(not finished)War or Love 》Remake《 / Reich and Soviet

Neither of the two Countryhumans, neither Third Reich nor Soviet Union got off to a good start in their friendship and their relationship. But both realize that they need each other and love each other more with every day. No matter how bad things happen to them, they are happy to have each other and they strengthen each other to use their strength for good, to make the world a better place for their families and the people who live in their areas.



This story is my "War or Love" trilogy but written from the perspective of Third Reich and Soviet Union and written slightly improved. Additionally, I am going to classify this story as adult content, but once you read the original story you will understand why I classify this book as that, as there is a whole lot of mental and physical tortures and issues in here, including that some things that can be really gruesome including suicidal thoughts and attempts, there are also sexual themes involved, rape, anxiety and unlike the original version I'll try to cover more of anything that came up lightly in the books. This book is not 100% identical to the original because I want this one to be more realistic and make some improvements to this story from my point of view that can be sadder but also more heartwarming. Also, unlike the original books, I will also have more in it with racism, socialism or other of these topics, but since I don't deal with them that often, there will be few of them and more with mental health problems.

I'm writing from the point of view of the two main protagonists, so please don't complain if they have different opinions than you, because I have different opinions on some subjects as well.

All languages, except German and English, will be run through a translator, so don't be surprised if the other languages ​​are wrong.

I will use the original language for all dialogues and translate and write in brackets at the end of the dialogue if it is not English.

I'm going to write down the number of the chapter for each chapter and the point of view of which of the main characters it is because they both have a different number of chapters, because they both experienced different things and every now and then one of them wasn't there.

This book and the trilogy are both what I think it's called 'canon', better said they both happen in the same world and both can be considered the real story but not because it's something like a remake.

In this story are creatures from other worlds.

Also, as most of you already know, I have a weakness in reading and spelling.

This book is all three books in one, but only from the perspective of the two main characters.

This book is all three books in one, but only from the perspective of the two main characters


A more than pitch black creature quickly hissed into the black and white palace of its ruler. The creature had glowing red eyes and red flames came out of its mouth. Two red horns adorned its head. Blood red flames streamed from its eyes. Its surroundings were filled with red particles and it possessed red wing like constructs a little farther from its horns.

After being ignored by the guards, he reached the main throne room. The creature immediately pressed itself to the ground as hard as it could. He spoke: "Niranion the 4th, I-"

"How dare you!", the gigantic being in the hall hissed, "How dare you think I'm that loser!" The smaller one was immediately hit so that it flew through the hall, was thrown in one side of the hall and hit the wall there before falling into a black liquid that robbed it of its life energy. He roared in pain as the liquid drained his energy. The little creature freed itself from the liquid as fast as it could.

It took a brief pause before it presses against the ground again, but this time it's dragging itself forward to its leader. "Eternal shame shall befall me from this incomprehensible error, O mighty Niranion the 5th, Nirania shall punish me for all eternity.", the little Niranian apologizes for his big mistake. "Nirania says you're going to make a huge mistake that will destroy your rank!", the leader says to the other Niranian. The smaller Niranian then says: "Thank you for this justice, oh righteous Nirania. I will take your prophecy with me for all eternity!"

The giant leader then asks: "What designation have you been given and why are you bothering me?" "My designation is Len and I have just come from what the inhabitants of later times refer to as Earth.", he explains, "I've come to get after 1699 permits, to one very last permit, as I'm so close to-" "Silence!", roars Niranion the 5th, "1699 permits! What was that old fool up to that you failed so many attempts?" "A world has been discovered populated by Galan experiments and I am to create a new power source for us there.", explains the Niranian, known as Len. "Wasting 1699 tries on something so insignificant, no wonder I'm better than my predecessor.", the giant creature finds, before commanding, "Break his horns!" This was the most dishonorable death sentence a Niranian could suffer in his homeworld.

"I beg you and Nirania to give me one last try. Taking over this world I've spoken of is easy. All I have to do is bring a hybrid and its connections to their knees.", Len says to his leader. The leader stops the guards with a low tone it makes. "If it's that easy, why have you been defeated so many times already?", hisses the leader of Len. "This hybrid and his connections are so influential in the Galan experiments that they bring my followers to their knees and I have to flee, while one of my colleagues has been killed by the hybrid and the other has risen up against me because of his connection to the hybrid.", Len tells him. Niranion the 5th thinks for a moment and believes that if Len can get the power source, then he will have another power source that he will not share before threatening: "If I send you there one last time with your colleagues and you come back victorious, I'll assign you a new task, but if you lose again, I'll break your horns!" "You won't regret this decision.", says the little Niranian.

"Now get out of my presence and gather your supporters before I give you permission to travel.", orders Niranion the 5th before Len backs out of the palace before turning and hissing to the end of the path before he sees the first Niranian he needs.

"Ruin!", he catches the other Niranian's attention before commanding him, "You will accompany me to another world that I must conquer." "At your command!", it says before pressing itself to the ground as a sign of his subservience. Then they make their way to the last member.

"Siro!", catches Len's attention, before repeating, "You will accompany me to another world that I must conquer." "Your wish is my duty!", he says before pressing himself to the floor as a sign of his subservience.

Together all three step into the palace and submissively press themselves on the floor. Len informs his leader: "Niranion the 5th, I've gotten my supporters. I would ask you for one clone each of my colleagues so that w-" He was interrupted by his superior: "Clones? No, you have one last try and either you all die or I gain a new energy source!" The smaller Niranian, just about to speak up: "Bu-" "Didn't you hear me! Go! You have my permission to travel to the other world, at the main portal, but they will not duplicate and neither will you. You have just one try." Niranion the 5th commands them. Although Len doubts the decision, he would of course carry out the order. He hears the snarl of his leader and immediately knows it's addressed to his doubts.

Len is grabbed by his horns and lifted up so that he has to look into his leader's orange eye burning with hatred. "Since when does anyone doubt the decisions of whoever they are under!", snarls Niranion the 5th, less than thrilled with the unacceptable thinking of those who must submit to him completely. He says: "I have experienced 1,123,894 cycles of the light source on the other world and unfortunately it has affected me, but I will continue to stand faithfully by your side." "If you keep going like this, you know what to expect!", Niranion the 5th threatens him, after which he throws him halfway across the palace to give his words more power.

When Len bows again and stands next to his two assistants, Niranion the 5th says: "Now go away and won't come back until your task is complete!" The three then leave the palace with Len in the lead before floating to the portal to the other worlds and entering their destination.

As soon as they come out of the portal, they land in a green, damp deciduous forest. The two Niranians, Ruin and Siro, have never seen such a strange place, filled with strange colors and a brightness that partially obscures their vision. It was quieter than what they knew and the cries of the living beings always startled them while Len knew this world and the reaction of his followers.

Len turned into a smaller being that they have never seen before, but he retains a black tint to his skin and his face is adorned with a red cross that matches the color of his red eyes. He also wears some grey-brownish fabrics.

"We have about 1,000 solar cycles to subdue the creatures of this world.", he says before the portal closes and the three of them set off to fulfill their task.

Third Reich / Chapter 1: Endless Snow

The year is 1941. Winter should start in a little over two months and the cold is already noticeable outside. It's a quiet day in the city of Berlin. It's cloudy right now, but a bit of white skies doesn't affect much in this big city, unlike the heavy rain that drives everyone into their apartments or houses. This rain has been pelting the city since days.

But there is someone who is deep in thought as he gazes out his window and watches drop after drop slipped down the window. His only thoughts revolve around not carrying out the next order he was given, as it would only result in countless more innocent victims. He definitely doesn't want more people to die needlessly, whether from his people or from the people from the other countries and companies. However, everything is so complicated, especially to do it in such a way that nobody would notice. "When will it stop?", whispers the man on his wooden chair, who wants to distract himself or me the Third Reich or Greater German Reich or also Third German Reich, but all my friends and relatives just call me Reich. I've been looking out the window for ages.

I sit back while I hear my stomach growl, but I don't want to eat breakfast until my sons are up. It's almost 12 o'clock. I thought I had to work today and therefore got up earlier, but I got the time wrong, because it's Saturday and I want to dedicate myself fully to my three sons today, as long as nothing comes up.

My dog ​​Kira is lying next to me wanting my attention so she nudges me with her wet and cold nose but I hardly move from her attempt which bothers her. She makes annoyed noises before licking my hand. "Kira das kitzelt! (Kira that tickles!)", I laugh. She lies down on the floor in front of me and stretches out her stomach to me. As I continue to just sit there and just smile at her and giggle lightly, she begins to whine. Then I laugh: "Du Jammerlappen! (You whiner!)" Then I reach out to her and scratch her stomach. She begins to stretch out and she also scratches the ground with her hind leg because she likes scratching a lot. Kira has been a long time companion for me, she has been part of my family for over ten years and she takes care of my children like a mother. Maybe she takes such good care of them because she has never had puppies herself? I'm not sure myself why she has such a big heart for my children.

Shortly afterwards, I hear my three children laughing and running around, who will definitely be running again. The three whirlwinds are always packed with energy and positivity. GDR is the first to arrive in the dining room, followed by FRG and Germany. The three overlook Kira and fall over her. Hopefully they aren't hurt! When the three are lying on top of each other on the floor, Kira gets up, goes to the three children and licks them. I can hardly hold back my laughter. "Geht es euch gut? (Are you alright?)", I ask, laughing. The youngest of my children, Germany says: "Ja, alles gut. (Yes, everything is fine.)" "Mir ging es nie besser! (I've never been better!)", comes giggling from FRG, who is on top of GDR.

I help my sons up before asking them: "Wie wäre es jetzt mit einem gemeinsamen Frühstück? (Now how about breakfast together?)" "Ja! (Yes!)", my three children shout. The five of us love our breakfasts together, as a family. They sit down at the table and I take care of the small breakfast for us. There is bread and pretzels, butter, cheese or jam. Anyone can take what they want.

After breakfast, I have a idea: "Kinder wie wäre es mit einer Runde 'Mensch ärgere dich nicht'? (Children, how about a game of 'Mensch ärgere dich nicht'?)" Of course they are enthusiastic about it and FRG and GDR excitedly rummage the board game out of a cupboard.

We play for a while and I seem to win, but the phone rings and we have to take a break. "Herr Großdeutsches Reich einige Ihrer Soldaten haben eine erstaunliche Entdeckung gemacht! (Mr. Greater German Reich, some of your soldiers have made an amazing discovery!)", my secretary's familiar voice calls into the receiver of the phone. What discovery? What could they possibly have found? "Und welche Entdeckung haben sie gemacht? (And what discovery did they make?)", I ask, since she's never so excited and I'm even more excited and curious because of it. "Sie haben in dem sowjetischen Gebiet nahe Moskau ein seltsames Objekt gefunden, das auf die Erde krachte und sie dachten, Sie kennen sich am besten damit aus und würde es sehr interessieren. (They found a strange object crashing into the ground in the territory of the Soviet Union near Moscow and they thought you knew best about it and would be very interested.)", she tells me. Wait a minute! It sounds great, but why in the area of the Union, that's strange. I repeat: "Mitten im sowjetischen Gebiet? (In the middle of the territory of the Soviet Union?)" Maybe I'll finally come across not earthly life because that would be incredibly awesome, it would be a great discovery and maybe I could befriend and learn about these beings. I've always wanted to make contact with not earthly beings. "Ja, mein Herr! (Yes, sir!)", she answers hastily. I continue my questions as it seems like a trap or misinformation because why near Moscow: "Sind Sie sich sicher? (Are you sure?)" I get the answer from her: "Ja, ich fragte die Soldaten am Telefon auch nochmal und sie bestätigten es. (Yes, I asked the soldiers again on the phone and they confirmed it.)" I trust my secretary very much and I am sure that she has asked so many questions that it must be true and I really want to know what there is. "Also gut! Sagen Sie fürs Erste alle Termine der nächsten 4 bis 6 Tage ab, besorgen Sie mir einen Wagen und sogen Sie dafür, dass bitte so lange, sich jemand vertrauenswürdiges, um meine Familie kümmert. (All right! For now, cancel all appointments for the next 4 to 6 days, get me a car and make sure that someone trustworthy takes care of my family until then, please.)", I order and hang up.

I immediately put on my warmest jacket and hat, pack my food, drink, matches and warm clothes in a bag and go to my children, who just look at me in amazement, maybe because I don't usually leave our apartment like that.

I try to reassure them: "Kinder, ich werde vermutlich in einigen Tagen wieder Zuhause sein. Macht euch bitte keine Sorgen, denn meine Sekretärin wird jemanden finden, der sich um euch so lange kümmert. (Children, I'll probably be home in a few days. Please don't worry, my secretary will find someone to take care of you until then.)" "Papa bitte bleib hier, du... (Dad please stay here, you...)", FRG thinks for a moment and then continues, "...bist der beste Geschichtenerzähler und Papa, den es in der ganzen Welt gibt und niemand könnte dich ersetzen. Bitte bleibe bei uns. (...you're the best storyteller and dad there is in the whole world and nobody could replace you. Please stay with us.)" "Tut mir sehr leid, aber es ist wichtig, außerdem bin ich doch nicht lange weg. (I'm very sorry, but it's important, besides I won't be gone long.)", I say to him and kiss everyone gently before slowly walking out. I call out to my children: "Bis bald ihr drei! Und setzt mir die Wohnung bitte nicht in Brand! (See you three soon! And please don't set my apartment on fire!)" "Machen wir nicht! Bis bald Papa! Wir haben dich lieb! (We won't do it! See you soon Dad! We love you!)", they call after me. I would love to stay with them, but I've always had a desire to find otherworldly beings and this is my chance! I'm sure they'll be fine without me. I have enough faith in my secretary to find someone for my children. Surely she will stay with you with her husband and son.

I close the door and go to the car waiting for me. I get in and put the bag with my other warm clothes on the other seat. The car drives off and I fall asleep after an hour's drive because I'm still very tired and the time is passing faster. Driving doesn't attract as much attention and I prefer it a lot to being on a plane.

A few hours later, my chauffeur shakes me awake. I slowly open my eyes sleepily and first stretch a bit so that my body slowly wakes up. It's already the middle of the night. My skin and muscles no longer have a spark of tension in them, but this also makes my skin feel heavier to me. I take the warm clothes out of my bag and put them on. I think I'm ready to get out of the car now. But when I open the car door, an icy wind blows in my face and I wince. I didn't expect it to be that cold, but it's too late to turn back now and I want to know far too much what they found. I can't back down now! This is something you only experience once in a lifetime!

A few soldiers gather and line up to greet me and we start walking immediately. I'm in the middle of all twenty soldiers. After walking through the snow for a while, a snowstorm comes up, which makes the path a lot more difficult for us. I didn't check because of the weather, but I don't think that's a problem for me. But a little later, we are only a few kilometers away from the specified location. I say goodbye to the group and continue on my own, otherwise it would be too much effort and if someone really finds me and they know who I am, the worst thing would be that I would end up with Soviet Union, but no one is allowed to kill a Countryhuman, so it's worth the risk to me, especially since no one would ever be so stupid as to venture out here in the snow flurry.

It doesn't take long for the snow to reach my knees, because there's already a few centimeters of snow on it. I think my fingers would freeze of if I wasn't wearing thick gloves, but I still feel the cold through the gloves. Unfortunately, I can hardly breathe because of this icy cold. The cold is already eating through my coats. It's a terrible idea to come here without checking the weather first. I need to find a shelter or I'm guaranteed to freeze to ice. I wander through the snowy landscape. The map I received from my group is absolutely useless because of the wind that doesn't let me see it and because unfortunately I'm completely lost. Luckily I find myself in a forest after a short time, but the cold penetrates my clothes more and more. I had the idea a little earlier to build myself a shelter because there is enough snow and I would only get lost more. I had tried to do something with the snow but it wouldn't do what I wanted and who knows if I wouldn't build it strong enough that it wouldn't collapse like a house of cards. I tried again and again to shape the snow, but I couldn't do that with powder snow. I'm already dizzy because I'm having a hard time getting enough air in this cold and strong winds. The longer I wander around, the darker it gets.

Suddenly I see it appearing out of nowhere! The cabin I was told about! I arrived! I am saved! Finally I can warm up! Thank God! I am saved! With just a few steps I arrive at the small wooden hut. Finally I can warm up, maybe eat something or talk to the people there. I knock relatively loudly on the door so that those inside know that I'm there. I'm waiting and waiting makes the cold worse for me because I can't warm up my body with physical activity except for my shivering. After a minute or two, I knock again, but no one opens the door for me. I try to push against the door and push down on the frozen handle until it gives in and I almost fall into the cabin.

It's cold in here too, but this hut still protects me from the even colder wind. "H-Hallo... Ist jemand hier? (H-Hello... Is anyone here?)", I ask in a voice loud enough to be heard clearly, but I can't hear anything. Everything in the cabin is pitch black and the only source of light is the reflective snow behind me, casting a faint light inside. Oddly enough, it stinks in here worse than rotten eggs and stale milk combined. I guess I can do without the food then. Hopefully people are doing well enough in here with that smell. I'd really like to see what's going on here. Are they sleeping? Are they hiding? Then I take the box of matches from my pocket and light one of the matches, maybe I could see better with that and get some warmth for my face and fingers. I hold the match closer to the center of the room by stretching out my arm. Stupidly, I still can't really see anything more clearly. Then I carefully swing the lit match around me. To my left I see a candle, presumably on a chest of drawers and take this before letting the fire spread to the string of the white candle, before blowing out the match and placing it in the bowl that holds the candle, around it to be able to stand up better or hold on better. I then close the door, even though this smell is making my stomach turn, I still don't want it to get any colder in here. Whoever is here probably has a problem with the food rotten as it smells. I go a few steps deeper into the pitch black cabin. I hate darkness, but cold is even worse. The creaking of the wood under my boots is unsettling. The uncomfortable atmosphere here doesn't make things much better. I see something in front of me, dangling from the ceiling. What the...?! When I look up, I don't see too much at first, but the two things dangling from the ceiling appear to be old and somewhat tattered clothes. The strangest thing is the leather shoes hanging from it. This is really weird and for the most part really scary and disturbing. I hold the candle up further away from me. I can still see two loosely hanging pieces of clothing. The clothes look a bit frozen. What were the guys doing here? I'd really like to find out what these people were thinking. I see something else when I'm already far up with the candle. What is that? Some fabric is stretched around something that you can tell from the shape relatively well, giving the strange fabric a more complex shape. Is the framework or whatever glued to it? The strange substance has a dark reddish to a purple color and I also see several ice crystals. What is that?! I take a step backwards and see something yellow brown whitish pointing up and there is quite a bit of that. Shortly thereafter, I spot another row of these things, but they're pointing down like... teeth. Then I see something pointing towards me and there are two holes. Whatever it is, the underside reminds me a lot of a face, but skin can't be that color and they would have to be extremely emaciated by now. I can't even feel breathing on my hand, so it can't be human and humans can't levitate. I lift the candle the last bit up. The shape of what is pointing at me is really like a nose and not far from that are the... eyes staring lifelessly at me, still reflecting his closure on his fate. H-His skin is darkest there on his head and that look cuts to my core. I drop the candle in shock.

I run to the door that I try to open. Again and again I pull in panic on the door, which don't want to go up, until I finally get it open. Immediately, the cold hits my face again, but that's not important at this moment. Once outside, I run away a few meters and fall, but I catch myself on my hands and knees before I'm completely buried in the snow. I can still see that look in front of me. Only now do I realize that I've gotten a little dizzy from probably the smell or the sight. I'm shaking badly and I feel powerless and shaky while the dizziness runs through my head so much that I don't know if I'm nauseous or if it's just this dizziness. But then, out of nowhere, my stomach contracts and all my stomach contents lie in front of me in the snow, while my mouth starts to burn from the stomach acid. It's more than uncomfortable for me. I can't even describe this horrible taste in my mouth. I feel more ill from it, but also partly more liberated, since I'm no longer nauseous and not quite so dizzy. After most of the dizziness has subsided, I take regular snow in my right hand and put some in my mouth to get that taste out. The idea is bad for my heat, but it makes me spit the horrible taste out of my mouth. I slowly get up and look at the hut. I only got rid of the taste a bit, but it's better than nothing.

If someone really should still be living in the hut, then I couldn't help him because I can't even help myself. I will, but definitely not, go to the hut a second time. I certainly wouldn't be able to survive in the hut and I just want to forget this smell and this sight now. Maybe I should just head off in some direction and hope that, as unlikely as it is, I'll find an empty shack with no body anywhere, or I'll find a shack that's inhabited and people could help me if I behave well enough, until the storm is over and I can go back on my own. I get up and walk past the hut, whereupon I walk in one and the same direction for a long time. I have no idea if it's supposed to be day or night because it's all snow. There is nothing but snow and the occasional tree here and there.

I have no idea where I am here, I can't even say in which direction I went or if I ever strayed from the path I had planned. I had to use my matches to give myself light, but that didn't do much good because the light was small and went out very quickly and I've already eaten all my food. How do I get myself into this situation? But I have to keep going because there is no way back for me.

After a short time I notice that something gray is on the ground in front of me. But what is it? I walk towards it and I see a gray road. A road! My rescue! Yes! Finally I'll get help!... W-Wait a minute... I'm still on Soviet's territory.

I see lights coming from the left. Oh no! How did I get into this situation again? I have to get out of here! I move back and away from the road as fast as I can, but it's a little tiring so I stop and go behind a tree to see if they even saw me.

The car stops. This is a terrible sign for me. A tall man gets out of the car. I should get out of here as soon as possible! He saw me! I run, but stop. How do I know I should be afraid of him? I turn and watch as he pulls something out from the side of his car that faces me. He takes out a lantern. Maybe he's friendly? But then I see through the shiny metal and shape that what he's holding in his other hand is a shotgun. He wants to kill me! I have to run!

I run away as fast as I can. If he catches me, then I'm done! One shot and I'm dead! No matter how little strength I have left, I have to give everything for my family and my people! I have to run and fight to the end! I-

Did I just hear a crack?! There was another one! Oh no! I fall into the deep! The cold envelops me and shoots through my whole body at once. My coats do absolutely nothing against the cold around me. I quickly realize that I have to swim up. I've got to get out of here! In the water I will drown or freeze to death. I have to live! I have to survive! I try to push the water under me but I just can't get any closer to the surface and unfortunately I have this stupid feeling that I'm either sinking or I'm lost because I have my eyes closed and everything is dark and wet. The coats seem like arms that are pulling me down. I have to take them off! I undo all the buttons and paddle with my arms and legs up so fast that I shoot out of the water.

Finally, on the surface, I take a deep breath. I swim in any direction and lay my upper body on the ice surface. I'm freaking cold! Honestly, I don't believe anything inside me is still warm. I rub one of my fingers against my cheek to dry it lightly to wipe my eyes so I can open them again. When I open my eyes again I see the man's light running around the frozen lake. I take off my top. I might regret it, but first I have to save my life. I stretch out my wide wings and flap them as I push myself out of the water. When I was just standing on the ice, I slid safely to shore with their help, even though I almost fell back into the water.

Getting away from the shore is very difficult because the snow is particularly deep here. Life isn't kind to me today. Suddenly I hear a deafening bang. Pain shoots through my right arm. He hit me! I need to keep warm and safe, so I wrap my wings around me. One shot in the head and I'm literally dead! Another shot is fired while I've almost fought my way out of the thicker and denser snow. The pain shoots through my leg as well as through my arm.

A few seconds later, I'm lying in the snow. Only now do I realize how painful everything is, including breathing. I look at my arm by my side and as I suspected I have a hole in it that my blood is seeping out of and into the snow, staining it a deep red. I lay my head down in the cold snow again. For the first time I feel really hopeless. I can not do anything. I do not have power. I... I'm scared. A fear like never before in my life. I will never hear my children laugh again... never ever again. I lost everything... everything. I hope it will be quick. I just want to try to see the one who's going to kill me. But raising my head is not easy and as soon as I see the barrel of the shotgun I fall back. I close my eyes and wait. However, no shot comes, which is why I risk another look. Only now do I really realize that I'm getting dizzy and tired. I will die here. Suddenly all the lights go out.

Soviet Union / Chapter 1: The solution

It's the seemingly endless year 1941, or rather, it's November 30th. and only one more month until the year ends, then I can no longer say that it is endless.

In probably a month, you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face with all that snow. Cold is the only thing you feel outside, even with the best coats. A storm is brewing, but otherwise it still seems relatively peaceful. Also, there's already quite a bit of snow falling from the sky, although it didn't snow last night, which mostly means that it's going to knock everything down for the next few days before everything settles down.

Nevertheless, not so far away from the company in my company there is a war raging I would have loved to have avoided, but he just had to break our pack.

But luckily, I just got through some more paperwork. Now I still have to take care of the food for my children and then I have to go and get rid of the current biggest problem for me once and for all.

I stow the documents for the weapons shipments to my western front in the drawer closest to me because I'm not quite finished with them and I might not even need them if I throw their Countryhuman's corpse at my opponents' feet. They would never think that I, Soviet Union, could outsmart him! I want to see this stupid face of the Germans and the National Socialists. And then I would finally have a little more rest and more time for my children.

When you talk about the devil, the door opens. "Папа? (Dad?)", my youngest daughter asks me. "Да, Беларусь? В чем дело? (Yes, Belarus? What's on your mind?)", I ask gently. She looks at me with big eyes and says: "Ты не спал всю ночь, и я боюсь за твое здоровье, папа. (You've been up all night and I'm afraid for your health dad.)" "Моя маленькая дево.прост у меня есть важные вещи, которые нужно прояснить, и поэтому какое-то время я буду такой, но я обещаю, что скоро мы хорошо проведем время, и я оправлюсь от это будет. (My little girl, it's just that I have important things to clear up and that's why I'm going to be like this for a while, but I promise it won't be long before we're having a good time and I'll recover from it.)", I then move closer to her and kneel in front of her so I'm at eye level with her before reassuring her, "Я достаточно взрослый, чтобы знать, что для меня хорошо, а что нет, и я знаю, что все наладится, вам просто нужно набраться терпения , но я все еще здесь для вас и ваших братьев и сестер. (I am old enough to know what is good for me and what not and I know that everything will get better, you just have to be patient, but I'm still always there for you and your brothers and sisters.)" Then I kiss her forehead and hug her again. "Сейчас я соберу свои вещи и приготовлю завтрак для тебя и твоих братьев и сестер. (Now I'm going to pack up my stuff and then I'm going to make breakfast for you and your siblings.)", I inform her. She nods understanding and slowly walks out of my workspace.

She's so loving, I'm really lucky to have adopted such a bright young girl. At times I wish she was my birth daughter, but birth or not she is still a part of my family and thankfully she too knows there is no doubt that we are family. A lot of times I hear about family dramas just because a family was too late to tell their children they were adopted, but I told her when she was four years old that she was adopted into my family. I didn't tell her that her real parents passed away, but if she wants to know, I'll tell her. Unfortunately, when Belarus turned two years old, my wife divorced me.

As I say so often because of this: If you love someone, give freedom to that person. If you let your significant other do what she wants, then she's happy, so if love is strong enough, she always comes back to you... until they find someone else... you let them go... you in end up in a never ending heartache that I can't get out of... becoming a little alcoholic... and just barely able to stand on my feet so my kids don't notice and can continue to live happily... if every chick left the nest... I will drink myself to death or wait for my time to tick out.

I reach for the small door by my left leg and pull it open before pulling out a bottle of vodka and screwing it open before I put the glass to my lips and let the bottle point my head up towards the ceiling so that the liquid would go into my mouth by itself. After five sips, I lower the bottle and head back down before releasing the bottle from my lips and exhaling contentedly. This stimulant is the only thing keeping me from my negativity. All the burdens that are on my shoulders are suddenly gone. I feel a little more free. I should take another sip. I quickly take a final big sip before I put the bottle back in the cupboard.

"Jūs joprojām dzerat! (You're still drinking!)", I hear out of nowhere in a bad mood, but through my shock I can't find out who it is. "Эм... (Om...)" is the only thing I can get out as I look at my daughter Latvia. She looks at me in a bad mood. Ashamed of myself, I look down knowing she's right about me drinking too much. I mean: "Бутылка не много и не имеет значения. (One bottle is not much and makes no difference.)" She stands there, like a stone. Her gaze makes me feel uncomfortable as she crosses her arms in disappointment and generally has a very stern demeanor. "Tas, kā jūs tikko dzērāt, man ir zīme, ka plānojat dzert vēl vismaz vienu pudeli, lai gan es domāju, ka jums jau ir bijusi vēl viena pudele. (The way you just drank is a sign to me that that you're going to have at least one more, even though I think you've had a bottle already.)" she thinks. Unfortunately, she's right and she knows it.

I look back at my desk. She turns and makes it clear to me: "Esmu tevī vīlies! (I am disappointed in you!)" Then she leaves. It breaks my heart to hear this from my own daughter, but she has every reason to be disappointed in me. Still, I want to try to talk to her: "Пожалуйста, Латвия, приди и поговори со мной! (Please, Latvia, come and talk to me!)" She doesn't come back, so I get up and run after her.

I find her at the stairs: "Пожалуйста, давай поговорим. (Please, let's talk.)" She stops for a moment and doesn't even look at me before she says: "Es palieku savā istabā, līdz vakariņas ir gatavas. (I'll stay in my room until dinner is ready.)" She goes upstairs without another word. I bow my head and having turned my back to the stairs, sit down on one of the steps.

I'm not a good father anymore. Maybe I was once, but that was more than four years ago. She has every reason to be disappointed in me. I can't even keep my wife with me and our children. I really messed it up. Why am I such a good-for-nothing?! I get cold inside and I almost feel like crying. I must not cry! I can't and mustn't show how weak I am, I have to be strong for my children. I cross my arms to make me feel safer because I feel like someone is hugging me and stand up again before I go to the kitchen and prepare the food for my dear children.

I prepare tomato soup because Latvia loves to eat it. So maybe I can show her how sorry I am for being such a disappointment of a father. After I've finished the soup, I prepare the kitchen table and put out a plate for everyone except me. I fight my way up the stairs before arriving at my children's room and opening the door wider.

I look into it and tell them: "Еда готова, но мне нужно кое-что сделать, так что вам придется есть без меня. (The food is ready, but I have something to do, so you have to eat without me.) "Серйозно?! Знову?! (Seriously?! Again?!)", complains Ukraine, standing with his wooden shield and glancing at me in a bad mood. I guess he and Russia played gladiators or knights again. "Мне жаль! (I'm sorry!)", I apologize. Russia complains: "Почему вы не можете пропустить день работы и провести этот день только с нами? Снова и снова, с твоим отсутствием, кажется, что у нас вообще нет родителя. (Why can't you skip work for a day and spend that day just with us. Again and again, with your absence, it feels like we don't have a parent at all.)" He moves the sword around as he speaks to add emphasis to his words. "Я знаю, что сейчас очень трудно, но я делаю все возможное, и я думаю, что мог бы сделать более длительный перерыв в следующие несколько дней и провести эти дни с вами пятью. (I know it's very difficult right now, but I'm doing my best and I think I could take a longer break for the next few days and spend these days with you five.)", I try to cheer her up before changing the subject, "Томатный суп готов для вас ниже. Приятного аппетита! (Tomato soup is waiting for you downstairs. Bon appetit!)"

Then I walk away from the room door and downstairs before before I put on my old and slightly damaged Ushanka and my matching thick winter coat, warm trousers, my waterproof boots and my gloves. Then I grab my car key from the top drawer of the dresser next to the jackets and coats. Then I go outside. I don't like to say goodbye because it only brings up bad memories because of... her. Anyway, I go to the garage and open it so my car can drive out before going to the side of my car and opening the door.

Shortly thereafter I drive down the slight hill where I live. Driving to the road is very easy because yesterday I had the road salted, which makes driving easier as the snow melts because the salt dehydrates it. Relaxed, I drive further and further away from the capital, which is only a few kilometers away. It's another 15 minutes before I meet my generals and talk to them further about my two plans.

But first of all, let's take care of surrounding the Countryhuman Third Reich. It was so easy to lure him here. I only had to smuggle in two soldiers who spoke perfect German. Because I was trained with Third Reich, I was sure that his interests in space hadn't changed. He still wants to get to know beings with non earthly origins. That was way too easy! I didn't think he was that stupid, but I guess I was wrong about him. Speaking of which, how will he handle this storm? Surely he will take shelter in the little house as planned. I hope he likes the look into the future because his life will end the same as his people who died there a month ago. One starved to death, one got blood poisoning and the last one was so scared of us that he hanged himself.

Wait a minute! What am I seeing? There's some figure on the street. I'll see what he's doing there. Wait a minute, it's reddish in color. Is that Third Reich? He disappears off the street again. That's him! I'll get him! Finally! I stop my car and I get out but leave it on because of the light that will make my way back clearer and make sure everyone is paying attention and no one crashes my car. I walk to the other side of my car and grab my lantern from the passenger seat and then my shotgun, which I just check very briefly before following the footsteps.

I lift my legs high and hop through the snow as fast as I can until I hear a crack. Did he fall in the pond? I see a hole in the ice just a few feet away. Doesn't he even know the difference between snow and ice? Guaranteed he will drown or freeze to death. Diving after him afterwards will be annoying, on the other side of the pond there's a box with a rope so maybe I can go to him and tie him up for tomorrow when he's 100% dead. I still need his body. I walk around the lake because I don't need to run right now.

I hear gasping or puffing and the splashing of water. I look back at the hole in the ice. He showed up and he's still alive. Impressive for someone who has no idea about real cold. I run, not that he escapes. I see him moving a bit, but I can't tell what he's doing because of my bright light. I see something big coming from him. He doesn't have wings, does he? He flaps it. I never thought this Countryhuman would ever have wings. At the time, I was sure he didn't have any. He slides across the ice with ease. How? I hear another crack, but he's already reached the shore. Why didn't he just flutter the other way? At least he doesn't know anything about moving fast in snow. Why don't I shoot once. Now would be the perfect time for it. I point my shotgun at him and fire into his right arm. He's not slowing down. I sort of briefly thought he was going to stop and beg me for mercy, but that's the opposite of that. How stupid can he be?! I now shoot him in his left leg so that he can no longer stand and run.

Shortly afterwards he is in the snow and a little later I am there. I hold my shotgun to his head. I have him! Now all I have to do is pull the trigger and all my problems are solved. He's still moving and trying to get up. What he's trying is useless. This last attempt won't do him any good. And I'm right, because a short moment later he's back in the snow. The expression on his face tell me that he has given up. And I just thought that he was so stupid and would fight to the last breath, which would do him no good with me anyway. I press the barrel of my shotgun to his head. The only movement from him is his breathing until he opens his eyes slightly and I get a good look out of his blue eyes. I don't know why, but he exudes such calm. How does he do that? He suddenly presses his head into the snow and closes his eyes again.

I don't know why, but what I'm doing here feels so wrong to me. For the first time, the thought pops into my head that if I were in his situation, I would act almost exactly the same way. Isn't his life just as valuable as mine? Does he have a family that would grieve over him? Relatives? Friends? How did I get into this situation? Why am I trying to take my frustration out on someone who doesn't really know me and who I don't know well either? He certainly didn't know that I had a family or that I have private problems. I take my shotgun away from him and unload it before putting it back on my shoulders.

I can't leave him here. That means I have to take him with me and take care of his health. Still, I try to keep him away from my soldiers and away from my children as well. I don't know him and I don't want him to harm my family. I gently fold his wings and slide my arms under him from the side and lift him up so that he is in my arms. When his head is on my chest, he snuggles on to me. He doesn't appear to be conscious, but it's still kind of cute how his survival instinct seeks warmth. I hope that when he wakes up he'll be as gentle as he seems right now because that would make things a lot easier for me. I open my jacket and even if I get a little cold and wet, I gently press him to my chest, which he snuggles up against. I put the jacket around him and start walking back to my car. I really didn't expect Third Reich to be so strong. I rather thought that the water was already the point where he would not have progressed any further. He's braver and more combative than I expected. No one fights without a purpose, which one is his? Anyway, I have to take him to the hospital. Also, I didn't know he had wings. Luckily I know how to take care of wings from Kazakhstan and Georgia because his wings need to be taken care of again quickly or they will stick or tangle together and that's worse than with hair, especially if he doesn't take care of his wings that much can because he is injured.

When I get to the car, I put him on the back seat and position my shotgun so that it prevents his legs from slipping down. I put out my candle and put it behind the driver's seat before wrapping my jacket around the wounded Countryhuman as a kind of blanket. I can't believe I'm actually trying to save Third Reich's life right now. After sitting down, I start driving and turn around so I can go to Moscow to get to the nearest hospital. It won't be long before I get there and hand them over Third Reich, who's already very weak, but he'll survive. After the injured Countryhuman is tended to, I head home to notify my generals and prepare my family before spending time with them until Third Reich is in better shape.

As I walk in from the front door, Belarus jumps up and hugs me. Without hesitation, I hug her too. "Привет папа! (Hello Dad!)", comes from my overjoyed daughter. I also greet her with pleasure: "Я тоже рада тебя видеть, моя маленькая девочка! (I'm glad to see you too, my little girl!)" "Папа? (Dad?)", comes confused from Latvia. I look at her and ask her: "Могу я поговорить с вами, потому что я сомневаюсь в своем решении, и мне нужен ваш совет, потому что у вас такой светлый ум. (Could I please talk to you because I am doubting my decision and I need your advice because you have such a smart head.)" She looks at me a bit surprised, but nods. "Спасибо! (Thank you!)", I thank her. I let go of Belarus and kiss her forehead before walking into my office with her big sister.

I don't know if it was a good thing not to have killed Reich. Hopefully Latvia can help me because she has a different perspective on life and death than I do. I close the door and shortly afterwards sit down at one of the two chairs in front of my desk, behind which my office chair is. I don't want to sit in my office chair though as I might seem a little threatening and I want to be more on her level because she is my daughter and I want to ask her point of view. I pat the other chair with my hand so she knows where to sit. I already figured that when she sat down she would have a more open attitude and I'm right.

"Я... я не совсем уверен, что поступил правильно. (I... I'm not entirely sure I did the right thing.)", I tell her calmly as her attention picks up, "Я винил кого-то другого в своих ошибках и... пытался наказать его смертью. (I blamed my mistakes on someone else and tried to punish... with his life.)" My daughter looks at me in shock. I can see that she's scared of me. I quickly reassure her: "Не бояться! Он жив! (Don't worry! He's alive!)" That reassures her, but she still avoids eye contact with me while I continue: "Я знаю его с прежних времен. Мы вместе обучались как Кантрихуманс, а также выпускались в один и тот же год. Я обманул его тем, что знал о нем, и заманил его на свою территорию, чтобы без проблем убить. Когда я нашел его, он боролся за свою жизнь со всем, что у него было, что, когда он был у меня и был готов убить его, заставило меня задуматься, может быть, у него была семья, за которую он боролся, потому что я не узнал его таким с все боевые действия. Мне почему-то стало его жалко, и я отвез его в больницу, где он, вероятно, поспит несколько часов, чтобы восстановить силы. (I know him from much earlier. We were trained together as Countryhumans and also graduated in the same year. I tricked him with what I knew about him and lured him into my territory so I could kill him without any problems. When I found him he was fighting for his life with everything he had, what made me wonder when I had him and was ready to kill him, if maybe he has a family he is fighting for because I didn't recognize him like that with all the fighting. Somehow I felt sorry for him and took him to a hospital where he will probably sleep for a few hours to get his strength back.)"

My daughter looks at me with interest and curiosity. "Я намерен привести его сюда, потому что считаю, что это самое безопасное место, где я могу заботиться о нем, пока он не выздоровеет. (I intend to bring him here because I believe this is the safest place for me to take care of him until he recovers.)", I inform her. Latvia gives me a satisfied smile. "Ты понятия не имеешь, кого я тащу сюда, а ты улыбаешься, как будто это к лучшему. (You have no idea who I'm dragging here and you're smiling, as if it were the best thing ever.)" My daughter speaks up: "Вы позволили кому-то жить, что хотели убить, как я могу не гордиться? (You let someone live you wanted to kill, how can I not be proud?)" "Я пощадил жизнь Третий рейх. (I spared the life of Third Reich.)", I say, but her expression barely changes. She says: "Жизнь есть жизнь! Я все еще горжусь. (A life is a life! I'm still proud.)"

She gets up and comes closer to me. I don't understand her reaction, but shortly afterwards she hugs me. My daughter Latvia hasn't hugged me for two years. Now I'm sure I did the right thing. If she is so proud of me, then for the first time in a long time I was on the right track with my decision! Satisfied, I gently hug my daughter as well. After a slightly longer hug, she says: "Es paziņošu saviem brāļiem un māsām. (I'll let my siblings know.)" Then she leaves with a smile and looks back at me, showing me again her pride in what I did.

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