To red grave city

In Red Grave city we the taxi driving with you and the others in it as you saw out the window as you saw was a van driving fast as it had the sign Devil may cry on it.

(Y/N): Devil may cry.

Then you saw was a young man that came out of it as he had white hair and a robotic arm as he came at the demons that were attacking with a sword as the handle resembled a motorcycle grip.

Jessica: is that nero?

(Y/N): It would appear so the robot arm is pretty obvious.

Kara: Looks like he's showing them who's boss.

(Y/N): Then how about i join in on this.

You then jumped out of the taxi as you pulled out striker and slashed a demon in half.

(Y/N): It's time for a little pest control.

You then ran at fast speed as you slashed at many demons as you then switched to lucifer throwing many sabers at them as they exploded, and you then switched to Beowulf as you punched many demons off the bridge as you saw the others looking at you.

(Y/N): What are you guys waiting for? An invitation? Get to it.

Hyppolyta: To battle!

Kara: Hey leave some for me!

Diana: Come sisters, we must assist (Y/N).

Then as you slashed a demon you then did a backflip dodging a demon as Nero slashed it and you landed in front of him

(Y/N): So you must be Nero?

Nero: you heard about me?

(Y/N): V told me about you. And came here to stop Urizen.

Nero: I'm here for the same reason, he took my arm.

(Y/N): I can help you with that. You see i need to stop my uncle.

Nero:  Your his nephew?

(Y/N): yeah long story short but I'm Urizen's nephew and Sparda's grandson and I need to kill him before he kills the humans.

???(Nico): Hey what's the hold up Nero?

You looked to see at the van was a girl who was driving it.

(Y/N): Who's that?

Nico: Name's Nico i make Nero's devil breakers.

Nero: She means my robot arms.

(Y/N): gotcha. So you know my dad?

Nico: Who's your dad?

(Y/N): Dante

Nico: Your the son of the infamous dante?!

(Y/N): yeah that's me, little Dante junior apperently

Nico: huh funny you don't look like your pa.

(Y/N): well being mutated into a Cheetah can do that to ya.

Nico: Well my grandma made your pa's two guns.

Hyppolyta: guns? *Pulls out Ebony and Ivory* you mean these firearms?

Nico: Yeah that's them.

You looked at the one that had Nico's grandmother on it.

(Y/N): It's funny, cause you don't look like her.

Nico: Yeah i got my looks from my daddy.

(Y/N): wait queen hyppolyta where did you find those guns? I thought your paradise island didn't use firearms.

Hyppolyta: We don't but i found them on my island. *Gives them to You*

(Y/N): Ok well right now i just need to find my dad so i can give these back to him.

Kara: How does this place has demons all over the place?

Nero: a portal was opened up allowing them to come to the human world.

(Y/N): So we gotta close that portal.

Nero: Well we gotta take care of these roots.

Then you saw the qliphoth roots around the bridge and saw the source of the roots.

(Y/N): It's time trim these roots. Make sure you clear a path for me when you take care of it.

Jessica: On it.

Then you and nero ran at it as you dodged the roots coming at you as you slashed at the roots with your claws.

Pam: as much as I love plants this one tree that need to be put down.

(Y/N): Well we just need to take out that thing that making the roots on this bridge.

Then you pulled out Striker as you slashed at the root pod and then slashed fastly as you cut it as you pulled out ebony and ivory as you aimed them at the pod as you said your father's catchphrase.

(Y/N): Jackpot!

You fired at the root pod as it shriveled up and turned into dust as the rest of the roots did the same thing.

(Y/N): Took care of that weed.

Nero: But we need to take out that tree.

Diana: Very well, let us split ourselves.

Pam: split up.

Diana: Yes that.

We then see you, Pam, queen Hyppolyta, Carol, scanty and kneesocks  were with Nero.

(Y/N): Hey nero believe it or not but V told me that you are my cousin.

Nero: cousin, well i never had a family, the only people I knew were Kyrie and Credo.

(Y/N): who?

Nero: Kyrie and I are very close but i couldn't save credo

(Y/N): oh, I uh I'm sorry for your loss

Hyppolyta: I apologise as well for your loss they must be special people to you.

Nero: yeah and I hated myself for not having enough strength.

(Y/N): You can't blame yourself, the hardest thing is... you can't always save everyone. I know how you feel i lost my uncle.

Nero: guess we both know how it feels.

(Y/N): yeah but we need to protect the people we know now but it's best when you have others by your side.

Nero: Yeah, your right.

Then you heard something as you pushed Nero out of the way as a fireball came as you looked to see a big demon.

(Y/N): Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to play with fire?

Goliath: Puny creature... do you know who I am? I shall show... the wrath... of the mighty Goliath!!!!

Then he charged at you as you quickly dodged him as you slashed him with Striker and used your speed as you ran at many directions cutting him as Nero came and punched him as Pam used vines and held him as you then slashed his eyes and then use your sword to stab him as he was sent to a building.

Goliath: No... I was suppose to be... king... not Urizen...

(Y/N): That's the problem, your ugly.

Then you saw V came as he came to Goliath and Stabbed him with his cane as goliath disappeared as you picked it up as Nico came with the van.

Nico: Hey cheetah boy, you mind giving that to me?

You threw the horn to her as she sniffed it.

Nero: Did you just sniffed that? Do you even know what is?

(Y/N): no why?

Nero: But nico do you even know where that's been.

Nico: Up your butt?

(Y/N): ha! Burn

Nero: Stay out of this.

Then you heard a noise as you grabbed nico and ran at a fast speed as you were both now in a library.

Nero: What's your problem?! Were you trying to kill me?

(Y/N): Sorry it's just i heard something, a demon is here.

Then you dodged a blast as you saw a demon flying around as you saw it.

(Y/N): That's not a pretty sight.

Then it flew at you and Nero as you dodged it at the last second.

(Y/N): geez ever take a flying lesson.

It only screeched in response.

(Y/N): Guessing that's a no.

You then sprouted demon wings and zipped right through him instantly destroying him.

(Y/N): well that was easy

Nero: too easy.

Then you dodged a laser as you saw a she demon with wings as it flew around.

(Y/N): who is that?

Nero: Artemis.

Then you saw it fly towards you as you were about to dodged her till she caught you

Artimus: the son of sparda... he's... so adorable!

(Y/N): Hey we just met! C'mon.

She hugged you and snuggled against you.

you and snuggled you against your cheek while the others looked in confusion.

Nero: what's happening?

(Y/n): I don't know but she's not killing me. What was she supposed to do?

But then you sensed something from inside her two beings.

(Y/N): Nero someone's in her.

Artimus: as cute as you may be but I must  take you to urizen

(Y/N): Oh c'mon you won't kill someone this adorable would you?

Artemis: Ueizen must not let any get in his way.

(Y/N): oh wait I'm his nephew and besides you must be tired of him constantly bossing you around.

Artimus: I am sorry but i must.

(Y/N): Well in that case you leave me no choice.

Then you slashed at her as you did you noticed the cut revealed a lady and Jessica

(Y/N): Jessica.

Nero: What?

Then you ran at quick speed as you slashed artemis in half freeing Jessica and a lady.

Jessica: ugh what Happened?

(Y/N): you trapped by a she demon

???(nico): That's lady!

You saw nico came as you noticed nero had Lady and you noticed that Jessica and Lady had nothing on except the goo that was covering them.

(Y/N):*covers eyes* nope!

Jessica: what?

(Y/N): *still covered eyes* your uh in the buff.

Then Jessica blushed as she then covered herself.

Nico: Nero i can't believe you did this to kyrie, i'm telling. I'm joking.

(Y/N): *while eyes covered and tosses new costumes at Jessica and lady* here and your welcome.

Nero: Yeah, kyrie would kill me right now.

(Y/N): why?

Nero: What do you think?

(Y/N): *realizes* Oooh. Wait Nico, you know Lady?

Nico: From my gunsmith days. Lady is one of Dante's friends.

(Y/N): She knows my dad?

Nico: Yeah.

(Y/N): Jessica, what happened?

Jessica: I don't know, one minute I was with the others then this she demon came out of nowhere and jumped and the rest is just the blur.

(Y/N): Well just give it some time it'll come to you.

Jessica: I was captured i remember that. But I don't remember the rest.

(Y/N): Well I'll see what I can find.

Jessica: Your gonna try to find your father aren't you?

(Y/N): Yup.

Jessica: I'm coming with you.

(Y/N): Thanks, jess.

Then she got on your back as you ran off to find your father as you both were going through the streets then you saw V as you saw a Creature at the part of the tree.

Griffon: Nidhogg i never liked this guy, dumb as a box of rocks. Let's not bother this thing can't leave the qliphoth it's just a parasite.

Nidhogg: Did you insult me?!

Griffon: Uh oh. I think he heard me.

Just before Nidhogg can do anything a gunshot can be heard and he saw there was a hole where his heart used to be and he fell to the ground dead and we then see you were the one that shot him with the others.

(Y/N): good riddance.

Griffon:  wow...

Nico: well that just happened.

Jessica: yep that's my boyfriend for you, lovable and a killer.

(Y/N): I know I'm a lovable person now let's go.

Jessica: wait a minute shouldn't give him a proper berrial or something?

(Y/N): yeah good point.

Griffon: the guy tried to kill us why should we give him a buriel in the first place?

Jessica: It just feels right.

V: We must find the Sparda.

Jessica: first berial then sparda

Jessica then dug a deep hole and you put the Nidhogg in the hole while  jessica made a giant shovel construct and put all the dirt in the hole and buried him and made a poorely made headstone

Jessica: Should we say a few things.

Griffon: Uh, he was a good demon parasite. and lived  a happy life, Blah, blah, Blah, The End.

(Y/N): who tried to kill us. May he rest in piece.

V: if this fool was resilient he would become wise.

Griffon and nero: agreed.

(Y/N): Ok, Jessica are you happy now?

Jessica: I'm satisfied and thank you for the berial *kisses you on the lips*

(Y/N): *kisses back* anytime.

Griffon: Are you two love birds done cause we need to find The Sparda.

(Y/N): Wait I think I can sense it like I did with my sword.

V: Then we are getting close.

You Jessica and the others went on with Babs Diana zee Kara and Karen and the villian girls now arriving

Griffon: But V just a reminder you have to be strong in the body and Mind to wield sparda.

V: it's not me who's going to weild sparda.

Griffon: Oh right the grandson of sparda himself (Y/N).

Then you saw the sparda as it was stuck to a broken buildings as demons were seen As they were doing a worshiping dance.

Griffon: Looks like there's a party here.

V: But their worship is not making the Sparda happy.

Zee: and it's kinda creepy.

(Y/N): yeah we should probably destroy them.

V: Agreed.

Then V snapped his fingers as his hair was now white as a giant creature came crashing down.

Babs: what the heck was that?!

V: Meet Nightmare.

Then nightmare blasted a laser at them as you came and helped out as you quickly slashed at the demons and jumped up and grabbed the Sparda.

Enid: Uh guys you might wanna see this.

(Y/N): *sees the demons* aw heck, don't you don't .

Just  as the demons were about to grab sparda you shot and slashed all of them to the ground without missing a single one.

(Y/N): Jackpot.

Then you noticed at the botom of a cliff was someone and your eyes began To shed tears as the others came and saw it.

Jessica: It's...

(Y/N): My... Dad.

V: The sparda was concealing his presences.

(Y/N): I'll get him

You went over to Dante and caught him before he could fall.

Jessica: So the sparda was drawing those demons to itself on purpose?

V: Yes to prevent Urizen from knowing that he is alive.

Then he came to you as he took the sparda from you and raised it above dante as dante woke up as V stabbed The sparda to the ground near dante.

(Y/N): is he awake?

Zee: I think so.

Dante: Man how long was I out for?

(Y/N): about a couple months I

Dante: Do i know you?

(Y/N): Well i may be mutated but it's me your son.

Dante: (Y/N)? Is that you kid?

(Y/N) *begins to cry*: yeah it's me in the living pops.

Then you hugged Dante as you began to cry tears of joy that you found your father.

(Y/N): Dad, I can't believe I finally found you. Oh and i also wanted to give you these.

You handed him Ebony and Ivory.

Dante: Ebony and Ivory but how did you?

(Y/N): well I didn't really find them an Amazon queen found them

Hyppolyta: that would be me.

Dante. oh thanks and (Y/N) Here's something I have for you.

He handed you two pistols as one was red:ohd the other was silver.

Dante: Crimson and Silver. The guns for your tenth birthday i was gonna give them To you but...well you know.

(Y/N): well thanks for the guns dad, it almost makes up for the many other birthdays you missed out on and the presents.

Griffon: wow kittens got claws.

Jessica: Why would he have Pistols for his 10th birthday doesn't that seem irresponsible?

Dante: Hey the kid's gotta learn to fight demons just like his old man.

V: Like father like son.

(Y/N): And Dad here's the sparda.

You gave him the sparda.

Dante: Well rebellion's blade is broken so Sparda will have to do. Well gotta get to Urizen.

(Y/N): Dad I'm coming With you.

Dante: what kid don't you know how dangerous Urizen is?

(Y/N): I know but I'm not doing it alone.

The girls griffon V nero and nico and lady came and stood in heroic poses showing they wanted to fight Urizen.

Dante: Ok. But there is one place we need to go, The rest of you head to the tree. Son you and the girls are with me. We have an old home to visit.

Then you and the girls followed Dante to go where he was going.

Well here is the first chapter of the DMV special and there will be more soon

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