When they made it to the hotel lobby, they ran into Alicia Fox. After Ruby and Randy started dating, he started introducing her to more of the roster, and she gained a few new friends.
"Hey, guys!" The redheaded Diva greeted, smiling.
"Hi," Ruby said, giving a small wave.
"What are you guys up to?" Alicia asked, looking between the two.
"We're actually about to go eat breakfast," Randy replied. He looked at Ruby, who hadn't done anything. When she realized he was staring, she understood what he wanted.
"Oh!" She exclaimed. She held up her hand, showing off the ring on her finger. "We're engaged!"
"Oh my gosh!" Alicia cried, bringing her hands to her mouth.
Seth closed out of the Wattpad app. He felt like the story was going to get too gushy, and it was too early for that.
They were filming SmackDown in the same city, so they were still in the same hotel. Dean had gone to find Renee, while Roman was off somewhere talking to his wife on the phone. Seth had stayed behind, thinking about finding a CrossFit gym somewhere, but had gotten distracted by Space Enough to Grow.
He'd read enough for the day, so he got up, changed into some workout clothes, and left to find a gym.
Charlie woke up.
She was still feeling the excitement from last night, still remembering the moment Roman approached her, the moment she called Seth a dick.
It was all so fresh and new on her mind, so she pulled out her phone, logged into Wattpad, and changed her profile picture (of AJ and Paige) to her picture with the former members of the Shield.
WWE was still in New York, and she had bought tickets for SmackDown at the last minute, unsure if she wanted to – or could – go, but she actually had the night off, and after last night, she was eager to get to the arena.
However, it was currently 10 in the morning, and the show didn't start until 7 that night.
Which meant she'd have to find a way to bide her time.
"Hey guys! I'm going to see SmackDown tonight, but until then, I'm going to be editing all of Space Enough to Grow! (Nothing major, mostly checking for grammar and spelling!)"
Seth walked into the hotel room, ready for the long shower he was going to take. Dean wasn't in the room, but Roman was. He was sitting at the desk, listening to music and doing something on his computer. When he heard the door close, he looked up.
Roman took off his headphones. "Oh, thank god! Your phone has been blowing up for the past hour! It was so annoying, I had to put my headphones on and listen to music to drown it out."
Seth began taking off his shoes. "I'll check it once I get out of the shower."
The phone began ringing again.
"Answer it now, or I'm throwing it out the window."
Seth rolled his eyes. He took off his other shoe, and by the time he got to the phone, it had stopped ringing. He unlocked the phone.
Missed Calls:
Leighla (14)
Text Messages:
Leighla (29)
"What the hell...?" Seth muttered. He was about to call her, but she beat him to it. He picked up on the first ring. "Hello?"
"Seth Rollins, where the hell have you been?" Leighla yelled. Roman looked over at him, so Seth took the call outside, on the balcony. "I've been trying to get ahold of you for the past hour!"
"I'm sorry," Seth apologized, frowning. "I was working out, and I didn't have my phone with me."
Leighla took a shaky breath. "Have you read my texts?"
It sounded like she'd been crying. "No... Why?"
"Just...Just look at them, Colby."
Seth took the phone away from his ear, frowning. He had a feeling that he might know what she was upset about, but he didn't want to jinx himself. It couldn't be that. No one knew about that. Maybe...
Maybe she found out he was reading fanfiction. Sure, it was embarrassing, but he'd totally stop if that's what was bothering her, solely because it wasn't...
Seth opened his text messages, scrolling to the first one she sent.
What the fuck?
Seth, what the fuck is this?
There was a photo attached – a photo he had sent to one person, a photo he hadn't planned on anyone but her seeing, a photo he hadn't sent to Leighla.
As he kept scrolling, there was another photo.
Is this her?
Don't fucking ignore me!
Is this fucking Zahara or whatever her name is?
Seth didn't want to look anymore, so he brought the phone back to his ear. He could hear Leighla, and she was crying, softly.
"Leigh – "
"Seth, did you or did you not send her that picture?" She interrupted. She had stopped crying, but she was sniffling.
At first, he didn't say anything, then he said, "Yes..."
She hung up.
Dean walked into the hotel room. Renee was with him, but she was mostly quiet. Roman was at the desk, staring outside, where Seth was on the balcony, pacing back and forth with his phone to his ear.
"What's going on?" Dean asked. Renee went and sat on a bed, and Dean sat next to her.
"Well, he'll go from yelling to talking softly, so I don't know much," Roman admitted. "From what I can hear, I think Seth cheated on Leighla."
"What?" Renee blurted out, her response coming out louder than she intended.
"Yeah, with some chick named Zahra?" Roman sounded unsure. "If I heard right, anyway. Zahra is a pretty shitty name."
"How long have they been out there?" She asked, frowning. Seth began yelling again.
"He was out there for about ten minutes, but Leighla hung up on him," Roman explained. "And since he's called her back, it's been twenty minutes."
"He's been out there for half an hour?" Dean asked.
"I liked Leighla," Renee said, softly.
"You don't know that they're breaking up," Roman said.
"I think all the yelling going on is a pretty clear indication they're not going to be together much longer," Dean said. Roman shot him a look.
"I'm just trying to make your girlfriend feel better," He said.
Seth started yelling again, so they remained quiet. They couldn't make out what he was saying, but, in all honesty, they didn't really want to. What was going on with Seth and Leighla was their business.
Suddenly, Seth set his phone down, did something with his hands, and threw something. He picked his phone back up and walked inside. He obviously didn't know Dean and Renee had shown up, because he was surprised.
He exhaled. "Leighla and I broke up."
Renee's eyes widened and she gasped. "Was that your engagement ring that you threw off the balcony?"
Seth just nodded.
Roman stood up. "All right, sit down." Seth took Roman's chair. "Explain to us what happened."
Seth sighed. "Okay... Well, a couple of months ago, when we were in Orlando, we had just finished filming Raw, and Dean dragged us to that club." Dean smirked, but quickly stopped when Roman glared at him. "Well, I got really drunk. I could barely stand; it was bad. Then, I met this girl. Zahra Schreiber. She's down in NXT, but she hasn't wrestled yet."
"Oh, yeah, I think I've heard about her." Renee nodded.
"Well, we started talking, and we ended up giving each other our phone numbers," Seth continued. "I didn't plan on talking to her after that, I swear! I ended up getting a cab and going back to the hotel, and when I got there, she had sent me a text. And, um..."
"Nudes?" Dean asked, smirking. Renee smacked his arm.
"Yeah." Seth nodded. "And, well... I sent her some back. But I was drunk out of my mind, okay? And last night, she posted them online somewhere, and then she somehow hacked into my account and posted her pictures! Leighla found out, so she called me, and we argued. And she called me a fuckboy. And we called off the engagement, and now we're broken up."
"Wow..." Renee mumbled.
"We were together for seven years..." Seth said, frowning.
"And she didn't believe you?" Dean asked.
"No," Seth replied, shaking his head. "And I figured, 'If she doesn't trust me and she doesn't think I'm telling the truth, why am I marrying her?' Why would I lie to her? I'd never lie to her! So that's when I threw my ring off the balcony."
Seth stood up. "I need to take a shower. When I'm finished, let's head to the arena."
With that, he walked into the bathroom.
I haven't updated in a million years and I'm sorry! D: Also, this chapter focused more on Seth than Charlie, but I hope that's okay.
I'm aware that the whole Leighla/Seth/Zahra thing happened differently in real life (Leighla posted the dick pics, not Zahra), but for the sake of this story, Zahra posted the dick pics, okay?
And I know it's been a while since I've updated, but feel free to leave a comment anyway. :P
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