The Desolate land known as Hell


"Hey Jenson " yells out doyle over the sound of the pressurised air pushing around the drop ship as they fall to hell
"What do you want doyle"yells back jenson
"Do you still shit your pants everytime we drop"
"Every fucking time Doyle without a doubt I fucking hate dropping"replied jenson
"Ai me to lad I fucking hate the shit I always have to pack a spare pare of fucking undies and toilet paper so I can wipe my ass after each trip" yelled back Doyle
"Your disgusting Doyle " yelled O'roro laughing slightly
"It's who I am love " Doyle yelled as he wink at her chewing his gum
"I hope you choke on your gum you bastard" laughed O'roro
Jenson, Farq, O'roro and doyle all smiled, they were all just taking the tension off by having a laugh.

The intercom comes on over head and Bella's voice comes on,
"Alright boys and girls we are arriving at our destination in less than an hour puck up and tuck up get ready for action like I said I'm not waiting around for you to play with your selfs while your down on this unknown planet"
"I'll just wait till I get back love and play with you if ya want" yelled Doyle laughing
Bella replied laughing " funny Doyle no chance in hell for you buddy corporal Dax would have a better chance if I were drunk maybe"
All the marines male and female all made the same sound at the same time while smiling and looking at Dax,
"OOOOO !!!"
Then they started chanting Dax over and over until finally the general shut them up,
"Alright children that's enough for now pull your shit together and get serious I want no fucking around on ground, Bella what's our ETA now"
"ETA 15 minutes general" Bella replies back on the coms
"Good, alright marines mouths shut and no more communication till we are on foot got that " yelled the general
"YES SIR" replied the marines

The land of lv-223 was a beautful sight to see coming into large landscapes, mountains, waterfalls in some areas falling into deep dark holes that probably lead to the centre of the planet, no lakes or oceans could be seen from the view of the cockpit but theres still much to see of this planet some times it makes people think we could live on other planets, terraform them so they can be live able for human beings, but they don't think of consiquences like if there's already alien life inhabiting the planet or if we terraform the planet for humans could it kill what ever lives on this planet, life forms, plants, etc.

Weyland- yutani had tried to terraform one planet before even though they have probably done many, but this one in particular had a malfunction in the processing plant and blew up half the planet, and the colony with it from the stories floating around it had been done on purpose no one knows the real reason of course only the weyland-yutani ceo's would know the real reason but would keep it under wraps, the rumours though spread like an uncurable disease spreading at a deadly speed, it doesn't take long to go from one person to the other no matter how big the universe is, stories that have been heard, was the malfuntion in the main terraforming plant luckily the planet survived, but any living thing in the surrounding radius, would have been annihilated or mutated to a degree from the radiation from the nuclear reactor explosion.

According to records from weyland - yutani there were no survivors, a group of marines had been sent down to the planet with an unknown extra, a pilot or something there was very little details on the extra apart from she was female, and was found drifting in space for 47 years in cryogenic sleep.

Her name is known to few I would assume weyland-yutani would keep that to them selves if she was at all involved in the destruction of the planet. The scary story is when the marines landed on the planet the colony there was gone no one left alive, people say it was a disease from the planet that killed them all, and then it was a malfuntion in the terraforming where the air was not suitable for human breathing, and the last was they were all killed by alien life forms that lived on the planet, that they had dug up somewhere.

But who knows what to believe stories are stories until they are a proven fact and I do not believe that they all died from suffocating or disease they could have but I don't believe that.

The intercom clicks on
"Found a safe landing spot general open space and visible to see in all directions permission to land" Bella said over the intercom
"Permission granted " replied the general to his head piece

The dropship spins around its parking gears prepare them selves for landing legs out, the dirt of the planet blowing like crazy from the engines of the two dropships, they slowly decent to the ground and safely land, all the marines hop into the apc with the general and put on there helmets so they can breathe outside they secure themselves in there seats on the apc, when the dropship is properly secure on the ground Bella opens up the loading bay door and the apc rolls out with The marines inside.

The other drop ship does the same, the apc's start driving off into the distance probably about 30 metres in front of the drop ships, keeping a safe distance if anything were to happen to them. Either take off to scout the land ahead to search for anything to bring back information or sites the marines could visit that could be interesting, other than the coordianates that they were given which were the last known location of the missing ship Prometheus.

"Bella scan the area for anything and get back to me asap before we roll out to the coordinates given" the general said into the intercom

Bella pulls up the intercom in the generals apc
" general your coordinates take you dead ahead of you sir the Prometheus or what's left of it after all these years should be there and what ever it is that mr weyland is looking for"
The general touches the intercom in the apc and replies
"Ok will head straight for the coordinate zone and see what we find can you see any site of anything ahead, part of the ship maybe"
"I think I may see something sir but from my view it all looks like rock to me, just rocks in unusual places being as big as they are, the big rock kind of looks like a horse shoe shape but I have seen images of the Prometheus and that wouldn't be the Prometheus to big and its shaped like a horse shoe could be nothing but could also be worth checking out the scan I have made says it is hollow inside "
" understood rilldo out"

"Farq your driving "screams the general
"Yes sir" replied Farq standing and making his way to the drivers seat of the apc,
The general moves from the drivers seat and sit in the seat next to the screens which show the cameras of each of the helmets on his marines head that are in the apc with him, that way he can see everything and can stay inside the apc while keeping watch for anything suspicious.

"Alright Farq when your ready marine" says the general
"Yes sir" Farq replied
Farq applies the accelerator and moves the controls forward, the apc moves, starts making its way towards the towering horse shoe rock.
"When we get close Farq part in the open so we will not be cornered if anything happens" the general say
"What would happen out here sir its a god damn wasteland a place where you only go in nightmares" doyle said smug to the general
"One you fucking smart ass this is not a god damn nightmare, we are here, on a god damn wasteland and we have to be prepared for anything that could happen or would you rather be cornered and fucking dead, then think to yourself as you lay dying why the hell didn't I listen to that fucking asshole, that asshole is the general and I'm just a dumb ass grunt who can't keep his stupid fat mouth shut"
"Just asking sir" replied doyle turning away and whispering " at least you got the asshole part right"
"You open your mouth again boy"
"Sorry yes sir I said at least you got the asshole part right sir"
"Yeah I fucking heard you, you little Scottish smart ass one more and I'll leave you on this planet for a god damn day to teach you a lesson " the general yelled at doyle in anger, his eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of his head and blood pour from his sockets.

Doyle just turned away and the other marines tried there best to ignore them bickering at each other, they knew if they laughed smiled done anything the general would rip into to them next.

Jenson was looking down when the general was saying his piece to doyle and when he was finished blasting everyone's ear drums Jenson looked up at the general and asked,
"So are we to expect anything on this planet sir that we don't know of and that we should know of for our own safety, cause I'll be honest sir you seem pretty tense and prepared to stay out in the open, not to corner ourselves"
The general looked over at Jenson still with the look of death in his eyes and replied calmly
"Corporal Dax if there was anything else for you to know you would have been told during the de briefing"
There was a silence for a second,
"HAVE I MADE MYSELF FUCKING CLEAR!!!!!" The general burst out with anger, the look he gave Jenson though after he screamed the roof off of the apc was not a look of anger but more like he was scared like he knew something we didn't and he was even to scared to tell us what we were up against if there is anything to be worried about.
Jenson replied calmly "yes sir" then went back to minding his own business.

The general turned to farq and asked in a more calmer voice still cranky like but calmer than before,
"Farq how far out are we from our destination point"
"We are pulling up in less than 5 minutes sir" Farq replied driving the apc
"Good everyone ready your selfs we have less than 8hours now, synchronise watches and be back in time you will be split into 2 groups if you get separated and your on your own then you are on your own at least until we can get back here after the re fuel of the drop ship, so don't fuck around, don't split, and don't waste the precious fucking time we have, I want as much information as possible on this trip if we only need to make the one trip that is fucking great, some of you marines I care about some of you I fucking hate but put up with you" he looked over at doyle as the general said his name, doyle just kept looking away basically only listening to his bitching when it was important to him,
"I want you all back here in time I will wait in my apc and watch your monitors always keep radio contact, now load your fucking weapons and when that door opens split into your two groups, the other apc with the other marines will be searching past this point into another section that may be of use so we will split the groups in two with Jenson leading one and Farq leading the other the scientists will go with the group searching the horse shoe rock, and the other marines will have just 2 of the scientists and will search our perimeter if you find anything that the scientists can look at let them do there job and report back to me. Also look at any of the other big crusty rocks and see if you can find anything, if not you will join the others in the horse shoe rock and help them hurry there mission up, when the first team going into the horse shoe rock if they find a way in will release two mapping drones so we can map out the area and find you on the map, as long as your heart beats I can see you on my map I will help as much i can from my apc you got that"

"Yes sir"replied the marines doyle said it though as not giving a shit, he is just keeping to himself for now after the little temper attack the general had on him.

"Alright sir we are parked up in open area" Farq turned around and said to the general
"Good alright marines if you are ready go .....go and finish your mission as quick as possible"
The general stood up and opened the Apc door for the marines, the marines and scientists all have there helmets on,even the general, they had put them on before the drop ship landed as they say always be prepared for the unexpected.
All the Marines stood up and so do the scientists and they made there way out he apc door, they had taken there first step onto the wasteland, they had taken there first step for survival, it all begins with the first step sometimes it makes you think where will you take your last.

The general sits in front of the moniters showing the life signs of the marines, heart rate and visuals of what they are all seeing,
"Alright team Dax head to your left to the smaller rocks and scout around I will keep my eyes open for anything you miss, and team doll head to the big horse shoe rock and find a way inside if there is any, The scan we made showed it to be hollow on the inside and remember to release the scanner balls once inside for a map" the general spoke touching his ear piece,
Farq and Jenson both reply "yes sir"
"And Farq keep that asshole Doyle inline makes sure he doesn't fuck around with sean"
"Yes sir" Farq replies again holding his gun ready and making his way to the horse shoe rock, Farq looks over to Jenson and signals him becarful then points to his eyes and explodes his eyes signalling keep your eyes open.
Jenson gives him a thumbs up and moves along to scout his area.

Jenson and his team, O'roro, Javier, samanther, and jay plus 2 scientists the female is real pretty wears glasses and has long strawberry blonde hair her name is Elizabeth but everyone just calls her Beth, and the other is a male scientist he doesn't talk much he looks just like your typical nerd big glasses plastered on his face, comb over hair style nice guy when he talks but he talks in jibberish to most, everyone usually zones out after 5 minutes his name is Philip.

"Dax up ahead " O'roro says to Jenson pointing straight ahead of them
"What do you think it is O'roro "Jenson replies looking in the direction she was pointing, Javier comes up from behind
"I think it looks like an ejectable life boat module for ships, that's what it looks like to me but could be something else" Javier said
"Could be Javier lets go find out" replies Jenson
Jensons intercom comes on
"General we have found something that looks like it could be apart of the Prometheus going to check it out"
"Copy that proceed with caution dax" the general replied looking at daxs monitor
"Copy general over and out" replied Jenson

"Alright team let's make our way with caution eyes open and always keep radio contact if we split up" Jenson said looking at his team they all nodded in agreement.

Jenson and his team made it up to the door of the ship compartment and tried to open it with the keypad on the right next to the door, but it was not responding, just below the keypad it read, ( ejectable life boat module Prometheus)'
"Yep I was right" said Javier "it's definantly the life boat module it must have been ejected from the ship which only means that the Prometheus is the small pieces we have been seeing laying around either not much is left of it or most has either blown away or been covered in crust"
"I think you maybe right Javier " replied O'roro
"Alright jay do you reckon you could get this door open or should we just pry the fucker open" Jenson says looking at jay, jay shrugs and says
"Just pry the fucker open I don't think we will get any power from out here to use the control pad when we get inside there might be some reserve power left depends on how much it used when it originally was ejected, I'm hoping it shut off when it couldn't sense life forms on board" replied jay
"Well let's hope that's what happened give me a hand then to get this door open"

Jay and Jenson both put there hands in the opening of the door where it splits in the middle Jenson pulled one way and jay pulled the other, as hard as they could it started opening,
"Javier, O'roro get in I will follow, jay you stay here and keep guard ok" Jenson says to his marines while holding the door
"Yes sir" jay replies
Javier was the first to go in, then O'roro, Jenson asks them
"Is it safe to send in the scientists guys"
javier answered I have turned on my torch but it's still really dark but look safe for now, the place is a mess though shit everywhere,
Jenson looks at the scientists and nods, Elizabeth goes first very calmly like nothing could go wrong, then Philip follows behind her him looking slightly frightened, they get in then Jenson looks at jay,
"I'm going in bud keep your eyes open and radio contact anything suspicious you call me, always keep you gun ready, and if you need to shoot small controlled bursts no explosives"
Jay replies "yes sir understood "
Jenson nods and then squeezes his way through the door , when Jenson is in jay lets go of his side and it slams shut making complete darkness with nothing to see, except for Javiers light, Jenson then clicks his light on and looks around,
"What the fuck happened to the Prometheus" O'roro said looking around with her flash light on, there were parts of the ship scattered every where glass smashed, this place looked like something from a horror movie cords were hanging down like they were ready to wrap around your neck and take your life.

"Alright guys let move and make this quick I want to meet up with Farqs team, we don't have much time, Beth, Philip if you find something be as quick as possible and let me know, O'roro will stay with you, me and Javier are gonna have a look around the ship and see if we can find anything" Jenson says readying his m-41 pulse rifle and Javier does the same.
Beth and Philip nod and start looking around the main room, O'roro stands watch and looks at Jenson and Javier,
"Be safe guys"
"You to ororo" Jenson replies
Jenson and Javier start making there way to an opening to the left of them that looks like it leads to a corridor, the sign on the wall is dirty but it reads med bay,
"Let's start there Javier there might be something interesting"
Javier nods and follows Jenson to the opening and down the corridor.

As they make there way down the corridor, it's not a very long corridor but in darkness and through fear it looks never ending, they see something lying on the floor and something big next to it,
"Are you getting this general" Jenson says to his coms
"I am seeing this, proceed with caution" the general replied
Jenson and Javier get closer to the objects and shine there lights on them,
Javier looks in fear and shock, his face turns white and looks like he is going to be sick, Jenson looks the same but not so pale, Javier shaking looks at Jenson and says
"What the fuck is that".

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