Visiting bellwood and an alien wedding.

You were at your house as your girlfriends were at your house as you were watching tv then you heard knocking at the door and you answered it and saw someone you haven't seen in a long time your grandfather Max Tennyson..

(Y/N): Grandpa!

You came to him and hugged him as he hugged you back.

Max: It's good to see you too (Y/N).

(Y/N): Grandpa why are you here.

(M/N): he's here to take you to Bellwood for the weekend.

(Y/N): you mean it?

(M/N): i mean it son.

(Y/N): wow.

Babs: can we come?

(M/N): you can go with him I'll let your parents know besides it's a weekend.

(Y/N): thanks mom.

Babs: yeah! We get to see you hometown.

Ben: mind if we come?

Max: sure there's plenty of room in the rustbucket.

Diana: how will a rusted bucket be good for any mode of transportation?

(Y/N): Diana it's just a name for the rv.

Diana: oh i see now.

You all went in the rustbucket as you were now heading to bellwood. But you asked grandpa to make a few stops and you asked Garth and Hal Jordan if they wanna come with you Garth didn't had anything to do and Hal just said sure. As you all were on the road you had a smile on your face as Hal saw it.

Hal: What are you smiling about?

(Y/N): I'm just excited that we're going to my hometown.

Garth: what's it like there?

(Y/N): it was fun. There were cool places. Nice stores and i have a surprising for you all.

Kara: what's that?

(Y/N): you'll know it when ya see it.

you all were now in Bellwood as you were glad to be back in your hometown as you then saw what you were wanting to take the others to.

(Y/N): Grandpa this is the place.

He stopped as everyone saw was a plumbing store called Max's Plumbing.

Kara: A plumbing store you brought us here so you can see your grandpa fix toilets. It's not cool it's lame.

(Y/N): the surprise is inside come on.

You took everyone inside as they looked around and saw plumbing supplies and plumbing tools. Then you took everyone to the bathroom with a toilet and a chain.

Hal: why did you bring us in here?

Kara: yeah this is still not surprising.

(Y/N): Watch this.

You pulled the chain for the toil rather than the toilet flush there was a flash of green light and it took you and the others to space as your friends and girlfriends saw was that you all were now in a headquarters in outer space.

(Y/N): Everyone welcome to plumbers HQ.

Kara: Alright i take back what i said about the surprise being lame.

Babs: wow! I love to do our homebase in this style.

Diana: by the white beard of Zeus, this is where your grandfather works.

Hal: kinda cool for an old man that fixes toilets and sinks.

(Y/N): the plumbing store is just a cover. The plumbers are actually intergalactic police officers.

Babs: You mean that you grandpa's a space cop?!

(Y/N): yeah.

Karen: incredible. I've never anything like this.

Kara looked and saw a blaster and picked it up.

Kara: what's this suppose to do?

she pressed the trigger and a laser fired out of it as it started to bounce around walls as everyone started running to avoid getting hit.

Babs: Runaway laser!

(Y/N): Run for your lives!

Yo and the others took cover as you saw the laser continued to bounce from wall to wall.

Kara: I'm sorry!

(Y/N): Kara next time don't touch anything!

You all saw that the laser was still bouncing around.

Jessica: how long is it gonna last?

(Y/N): I don't know.

Finally the laser was as blocked by a red force field as everyone turned to see you as you were a red being with green eyes as the Omnitrix badge was on your chest.

(Y/N): Wow this is cool. I'll call this one red spectre. No that's not good. Mana man. No that's weak. Maybe energy guy.

Babs: Arkham.

You turned to Babs and took a liking to the name.

(Y/N): Works for me. Thanks Babs.

Rook: Amazing. You have an anodyte form.

(Y/N): I do. It's awesome.

Then you saw were two galvans as you flew to them.

(Y/N): Blucik? Driba? Is that you guys?

Blukic: And who are you?

(Y/N):  It's me (Y/N).

Driba: (Y/N). You must of unlocked a new alien from your Omnitrix.

Blukic: Oh, I knew that.

Driba: No you didn't.

Blukic: Yes i did.

Driba: No you didn't.

Blukic: Yes i did.

Driba: No you didn't.

Blukic: Yes i did.

Then an alarm was heard as max went to the computer.

Max: There's something going on at earth.

(Y/N): We'll check it out grandpa.

Max: Alright.

You and your friends unaware that two certain galvans were with you.

Blukic: Why are we doing this again.

Driba: We're doing this so we can go to metropolis.

Blukic: this won't work.

Driba: Yes it will.

Blukic: No it won't.

Driba: Yes it will.

Blukic: No it won't.

Driba: Yes it will.

Blukic: No it won't.

As you all were at earth you came and saw a building on fire as you saw a man was brought out of the building. As you flew to him as you heard a girl's voice.

Girl: Daddy!

Man: My little girls in there!

(Y/N): Don't worry sir i'll get her. Let's go water hazard.

You slapped the badge but you became rath instead.

(Y/N) Water Hazard! Oh man, i mean Rath! Let me tell you something Omnitrix. Even Rath knows this isn't a job for Rath! *turns to the man* And you, stop worrying!

You went in the building as you searched for the girl.

(Y/N): Hello? Tiny girl with a worried dad?  *some fire got on your face* You want a piece of Rath, fire? You got it!

You punched the fire that was on your face heard a girl screamed as she was in her room trapped by the fire as she was holding her dolly then a piece of the building was about to fall on her she then saw you as you caught the rubble.

Girl: Kitty!

(Y/N): Kitty? Kitty?! * you threw the rubble* Let me tell you something, tiny nearsighted girl with a worried dad.

You grabbed her as you started to run out of the room.

Girl: Aw.

(Y/N): What's your problem?

Girl: I like the brain crab better.

You groaned as you burst through the wall of the building and to the firemen and the girl's dad.

Madison: Daddy!

Madison's Father: Madison!

Madison: My dolly. I dropped my dolly!

(Y/N): *Deadpan* Of course you did.

You ran back inside the building to find the dolly.

(Y/N): Show yourself, dolly. Rath doesn't have all day.

You jump to the upstairs because the stairs were destroyed as you looked around to find the girl's doll. But the floor broke and you fell but you were now in a pink ball as you were now ok.

(Y/N): Huh? What? Hey!

You saw were two of was your friend Kevin Levin and your cousin Gwen Tennyson.

Gwen Tennyson: Did you miss us?

Kevin Levin: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Let me tell you something, Kevin E. Levin and Gwen Tennyson, former teammates of my cousin Ben Tennyson back from college. You show up out of nowhere in Rath's town and save Rath? Nobody saves Rath. Rath saves himself.

Gwen showed you the doll.

(Y/N): Dolly!

The building started to come down as you, gwen and Kevin saw.

Gwen: Yell at us later. Come on!

You followed them as you all got out as you changed back. Everyone started to cheer as Madison came as Gwen gave her her dolly. Next you Your girlfriends, Hal, Garth, Kevin, Ben, Rook, and Gwen were now at mr smoothies.

(Y/N): It's good to see you guys. Like the new look, cuz. How's college?

Gwen: It's exactly like saving the universe. Just replace Vilgax with a pompous art history professor. Forget her. I'm on spring break. Kevin took the week off from work so we could visit.

(Y/N): that's nice.

Kevin: anyway (Y/N) you haven't introduced us to your friends.

(Y/N): Oh right. Gwen, Kevin Meet Babs.

Babs: Hi there.

(Y/N): Karen.

Karen: Hello.

(Y/N): Diana.

Diana: it is an honour to meet you two.

(Y/N): Jessica.

Jessica: It is very nice to meet you two.

(Y/N): Zee.

Zee: Hi, well it's great to meet you.

(Y/N): Kara.

Kara: Hey.

(Y/N): Hal Jordan.

Hal: Hey there.

(Y/N): And lastly Garth.

Garth: hi.

Kevin: cool. So (Y/N) which one of those girls is your girl?

(Y/N) you see the thing is these girls are actually my girlfriends.

Kevin: wait your dating six girls?

Gwen: When did this happened.

(Y/N): Long story.

Then you saw ben dropped his empty cup of smoothie.

Ben: whoops all gone. Hey (Y/N) you mind getting me some more?

He grabbed you as he got to a far distance from the others.

(Y/N): um cuz what are you doing.

Ben: look no time to explain, (Y/N) you gotta hide me.

(Y/N): from who? Gwen? I think your just overreacting.

Then you saw an alien ship as it came to where you all were as it fired missles at you then you transformed but you were now a cybertronian as you were now black and green as you have the Omnitrix symbol on your head as there were autobot symbols on your arms

(Y/N): Whoa! This he can rip roads. Road Ripper that's a good one.

You turned to see gwen had put a force field on everyone.

You saw that the ship was firing at you then you saw the others then you started to transform into a car

The others turned to see you.

(Y/N): Guys get in!

Garth, Karen, and Kara, and rook got in his truck. As gwen, Kevin, Hal and ben got in Kevin's car as Jessica, Babs, Diana, and Zee got in you as you all drove off as the ship chased you. Ben turned into bloxx hoping to slow it down then you saw the ship fired a truck as you were going right to it.

Then you transformed into robot mode and jumped as your girls were in the air as you kept any pieces of the truck from hitting her then as you were about to hit the ground you grabbed tour girls and changed into come vehicle mode as they were now in you in car form. Then you saw ben as he was bloxx as he was trying to slow the ship down as he grabbed the ship and threw it back a few feet from them as you all got away in a safe place as you were at a crater as you changed back.

(Y/N): ok ben what was that?

Ben: I'll explain later right now we need to find a safe place to hide.

(Y/N): *sighs* well luckily you and i know a place

You and your friends and cousins were at a underground town underneath your town

Jessica: what is this place?

(Y/N): Welcome to undertown.

Babs: an alien town underneath you hometown? That is amazing.

Hal: how long has it been here?

(Y/N): I'm not sure honestly.

Then you saw ben came to you and walked away from the others.

Ben: There's still to many eyes . There's gotta be a place to hide.

(Y/N): what about over there.

You opend a little door and saw a small alien trying to use the bathroom.

Alien: Hey! Ever heard of knocking

He threw his newspaper at you as a flush was heard.

(Y/N): Ever heard of locking the door? Maybe over there.

You went to a tank as ben tried to get i I'm n it but couldn't.

Garth: even what are you guys doing?

You turned to see the others looking at you.

(Y/N): We're... Just getting ben fitted for a.... Tank suit. Which is a... Thing down here.

Ben: yeah it's a thing.

The all turned to talk to each other.

Karen: i can't believe that you can buy alien tech here.

Jessica: guys have any of you noticed that (Y/N) is trying to hide ben?

They turned to see you and ben running to find a place to hide him.

Room: that i have noticed.

You and your cuz ben hid at a alleyway.

(Y/N): ben seriously i want to know what's going on.

But before ben could tell you there was an explosion and saw the ship from before and came out was a female tetramand and she was holding grandpa max.

(Y/N) and Ben: grandpa.

Max: Sorry ben, i didn't want to tell her where you were. but she made me do it.

Looma: I am Looma Red Wind, I'm here to claim my husband. Ben Tennyson.

You were shocked to hear her say that.

Babs: Ben, your married? Why didn't you tell us?

Ben: No, we're just engaged. It's a long story.

(Y/N): I'm listening.

He saw looma coming at him.

Ben: I'll take later.

He started to run as he was at an alleyway as he turned into swampfire as he saw her coming to him.

Looma: why have you been hiding from me Ben?

Ben: I wasn't hiding! * he dodged a punch from Looma* I was sick! My ship broke down! *Gets punched in the face* I needed a new suit! *Gets punched in the face* There was an earthquake! *Gets punched in the face* A flood! *Gets punched in the face* Vilgax attacked! *Gets knocked on the head* It wasn't my fault!

Looma: Liar!

But before she could punch him she saw a pink barrier as she saw Gwen had made it as you used your watch nut you became Terraspin.

(Y/N): Terraspin? Aw great, I'll turtle her into submission.

She charged at you as you started to fly as looma was on you as she punches your shell.

(Y/N): Get off me!

She made you hit a pipe as you went crashing down as you saw looma as you got up and got to the others as zee used a spell and teleported you all to a construction site. You then turned to Ben.

(Y/N): alright ben what's going on here?

Ben: ok long story short. I had to save Kevin and i got myself a fiancee in the process, happy?

(Y/N): but why didn't you tell me? We're cousins.

Ben: have you met Looma? She's a powerful tetramand princess.

(Y/N): look are we safe now?

Zee: i think so.

Then looma came out from a manhole as she saw you all as you used your wtch and you transformed into a being like superman but your suit is green and have a grey cape as the badge is on your chest.

(Y/N): Well i guess i can call him Omn-El.

Kara: wait how did you became a kryptonian?

(Y/N): i scanned you and superman while you both were fighting.

Then you turned to looma and charged at her as you punched her as she grabbed you and threw you as you got up and used your heat vision but she dodged it as you dodged her hammer as you saw that he was going to Ben but you grabbed her and flew up to the sky but she grabbed you and punched you sending you to the ground then you used your breath on her freezing her as you landed to the ground looma broke out as you were about to charge at her you saw a ship and you saw another tetramand as he was Looma's father.

Gar: Enough. You now face warlord Gar of the House of the Red Wind. Turn Ben Tennyson over to Looma, or Earth perishes. You hand me Ben Tennyson, or I will incinerate this planet.

You saw gar's gaurds came to you as they got Ben while you had to stay where you are

Ben: Hey, Gar, how's it going, pops?

Gar Red Wind: Ben.

Looma: Daddy.

Gar Red Wind: Ah, there's my girl. *looma hugs him very strongly * Oh! *Chuckles* You're getting stronger every day. I'm sure you make your enemies quake.

Looma: *Giggles* Oh. Stop it.

Gar Red Wind: Warriors of Earth, I am not a violent man... Per se. But understand, I would do anything to protect my daughter's interest.

Kara: Yeah right. You and what army, Gar?

Then a fleet came to gar's side.

Gar: That would be my personal fleet, in position to fire with a word.

Looma: Daddy.

You changed back as you had to do what he said.

(Y/N): Not gonna happen.

Gar Red Wind: Let the wedding commence!

Suddenly a wedding was set up very quickly as everyone was ready for the wedding as a tetramand priest came.

Tetramand priest: Warriors and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today in the eyes of Zed, for it is written "Love is a battlefield."

(Y/N): I can't let this happened.

You transformed into crash hopper as you faced looma

(Y/N): listen i don't fight but i will.

Gar: Ben Tennyson do you allow this?

Ben: Yeah.

Gar: Then challenge accepted, what good fortune.

Then you saw Looma come at you and punched you and then grabbed you in a headlock as your friends were watching.

Gar: Hm. Is this one a trained fighter?

(Y/N): Yes!

Rook: No.

Gwen: No.

Gar: Earth's greatest warrior?

Diana: Earth's greatest hero.

Gar: This I will have to see. Looma is my greatest warrior. If what you say is true...

Ben: yeah, yeah we get it.

Kevin: Come on (Y/N)! Earth in the balance! Show her what you got!

You started to jump as you dodged her punches then she grabbed you and threw you as you were starting to lose the upper hand.

Come on, Ben. New alien. Turn into Way Big and step on her!

Rook: Wait, doesn't (Y/N) know the rule about...

Ben covered rook's mouth as the others looked at him.

Zee: why did you cover rook's mouth?

Then they saw that you turned into clockwork.

Jessica: why did (Y/N) turn into clockwork?

You were in a headlock by Looma as you were trying to get loose from the grip.

(Y/N): I swear that i was going for Darkfall.

She then picked you up and threw you as a bell sound was heard. Then you changed back.

Kevin: Come on, (Y/N). Let's see some hustle out there. New alien!

You then turned into Scarlgon as you fired a laser from your mouth at her as she blocked it and gave you an uppercut as she grabbed you and threw you up i the air then gar started to cry.

Looma: what's wrong father?

Gar: nothing this just reminds me how i met your mother.

as you  were in the air you started to fly and charged at her as you grabbed her hands and then she grabbed you and threw you at a pipe organ machine as dust was seen.

Gar: well i guess that's that. Shall we continue?

Ben: but I'm not good at...

(Y/N): Hey Looma!

She turned to see you in the dust cloud.

(Y/N): you know why i always win?

A green flash was seen as you came out of the dust as four arms.

(Y/N): Cause i never give up

Babs: four arms!

You charged at Looma as you and her both punched fists then you punched her sending her to a wall.

KAra: finally we have a fair fight!

Hal: Yeah he's gonna win!

Then Rook took ben's hand off of his mouth.

Rook: Female tetramands are traditionally stronger. The princess still has the advantage.

Kara: Not helping

You started to punch looma as she blocked them then you kicked her helmet hitting one of th horn's off as she charged at you as you were at a pole with a red ball on it as you grabbed it and hit her with as a dust cloud was seen then everyone saw you came out as you had looma in your arm as she was unconscious as your friends started to cheer for you as you posed in victory as gar smiled.

Gar: Finally a champion fit to marry my daughter.

As he said that it left you and your girlfriends shocked at that news.

Gar: And he's even a Tetramand. Eh, sometimes.

(Y/N): wait what?

Then looma started to hug you.

Looma: What would you like for an engagement gift? Daddy's loaded.

Gar: Yes, it's true, my son. You have but to name it.

Jessica: what is going on?

Rook: it's simple tetramand females are pledged to the male that defeats them in battle. Ben fought Looma and won and the same with Kevin.

BEen: yup.

Kevin: you got that right.

Zee: Wait you two knew about this.

Looma: It is an honor to lose to you. I always knew Kevin Levin and Ben Tennyson were not husband material.

Kevin and Ben: Hey.

You changed back as you looked at ben and Kevin.

(Y/N): So then, with the... And you both knew this was happening?

Kevin Levin: *Laughs* Yeah.

Ben: we gotta go.

Kevin got his car as he got in ben turned into stinkfly and flew away. As Kevin drove away as Looma had her arm around your shoulders. Then gar made the priest stop.

Gar: Well, that's it for now. This change of combatants restarts the engagement clock. We'll be back in three of your years. Save the date.

(Y/N): Three years? But I don't want to be...

Looma: This time, I want a big wedding. We have so many plans to make, (Y/N) (L/N) Our parents must battle, then the best man must be chosen through combat. Then we register for plunder, then the customary offerings... Oh! When Drolga got married, they bludgeoned their guests with his and her war hammers. Can we get those?

Gar: *Laughs* Anything for you, daughter. Good battle, (Y/N).

Looma: Good battle, love.

The ships started to leave as you wave goodbye.

(Y/N): Good... Battle. That's it Ben is so dead!

You slammed your watch and turned into Scarlgon as you let out a roar of pure rage as you flew off and chase after ben as your girlfriends watched you flew off.

Well there's another girl and fiancee for the harem and there will be more girls coming for next time for meeting old friends and the truth of (Y/N)'s Omnitrix. Hope you guys will like the next chapter.

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