There was a soft knock at the door that was enough to jolt me out of my sleep. I accidentally whacked Jimmy in the face and he let out an exasperated groan, though he was still asleep.
I gingerly climbed out of bed, making sure not to wake Jimmy. I quickly scurried over to the door and whispered,"who is it?"
"It's Percy," Robert whispered and then continued,"I need to have a talk with you. Don't worry. I'll just be you and me. Jonesy has no part in this and neither does Pagey."
I looked back at Jimmy sleeping soundly on the bed bundled up in a sea of blankets. I pondered over it for a moment and then decided to give Robert what he wanted.
I stepped out into the main part of the plane. I looked around to see everyone passed out or sleeping, scattered all over the floor and some on the sofas.
Robert put a finger over his mouth as he waved his other hand for me to follow him. We stepped past the maze of people and over to a secluded corner. Robert closed a curtain behind us and sat down at the table across from me.
"So," Robert sighed as he began,"what happened today?"
"I'm not very sure, to be quite honest," I replied. "I think Jonesy was taking everything too far. I wanted to get things sorted out with Jimmy, but that just made everything worse."
"But how did that happen?"
"I wanted John to talk to Jimmy but he refused, so I thought I'd do it myself. Jimmy came on to me. But all things aside, I let him kiss me. But it was a heat of the moment sort of thing. And now I don't know how I feel about either of them. My emotions are all jumbled and out of order."
"Have you thought of maybe... Leaving them both alone? No offense, but your obviously the main source of this problem."
"But I'm already here. I just can't return home. I've already quit my job and left my house to join John here."
"Well, maybe you could just hang out with Bonzo and me for a while. And don't worry, we won't fight over you."
I smiled weakly. I felt awful about all of the distress is caused to the whole group. But it was for the best. And eventually there would be a solution, at least I'd hope there would be.
"That makes sense," I said.
"Great. And if Jonesy or Jimmy cause you any problems because of you keeping your distance, Bonzo and I have got your back."
I got up and hugged Robert. I felt secure in his embrace. I knew he meant well. But I knew this plan was going to be hard. I had to use every ounce of my being too keep from associating with either of them.
"Thank you, Robert. This is why I usually choose guy friends over girls- you genuinely care for and protect me," I started to say,"but I'm telling you right now. Please don't fall into this love triangle, too."
He only chuckled as we walked back over to the curtain and stepped through to the other side.
Just as Robert and I were making our way over to the only empty sofa to have a seat and drink some tea, people started to wake up- including Jimmy.
"Good morning, love," Jimmy said as he walked out of the room, wrapped up snugly in a bundle of blankets. He made his way over to me and was about to give me a kiss on the cheek when Robert interrupted.
"Good morning, Pagey!" Robert screeched, attempting to distract him before he could give me my good morning kiss.
Jimmy jumped back, bewildered at Roberts sudden outburst. He glanced at me and gave me a confused look. Then he proceeded to sit down next to me.
I sat there in silence, focusing on the wall, praying that Jimmy wouldn't spark up any conversations.
"How'd you sleep, Lou?" He finally asked.
I glanced over at Robert, who shook his head discreetly, urging me to keep the conversation to a minimal, and then back toward the wall and just shrugged, not saying a word.
"Is there something wrong? Did I- or anybody else- hurt you in any way? Because I can offer help if you need it," Jimmy continued.
Once again I shrugged and let my head hang low. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jimmy inching closer and closer to me. His hand reached up and around as he attempted to wrap his arm around my waist. I just squirmed and fidgeted, trying to get him to pull his arm back, but to no avail. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
I looked back at Robert once more, pleading with my eyes to get me out of this situation. And even though I enjoyed the attention and love from Jimmy, I knew that not affiliating with him was for the best until this problem was solved.
Robert stepped up and exited the room. Jimmy and I sat there in silence, only hearing the soft hum of the airplane's engines.
"Why are you acting so standoffish this morning?" Jimmy asked.
I just sighed and shook my head. I gently pushed him away and lowered my head, brought up my hands and hid my face in them, remaining silent, not wanting to talk.
"Lou,” he started again,"I don't know what I did. But I just want to know what's wrong so I can help you."
Thankfully Robert came back in before I had a chance to answer him.
"Would you guys like some breakfast? I mean, it's actually eight o'clock at night. But considering you both just woke up, how about some cereal?" Robert asked, holding a bowl and spoon in one hand and a box of captain crunch in the other.
"I think Louisa and I just need to talk right now," Jimmy started."It seems like we're having some issues. But she won't tell me anything. Do you know what's going on?"
Robert and I exchanged worried glances. I sat back in my seat as Robert quickly set everything he was holding onto the table and took Jimmy over to the corner to tell him our situation.
I could overhear them talking, both of them repeatedly eyeing me up during the conversation. Jimmy's face looked perplexed and a bit unsatisfied. Who could blame him? When you fall head over heels for someone, all you ever want to do is be near them constantly.
When the two were finished talking, Jimmy left the area and went into the bedroom alone, closing the door behind him.
Robert came over to me, a downcast look trailed upon his face. He sat down next to me and reached over to hug me tightly.
I couldn't control myself. I burst out into a hysterical squall, waking everybody up, some bursting into the air at the sudden ear-piercing wails I just couldn't restrain.
Robert gently rubbed my back, whispering reassurances into my ear, telling me it would all be okay.
When I finally gained enough composure to apologize for waking everyone up, John came over to me. I would've lost it again hadn't Robert got up and shooed him away.
This task was not going to be simple. I'd need every ounce of my being too pull me through this. And even with Percy and Bonzo by my side, helping me through everything, I knew this wasn't going to work out. It just didn't make any sense. My best bet was to totally leave the band. But that, too, ant even the best option. There wouldn't be any closure between the band. They'd be at each other's necks despite the fact that I'd be gone.
I had to settle this somehow. I had no ideas on solving it, though. I just needed to get through the rest of this flight. Then maybe I'd be fine.
Soon the plane landed. I Robert came over to me with Bonzo and we waited for everyone else to leave, including John and Jimmy, before we left.
They both gave me hugs, one again told me it was going to be okay and that it wasn't my fault, and then we exited the plane.
We got down the steps and right into the limousine, avoiding all the fans and paparazzi.
Unfortunately I had to sit near both Jimmy and John. But Robert stayed by my side, gripping my hand tightly as if to say that I was safe with him.
The ride was unbearably silent. No one talked. No one made any noises. Even when we arrived at the hotel, as everyone exited, there wasn't a peep as they made their way up to their rooms.
Robert invited me to stay with him, totally dismissing a night with any of the groupies, and politely saying he'd sleep on the cot.
We made our way into the elevator, just Percy and me. But just as the doors were closing, Jimmy rushed in, his arms around a talk blonde woman in all black, her face looked fake, caked with an excessive amount of makeup. The whole ride up was eerie. I could tell he was trying to make me jealous and make me want him more.
When we arrived at our floor, we parted ways. Jimmy and the bird rushed into their room and slammed the door shut.
Robert rubbed my back reassuringly as he opened the door.
"Go ahead, get some rest. It's been a pretty eventful day," Robert said, yawning.
Without even thinking twice, I flopped onto the bed, not even bothering to change my clothes. I quickly feel asleep, and I guess Robert did, too. I slept quite peacefully that night despite what was all going through my mind. I guess I just really needed a good night's sleep to regain the little sanity I had left. And thankfully, that's just what I got.
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