
Two Weeks Later:

Fireworks went off and the crowd erupted in cheers.

Charlie could hardly believe that she was actually at Monday Night Raw. She wasn't in the front row or anything, but she held her sign up with pride. Music began playing, and the Authority walked out. She cheered, even if most of the people around her were booing.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon stood in the ring, while Seth Rollins had a microphone and began talking.

Charlie just screamed.


Raw ended, which meant that Charlie had to go to work. She had agreed to stay later so that she could go to the show, and her boss - the one with the wife and kids from the third interview - was fine with it. He was even letting her wear a wrestling shirt, as long as it was black.

Charlie walked into the bar, wearing her Seth Rollins shirt, her nametag, black jeans, and Converse. She went behind the bar and began preparing drinks.


"Hey, Seth," Dean said, walking into his friend's locker room, Roman following close behind. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Well - "

"Wrong!" Dean interrupted.

"You didn't even let me answer," Seth protested, but he was ignored.

"You're coming with me tonight," He said, walking over to Seth.

"Where are we going?"

"There's this great bar in town," Dean replied. "I've heard great things about it. Most of what I heard was said by me, but they were great things."

Seth studied Dean's face, frowning. "Are you drunk?"

"No, of course not."

"Yeah, he's drunk," Roman said, and Dean turned around and glared at him.

Seth sighed and facepalmed. The show was over, but that didn't mean that they could just start drinking and partying. Any one of them might have to talk to Hunter, and he could tell if you were drunk. Sure, Seth was the most likely of them to talk to Hunter, but any of them could.

"All right, let's go," Seth said, standing up. If Dean wanted to be an idiot and get drunk, he at least wanted it to seem like they were at a bar when it happened.

Seth began walking out of the room, and Dean followed him. Roman rolled his eyes, following close behind the two men. They walked down the hall, passing by people. Seth and Roman tried to ignore them, hoping they wouldn't draw attention to their drunk friend. When they passed by Nikki Bella, who was talking to her sister, Dean blew her a kiss and smirked.

Seth smacked him in the head. "Don't be an idiot, Dean."

Dean rubbed the back of his head. "That was mean..."

Roman and Seth exchanged a glance, but didn't say anything. Dean didn't even notice, and eventually they reached Seth's car.

"All right, I'll drive," Dean said, holding out his hand for Seth's keys.

"Are you crazy?" Seth asked. "You're drunk!"

"Shhh!" Dean exclaimed. "Not so loud."

"You're drunk," Seth repeated, softer this time. "I'm not letting you behind the wheel."

"I'm the one with the directions," Dean pointed out.

"Give us the name of the place," Roman said. "We'll put it in the GPS."

Dean frowned, knowing he had lost this fight. He mumbled the name of the place, so they got in the car and Seth put it in the GPS. They made Dean sit in the backseat, which he wasn't too happy about, but he was too drunk to argue with them.

When they arrived, the bar wasn't too packed, as it was a Monday night and most people had normal jobs they had to get to Tuesday morning. They got out of the car and walked inside.

Seth looked at Roman. "You go order some drinks, and I'll find us a booth and make Dean stay there."

He glanced behind Seth. "Um..."

Seth turned around to see Dean talking to a blonde girl. He walked up to him and dragged him away to a booth, where he shoved him into the seat.

"Hey!" Dean exclaimed, frowning.

"You have a girlfriend, dumbass," Seth said. "Start acting like it."

Dean didn't say anything. He leaned back and crossed his arms. He always flirted with anyone and everyone when he was drunk. Seth and Roman thought that since he'd started dating Renee that he'd stop, but no, he still flirted. They did notice he didn't take girls to bed with him anymore, though, so that was good.

Seth ignored Dean and glanced at Roman, who was still at the bar, talking with the girl. Based on the look on her face, she recognized Roman. He looked back at Dean, who was still glaring at him.

He raised an eyebrow. "How long are you going to do that?" Dean didn't respond. "Oh, okay, I see how it is. Just so you know, Leighla wouldn't like how you're looking at me."

Dean was holding back a smile, Seth could tell. He uncrossed his arms and leaned on the table, never taking his eyes off of Seth.

"I think this is why people ship us," Seth said.

Before Dean could respond, Roman returned with drinks, as well as the girl from the bar. He set them on the table.

"Guys, this is Charlie," Roman introduced them.

"Hi," She said, giving them a small wave.

Seth smirked. "Nice shirt."

She looked down at her Seth Rollins shirt and blushed. "Oh, thanks..."

"She wanted to meet you guys," Roman said.

"I think I made Dean mad, so I don't know if he'll say anything," Seth said. "If you ask me, he's being a baby." Dean kicked him from under the table. "Ow!"

"I can speak for myself," Dean said, smirking. He looked at Charlie. "I'm Dean Ambrose. Seth is being a dick, so I've been ignoring him."

Charlie laughed. "Seth, maybe you should stop being a dick."

Seth's jaw dropped and Dean started laughing.

"You heard the girl, Rollins," He said.

Seth just rolled his eyes and looked at Charlie. "So, were you at the show tonight? Or do you always wear my shirt?"

"I'm always wearing wrestling shirts," She replied. "But I went to the show tonight, so I had to wear my favorite shirt."

"Oh, so you just call all your favorite wrestlers dicks?" Seth asked, smirking.

"Who said you were my favorite?" She asked, matching his smirk.

Even Roman chuckled at that. "She's got you there, Seth."

"Well, I have to get back to work," Charlie said. "But, could I maybe get a picture with you guys?"

"Of course," Roman said. Dean stood up.

"I don't know..." Seth trailed off. "You called me a dick, remember?"

Charlie looked at Dean and Roman, who were staring at Seth. Roman walked over and yanked Seth out of his seat.

"You're taking a picture," He said.

Charlie got one of her co-workers to take their picture, and she thanked them before heading back to work.



Seth, Dean, and Roman had left the bar a few hours ago. Seth had had this feeling all night that he knew Charlie from somewhere, but he couldn't figure out why. He didn't ask Dean or Roman, in case they found out something embarrassing about him. When Seth made it back to the hotel, he realized who it was.


He had gone on Wattpad to make sure, and she mentioned meeting them, so there was no way it wasn't her.

He now had a face to put to the username. He didn't know what he thought she looked like, but it wasn't what she actually did look like. She wasn't ugly, not by any means, but...she was prettier than he'd thought. Much prettier.

Her brown hair went to her shoulders, and her brown eyes were mischievous, but also very beautiful. They told a story. She wasn't tall, but she wasn't necessarily short. She was just average.

She wasn't just average, he quickly corrected himself, her height was average. Charlie herself was an amazing writer, and she looked amazing, too.

Seth's phone vibrated, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He had a text from Leighla.

Good night, babe. <3


I finally decided on someone to portray Charlie, and her name is Crystal Reed. She's from Teen Wolf, which I don't watch, but I like how she looks.

Charlie finally went to Raw, and I know I didn't write much about it, but it's three hours long and this chapter would've gone on forever. I mentioned her seeing Seth Rollins, though, so that's good.

And yay! Seth and Charlie finally met! :D

Next chapter should include some more Space Enough to Grow, but I can't make any promises. It's very likely, though.

Well, thanks for reading! :)

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