassup mamas" Dave said.

"Nothing much brotha just chillin with my bae" Alaina replied as they did their little hand shake that they made up. "Dave this is August my boyfriend and bae this is Dave April's friend" Alaina introduced them. August let go of Alaina and straightened to his full height and put his hand out for Dave to shake which he did.

"Sup" Dave shook his hand.

"Ok well I know both of y'all need to get back in the booth so lil brotha I'll see you and LaLa later" April smiled ready to get this awkward situation over. It might not have been awkward for everybody else but it was for her.

"Bet" August looked at her and then Dave.

"Love you guys" April hugged them both, took Dave's hand, and dragged him back into the room they were previously in.

She couldn't believe this shit. Of course she was a grown ass woman and free to fuck with whomever she chose to but damn it. She knew it didn't matter how much pussy Alaina threw him or threatened to take away August was still going to tell Chris. April knew that Chris and Dave knew each other but she didn't know how close they were or if they were even close at all. Just because they made a few records together didn't make them BFFs. This was some bullshit. Her heart was racing and she just knew shit was about to go down. She knew Chris would bring this up when they had their sit down even though he had no right to question her at all...but shit.

Both August and Trey knew she was talking to someone they just didn't know who. This was going to be a field day. Fully inside the room she headed straight to her purse pulling out her swarovski crystal encrusted cigarette holder filled with 5 pre rolled blunts and pulled one out making sure to grab her lighter. She never smoked in front of Bully and Shooter but right now she didn't care. They both looked at her shocked as they watched her spark it and took a big pull like a pro and headed straight into the booth with Dave and stood in between his legs since he was sitting down on a stool. Dave knew something was wrong but wasn't going to speak on it until they were alone.

April's mind was everywhere. She closed her eyes and exhaled a cloud of smoke and leaned back against Dave's chest as he wrapped his arms around her still rapping whatever song he was on a the moment. As soon as his arms wrapped around her she was instantly calm and felt so much better. He had that effect on her and right now she was so grateful for it.



Entering the studio Alaina already knew she was about to get the 3rd degree but she really didn't care. All that mattered was that her sister was happy. Everyone in the crew had high hopes for April and Chris but Alaina wanted her big sister to have fun and enjoy what she had going on with Dave. It had only been a short time since they met but she had already noticed a significant change in April and she was here for it.

Even if they didn't work out she could still see the 2 of them being friends. That's how deep their chemistry was. Dave brought something different to the table. He was as real as they came and even though a million and 1 chicks were on his dick his focus was solely on April. She had noticed that from jump. So even though she was rooting for Chris in the long run Dave had her approval. If they surpassed to love and he was the one for April she would still be happy because yet again all she wanted was for her sister was love and happiness.

She knew all the talk about having a cuddy buddy was a no, no for April no matter how hard she fronted. She knew she was fed up with love but love wasn't fed up with her and if anyone deserved love April was definitely the runner up. So if August wanted to grill her then so be it she was with the fucks. Alaina wanted him to go back and tell Chris he was missing out. Anything to make him sweat and get his shit together she was here for it. For 2 years and some change April entertained nothing but work while Chris dipped in whoever and even though April didn't say shit about it Alaina knew that shit hurt. So why not flaunt what April had going on even if she and Dave weren't official...yet. August could ask whatever he wanted and she was going to answer honestly. She silently apologized to April.

Looking up at August as he sat there looking all types of sexy with his serious face on Alaina sent him a smile. "How can I help you daddy" she smirked and straddled his lap.

August wrapped his long arms around her waist and starred at her licking his lips. "You know what it is so speak"

"Speak on what? You haven't asked me shit" she played dumb. August shook his head.

"So Dave, Dave East is the nigga that's been taking up big sis time"

"Yea" she dragged out not seeing a problem with it.

"This the same nigga you mentioned before" he questioned.

"Yup same nigga and so far things have been going good"

"I thought sis was fuckin with a regular nigga. I wonder why shit ain't hit the media" he leaned back against the chair.

"They been chilling low key. Sis ain't with the media after the shit show with ya boy. I'm surprised she even gave Dave a chance. She swore off industry niggas. Dave's been chilling with her heavy and she enjoys his company" Alaina shrugged her shoulders while she toyed with his neatly trimmed chin hairs.

"You know him and bro cool" he asked with a raised brow.

"I know they made a few songs together but that's bout it. Oh well what can you do? She's happy. She's been the happiest I've seen her since forever now. That's all I care bout. Bro fucked up and still living his life why can't she. It's not like she chilling with Michael's ass or one of his other homies like Red or Mijo"

"I'm all for her being happy but that shit could go left. We all know she's bro's wifey regardless of what went down. Her and Dave I don't know bout that love" he looked at Alaina. It was true all of this could go left but Alaina wasn't worried about any of that.

"Honestly I don't care how he feels. At this point fuck bro code. He's done way worst. Do you know how many times I've heard her cry herself to sleep or how many times she walked around with a smile but I know she's hurting and ready to break down and cry at any minute. 2 years and he still has a hold on her. She won't even step foot in LA unless it's for work. Her best friend lives in LA and she doesn't even go to her house because she doesn't want to run into Chris. He fucked up she didn't. She deserves this. It doesn't matter whose making her happy if they don't have ill intent I'm all for it"

August sighed. "You're right" and she was. August knew it and so did everybody else.

"She wants you to keep it to yourself but we all know you aren't. Me on the other hand I don't care if you tell him or not. I love him and he's still big bro but my sister and her happiness comes first" Alaina's loyalty lied with April and that's how it was going to stay. She didn't care how Chris felt about anything pertaining April and another nigga.

"I'll keep it to myself but if he asks you already know what it is" he pecked her forehead.

"Enough bout that. You got work to do and if you play your cards right then you have me to do too" she kissed him.

New year new ME I'm claiming 2019😝...I got some goals I need to achieve‼️
Let's grab 2019 by the balls‼️

Happy reading...I hope you guys enjoy🤗

April's a lil worried...should she be?

Our girl out here BUSTED with her hand in the cookie jar😂

How you feel about Alaina not giving a single fuck bout her bae telling Chris about April and Dave?

Just a heads up you will see other characters POV's when necessary.

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