What's Going On?

I'm picking at my food, I'm letting Chris talk at me rather than to me or with me. She stops and I don't notice at first. I can feel her looking at me, more like staring at me and I look up.

"Is something wrong, love?" Chris asks and I shake my head, eyes falling back to my plate. I move my eggs around. "Are you sure? I thought you'd be happy to get out of the house for a while."

"I'm fine."

"If you were fine you'd be talking to me a mile a minute about nursery plans, doctor's appointments and baby names. You are not fine."

"Okay so what if I'm not." I admit.

"Are you tired?"

"No, I'm actually sleeping pretty well."

"Then what is it? You can talk to me. Where is the excitement?"

"I'm just...worried. Lindsey is acting really strange."

"Strange how?" Christine shifted, leaning in to listen.

"Phone calls...so many of them. I asked him about it and he acted even more weird. Do you think he's...cheating on me?"

"Stevie, don't be ridiculous. He adores you. He talks about you and the baby all the time."

"He told someone on the phone that he loved them and he told them to be quiet about whatever they were talking about."

"I think you're reading too much into it." she tells me and I feel hot tears falling down my cheeks. "Stevie, take a breath. I know you're feeling insecure but your marriage is safe, your relationship is safe...no one is going to break up your family and no matter how boneheaded Lindsey can be, he isn't so stupid to ruin the family you have both worked so hard to create. He loves you and he would never cheat on you."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"I'm probably just being paranoid."

"You spend a lot of time at home and since you cancelled the tour, you have a lot of time to think and make up all of these crazy ideas. We all know how wild your imagination can be."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right" she says with a chuckle and I wipe my eyes, laughing too. She's right, it's my hormones playing with my mind.

I finally begin to eat and I'm able to laugh and feel a little more relaxed about the whole thing. I can't say it's totally out of my head but I push it out of the forefront.

"So what else is on the agenda for you today? I'm sure you're not wanting to spend all your time with me when I can't do anything fun."

"You're plenty of fun, Stevie, don't think that. Well, actually, I am going to a little shindig later."

"Are you? Well that sounds wonderful. I hope you have fun."

"I'm sure I will. In the meantime, would you like to open the present I got for you?"

I have to admit, the moment she put the wrapped package on the table, it wasn't very far from my mind. "Yes, of course!"

"It's definitely more for the baby but I really hope you like it." She hands the box to me and I look up for approval. "Go on ahead" I carefully open the packaging, not wanting to rip the paper too much. It was so pretty with silver flowers on a white background. "It almost matches your dress!" she remarks and I nod in agreement.

"It does, doesn't it?" I finally get it open and inside is the cutest little pink onesies, matching socks and a couple of sleeping gowns. "Pink!" I exclaim and she chuckles.

"Shhh...don't tell Lindsey. A little birdie told me that you thought you might be having a girl and I wanted to trust your instincts."

"Oh my gosh they're gorgeous! Thank you, Chris." I stand up and we hug over the table.

"My pleasure. I'm so happy you like them. Hopefully, they will be coming home in one of these little outfits if it is in fact a girl."

"Definitely! So much better than the yellow and green he's forcing me to buy. Apparently grey is too gloomy for a little baby. I think it's chic."

"It's very chic. I will put that on my list of things to get the baby- grey clothing." I giggle, knowing she loves to mess with Lindsey as much as I do. "Well, why don't we get you home?" she says, looking at her watch.

"Alright. Thank you again for the gifts."

"You're welcome. Why don't you head to the car and I will join you shortly."

"Sure." I grab my bag and do as she asked. I'm only waiting for a few minutes when she emerges with a big smile on her face.

"Good to go?" I nod and she starts the car, heading back to my house.

I notice a strange car in the drive way when we pull up. My paranoid thoughts that were briefly laid to rest, resurface and I become anxious, nervous and almost sick.

"Christine, you'd tell me if you knew something, right?"

"Knew what?"

"I know I asked you before but...what's going on? Whose car is that?"

"I don't know, honey. Could be anyone from a producer to a friend...could be a solicitor."

"I guess so."

"Let's just go find out." She gets out of the car and comes to my side, helping me out. I carry the box containing the precious baby girl clothes under my arm as I unlock the front door. I look back at her for reassurance and she nods. "What are you afraid of?"

A lot, apparently. I hesitate opening the door so she leans forward and pushes it open. I step inside and call for Lindsey. All the lights are off and it's deathly silent.

"Linds? Baby, I'm home." I walk through the house to the living room. Suddenly the lights come on and the room I thought was empty is suddenly filled with people.

"SURPRISE!" they yell and I burst into tears. Lindsey can't get to me fast enough, coming to my side almost instantly, taking the box from brunch away from me and sitting it down on the closest surface he could reach.

"Oh my god!" I whisper, tears stunting my ability to speak. He takes me into his arms and I cry even harder.

"Welcome home." he says.

"What is all of this?" He pulls us apart and turns me around to face everyone. My mother, father and brother are here, his mother and brothers, our bandmates and friends. There are balloons everywhere and a huge sheet cake sitting on the kitchen counter.

"I know how sad you were about canceling your tour and I realized we haven't really celebrated our baby yet. Soon we will be parents and with how nervous you feel about being unprepared and all that goes into motherhood, I wanted you to feel comforted and surrounded by people who love you."

"Oh, Lindsey! So the phone calls?"

"Party planning. Getting everyone here at the same time wasn't exactly easy."

"And the car out front?"

"My dumbass brother wanted to show off and refused to park elsewhere."

I laugh a little, feeling completely stupid. "You wouldn't believe all that was going through my mind! I heard you tell someone you loved them on the phone and I thought..."

"Honey, that was my mother! I needed her help to plan this. I don't know anything about baby showers. Are you feeling better now?" I nod, catching my breath and trying to will myself to stop crying. "Good. Now go give everyone hugs, I know you're dying to." He smiles at me, kissing my lips so tenderly. "I love you. Have fun."

I hug Christine first. "Told you I had a shindig later" she whispered.

"I didn't know it was my party!" I said with a laugh.

"That was kind of the point."

"Thank you for helping. It means a lot to me."

"You're welcome." I move to greet other people, looking over at Lindsey. He mouths 'I love you' and I blow him a kiss. He catches it and gives me the most handsome, boyish smile.

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