Alive and Shattered: Chapter Five {Dylan's POV}
This chapter is dedicated to the best cowriter i've ever worked with! She's so nice, super funny, and has been there for me whenever I needed someone! So thank you!
It's also dedicated to signnomore for the AMAZING trailer! Thank you so much! You did an excellent job.
Dylan’s POV:
“So, before we start, how’s the head?” I asked as soon as I had grabbed a topic from the hat. The topic was ‘Movies’ but I was curious about how she was.
“I’m fine,” Adena smiled. “My mom wasn’t happy about having to take me but they said it was just a small cut and I felt dizzy because I had hit a nerve? I’m not sure, I can’t remember what they said.” I decided to focus on the fact she had been dizzy, not wanting to think about my mother at all right now.
“You were dizzy? I didn’t know that.” I questioned.
“Uhm... Yeah! I thought I told you...” She replied, starting to trail of.
“How does it feel? Does it hurt?”
“Uhm.. It stings a little,” she responded, not going into details. I stared at her in shock.
“Come on, not even a little information? Please? Don’t make me beg.” I joked around. She sighed and gave in.
“It is a small scratch, but mostly a goose egg on my head; nothing serious,” she was done talking. I accepted what she gave me, since she did give me something.
“Okay, movies. What is your favorite movie?” I asked her. She quickly answered with little hesitation which greatly surprised me.
“Beauty and the Beast.”
“What’s with girls and Disney movies?” I asked, laughing at the look she gave me when I did.
“It happens to be one of the best Disney movies ever, thank you very much.”
“Why? It’s like every chick flick ever! Girl hates guy, they end up liking each other, and they fall in love. Bamn! Whole plot right there!”
“Maybe so, but the beast learns a lesson as well as Belle and everybody else.”
“Well! That’s just a typical chick flick to me! Take my favorite movie, Tower Heist. It’s not like a chick flick! In fact, for someone there’s no happy ending!” I said, trying to get off the topic of Disney movies before anyone overheard and assumed I liked them.
“Maybe, but the beast learns that someone can love him even though he is the ugliest and meanest thing on earth. Someone still cared for him. That is a great lesson. But I am sure that movie you said is a good movie too.” She intended on getting her point across.
“Okay.” I laughed, putting my hands up in defense. “You have a really good point; and yes.Tower Heist is the best movie in all of existence.” She nodded her head, and a thoughtful look crossed her face. “So! What’s your favorite non Disney movie?”
“Pride and Prejudice. What is your favorite Disney movie?” She questioned me with a hint of a smile.
“Disney movie?! Psh... I don’t watch Disney,” I laughed, leaning back in the desk. She rose her brow in question.
“Don’t lie to me,” I sighed
“Okay... If I had to chose! And I mean if I had to, I would chose Peter Pan.”
“So you like little boys in tight leotards?” Adena questioned. I couldn’t contain my laughter, I lost it.
My laughter boomed through the room as I could feel my stomach starting to hurt. Adena laughed along with me, covering her face from laughing so hard. I was still laughing when I realized her laughter had ceased. I looked over at her to see she was looking down at the desk. I looked around the classroom, seeing some people looking at us.
Was that why Adena had turned away?
I tried to stop laughing, but ended up choking. She stifled a laugh and turned away so I could regain what little dignity I could.
“So...” I looked around the room, hoping to find something to take away the awkwardness. I spot something and smile really big.“So...what do you think about door knobs?”
Adena, without realizing what she was doing, turned her head and gave me the funniest look I had ever seen. I almost laughed, but I managed to keep my composure.
“You never could be important information.” I told her innocently. She rolled her eyes, but then quickly stopped and hid her facial expressions. She seemed to realize she was getting comfortable. I wonder why it bothers her so much...
“Door knobs. You know those things that are attached to doors? What are your thoughts about them?” I smiled.
“Why would you ask that?” She questioned me with curiosity.
“Because it is random...fine...don’t answer,” I laughed. Adena moved her hair behind her ear, and I found it to be adorable. Every little thing she did when she was nervous I found adorable.
At first, I hated this project more than anything. But as soon as I talked to Adena, I felt comfortable around her. I didn't feel that way around Jackie, who've I've known for years.
I also felt this odd want to protect her. I didn't know if it was just because she had a great personality or if it was something else. Seeing Adena hurt the other day had made me feel odd. I was hurt and angry at the guy who did that to her. I also felt like I should have walked her out of class.
I was beyond confused. I usually didn't feel so strongly for people when I’ve only known them for a couple days.
It angered me that she wouldn't go into details about herself. Not only because of the project, but because I wanted to know more. I wanted to know why she was always searching the room, why she was always looking down at her desk. I found it easy to talk to Adena and the fact that she didn't talk to me back hurt.
I don't know why she makes me feel like this, but I am determined to know the real Adena Serre.
Later that night
I heard the door opening downstairs and I looked to the clock. It was eight thirty, meaning my dad was getting home from work. I yawned, stretching out as far as I could before getting off my bed and checking my phone. I had one text waiting from Jackie. I had been watching Family Guy so I guess I had missed her text.
I opened the message, reading it out loud to myself for some odd reason: "I'm coming over. Got nothing else to do. I'll be there in a little.”
I sighed, tossing my phone gently onto the bed; I got up and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, spotting him grabbing a cold piece of pizza from the fridge.
“Hey dad,” I said. He turned around to face me. His green eyes held that stone cold look that they always had. It was always hard to tell what he was thinking because his eyes never gave anything away; and neither did his facial expressions. He ran his hard worn hand through his short brown hair. He looked and acted so much like a businessman or a politician that it was hard to have a relationship with him.
He wasn’t much of a dad, but I lived with what I had.
"Hey," he replied grumpily, walking into the living room and plopping down on his favorite black leather chair.
"How was work?" I questioned, walking towards him.
"Fine," he spat out, taking a bite from his pizza.
"School was good today," I said, trying to see if he would react.
"I went to the college game today," I said. His head spun around.
"The one you're going to?" I nodded. "How did it go?"
"We won! And it was the quarterback’s last game so I'm thinking I'll go in and take his spot."
“Think you’ll have some competition?” He questioned.
“It’s a really small school, so I don’t think so.”
"Cool." he nodded, turning around and grabbing the remote off the arm of the couch. He turned on the TV to a football game and began watching it intently.
"Can I go hang out with Jackie tonight?" I asked. He didn't say a word, he only took another bite of his pizza. I quickly noticed that the conversation was over.
All of a sudden I heard it. "I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world."
It was my ring tone for Jackie. I turned pink and glanced at my dad to see if he heard it. His eyes were still glued to the TV. I sighed in relief as I made my way upstairs to silence that stupid ringtone. I really should change that. I sprinted into my room, diving onto my bed and picking up the phone, answering it.
"Hey babe." I said breathless
"I'm here!" She barked. "Come outside."
"I'm coming," I said as she hung up the phone quickly. I quickly searched around to make sure I had everything I would need.
Wallet. check.
Deodorant. check.
Cologne. I smiled; check.
My eyes rested on the little picture frame on top of my dresser. I slowed my movements and stared at the picture; tears coming to my eyes as the memories resurfaced. I walked slowly towards the picture, taking it off the dresser and rubbing my thumb over her face.
Sadness hit me almost immediately as my heart ached.
She looked so beautiful, standing there with me in her arms. Her smile seemed to make everything okay and I would give anything to see it one final time. Jackie honked her horn rapidly, bringing me back to reality. I set the picture back down, walking downstairs, out the door, and to the car. All I knew right now was that I needed a drink.
Something sweet to get me by.
Something to take away the memories, even if its just for a night.
"What took you so long?!" Jackie yelled as I got into the car.
"Sorry, I was looking for something..."
“What was so important that you had to keep me waiting?” She demanded.
I paused and tried to think of an answer, but apparently I didn’t need to give her one, because she continued right on talking:
“I am going to have such a great time! Virginia said that Dallas was bringing the heavy stuff. But I need to make sure that Callie and Ross don’t take it all because they did the last time and I think that if they do it again, I will cut them from the group. Oh my, did you see Sandy's hair today? It was horrible. It looked like a fish threw up all over her. And Michael needs to be reminded who his real friends are. He was talking about one of the outcasts as though he liked her; I don’t think so. I will not have his spiny butt talking to an outcast who belongs on the street!” I listened to her drone on and on for what seemed like hours. I finally tuned her out.
Man, could she talk your ears off!
We finally pulled up to the party, parking in the last available spot on the side of the street. I jumped out of the car, heading towards the door.
"Excuse me!?" Jackie yelled. I stopped walking and turned to face her. "You going to wait for me?" She snapped, taking her sweet time. After, what felt like, five minutes, she was standing in front of me and we headed inside "Ugh... It's Blake" She whispered to me as we walked in. Blake spotted her and walked over. "Blake! Hey!" She smiled, hugging her.
I snuck past them, walking towards the kitchen. Many bottles sat on the counter. From Jack Daniels to Budlight. I wasn't sure how this much alcohol got here but I didn't care.
I grabbed the Jack Daniels bottle, taking it and disappearing into the backyard.
When I was alone, my thoughts began to spiral as I quickly became depressed. I started thinking about that little picture frame; the picture of my mother; the last one that was ever taken of her before she passed. I then thought of my dad and his negligence to be a father to his only child. Then Jackie popped into my mind; her bickering and high pitched squeal. Her constant nagging; I wondered why I put up with her.
It is because of the scholarship; from her father; to the school.
This started me off again with the thoughts of depression. All the pressure I felt.
To be the best son.
To be the person my dad wants me to be.
To put up with Jackie and her horrible attitude.
To play a game I don’t care a lot for.
I was trying my best and I was so sick of my best not being good enough for anyone. So I took a swig of the drink; fully intending to drown out my sorrows.
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