16: Who Is She To You
Chapter 16: Who Is She To You?
"What's on your mind" he asked as he sealed the blunt ready to spark it.
"Ya baby moms...what's up with that? With the history y'all have do you see yourself getting back with her" April asked. He was wondering when she was going to ask about their relationship. Once upon a time Dave had high hopes for them nowadays not so much but he always wondered what it would be like if she got her shit together and they made it work.
"I'm a keep it a hunnid like I always do" he replied keeping his eyes on her. "Right now all we do is co-parent and so far so good...sometimes. Yea we have our ups and downs more so downs but at the end of the day our main focus is lil butt" April nodded. "She's my first love. The first chick I actually loved besides my moms and sister. She's actually the first and last chick I brought home. Is it love still there? Yea I'll always love her. Without her there would be no lil butt and life without my lil butt just ain't life. So I'd go through all the bullshit all over again for the sake of Kairi" he lit the blunt and took a deep pull.
"I understand baby girl is a blessing for you" April said with a distant look in her eyes as Dave nodded. He peeped the look in her eyes but decided to let it go though. Kairi was a blessing to Dave. With Kairi being born he finally saw the big picture.
"True all I do is for her so she won't have to go through or experience what I went through growing up. She pushes me to do what I do and be the best at it. As far as her moms I wanted us to work out for Kairi and I guess for me to. I wanted her to be raised in a 2 parent household like I was but shit happens" he shrugged. He didn't want to go into deep because this was a sensitive subject for him. He hadn't even told Millie how he felt at this point.
"So what happened between y'all" She asked. She had let him in and now it was his turn to do the same. Dave passed her the blunt and leaned against the headboard trying to gather his thoughts. He was chilling he didn't want the talk about Millie to fuck up his mood but he had to let April in even if it was just a little.
Dave scoffed. "Besides the fact that she's a half ass mother" he lowly mumbled to himself. "She doesn't like my lifestyle but she loves the perks she gets with it. You understand the lifestyle of a nigga in the industry" he looked at her and licked his lips and took another pull.
She chuckled but it wasn't a regular chuckle. It was laced with sarcasm. "That I do. It works for some but not so well for others. It definitely takes time to get use to a lifestyle like that but the way I see it is if you truly love the person you're with at least try it out for that person and if it doesn't work at least you know you tried"
"She didn't even attempt to try it. You know how the studio goes. You're scheduled for 2 hours but once you get in there the shit might end up being an all-nighter. Sometimes ya boys bring chicks and no matter how many times I tell her they ain't there for me that's another argument" he took another pull from the blunt and exhaled. If his baby mother could handle his lifestyle and do some serious changing like a deep soul change he would definitely try to work it out with her. Not for the sake of him but for the sake of Kairi because her happiness came above all.
"Yup I def remember those days even if you weren't worried bout those chicks you know ya girl always got her eyes open because those bitches be in there plotting and scheming on ya mans" April rolled her eyes making him chuckle. "I never understood bitches trying to get at a taken man. It's a bunch of niggas out here single as fuck choose one" She smacked her lips.
"That's true some of them do be in there trying to get seen but if I got woman I don't pay broads no attention and that's straight facts. I'm not bout to fuck up what I got at home for a bitch that wants 15 minutes to brag on my dick and fuck up my home like I chose her. Then there are the groupies from when I'm out on the road doing shows and touring and she can't handle that. It's like she waits for me to fuck up no matter how many times I proved her wrong. Then there's social media. Chicks being thirsty, lusting, setting traps, talking bout her and the list goes on. She couldn't handle the lifestyle among other things. She basically gave a nigga an ultimatum. Choose her or my career and as you can see I chose my career" this was something Dave always thought about. To him it wasn't a fair trade off. She knew his lifestyle before he became Dave East so why would she even make him choose to go back. He zoned out. That was Millie for you though. It was either her way or no way. She could fuck up all she wanted but nope not Dave. Millie was the only chick he fucked with that made him come back every time even though he knew they shouldn't be together. She couldn't be a mother or a girlfriend yet he always seemed to go back.
"Papi" April called him. "Bae" she called him again. "Dave" she said in a sing song voice yet he still didn't respond. Rising from her spot and crawling onto his lap she straddled him. He definitely wasn't with her at the moment. She placed a hand on each side of his face and called him yet again. "David Brewster Jr" she pecked his lips.
"Huh" he looked at her wondering when she had got into his lap.
"Where did you go" she asked her voiced laced with nothing but genuine concern. He placed his arms tightly around her waist.
"What you mean" he pecked her lips as she removed her hands from his face and wrapped them around his neck tilting her head to the side looking up at him.
"We were talking and you went blank like you zoned out after you mentioned the ultimatum. I kept calling you and you wouldn't answer" she starred into his chocolate brown eyes. Dave knew she was silently reading him trying to see where his head was at.
"My fault I didn't mean to. I guess I was just thinking bout shit. I loved my baby moms but when she hit me with that shit I couldn't believe it. I can't and I won't go back to my old lifestyle. I came a long way from where I was. I got a lil girl to care for and family to keep straight" he kept his eyes on her and ran his fingers through her kinky tresses. "Waking up wondering where ya next meal coming from, are the lights gonna cut off, eviction notices, same clothes, wondering if I'm a make it out the hood, selling drugs, public housing, and other bullshit. I can't go back. Me and her been through a lot the ultimatum isn't even half of the shit she put me through it's just the easiest problem to talk bout" April un-wrapped her arms from around his neck and cupped his face firmly. All she wanted to do was make him feel better. Dave was pretty sure she saw the distress in his eyes and he didn't care if she saw it. He wanted her to be able to see everything in him like he saw everything in her.
"Look at me and keep your eyes focused on me papi" April smiled at him. He loved her smile. It was the type to brighten your whole day no matter what kind of day you were having. "David Brewster Jr you my friend are a great man. I've known you for a few months on a personal level but I've listened to you tell your story time and time again in countless interviews. You've overcome a lot of obstacles for a young black man. The cards were already against you from day one. You found a way to make something better of yourself and not only for you but your child, family, and your friends. It may not be the career you chose at first but it's still a career nonetheless. I don't know your child's mother but for her to give you an ultimatum like that is ridiculous, especially knowing what you went through. Trust me I've been in a relationship with a man in the industry and yes I felt the same way as ole girl but I rolled with the punches because I loved the man I was with" she took a quick breather.
"If he had come from a background like yours I wouldn't dare make him chose to go back to a lifestyle like that. Real talk some people just don't like to see people succeed or surpass them or even not need them the way they once did. Misery loves company. People love to be fake happy for people and despise them at the same time" Dave kept his eyes focused on her listening to every word that escaped her lips taking everything he heard in. Everything she said was true. Her words were genuine and meant a lot to him. He had so many people in his ear about Millie but sometimes it takes a stranger to put it in perspective for you. "I'm not saying she's not entitled to her feelings but the lifestyle you live isn't for everybody. Some people can't handle what comes with dating a celebrity. It's a lot to take on but I also believe in fighting for love. You do what you can to make it work. It's not always rainbows and sunshine and that's every relationship. There will always be lurking bitches, fake friends, yes men, and people who want 15 minutes of fame whether it's for something good or bad. It comes with the territory" she exhaled but never removed her eyes from him.
"Yet at the same time you have to be there to let her know that you are only there for her. Sure you can tell her time and time again but actions speak louder than words. It's easy to feel insecure when it comes to dating someone like you. Sometimes we females like to know its only bout us. That your only focus when it comes to a woman is the woman you're fuckin with. When dating someone like you, you both have to be willing to fight for each other but I don't ever want you to think or feel like you chose wrong when you're only looking out for you, your daughter, and your family's wellbeing. No one can fault you for choosing that" April pecked his lips and crawled off his lap.
"Nah get that ass back here ma" Dave pulled her back onto his lap. "You just don't go in on a nigga like that and bounce" he pulled her closer to him holding her tightly in his arms silently wondering why Allah had took so long to put her in his life. She was a breath of fresh air that he needed in his life. "But nah thanks ma. Sometimes a nigga needs to hear shit like that. That's why I fucks with you and it's good to hear a female's point of view whose been in that situation before" Dave cupped her chin and kissed her lips. He wanted to tell her all that Millie had put him through while they were together but he felt like she wasn't worth wasting his breath on at the moment. He'd eventually tell her but today wasn't the day.
"You're welcome papi that's what friends are for" she smiled at him. "Then again you are my man so it's my job to make sure ya good"
Dave couldn't help but smile. "That you are ma...that you are. Speaking of exes did you hit yours up" Dave asked hoping that Chris did hit her up so she could finally let everything off of her chest and move on. He didn't know what would happen between the two of them but hoped they both could get some kind of closure because he meant everything he said to her last night. Yes they were in the beginning stages of a good friendship but of course he wanted to know how it felt to be in an actual relationship with her. They were both grown so he saw no point in stalling to get what he wanted. He saw something in April that he hadn't seen before and wanted to make things happen. He wanted to shake some shit up in a good way.
"Yup said he's going to check and see when his schedule is clear and let me know. So whenever he's free I'll just clear up my schedule and go by his since mines will be easier to clear"
"Cool, so how you feeling" he asked. He didn't want to talk about Millie anymore especially when he had his future sitting comfortably in his lap.
She chuckled. "Papi I'm good. I feel good since we talked last night. I'm ready to have a conversation with him. It's long overdue. I just want to unload and have peace of mind" she shrugged. Dave knew he was missing something important out of what she told him last night but he wasn't going to force her hand when she had already let him in on something so personal. Whenever she was ready he'd be there to listen to the missing piece just like he knew she'd be there for him when he was ready to fully let her in.
"Bet, I want nothing but smiles today ma"
"I can do that as long as you're smiling beside me papi" she pecked his lips. "So what time are we rolling out" she asked.
"I'm always smiling around you ma you know that. We're out by no later than 8. You know traffic to the city on the weekends be a bitch" he ran his hands mindlessly up and down the sides of her.
"Cool so are the boys gonna be there or just us tonight"
"Shooter and Bully coming through for a lil minute but that's bout it" he replied.
Dave knew just as much as April needed to talk to Chris he needed to talk to Millie because he still had a lot of shit pent up and he didn't want to carry it into his relationship with April. He knew she was going to be his in the long run. For now he was going to focus on his night with his woman and work. Dave and April spent the rest of the day cuddled up under each other watching movies, joking, and laughing with each other just enjoying each other's company as usual until it was time to get ready and leave. He made sure she packed an overnight bag because she was definitely staying at his place tonight...or was she?
Sorry I'm late with the update but happy reading🤗
Sounds like April isn't the only one that needs closure🤔
Dave and Millie's relationship🤔
Sounds like Dave is iffy when it comes to Millie like she might just have yet another chance🤷🏾♀️
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