(Pov: roman Torchwick)

" legs are killing me from all this walking," I grumbled, feeling annoyed and a little tired.

I've been walking almost all night, and I can't find a fucking single dust shop open. I didn't think it would be so difficult and stressful.

"Although, I heard there's always one open 24/7, and I think I'm close," I thought, picking up my pace.

I also haven't heard from Cinder since yesterday. She hasn't responded to any of my messages or calls.

The last order I received was to steal as much dust as possible to stockpile it in an abandoned city.

Why? I don't know yet.

"Meh, crazy bitch." I thought, chuckling slightly.

After walking bored with my guys for some minutes we finally found our target.

"Finally a damn shop open!" I said with a smile, looking at the open store.

Several of my men also cheered at the sight of the shop.

"Well, let's go in, no more wasting time." I ordered my guards as we entered the store.

I turned for a moment to see how many men I hired. I don't usually do my missions with many bodyguards because they attract hunters or police attention quickly.

But since Cinder isn't responding to help me evacuate in case of an emergency, I was forced to hire more men for security.

Nothing can go wrong anyway...

Roman opened the door of the store with all his men menacingly.

With a mocking smile, he approached the owner, who looked at him nervously, and said-"Do you know how hard it is to find a dust shop open at these hours?"-while one of his men pointed a gun at the owner, making him to be afraid.

"Just t-take the money and leave!" he said, opening the cash register and raising his hands.

"Shh, calm down. We're not here for the money old man. Grab the dust," he said as his men started emptying all the dust they could from the store.

While that was happening, a young woman with black hair and red streaks, who we all know who she is, was reading her favorite weapons magazine in the same store.

She had headphones on, listening to music, so she didn't hear a thing of what was going on.

"Holy shit, the new electric pulse weapon that Atlas released is super cool! I bet it could vaporize any Grimm that gets in its way hehehe" said Ruby with stars in her eyes and a silly smile.

One of Roman's men who was inspecting the store noticed the girl reading because she was listening to her music at full volume, so he took out his sword and approached her.

"Hey you! Hands up!" he shouted at Ruby, who didn't hear and just turned the next page of her magazine.

With a vein popping on his forehead, he approached her. "I said hands up! Are you deaf or what?!" he said and grabbed her shoulder roughly, making Ruby turn around.

The guy pointed at her earphones, making Ruby take them off and look at him with a confused face.

"Yes?" she said, looking at the guy with the sword.

"I said hands up! Now!" he shouted as Ruby looked at him curiously.

"Are you... robbing me?"

Already tired of this girl's stupidity he shouted "YES, DORK!"

"Ohhh..." said Ruby realizing and giving a slight smile.

"Yeah, we're bad guys, so we- AGH!" Without giving him time to speak, Ruby kicked him so hard in the chest that he flew away.

Roman and his men looked incredulously as one of theirs flew unconscious hitting the wall.

Rubbing his forehead tiredly Roman thought ("Why is there always one who tries to be a hero?")

"You, with the gun. Take care of the troublemaker." Roman said smoking his cigarette.

Ruby stretched her arms and legs, ready for the fight. When suddenly, she saw another guy standing in front of her pointing his gun.

"Listen to me, girl! If you don't want to die, you better surrender now or els-" he was going to finish talking, but Ruby had other plans in mind.

Outside the store, Izuku came out of a shop with a drink and saw with an amused smile how Ruby threw a guy out the window as she came out with her scythe ready.

Taking a sip of his drink he said"I counted the men Roman hired, and if I'm not mistaken, they're three times as many as in the original series. I wonder, can you Ruby Rose handle the difference in numbers?"

Meanwhile, not far from there. Qrow was patrolling the rooftops in search of a green-haired teenager.

He was going to continue doing his job when he stopped because someone was calling him on his scroll.

He was going to hang up, but he noticed it was Glynda who was calling him, so he answered immediately.

"Hello Glynda. Did you find the brat?" he said as Glynda replied with a sigh, "Unfortunately not, but there's a robbery near your location. Nearby witnesses say it's Roman Torchwick... again." replied Glynda wearily.

Qrow just rubbed his forehead irritably and replied-"That guy again? God, I've even lost count of how many times we've locked him up. Somehow that bastard always gets out of prison."-he said as he started running to the direction Glynda sent him on the scroll.

Glynda: "Yes, it's because of his henchwoman 'Neo' that he always manages to escape. We still haven't figured out how her semblance works, so they always get away with it."

Qrow: "Let's hope it doesn't happen this time. Anyway, if I manage to find the kid, I'll call you," he said as Glynda also replied, "Same here, if I call you, it's because I found the kid. See you, Qrow." she said about to hang up the call.

"Oh, before you hang up Qrow, witnesses say they saw a teenager in a red cloak and a giant scythe fighting them. Isn't that your niece?" Glynda said as Qrow widened his eyes and hung up the call.

He quickly transformed into a crow and at great speed started flying towards the robbery.
"Anddddd take this!" said Ruby, hitting a Torchwick thug with her scythe like a baseball bat, sending him flying.

With a smile, Ruby just got ready for battle again, watching as another 7 men approached her with swords in hand.

("Piece of cake") Ruby thought playfully as she skillfully wielded her weapon and launched herself into the attack.

"Sir! The dust is loaded, we must leave now!" shouted one of Torchwick's thugs, coming out of the store with three other guys who had suitcases full of dust tubes.

"Perfect, but we can't leave if this little brat keeps bothering us. You guys go to the hideout, I'll take care of this nuisance," said Roman as he tossed his cigarette to the ground.

Immediately, he ran towards Ruby, who was fighting with 5 guys since she defeated two of the seven attacking her.

The three boys carrying the stolen dust nodded and started to leave, unaware that a green-haired boy had quietly started following them.

Ruby was confident when she saw Roman jump and try to hit her with his cane, which she managed to block, but in doing so she received a kick from one of his lackeys pushing her away.

("Ouch!") she thought as she looked defiantly at the six.

"You're the boss, right? Then it means if you fall, they all fall!" she said, recomposing herself and pointing her scythe at him.

("Nice logic") roman thought.

he proceeded to stretched his neck and said-"Yes, maybe I'm the boss, but I don't think I'll be the one falling here." he said as he gripped his cane tighter.

"I admit it Red, you put on quite a show, but your heroine game ends now, unfortunately." he said, snapping his fingers, causing three of the five guards to rush towards her.

Ruby dodged the sword of the first one and without wasting time, shot him at point-blank range, breaking his aura.

The second one tried to give her a horizontal cut, but she ducked and swept his legs, shooting him and breaking his aura as well.

And to the last one, she managed to disarm and knock out with a slash of her scythe  breaking his aura.

But she barely had time to react when Roman appeared beside her, launching several attacks with his cane.

The two exchanged several blows, but Roman's experience was very obvious, so Ruby began to lose the fight little by little.

It wasn't until the other two lackeys appeared and attacked Ruby from behind, distracting her. She managed to block them, but Roman took advantage of that and kicked her, pushing her away.

Torchwick and the other two stood side by side and attacked Ruby together who was trying her best to block all of their attacks.

("Damn it, it's an overload of attacks!") Ruby thought as she blocked and dodged Roman's and his men's attacks as best as she could.

"Enough!" Roman shouted, managing to disarm Ruby by tossing her weapon in the air with an agile move of his cane.

Roman smiled confidently at Ruby's nervous face.

("Oh shit") Ruby thought as she used her semblance to dodge the blows coming at her.

("Come on, Crescent Rose, come down!") she thought nervously as she saw her weapon still in the air.

Roman took advantage of her distraction and managed to land a powerful blow with his cane to Ruby's face, making her aura flicker.

"I got you!" the other lackey behind her shouted, raising his sword ready to strike, which would easily be lethal.

Ruby looked in horror as she was defenseless against this attack, her body not reacting due to the blow, and she couldn't escape with her semblance because she was surrounded by Roman and the other guy.

Plus, Roman managed to land blows on her even when she used her semblance. As if he were used to her speed.

But what worried Ruby the most was that she didn't know what they would do to her if they defeated her right there. Would they kill her? Would they beat her up even more? Or even something worse that she doesn't even want to think about.

All those negative thoughts raced through Ruby's mind like a train.

("I can't lose, I can't lose, I can't lose, I can't lose... I can't lose!") she thought as her eyes began to glow with a powerful gray.

Just when Ruby's eyes seemed about to do something, someone grabbed her at great speed, preventing her from receiving the blow.

The lackey delivered the hit thinking they would win, but looked confused when he struck nothing.

"Uh?... what happened? She was right there!" he said, confused and frustrated.

Not feeling anything, Ruby regained consciousness and, somewhat confused saw that she was far from her attackers.

"W-what just happened?" she said, confused.

"Hey, are you okay? You almost lost your head there." said Izuku with a smile as he held Ruby as if she were a princess.

("I couldn't ask for a better entrance") Izuku thought with a smirk.

Ruby realizing she was in his arms blushed heavily and very nervously jumped out of his arms.

"Whoa! Um... I-I mean, yeah, th-thanks for the help!" responded Ruby nervously, trying not to stutter and look like a fool.

"No problem. By the way." Izuku raised his arm and managed to catch Crescent Rose, which was falling "I think this is yours," he said handing it to Ruby, who took it with a silly smile.

She was going to speak to him, but Roman interrupted them.

"Tsk, another brat?" said Roman noticing Izuku's presence. "It's not my pleasure to hit minors, but I'm getting tired." he said as he pointed his cane at the two teenagers.

Izuku just took a few steps forward with a confident smile as he began to unroll his tail, which was around his waist, making it wag freely.

("A monkey tail! How cuuute!") Ruby thought, seeing Izuku's faunus trait with stars in her eyes.

"Roman Torchwick, wanted criminal all over Vale, it will be a pleasure to defeat you too." said Izuku as he raised his arm, causing three red circles to appear beneath Roman and his lackeys.

Roman, seeing the ground where he was standing start to heat up, jumped away, but his two men weren't as smart and just stood there confused looking at the ground.

"Damm, lucky I'm perspicacious," said roman as he saw three hands of fire come out of the three circles of the ground.

Two of them grabbed his two lackeys and squeezed them tightly, breaking their auras and leaving them unconscious.

Izuku dissipated the fire hands and saw the two guys fall to the ground with their charred and unconscious suits.

Ruby looked impressed, about to ask him about his power, but first decided to deal with the boss, who seems to be named Roman Torchwick.

So, with her scythe ready and reloaded, she stood beside Izuku in a fighting stance.

("Hm, the other three should have arrived at the hideout by now, so the dust we stole today should be safe.") Roman thought as he planned an escape.

"Sorry kids, but even if both of you manage to cath me the dust we stole it's very far from here now. So you fail trying to stop us~" said with a smirk.

Ruby only look at roman angrily, but izuku just gaze at roman with a calm expression.

"By the way." Izuku pointed to an alley to his right, making Ruby and Roman turn, only to see the group of 3 unconscious thugs of Roman with empty dust briefcases.

"I also took care of the guys carrying the stolen dust. I gave it back to the owner while you were distracted fighting." he said making Roman and Ruby widen their eyes, one very angry and the other very excited.

"Great! The robbery has been completely stopped!" said Ruby happily raising one arm in joy.

("Damn son of a bitch... everything was going so well! FUCKING kids!") Roman thought angrily, glaring directly at Izuku and Ruby.

Seeing Roman's reaction made Izuku laugh even more.

"What's wrong Roman? Are you upset because two teenagers ruined your plan and will kick your ass?" said Izuku with a mocking face while Ruby laughed and stuck out her tongue at him.

That made a vein swell on Roman's forehead as he began to lose his sanity little by little.

("Relax roman, relax, if you cloud your mind with anger, you won't be able to think of an escape from these two brats") he thought and let out a biiiiiiiiiig sigh.

Roman regained his composure and looked around quickly, then with a mocking smile he said.

"Well, Red... and Curious George~" he said mockingly, making a vein swell on Izuku's forehead at the nickname.

"It's been fun, I won't deny it, but big boys have things to do, so... DIE!" he shouted, throwing a crystal of dust to the ground and aiming it with his cane ready to shoot.

But Izuku predicted it and threw a fire sword at Roman's cane, causing the shot to deflect and don't hit the dust crystal.

"Now let's go!" said Izuku to Ruby, who nodded with a smile and both rushed towards Roman.

"Tsk, damn brats-" Roman didn't finish speaking as he received a right cross to the face from Izuku and then a kick from Ruby in the stomach.

the two began to attack Roman quickly who could barely defend himself, blocking or deflecting most of the blows but still receiving one or two.

It wasn't until Izuku managed to grab his cane (gay) and began to overheat it with cinder semblance until it turned to ashes, making Roman weaponless.

"Oh shi-" he stopped talking because he had to block several blows from Izuku, who had his hands wrapped in fire.

Roman wasn't as good in hand-to-hand combat as Izuku, so after a few seconds, he received a left hook to the face.

Izuku didn't hold back and landed a right hook to the liver, making Roman lower his guard due to the pain just to receive an uppercut to the chin.

Roman was left dazed, so Izuku grabbed him by the shirt and threw him where Ruby was. "all yours!" Izuku said.

Without hesitation, Ruby sent three slashes at Roman, who regained consciousness and barely managed to dodge them, but forgot that the scythe also fired, so he received a shot from Crescent Rose, causing him to impact the wall.

His aura flickered in yellow, making him even angrier.

"Ugh! Annoying BRATS!" he said angrily, struggling to get up.

"You better surrender. It's two against one, and we're much better than you." said Ruby, pointing Crescent Rose at him.

"Yeah, what she said. The police are on their way and you can't beat us old shit" said Izuku with an egocentric smile as several spears of fire appeared above him and aim at Roman.

Torchwick just stared at them for a moment with an incredulous look.

These kids were telling him to surrender, even claiming they were better than him.

Unable to take it anymore, Roman just burst into laughter, causing Izuku and Ruby to look at him confused.

"What's so funny? You're already defeated!" said Ruby, confused to see Roman laughing.

"I think we broke him." said Izuku as he watched Roman slowly stop laughing.



Izuku and Ruby watched incredulously as Roman's body fell unconscious to the ground in slow motion.

He had received a blow to the back of his head from Qrow, who watched him with boredom.

"Uncle Qrow?!" said Ruby with surprise and happiness at the same time.

("Qrow? Qrow?!... What's he doing here?") Izuku thought guardedly and with confusion.

Several police cars began to approach them, some already handcuffing Roman's unconscious lackeys, while others approached to talk to the owner of the dust shop.

"Hi Ruby, I see you had fun without me," said Qrow sarcastically, looking at her with a scolding look for putting herself in danger like that.

Ruby nervously laughed seeing she was in trouble. "Haha... yeah... but they started it by th-" Ruby was about to continue speaking quickly, but Qrow interrupted her by patting her head.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm just glad you're safe." he said as Ruby smiled.

Izuku watched the scene disinterestedly, so he turned around to leave and get away from the police.

But as he turned around, he found the imposing figure of Glynda Goodwitch who looked at him sternly.

Without giving him time to say anything, Glynda encased him in a bubble.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" said Izuku 'trying' to get out of the bubble.

Ruby saw this unfair act and protested "Hey! He's not bad, they're the ones who robbed the store!" Ruby said, pointing at Roman's lackeys and Roman himself.

Glynda looked at her and also encased her in another bubble.

"Eh?! Why are you locking us up?! We didn't do anything wrong!" said Ruby, trying to break the bubble.

"You used your semblances and weapons in a street fight, and what you did is also vigilantism, which for your information young lady, is I-L-L-E-G-A-L." she said seriously, looking at Ruby who swallowed nervously at her gaze.

"And you young man, we need to talk not only about this but also about your previous record," Glynda said, looking at Izuku who just grinned playfully.

"Of course, no problem," said Izuku as he shot small fireworks from his fingers.

Glynda looked puzzled by his behavior but decided not to dwell on it.

"Really Glynda? Her too?" said Qrow.

"I know she's your niece Qrow, but you know they did something illegal," said Glynda while Ruby reluctantly complained murmuring about corrupt hunters.

Qrow just stood there thinking, trying to find a way to get his niece out of this mess.

An idea came to him, and with a confident smile, he approached Ruby and whispered to her, "Don't worry Ruby, your uncle has a very good idea to get you out of there."

With that said, he approached Glynda and confidently said, "Yes, maybe he did something illegal, I admit it, but what about now?" he said, pulling out a wad of bills.

Izuku saw that and proceeded to laugh his ass off, while Glynda looked at Qrow with a 'really?' expression.

"Seriously Qrow?... Are you trying to bribe me?" she said while Ruby slapped her forehead at the stupidity of her uncle.

"Uhhh..... yes?" he said foolishly.

Qrow ended up in a bubble too.

I didn't take to long isn't it?

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