Let's Put On A Show
"Steph, time to finish packing! We've been doing this all day!" Lindsey shouts from my closet room. I roll my eyes, coming out of the bedroom.
"Bex is sleeping!" I whisper-shout. I hear her whimper and I cross my arms, giving him a look. "She took so long to settle."
"She knows mommy is leaving." he says, following me to her nursery.
The furniture had arrived the day she was born. Looking back, I think I was in labor but also in complete denial that it was finally happening. Just as it always does with us, in some magical way, everything seemed to fall into place. That was a year ago. As I stand in her room, I remember all of the work we put into it, all the people who gifted us little outfits or art work. The framed pictures above her crib taken on the day she was born, her birth announcement, also framed, on the night stand Rebecca Sloane Buckingham.
"Hey, sweet girl" I say as I pick her up and press my baby to my chest. I breathe in her scent, running my fingers through her bourbon curls. Her eyes, strikingly similar to her father's, fix on my face. She's tired but aware. From the moment she was born, she felt wise beyond her years. I place her head on my shoulder, swaying with her. She grabs a handful of my shirt and holds on for dear life. Her grip is so intense. Maybe she does know that I'm leaving. My tour has been rescheduled and I leave tomorrow morning. The thought of leaving her is hard but Lindsey tells me I need to do it. I love to perform and I've waited so long to discuss this album fully with the wedding and the birth of our daughter. I start humming a tune as I clean up her crib a little, moving stuffed animals and things from around her so I can lay her back down. Her pacifier is missing and I could have sworn she just had it.
In a few more minutes, I tell myself, not wanting to let go of her either. I want to make this one short, like with Bella Donna. I have commitments, not just to Fleetwood Mac, but to my family. Lindsey is working too and we are working to make sure our solo projects don't conflict. We want one of us to be with our daughter at all times. I don't want a nanny, someone else raising our baby while we're away being rockstars. That wasn't the plan when we conceived her and I think that our views on this have only strengthened as time went on. She's the light of our lives.
I put Rebecca down, realizing her hand has loosened from my shirt and her breathing has evened out. I cover her up with her blanket and smooth the little crease of her forehead. Lindsey wraps his arms around my waist and I smile. He presses a kiss to my neck, nuzzling his nose into the soft skin below my ear.
"You're such a good mother" he tells me.
"You think so?"
"I know so" I turn around in his arms so I can face him. He's tired but handsome and he hasn't shaved, a few day's worth of stubble present on his face. "Everyone can see how dedicated you are to the baby and I. You're an incredible mother and wife, even when you don't think so."
"Thank you, Linds."
"You're welcome. I'm only telling you the truth. I also need you to know that everything will go perfectly while you're away, both on stage and here at home. You don't have to worry."
"Sometimes I don't want to leave."
"And that's okay" he says, smoothing my cheek with his warm hand. "This is your job and you're so good at it. You've already done a show here in LA, so what are you so worried about?" I shrug. "You make so many people happy, Stevie. You change lives. You changed mine the moment you started singing California Dreamin' with me." He smiles and the tears that were welling up in my eyes finally fall down my cheeks.
"I love you"
"I love you too, Steph" He holds me tight, knowing I don't want to let go of him just as much as Rebecca didn't want to let go of me. "Everything is going to be okay. We will both be here when you get back."
"It feels like such a long time."
"I know it does. Even an hour away from my favorite girls is too long but it will be worth it." I nod my agreement. He's right, I know he's right. It's my first time leaving like this and I knew it would be hard. "She's in good hands" he reassures me. I know that too. I sigh, there's more work to be done. He kisses my lips softly, wiping away the few tears I shed. I follow him to my closet room and it's a disaster. He's obviously been trying to help me choose the clothes I will be wearing offstage and making sure I have things that will make me happy while I'm away. I chuckle though I know it will be a huge undertaking to make sure it's all put back when I get home. He did try.
The next morning is hard. I'm finally packed, running on little to no sleep and the car arrives before Rebecca has woken up. She looks so peaceful in her crib, all snug under her blanket. I don't dare pick her up. I stroke her face, her hair...I'm having second thoughts. I pull myself away and go downstairs to meet Lindsey in the foyer. He has already put my luggage in the trunk. There's nothing else for me to do but say goodbye. He hugs me and I hug him tightly. I still don't want to let go.
"Break a leg" he says and I smile.
"Let's hope not."
He chuckles "You know what I mean."
"I do. Thank you. Are you sure I shouldn't push the tour back?"
"You will be fine and we will be fine here too. We will miss you of course but we know you will be coming right back home to us." He kisses my lips and I deepen it, my tongue slipping easily into his mouth. My hands grope the strong muscles of his back, moving to his sides, then up to his shoulders. I feel like I will never get this opportunity again. When we finally pull apart, he isn't smiling. I can tell this is just as hard for him.
"Please kiss the baby for me when she wakes up. And I'll call so you will have the number to my suite, once I get there."
"I will, and that would be perfect." I kiss him again. Stalling. "You'd better go." he whispers.
"I know."
"We will talk soon. It will be over before you know it and you'll be itching to get back out there."
"Maybe" I say, unconvinced, opening the door to leave. "I love you"
"I love you too. More than you will ever know."
"The same goes for you, Linds." I blow him a kiss and he catches it, smiling. I see his shadow standing at the window as I head out to my waiting car.
After the short flight and checking into my hotel suite, I immediately call Lindsey to check in at home. I miss them terribly.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask.
"Hey, we're great. Baby girl is playing with blocks and I'm just flipping channels."
"I miss you both so much." I tell him as I start unpacking a little. I want a shower and just relax for the evening.
"We miss you too." Opening my suitcase, I giggle. "What's so funny?" I can tell he's smiling by the sound of his voice.
"When I put Rebecca down last night, I couldn't find her pacifier. Guess where it just turned up?"
"She must have packed it some time yesterday afternoon."
"I guess so." I hope the little rubber and plastic thing in my hand. "It makes me feel a little better...maybe that's stupid."
"It's not. It helps you feel closer to her."
"Like I'm not so far away"
After a few more minutes with Lindsey, I talk to the baby. She babbles a lot now and it fills me with joy to hear her putting together those syllables that will one day turn into words. "Bye, baby girl"
"Ma-ma-ma" she replies. Lindsey comes back on and we talk about the hotel and what's on the agenda for tomorrow. It all feels very normal. Our conversation comes to a close. Even though Rebecca is still very young and just getting the hang of walking, she can be quite the handful. I know we can't stay on the line forever.
"I gotta go, babe."
"I know. I love you."
"I love you too. You're going to put on one hell of a show!" He tells me. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you."
"Bye" I hear the click and I place my phone back down. I look down at the pacifier in my hand and smile again, feeling a bit more confident and comforted knowing that even my baby daughter is looking out for me, supporting me every step of the way.
The End
A/N: thank you for all the votes, reads and comments. This story is finally finished! I'm sorry it took so long. I can't wait to write new stories in the future and begin working on Home, my sequel to Wide Open Spaces again soon.
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