11: Where This Love Could End Up

Chapter 11: Where This Love Could End Up

There ain't no telling where this love could end up
See boy you'll never know, maybe baby we could see
There ain't no telling where this love could end up
Up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
See baby I was thinking maybe next time
We can watch a movie together, just enjoy each others company
I want to look into your eyes, see what you're all about
What kind of things you like, take our time, don't rush
But don't want to take it slow I guess, that's why
[Where This Love Could End Up: Keyshia Cole]

It was late night 10:15pm to be exact and April was still in her office going over some paperwork for some new software she and her colleagues were working on. So far the software was running ok but she needed more than ok. She needed it to perform perfectly and smoothly. She was tired, hungry, and unfocused like a motherfucka. Everything was running good until she received a Instagram DM from Chris and although she wanted to read it she wasn't ready for what was inside. He wanted to talk to her face to face. Yea they needed to talk but was she really ready to have the much needed conversation.

Instead of focusing on her paperwork she was more focused on Chris. Why now? What did he want to talk about? Was he going to be truthful? Was the much needed conversation going to make her feel any better? Would it give her closure? Would it help her move on? It was bound to happen. The girls talked the shit up. Did that mean she had to step inside his domain? April wasn't telling him to come to Jersey nor was she inviting him to her place. He didn't need to know where she was even though he probably knew by now.

Although she had read the message she had yet to respond. She knew she would though. Here it was Friday night and she had plans. April was supposed to be gone at 9 and here she was still in her office with her mind going haywire again. She finally gave up, neatly put the stack of papers inside their folder, and put it in her desk under lock and key. As she was gathering her stuff to get ready to leave her phone went off. She knew exactly who it was. She was surprised he hadn't called sooner.

"Hey papi" she answered smiling already feeling a little at ease.

"Hey ma did you make it home safely. You ain't call papi and tell me shit" he was a little worried. Since they had been talking she made sure to let him know when she made it home from work every night. He made it a rule especially since it was only her and her sister in her big ass home with no male to keep them safe or so he thought but they had security around 24/7.

"Sorry bae" she sighed as she gathered her belongings. She didn't mean to make him worry. "I'm still at the office. I know we have plans tonight I should be outta here in 5 and should be home in 30 or less depending on the traffic" she grabbed her briefcase and Gucci purse and headed out of her office making sure to lock up behind herself.

"You sure you still want to chill tonight? We can just link up Saturday or Sunday early in the day" he asked. He knew her mind was elsewhere. He could sense it.

"Yes I'm sure" she stepped inside the elevator pressing G for garage. As soon as she stepped off the elevator she was met by Mr. Ernest one of her overnight security guards.

"Aight bet I'm a leave out now. I'll prob get to the crib a lil after you" he said. April had greeted Mr. Ernest and kept it moving. She couldn't wait to get home to shower and cuddle under Dave. She entered her silver drop top Mustang eco boost with 2 black stripes on the hood that faded to the back of her trunk. April tossed her briefcase in the passenger seat along with her purse, started the car, and let her phone sync with her car's Bluetooth system.

"Bae can you stay the night tonight" April asked hesitantly hoping he would say yes. Dave had never spent the night but tonight April needed him. Tonight was the night she would let the cat out of the bag.

"Yea lil butt with her mom this weekend so I'm free" he said without a second thought.

"Thanks papi any who I'm in the car and on my home I'll see you in a few"

"Aight ma be safe. Don't worry bout food just have"

"Ya blunts and Henny ready" she cut him off and laughed. "I always have ya shit ready bae"

"True, true aight get ya ass home" he said in a stern tone and laughed. She loved when he talked in that tone. He sent all types of triggers off in her body.

"Ok papi later" they hung up and April went straight home. As soon as she entered the house Aliana was making her way out.

"Sista" Alaina yelled wrapping her into a hug as if they hadn't seen each other in days but that was their norm.

"Hey baby sis. Where ya headed" April asked. She always asked just to ease her mind. Yes Alaina was an adult but April felt the need to know and vice versa. It was sort of for security reasons as well just in case something happened to one of them. Alaina lived with April and she knew their parents held her responsible for her little sister and she wasn't trying to hear their mouths if something went wrong.

"To the studio to bother bae while he's in the city and most likely spend the weekend with him. I'll update you though" she replied with a smile. April already knew she was staying she had a damn overnight bag in her hand. She wasn't fooling anybody. Besides August was in the city for a month to work on his music and spend some quality time with Alaina. He always made time for her especially since they were doing the long distance thing.

"Look at you all googly eyed. Just make sure you're safe in more ways than one and tell lil bruh I said hey and I love him" April chuckled.

"Bae always strapped" Alaina laughed.

"That's good to know" April shook her head laughing. Everybody was getting dicked down except her. "Just make sure ya hot ass texts or call me when you make it there"

"You know I will" Aliana said in a sing song tone. They hugged once more before April watched her pull out in her black G-wagon and out the gate making sure to beep her horn at April. April closed the door locking it and put on the alarm. She couldn't wait until Dave arrived. Days like this she wished she had someone to always come home to. Dropping her briefcase off in her home office she closed the door and headed straight to her bedroom. She tossed her purse on her black loveseat bedroom bench and stripped out of her clothing placing the items in her laundry hamper.

She showered, put on a mixture of cocoa butter and shea butter on her body, slipped on a pair of black cotton boy shorts, a pair of grey old school baggy sweatpants, and a black sports bra. She went to her she cave, put the passcode in, and went to her stash spot grabbing everything she needed to roll up a few blunts. April loved smoking sessions with Dave. She'd have her blunts rolled and he'd bring over his stash as well and they'd go in as they talked and laughed about any and everything. Once she had everything she needed she locked her stash spot back up and left out the room closing the door behind her as it automatically locked once the door was closed. She went right back to her bedroom and placed everything on her bed preparing to roll up.

Ding Dong

The doorbell went off causing April to stop rolling up and go answer it.

"Hey papi" April said as she opened the door with a smile on her face. Papi was looking good tonight. Then again when didn't he? He stood there licking his lips with a Gucci duffle bag in his hands.

"Hey ma" he stepped inside allowing April to close the door and put the alarm back on. Once that was done he scooped her up with one arm. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and gave him a little sweet peck under his scruffy hair laced chin and then on the black rose on the middle of his neck. Dave loved when she did that shit. Bag in his hand and April in his arm he made his way up the stairs and straight to her bedroom dropping his bag next to April's purse on the loveseat bedroom bench. "You smell good ma" he buried his face in her neck taking another whiff of her scent inhaling it.

"Papi" she whined.

"My fault my fault a nigga can't help it you smell fresh out the shower with cocoa butter on. You know I like that shit" he talked into her neck and kissed it causing her moan.

"Ya ass be making it hard for the kid. One day you gonna do that shit and I'm a just say fuck it and jump ya bones" she said bluntly and hopped out of his arms. The sexual tension between them seemed to get thicker every time they were around each other but they were trying to keep shit a little PG for a little while longer.

"We can handle that tonight" he smacked her ass hard watching it jiggle as she climbed her way on the bed and crawled back to her spot to finish rolling up.

"Don't do me like that" she rolled her eyes sneakily since he wasn't about that shit as she watched him come out of his Gucci slides, his jean jacket, and then his Polo white tee leaving him in a white wife beater and his sweats. April couldn't pull her eyes away from him. The muscles, the tattoos, and the little bit of taco meat he had on his chest had her ass wanting to do all types of things to him.

"I'm just saying say the word and I'm down" he made his way to the bed and lay down beside her with one arm behind his head and the other in his sweats as he watched her get the blunts ready.

"I keep telling you I haven't had sex in years and every lil thing you do triggers my shit off. So don't play with me if you ain't bout to take me down, make me tap out, break my pussy down, rock me back to sleep, and have that wheel chair ready for me when I wake up" she bit her lip and squirmed in her spot just thinking about it.

"Damn mami talk ya shit. Papi free till Sunday afternoon I can def make that happen" he bit his bottom lip. He couldn't lie he indeed wanted to take her down and she was looking good with her big ass titties looking right in her sports bra, nipples on hard showcasing her nipple piercings, tattoos and belly piercing on full display. Her hair was out and wild like he liked it. He could just imagine pulling that shit and wrapping her kinky tresses around his hand as he fucked her from the back. He wanted her ass up and face down just like April wanted that shit.

"East" she looked at him and put the 4th blunt down. She was done rolling at the moment. She knew them shits weren't going to last the night with the way they smoked especially Dave. "Next subject where the hell is my food you came in here empty handed. I'm hungry" she rolled her eyes and pouted.

"Shit I knew I forgot something" he ran his hands down his face. "I was busy trying to make it to you" he said honestly. April looked at the time the only thing available for delivery was pizza and she didn't have a taste for that.

"Looks like I'm cooking tonight" she hopped off the bed, pulled her pants up, and slid into her slippers. "Luckily I didn't put the shrimp I thawed back in the freezer. Come on and grab a blunt" she left him and made her way out the bedroom with him not far behind her. Dave took a seat at the island, lit a mango scented incense that was already out, lit the blunt, and watched April move around the kitchen. He felt bad especially since he told her not to worry about cooking dinner because he'd handle it.

"I'm sorry bae I got side tracked after you asked a nigga to stay the night" he hopped off the stool, passed her blunt, and grabbed his bottle of Henny out the freezer.

"Don't worry bout it" she took a pull and got to seasoning the shrimp. She was happy as hell it was a going to be a simple, quick, and easy dinner.

"I'll make it up to you" he said as she passed him back the blunt.

"I know you will" she continued to cook. 30 minutes later April had shrimp soft tacos and her special sauce made and on the table. She fixed their plates, they prayed, and dug in.

"So you gonna tell me what's wrong" Dave sipped on his drink and looked at her.

"What'cha  mean" she asked taking a bite of her shrimp soft taco.

"You should know by now that I know when shit is off with you. Yea you're paying me attention but it's like something else is on your mind. What's going on we always on that hunnid shit so be real with me" he looked at her.

"Looks like it's gonna be a long night ahead of us" she groaned but this talk was needed. At the rate she and Dave were going she needed to do what she had to do because she could see herself with Dave in the long run.

"Well as long as we clear the air than we'll be good"


They finished eating making small talk along the way. They cleaned the dishes together as usual, he grabbed the bottle of Hennessy, she made herself a fruity alcoholic drink, and they made their way back to her bedroom. April just hopped that Dave wouldn't look at her differently. She wouldn't be able to take it if he decided to not fuck with her anymore. All she wanted to do since Dave entered her life was move in a new direction and that direction was Dave. April lit an incense lit another blunt and took a few pulls before passing it to Dave. Dave knew whatever she had to say was going to be some deep shit.

"David after I tell you what I have to tell you I hope you don't look at me differently. I value our friendship too much to see you walk away" she bit her lip nervously and took a sip of her drink trying to calm her nerves. She didn't want him to see her as a weak ass female.

"April I ain't going anywhere. I just need you to tell me what's goody" he kissed her forehead.

"Hopefully" she mumbled. "I've been excited all day to hang out with you papi but I got caught up at work longer than expected but while I was working I got a DM from my ex...my ex fiancé" she took a breather making sure to keep eye contact with Dave. "I don't talk bout him but I'm pretty sure you know who he is. I'm pretty sure the world knows" Dave nodded his head letting her know that he indeed knew for a fact who her ex fiancé was as he took a few sips from the bottle of Henny. "He basically sent me a message saying that we needed to talk and he wanted to do it face to face" she bit her lip and took another pull from the blunt.

"I haven't responded yet though. Keeping it a hunnid I knew this day was gonna come sooner or later even the girls said we needed to sit down and talk. I know I need to but I'm scared of the outcome. I feel like if I don't talk to him I won't be able to move on and I don't think that's fair to me nor you. I'm not going to sit here and say I don't have feelings for you when I clearly do and if there's a chance that you have some for me I'd like to explore that with you but with a fresh start. I told you when we first chilled that I don't think I'm ready for a relationship and it's because of him" April sighed and put her drink down on the coaster on her nightstand.

"I understand if we did want to see where this goes" Dave said pointing between the two of them. "I'm a definitely need you to do what you need to do to make this shit that we got going on work"

April nodded her head. "I'm going to talk to him. I need to talk to him. I just left and never looked back. He can't come here though. I don't want him on my turf and he doesn't know that I stay in Jersey that I know of anyway. I'll probably fly out to LA and find a place to talk to him privately" she said. She had given it some thought on her way home. This is something she needed to do.

"I'll guess I'll be flying out to LA with you cause I'm not gonna let you go alone. I'll stay in the shadows but I'm there just in case you need me" he pulled her close to him. April knew he was serious.

"Dave you don't have to" she said and meant it.

"But I want to. When you plan on going" he asked as they now lay in the middle of the bed with April lying on his chest tracing the tattoos on his arm.

"The sooner the better I guess whenever we both have free time" she shrugged.

"Bet, just keep me in the loop" he lifted her chin up making her look at him.

"I will"

"So what really happened between y'all" he asked. She already knew that he wanted to know but was just waiting on her to tell him.

April took a deep breath. "We met in the beginning of my freshman year in college through a mutual friend and hit it off from jump. We were friends for a few years before we decided to test the waters. Surprisingly our relationship turned out great. I guess being friends already had made it better" she rose from Dave's arm and reached for another blunt and lit it. "Everything was smooth the first 2 years. You know the cupcake stage where it feels like you can't breathe without the other" April passed him the blunt.

"Everything is good in the beginning" Dave commented. He knew that from experience with his baby mama.

"Tell me bout it" April chuckled. "By the third year he started changing up on me, staying out late which he already did anyway from work but it was becoming later and later. Random girls started popping up during his tours and parties and he would tell me that they were just groupies trying to shoot their shot but he wasn't worried bout them. So I'd let it go. I already knew the scene well and some girls didn't give a fuck if he was dating me. Of course I didn't approve of the bullshit. Then from there shit just went downhill. Bitches started tagging me with pictures with him straight being disrespectful" she ran her hand over her face. "By then he was so far gone he could give 2 fucks bout me but I loved Chris so I was willing to fight for him and I did even when he had me out here looking like boo, boo the fuckin fool" she paused yet again and sipped on her drink until she finished it off.

"I literally begged Chris to get his shit together. He would get right for a few and then fuck me up all over again and I still continued to fight for us. I was so in love I said fuck my pride and dignity just to make him love me like he use to" Dave wiped the tears that she didn't even know had fallen and wrapped his arms around her. This was a first for him and he didn't like to see her cry especially over a fuck nigga. His mans or not he wasn't feeling it.

"Baby I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath" he passed her the blunt and pulled her into his lap in the straddle position. "Calm down" he kissed her forehead. She took a few pulls and tried to pass the blunt back to Dave. "Nah ma you need it more than me. I'll spark the other one" April just nodded and continued to smoke. She took a few more pulls taking a few minutes to gather herself before she started again.

"After all the bullshit he put me through the nigga fucked around and got a groupie bitch pregnant. That was the nail in my coffin. That shit broke my heart" she shook her head as it felt like her heart broke again. That baby was a sore subject for her. "I had more than a pregnancy scare and I'm a just leave it at that but he told me to my fuckin face he did not want a baby, he wasn't ready, a baby didn't fit in our lifestyle at the moment, and 101 more reasons why I couldn't have his baby. My dumb ass still stuck around still fighting and then the bitch had the nerve to come to the house we shared. A place where I lay my fuckin head talking bout she pregnant and he's the daddy. How she knew our address I don't know but it was obvious she had been over while I wasn't home. She looked bout 5 months and my soul just knew it was his and there was no way she was getting an abortion no matter what he said. Besides it was already too late" April wiped her eyes and sniffed. She finished off the blunt and put the bud in the ashtray.

"I stuck around still fighting. I watched him the man I loved that told me he wasn't ready for kids go to every single doctor appointment he could make. He was in the room when she was born. Just one look at her and I knew she was his and when the DNA test came back and proved him to be the father my soul shattered" her chest heaved up and down as she now sobbed uncontrollably.  Dave gently rubbed her back trying to soothe and calm her down. He couldn't believe the shit he was hearing. "He apologized and apologized and I still stayed. Everyone called me pathetic and stupid but I had faith that he would get his shit together. He seemed to get his shit together and eventually proposed. I was happy but my heart had been hurt so badly that I knew my happiness was just a front. Every time I saw him and his child and the smile on his face when he was around her just broke me down more and more but I kept fronting. I kept smiling and treated her as if she was my own because she didn't ask to be here and she was a part of him. No matter how much I hurt I still loved her" she wiped her eyes.

"I planned the wedding and got my dress made. I did everything a woman had to do when planning a wedding. I stood in front of all our family and friends at my dream wedding in my dream dress and couldn't even listen to him say his vows. All I could think bout was the 5 years we had been together mainly the 3 that he gave no fucks bout me. It seemed like everything was so clear that day so I told him what was on my mind and I left him standing there. I boarded my jet with my wedding dress still on and went to our place as soon as I landed. I packed and bagged up everything. It took me all night but I didn't care. By the time I was done I got my shit picked up and delivered to the place I was staying before I moved in with him since I never sold it. I came up with my next move and came back to Jersey my hometown, set up shop, and never looked back" she placed her face in the crook of his neck and ran her fingers up and down his back.

"He didn't deserve you period point blank. That ain't love. That nigga need his ass whooped" Dave was furious. Chris was cool people but that shit had him fuming.

April chuckled. "Trust me I thought bout getting my cousins. Shit my father wanted to kill him literally but I knew he wasn't worth it. So I put all my focus on work and gave up on love and relationships altogether. I can't deal with another heart break. I been through so much I just might die if I had to deal with another one" April was serious as cancer. Her heart couldn't take any more pain.

"I wouldn't do you like that ma. No chick deserves that bullshit" Dave said as he held her in his arms. "You're still hurt I think you need to talk to him as soon as possible. Don't let that shit fester anymore. Look at me" Dave said as April took her face out of the crook of his neck and looked at him. He had his signature mug on his face. "I ain't going nowhere. I'm staying right here. You deserve better and I'm a show you better. You MY woman we ain't gotta make it official today but your mines whenever we decide to take it there. I'm not gonna make you fight for my love when we fall in love. I'm a let you know now I love hard and I'm a make sure you know that I love you. Your lil ass stuck with me ma so deal with it" He kept his mug on his face and his eyes on her he needed her to know he wasn't playing any games.

"David I can't afford another heart break so"

Dave cut her off. "And you won't suffer another one. You're gonna talk to his ass and when you come back we're gonna work on us. We'll take it slow and go with the flow. I'd be a fool to walk away and let some other nigga try to get at you. I know what I have in front of me"

"David" April whined he was melting her heart and making her feel some type of way. He made her feel something she hadn't felt in a long, long while...WANTED.

"I told you from jump when I tasted that bomb ass dinner you made me that you were stuck with me. Then told you again after the first blunt you handed to me. No pressure we're still friends but your mines and I'm yours" he licked his lips. "How you feel bout that" he asked her.

"Is it wrong that I want to be stuck with you" she smiled.

"Not at all so get rid of all your side niggas. You only got space for this nigga right here...ME" he pointed to himself.

"Just make sure you get rid of Christina, Trina, Paloma, Millie, Keisha, Jazzy and any other chick you fuck with and I'll do the same to my imaginary boo things" she chuckled but she wasn't playing. April wasn't stupid, dumb, or blind she knew Dave was attached to quite a few females even he wasn't fuckin them all. She wanted him to know that she knew.

"Done and done"

"Good boy" she patted his head.

"Yeah aight" he pecked her forehead.

"Since I'm bae in the making I'm a need you to stop son'n me with these forehead kisses" she straight faced him.

"Papi can change that" he licked his brownish pink lips, gently yet firmly grabbed the back of her neck, and gently kissed her lips licking her bottom lip silently asking for entrance. Without hesitation she opened her mouth as he guided his tongue in her mouth as they instantly went into a rhythmic sync with one another making a moan escape her lips. This kiss felt different than any other kiss that she had ever received. It ignited the butterflies in her stomach and made her body feel warm all over. Dave hands slowly trailed down her body and down to her ass clutching each cheek firmly in his hands as if he was gripping a basketball.

They were suffocating each other and didn't give a shit if they couldn't breathe. Both heads going in opposite directions Dave laid flat on his back pulling April down with him as April was still straddling him. Finally pulling away from each other they starred at each other feeling every single shock wave their bodies sent to each other. They didn't dare mutter a single word. They didn't have to. They both felt the same. There was no denying it. April knew from that point on talking to Chris was a must. This was something new and they were both down for the ride.

Happy reading😊

What's on your mind?

I'm loving April and Dave's relationship so far. How about you?

Chris is my hubby (Dave is bae) but in this story he's pretty much a piece of shit 😂😂 I still ❤️ him though😝

If you're wondering why I never post pics of April it's because I didn't want to use most of the females that I always see used. I pretty much described a few pieces of myself and then added extras. I wanted it to be a story where you could place your own self in it as the leading lady or anyone you wanted it to be once you read her description. Any, who enjoy😝

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