Overwatch Mission: Widowsaver!!/ Part 3: Saving Widowmaker/ Love is in the air

3rd Person POV

After that Cuddle time with Mei they put their shirts and Amor/Winter gear back on and made it out back to DVA And Tracer who were waiting for them seemingly blushing a little bit and looking at Mei with some somewhat Jealous Looks!!

Jackson: 'Man they Looked kind of Jealous... They Must be in love me... Story of me Life... I'll just talk to them after this is over' "Okay Girls you ready to save Widowmaker!?"

Tracer: "HELL YEAH!!!"

DVA: "Sure..."

Mei: "Y-Yeah Lets do this!!"

Jackson: "Great!!! Now Everyone hold on me!! I'm gonna take us there!!"

They all then all held onto him, hugging, and Blushing as they held him as he put two fingers to his Forehead and transported them to A Baleen class Freight ship they were using a smuggling ship/ troop transport under Lord Frieza!!

They were near the command deck as they heard several voices come near them!!

???: "I heard them over here!!"

???2: "Rodger Rodger!!"

Jackson: "Oh Shit!! Girls your gonna have to get ready for the shootout of your lives!!" *Turns into Heatblast* "We got commando droids coming our way!!"

CD1: "Attack!!"

CD2/3: "Rodger, Rodger!!"

Tracer: "Don't worry I got this!!"

She fired her plasma bolts only for the Droids to jump ont he walls and dodge them!!

Tracer: "Hey These droids are doing my attacks!! They're homophobes and I'm gonna tumblr Shame them!!"

Jackson: "Tracer they're Droids!! They can't be Homophobes!!!"

Tracer: "Oh... Yeah..."

Mei: "Wait!! I got an Idea!!"

She then took her Cryo gun and froze the walls making it so slippery they can do their acrobatic tricks!!

DVA: "I see what your doing here!! Alright lets do this Tracer!!"

Tracer: "You got it!!!"

Tracer zipped by confusing the droids as DVA Used her Micro rockets to blow them up into scrap metal!!

Jackson: "Wow!! You girls are good!!"

Mei/ Tracer/ DVA: "Aww Thank you!!!"

Jackson: "Watch out more Droids!!!"

More droids were coming for them until...

Slifer: "PUT ON THE HELMET!!!"

Jackson: "Slifer!?"

Durge: "NEVER!!!"

Jackson: "Durge!?"

The two come running in with Slifer on his masters shoulders trying to put on Widowmakers helmet on Durge's head trying to make him put it on!!

Slifer: "Put it on!!! Try it!!!"

Durge: "I only need one helmet!!!"

They there running through the droids smashing through them as they got down from exhaustion and started bitch slapping eachother with little energy left!! He then Takes Widowmakers Helmet and Smiles!!



Tracer: "Don't worry Widow Baby!!! Tracer's coming!!!"

She then grabbed her helmet from his hands and zipped through the halls until she found Widowmakers Cell and she broke her free!! She then hands her over her helmet with a smile!!

Tracer: "Here you go love!!"

Widowmaker: *Blushing* "T-Thanks... You not I got some time to think this ove and I wanted to say T-That I lo-!!"

Tracer: "I LOVE YOU TOO!!!"

Tracer then smashed her lips against Widows and She shoots her in the gut killing her!!

Widow: "3...2...1..."

Tracer: "Aww your still a Little Tsundere!!"

Widow: "Next time I get to kiss you!! You don't kiss me!!"

Tracer: "Got it love!!"

Jackson: "Hey Widow!! How's it going!?"

Widow: *Blushing* "O-Oh hey!! doing good!!"

Jackson: "Okay before we got any Awkward confessions, catfights, or even any stupid teasing plans I would like to say I know you all love me, I love you too, and you can join my harem!!"

Girls: "What!? How!?"

Jackson: "Well Mei already confessed and This happens way more often than you can possibly think!!"

Widow: "Damn... I wanted to confess first..."

Tracer: "You still have me!!"

Widow: "Yeah... I guess I do!!"

Jackson: "Okay lets just go home and Snuggle already becuase I'm damn tired!!"

Meiko: "Yay!! I call the middle!!"

They then all hold onto him as he instantly transmitted all of them out of there back to his Mansions for Cuddles!!

Slifer: "I told you should've put the helmet on... And look at what Happened..."

Durge: "Shut... Up..."

To Be Continued...

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