John brought me back up to his room. I immediately sat down on the bed. He walked over to me, handing me a mug and. "Would you like some tea?"

I nodded as he made his way back over to the kitchen area and put a kettle on the mini stove.

He poured himself some first and them came back over to me. "So, you haven't said much. I know this whole thing is confusing and all, but I want you to talk to me. You can tell me your problems. I'll listen and your secret will be safe with me."

I just shrugged as I lifted the mug up to my face so i could feel the warm steam.

"Louisa," he said, moving closer to me,"please. If you're not happy, then... Why am I even a part of this?"

I took a deep breath. "There's something wrong with this. Jimmy told me he loved me and that he always has, every since he laid eyes on me. That feeling can't just go away. And I knew he wasn't just making it up. The sincerity in his eyes and his voice was just so pure. Why would he just let me go like that? to his closest friend?"

"I don't have all the answers. But he told me what he told me and he wouldn't have said that if he didn't mean every word."

"But what did he mean by 'unsolved issues'? James and I have plenty more unsolved issues than we do."

I could tell John was becoming exasperated at my constant questioning. Then he answered,"please, couldn't you just let it go? We're finally together. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"But if Jimmy is still-"

"Louisa!" he lashed out. I jumped at his sudden outburst and glared at him angrily.

"Sorry," he apologized softly,"it's just that... I've waited so long for you. I'm happy, so why can't you be, too?"

I nuzzled up against him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm still a little shaken up about, well, everything."

"It's okay. I guess that's normal. But hey, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving."

We walked out of the room holding hands. We immediately ran into Robert. He only looked at us with a confused face as he pranced on his way back to his room, singing to himself.

John chuckled. "Come on. I'd like some waffles right now."

As we made our way down the stairwell, Bonzo popped out of nowhere us in our tracks. "What are you two kids doing?"

"Going to get breakfast," John replied.

"Oh, no, no," Bonzo protested as he tugged on my shirt sleeve,"Louisa's got to stay away from you and Jim until you solve your conflicts."

"No, they've solved it. Jimmy's fine," I answered, pulling back my arm to release Bonzo's grasp.

"Hmm," he pondered, staring at the ceiling and stroking his mustache, "John, could I speak with Louisa alone for a moment?"

John cautiously nodded, looking a bit unsure.

Bonzo pushed John out of the stairwell and pulled me over to the farthest corner (I guess so John couldn't hear us at all)

"How do you know it's over?" He started off.

"Jimmy told me."

"Did he?"

"Well, he told John about everything. But I- I saw him give me a thumbs up when John kissed me...?

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I- I really don't know. I just-”

"You just want this conflict to end, huh? So you just picked one?"

"No, I-"

"That's certainly what it sounds like."


"Louisa, I've had my fair share of relationships. I've learned many things through all over them but the one that stuck out the most to me was that a relationship can only grow if both are content and happy with each other and can look past their faults. Is that how you even feel about either of them?"

"Well, yes. But the problem is that it's both of them."

"Of course, classic love triangle. Those are stressful, huh?"

"A bit more drastic than stressful, I would say."

"Let me just say this: you know the one you fell in love with first? Well, he must obviously not mean that much to you if you've fallen for another."

"That makes sense. But my problem is that it wavers. It's constantly changing. One day one does a bad thing. I turn to the other. Either he does a bad thing or the other does a good to cancel out his previous bad."

"Love shouldn't be conditional like that. If you really loved someone you'd have to look past all the bad things they seem to do from time to time and also the bad things in their past."

"But how do I choose between them? If I choose one, I'll feel bad for the other. Then i feel guilty."

"Your relationship should only be about you and the one you love, not anyone else."

"But what do I do?"

"I know this might sound cliche- and it probably is- but you've got to follow your heart. Go with your gut feeling. Who are you happiest with? Who makes you feel special and loved? Who loves you unconditionally?"

Before I could answer him he walked out without saying another word. I just stood in the corner, contemplating everything he'd just said to me.

John was the first one to talk to me and tell me his feelings. He was the one who, even though was shy and quiet, salvaged enough courage to speak to me.

But he had his faults. He was easily angered if he didn't get his way. He was very emotional about losing me- a little too emotional.

Jimmy, on the other hand, was straightforward with his feelings for me. He told me, despite the fact that John had feelings for me, too. Her wasn't afraid of me. He jumped right in, basically. He was confident, to say the least.

And yet, like John, he also had his share of faults. He was quite a little too protective, almost as if I were his property that needed to be guarded and kept under control at all costs.

I kept trying to figure it out- but I couldn't. My heart was beating rapidly and it got harder to breathe. I couldn't take this anymore.

I rushed up the stairs and into Roberts room. I slammed the door behind me and before he could question what I was doing, I held up my hand and motioned for him to stay silent.

"Robert," I began,"I just can't take it anymore. I've got to get out of here."

"What?" He asked, utterly confused. "What do you mean? I thought everything was solved."

I shook my head. "No, everything's all wrong. I can't decide. This conflict- it's tearing me apart."

"Is there anything I could do?"

"I want to go home."

"Home? But-"

He paused when he saw the tears well up in my eyes. I covered my face in embarrassment.

"I just want to see my family," I cried out.

"Maybe that's just what you need- it's been long overdue. But there's just no way we can get you back to England on such short notice. We've got a gig today. Maybe by the end of the week we could get you back," he said as he came over to hug me.

"But you have no idea how much I need to be there right now. I've been hiding for too long "

"Trust me, Lou. It's all going to be okay. Well get you there soon. But just for today- could you hang on that long?"

"I suppose so..."

"Great. Now, get your things packed up. We've got to get to our gig to start seeing up!"


A few hours passed, but it seemed like they'd carry on forever. We arrived at the stadium to set everything up.

I sat alone on the edge of the stage, letting my get dangle. I surveyed the whole area, anylizing the whole panoramic view.

I enjoyed being alone most of the time, especially now. I really didn't want to be bothered. But apparently people thought otherwise.

"Louisa, get your butt over here," Bonzo screamed.

I didn't even turn to look. I wasn't in the mood for his crazy antics. I knew they wouldn't cheer me up.

"Yes, please, Louisa," Robert echoed,"you've got to see this to believe it!"

I sighed softly to myself. I continued to sit slumped over as I repeatedly kicked my feet that dangled over the edge of the stage.

Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Please, go away," I mumbled.

"What? You don't want to see me, little sis?" A familiar voice asked.

I eyes widened as I slowly got up and turned around. I nearly fell off the eager when I saw my brother standing right before me.

"Will?" I called out in a surprised squeal.

I ran up and hugged him and held him tightly until I saw my mother approaching us, too. She ran as fast as she could, taking little steps in her high heels that clip-clopped with every step. She joined in our hug and started bawling as she kissed me on the forehead.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you,' she cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I love you so much. Don't you ever forget that."

"I won't, mom. I never will."

I looked around for the last remaining person in my family- my dad. But he was nowhere to be found.

"Where's dad?" I asked when we'd all calmed down.

As soon as the words had escaped my mouth, I knew something was wrong.

"Where's dad?" I asked again in a sharper time.

"Oh, honey," my mom said as she stepped forward,"he's- he's not doing very well. He's back in England."

"Any didn't he come with you? What's going on? Is he okay?"

"He's- he's just not doing well. He's slowly... Fading. But your dear friends were kind enough to let us ride in their plane, pick you up, and take you home before he passes."

My heart nearly stopped as I stumbled backwards. Why him? He was the one I needed to your up loose ends with. He and I were the ones with the problems that needed to be solved. Why him, of all people?

"We have to go, then. Let's leave now," I said in monotone.

I grabbed my mother's hand and led her out, William following not far behind. Join tried to stop me and so did Jimmy, but I pushed right through. We had to get to the airport and as quickly as possible.

Thankfully, we got there in just minutes and were on our way back home in the Starship once more.


We rushed to the hospital and up to his room. I sprinted to his bedside and immediately began to cry uncontrollably.

I grabbed his hand and sobbed into the blankets. "I'm so sorry. I've done so much wrong in my life. You didn't deserve any of this. I treated you so poorly. You're my father. I should have loved you like any good daughter would. I've failed you. I've failed my family. I've failed my life."

"Louisa?" He spoke softly as he raised his head to look at me. "Well, you've grown so much these past three years. You're more beautiful than i remembered."

"But aren't you angry at me? Why aren't you angry?"

"You're my daughter. I've always loved you, even after you left. I never stopped thinking about you- worrying about you. Not a day went by where you didn't come up once in my mind. And now you're finally here. A perfect ending."

"Please don't say that," I sobbed," please. You're going to be okay, right? You have to be. You've got to stay alright, just for me. I love you, daddy. You have to know that i love you."

"I've always known. Even when you didn't show it out even seen like you didn't, I knew you did," he chuckled. "I've got to say something to you, Louisa."

"What? What is it?"

"That James Page boy? He's a fine young man.  A few days after you'd left us, he went door to door trying to find you. Even when he knew you'd been with John, he was always looking. He always cared. If you two are too wed, I give you my blessing."

"But what about John? I thought he was the one for me?"

"Oh, yes. He's a fine boy, too. But nothing like James. John loved you too, but he didn't show it as well as Jimmy."

"But that doesn't mean he loved me any less."

"That may be true. But love is about sacrifice and putting others before yourself without expecting anything in return."

"Dad, can we please just focus on you right now?"

"I suppose. I do enjoy being the center of attention."

He smiled gently as he took my hands. He pulled me close and kissed me softly on the forehead.

"I'll miss you, Louisa."

I started to cry again. "I'll miss you, too." I whispered.

Almost immediately after I said those words, his hands grew limp and the heart monitor was blank.

I looked in horror as I let out yelp and began to sob uncontrollably.

My mom and brother rushed immediately to my side and cried alongside me. We stayed there the whole night, never leaving each other's side, staying together as a family.


Within the next week, the funeral was all set up. We were having trouble with funds to pay for it all at first. But later on in the payment we'd gotten a call that an anonymous source had paid it in full. We were truly grateful for that. I just wished I knew who it was so I could thank them.

I stayed with my mom for the next year- for my sake and for hers. Things went along pretty smoothly- well, as smooth as things could possibly go after such a loss as this one.

Then one day there was a knock at the door.

I rushed over and opened it up. To my surprise, it was Robert standing in the doorway.

"You've got to come with me," he said, sounding a bit worried.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You've just got to follow me," he said again as he grabbed my wrist and led me out to his car.

As soon as we were in the road I began asking questions. "What's going on? I need to know."

"It's Jimmy. Something's up with him again. I think you're the only one that can help."


Sorry about the cliffhanger. I'm still trying to figure out an ending. I hope this isn't going to end too abruptly and I hope I'm picking the right guy for Louisa. It's so friggin hard to choose between them... I might need some help with that decision lol

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