10: 3 Months Later
Chapter 10: 3 Months Later
3 months had passed and April and Dave were thick as thieves. Good morning texts, goodnight texts, and random texts were sent constantly between the two. Whenever they had free time they would call each other but mostly face timed because for some reason they needed to see each other when they talked. They were still keeping it low key and they both liked it that way. His boys knew about her and her girls knew about him and that's all who needed to know. The way things were going they were both walking around with real genuine smiles and truly happy. By now Dave had been back to her crib more than a handful of times. Each time she had his meal ready, his blunts rolled, and his Henny on ice. She didn't have to do any of it but she liked to. Dave had become a friend and kept it 100 with her at all times; he had also properly met her little sister Alaina. Alaina liked him for April. He was different from April's norm and that's what she needed, a real nigga someone to crack her shell and let the real her shine through.
April had also been to the studio a few times on some late night shit trying not to be seen. Even when they were posting online her only request was that they made sure not to post her on anything and they respected her wish and obliged. She had met his boys Bully and Shooter as well and they were just as cool as Dave. The type of relationship they shared with Dave was more brotherly than best friends. They all balanced each other out. April didn't smoke or drink around them though. April only did it when it was her and Dave in the studio together even though Dave told her that they could be trusted. April wasn't taking those chances just yet though. Believe it or not they were turning into the best of friends but still talked that good shit to each other. That was something that wasn't going to stop no time soon if at all.
Dave would say some slick nasty shit to see her squirm and she would tease him just to see him clench his jaw trying to refrain himself from taking her down. They both wanted a piece of each other but didn't want to fuck shit up just yet. They were taking it slow. Here April said all she wanted was good dick and someone to cuddle with but Dave had her thinking about more than that. Their conversations were getting deeper but she had yet to mention Chris but Dave was patiently waiting. She wanted to tell him but she didn't want him to think of her as a weak ass female for sticking with a nigga who didn't deserve her loyalty and her love. With Dave she didn't have to fight for his attention he was always there giving it to her but then again it was still the beginning. On the other hand Dave wanted her attention as well and she was giving it to him just how he liked and wanted. April did something to him that triggered him mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually and he was enjoying the feeling. He liked it. So no she didn't get a cuddy buddy but she did get a cuddle buddy and a friend.
Chapter 10.1
Meanwhile Chris on the other hand was trying to get his life together. He had seen the message that April had sent to his DM thanking him for his post and as bad as he wanted to hit her up he just couldn't bring himself to do so. He kept saying he didn't want to fuck up her life again so he'd leave her alone. Shit got bad when Trey told him that he had spoken to her a while ago. From that point on all he could do was think about her. How was she? What was she up to? Was she seeing someone? Did he still have a shot? He knew just like everyone knew they needed to talk. They both needed some kind of closure and to get everything off of their chests. No matter what the outcome Chris wanted her to be happy. She deserved to be happy even it wasn't with him.
Chris wanted a do over so bad. If he could go back in time he would without hesitation. Chris would rewind time back to the beginning of their third year together right before he started to fuck up. He wanted to fall in love with her all over again and do everything right but he knew it would be hell and hot water before that would ever happen again. Chris knew what he needed to do and he was going to make it happen even if it was a few years too late.
"I'm a do it" Chris said out loud meaning to keep it to himself but it slipped since he had been mentally giving himself a pep talk.
"I wish you would. You both need to talk" Trey said as he looked at his boy shaking his head. He already knew what was on his mind. They were in Chris's home studio listening to music and chopping it up. Chris knew Trey knew what he was talking about he didn't have to guess. Ever since Chris had seen the video of April three months ago she had been the topic of discussion any chance he got to talk about her. He had always tried to keep her buried deep in his mind but he no longer could.
"I would ask you to get her number but I don't want her asking how I got it so I'm a hit up her DM" What Chris didn't know was that Trey already had April's number it just wasn't for him to share it.
"All I'm a say is if you plan on doing anything you might want to do it like now. I be catching lil convos between her and bae and it looks like lil sis might finally be into someone else. I don't know how serious it is but she's definitely seeing someone. Hazel won't tell me who but someone's occupying her time" Trey said looking at Chris trying to see what was truly going on inside his mind. Trey just like August still had faith in April and Chris even if it was a long shot. The type of love Chris and April had couldn't be thrown away no matter how hard they tried but he knew it could be replaced.
Chris frowned. "Who she fuckin with" he asked furrowing his eyebrows. He wanted her to be happy but he damn sure wasn't ready to hear about her moving on. That would be a hard pill to swallow and he wasn't trying to swallow shit yet until he knew for sure she was done with him. "You know what it doesn't even matter all I want to do is clear the air. I'm no good for her" he rubbed his hands down his face and sighed frustrated in himself because it was his fault he was in this situation.
"I don't know who it is but I'm pretty sure it's probably a regular nigga cause if it was a celebrity or one of those snooty rich niggas it would've been all over the media already. All I'm a say is if and I mean IF you truly love her and want her back you got some changing to do and if you plan on changing change because it's something you truly want to do. Don't do it for anyone else but you. Don't hit her up with false hope and trying to get with her. Hit her up because y'all both got shit to say and need to clear the air so y'all can both move on" Trey was speaking nothing but the truth and Chris couldn't do shit but agree with him.
"You right you right" Chris shook his head picking up his phone.
"Chris you my boy and all but don't hit lil sis up on no bullshit please" Trey stressed. Trey loved and claimed April as if they both had the same mother and father and since she left Chris he hadn't seen her physically in person since she left Chris at the alter. The only time he saw her was on face time when she was on the phone with Hazel.
"Trust me I'm not" Chris answered as he went to his DM's looking for her message and immediately began typing keeping it short, simple, and straight to the point basically saying Hey long time no talk. I was wondering if you have the time I would like to sit down and talk to you face to face because I feel like we both need to clear the air. My number is still the same but just in case you don't have it anymore its 323-555-5454 thanks. Chris showed Trey the message that he sent and prayed that she would respond. He needed her to respond so he could have a little piece of mind.
"Well you reached out to her now all you have to do is wait" Trey shrugged. "Until then let's go get into some shit" Trey said not wanting his boy to be more into his feelings than he already was.
"Bruh where the fuck is my niece ain't it your week to have her" Trey asked as they stood up to leave the studio as Chris took the time to turn off his equipment.
"With her fuckin mama you know Nia be on her shit. Said Ro was invited to some party and it just magically slipped her mind so I let her take her. I was tryna be nice. She'll be back tonight" Chris shook his head. Having a baby with Nia had been a gift and a curse. The gift was his baby girl of course but the curse was his bitch ass baby mama. She was all types of aggy as fuck and he couldn't stand her ass but he also knew that this was karma biting him in the ass and he had to accept his punishment.
"Now let you try that shit she'd be at you neck" Trey didn't fuck with Nia. Shit nobody did.
Chris's mother wasn't even a fan of her. Mama Joyce was all about team April and was devastated and disappointed in her son's actions. Mama J knew a woman like April was hard to come by especially with the type of lifestyle Chris lived and was a part of so she was heartbroken when April left. She couldn't blame her though or hold anything against her. Right was right and wrong was wrong. April would have been a fool if she stood by Chris any longer let alone went ahead and married him. Shit she had been in an abusive relationship so she knew April had to get away. Sure Mama J knew Chris wasn't physically abusing her but Chris was beating her down mentally and emotionally. She knew all the signs all too well and prayed Chris would get his shit together before it was too late but he didn't and he ended up paying for it. With April gone from Chris's life it was a loss for a lot of people in his life but hey what can you do? They all saw it coming one day.
"Exactly I'd be all types of motha fuckas and bitch ass niggas" Chris groaned as they made it out of his studio and to his garage. They were about to fuck the city up for a few.
"Hell yea and then she'd put that shit on the gram trying to get people on her side but we all know you play no games when it comes to Ro so she be out here looking foolish as fuck. You can fuck up a million times and still we would know it wouldn't have shit to do with being a shitty parent. Whatchamacallit be out here looking like a damn fool" Trey shook his head and hopped in the passenger side of Chris's orange Lamborghini Aventador.
"She just better have my baby here tonight or it's gonna be a problem" Chris sighed knowing he wouldn't have to deal with that shit if it was April. He could've had a baby by her but didn't want one and now he had a whole baby with someone else and a sorry excuse for a baby mama. All Royalty was to her mother was a check. All she saw was dollar signs and Chris was already paying for damn near everything. He paid for her schooling, insurance, activities, and everything else she wanted and needed. That was something else he needed to talk to April about. It was one of the many things that stayed on his mind. After having Royalty he knew how much of a blessing it was to have her so to know that April had to deal with his bullshit when she could've been pregnant rubbed him the wrong way. He made her miss out on a beautiful blessing. It had been plenty of times where he wondered if they had a child would that baby be the glue to keep April in his life. Yea it was selfish of him to even think that but he couldn't help it. Even if shit still went downhill between them he would still have to be in her life if they had a child. He had to figure out what happened. Clearing his thoughts all he wanted to do was chill with his boy and find a distraction because his mind was everywhere but where he wanted and needed it to be.
Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry for not posting on time but I was on a mini vacation for thanksgiving.
Any, who what are your feelings about this chapter?
April and Dave?
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