ACSRG/A Bikini Divides the Eyeline Between Top and Bottom/

3rd Person POV

In a Fastfood restaurant in Academy City Named In Japanese "Makudonarudo" otherwise known in English as Mcdonalds, there were Several girls sitting there in their school uniforms eating their meals waiting for someone to show up. There was Masaki, Kuruko, Wannai, Awatsuki, Oharu, Ruiko, Kongou and Konori.









Like I said They were at The Restaurant eating wait for a Particular someone to show up. Masaki got the Japanese "American funky chicken Sandwich" (Ironic Huh?), a Milkshake and some Fries. Kuruko got two "Sesame Ebi Filet-O Sesame Buns", a 10 Piece chicken nugget and a Soda. Wannai got a "Chicken Tatsuta" with a Lemonade. Awatsuki got a "Hot and Groovy Chicken" with some Fries and a Soda. Oharu had gotten the "Hot Gold Masala: Japan Edition" with fries and a Milkshake. Ruiko just had a "Shrimp Salsa Burger" Kongou just had a " Cheese Katsu burger" and Finally Konori just has a Milkshake and a 20pc Chicken nugget.

A/N: Yes those foods are real and are indeed exclusive to Japan and if you don't believe me then look it up! 

So they were eating and Kuruko began talking.

Kuruko: "Oh My god guys I am so excited to have Jackie here! I can't wait for him to see our swimsuits when we enact our Plan to be his!"

Just then Masaki put her in a headlock and Started Scolding her like a dog for acting so Perverted.

Masaki: "Stop acting perverted! Stop it!"

Kuruko: "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Kongou: "Well Kuruko it looks like she's the boss of you right now."

Kuruko: "Don't try me, bitch! And if you dare get too close to my Sissy or My Jackie then your dead!"

Kongou: "One I'm not Bisexual and two We all agreed to share him equally with the others!"

Oharu: "Yeah it's not like Masaki is Bisexual and Likes you or anything right Masaki!"

Masaki: "..."

Wannai: "Masaki? Don't tell us that you are."

Masaki: "................. Okay, I admit it! I'm actually Bisexual and I may have developed feelings for Kuruko over all this time I've known her! Okay!"

Kuruko: *Has the Truly Happiest face ever!* "Yay! Sissy Loves me and I now will have both Sissy and Jackie!" 

She then jumps in the air and lands in Masaki's arms Kissing all over her face and then some.

Oharu: "Aww that's so sweet!"

Awatsuki: "I'll say!"

Konori: "Yeah."

Masaki: "As Much I would love to do this right now Kuruko you need to get off me before He arrives!"

Kuruko: "Please let this last longer, Sissy!"

The restaurant's door just rang and Masaki finally then got Kuruko off her! Just then Jackson walked in.

Jackson: "Hey Girls!"

The Girls: "Hey Jackson!"

Yes, it was Jackson 10. Surprise Huh? Note that it was sarcasm!

Jackson sat down next to Masaki and That's when Kuruko jumped between them! and Hugged the two others!

Kuruko: "Hi Jackie! Hi Sissy! Hi Jackie!"

Kongou: "You said "Hi Jackie" Twice."

Kuruko: "I just really like Jackie."

She then had the same Perverted look as before and Masaki once again put her in a Headlock just holding her there as she struggled to get free!

Masaki: "No perverted thoughts Kuruko! No Perverted thoughts! No!"

Jackson: *Sweatdrop* "So... Um... Why do you girls have me here again?"

Konori: "What? Isn't it enough for us to spend time with you."

Jackson: "Well No But..." *Pulls out phone and Texts* "Wannai Texted me it's something for your swim club."

They all looked at Wannai and she explained.

Wannai: "Well you See Jackson we've been volunteered for a Fashion company to Show off Swimsuits and we need you to judge if they look good on us!"

Jackson: *Blushing* "W-W-Well O-Okay if You W-Want!"

The Girls: "Great!"

Kuruko: "Great! Great! Great!"

She then has the same perverted face again and then Masaki started pinching and squeezing her cheeks Very Hard!

Jackson: *Sweatdrop*


They were all in the school swim club changing room with Jackson sitting in the chair waiting.

Jackson: "So are you girls done changing yet?

Awatsuki: "In just a minute!"

He waited for another minute until he heard...

The Girls: "We're Ready!"

The Curtains then opened and he had a big Nosebleed by seeing them in their swimsuits alone (Especially Kuruko and Konori)!

A/N: Imagine them in a Changing room instead of a Beach!

Wannai: "So what do you think?"

Jackson: "Well I think you look nice and-"

Kuruko: "Oh My God I can't take it anymore! I want my Jackie!"

Kuruko then teleported in his Lap and kissed him full on the Lap as the other girls got jealous.

The Girls (Except Kuruko) "Kuruko!!!!"

Kuruko: "What!? You jealous I got to him first!?" *Insert smug Grin*

Jackson: "You All like me?"

Ruiko: "H-How did you Know!?"

Jackson: "With Kuruko it was easy with me and Masaki but the rest of you I knew recently."

They all ran over and started sitting on his Lap kissing him and then Kuruko and Masaki finally kissed one another which Jackson pulls up another shocking line.

Jackson: "I'm glad you two finally got together!"

Masaki: *Shocked* "How, How did you know!"

Jackson: "What? I'm not stupid! I knew you liked her for a long time now!"

Kurko then hugged both of them and said...

Kuruko: "That's my Sissy and Jackie!"

Everyone then began hugging each other in the snuggling of their warmth and softness with very much Skin to skin Contact. 

To Be Continued...

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