Stopping spinel and facing yourself

We see Steven as he was in the injector as the others saw him and a portal opened up and we see you and the others coming out from it as the girls saw you were back to your old self and your new changes.

Babs: (Y/N) your back!

Jessica: Are you really you again?

(Y/N): Does this answer your question? *gives Jessica a kiss right on the lips*

Zee: That means you found your missing piece.

Kara: What was it?

(Y/N): It was family. That was what I was missing.

Enid: And I can see you got a makeover.

(Y/N): You girls like it?

Rebecca: Yes we do!.

Kara: And I'm really sorry I made you run away as lil black diamond

(Y/N): Hey if anyone should be sorry it should be me but first we need to stop Spinel, Where's Steven?

Pearl: At the top of the injector.

(Y/N): Looks like he needs my help then.

You tried to use your watch as you pressed the button twice as we see new creatures seen.

Ultimatrix: Digimon dna access granted. (Am16: Wait, what?)

You were surprised as you then hit the watch as you turned into a red dragon with a v shopped head holding a microphone as the badge was seen on your chest.

(Y/N): Yeah I'm dragon-mon! or maybe it has a different name. Rockstarmon! Singermon!

Jessica: Well you do seem to be shout a lot so...

(Y/N) and Jessica: Shoutmon!

Babs: But what can he do?

(Y/N): We'll see what he can do.

You then jumped up to the top of the injector as you landed next to Steven.

(Y/N): Hey everyone, did ya miss me?

Steven: (Y/N)! Your back!

Spinel: What!? How!?

(Y/N): Oh I just found my missing piece. And Steven I'm also here to help out.

Steven: Is this a new guy?

(Y/N): Yup, meet Shoutmon.

Then she came at you but you then used the mic you had and whacked Spinel in the face with it sending her back a bit.

(Y/N): Your tricks aren't gonna work twice, Spinel. Steven, your in no condition to fight go back to the others.

Steven: No I need to stop her.

Then Spinel grabbed Steven and brought him to the ledge of the injector.

Spinel: You know, I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you, I wanna kill you even more.

Steven: Why aren't my powers back? Aren't I reliving every horrible thing that's ever happened to me? A Gem I barely know is trying to kill me. I'm paying for stuff my Mom did that had nothing to do with me. I'm struggling with my powers. The world's about to end! What piece could I be missing?! This is the story of my life!!

In reaction, Spinel lets out an almost mocking cackle.

Spinel Wow! I knew that I was gonna set you back, but this is how you started? The legend, Steven Universe? *laughs* You gotta be kidding me. How did a powerless loser like you become savior of the galaxy?!

Steven:*epiphanized* I changed. That's the final piece. All those struggles, I learned from them, and I grew. Oh my gosh. It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten. All of this "happily ever after" stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had: the power to change!

Then Steven's gem began to glow as his powers slowly return. Unimpressed, Spinel drops Steven to fall to his demise. However, Steven's powers finally reactivate and he stops in midair. A triumphant Steven, now with his regained powers, begins cycling through his different shield abilities, causing a shockwave that sends a shocked Spinel back. Floating back onto atop the Injector, Steven wipes the blood from his nose and begins to sing "Change".

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Steven: I can make a promise I can make a plan I can make a difference I can take a stand I can make an effort If I only understand That I, I can make a change!

Standing before Spinel, You and Steven begins engaging her in battle, blocking her attacks. An enraged Spinel then turns herself into a spinning top and attacks you and Steven in all direction, which Steven blocks successfully, before leaping up into the air.

Steven: Listen to me Spinel! I understand! *floats down and dispels his shield* After everything you've been through, you must be in a lot of pain!

Spinel: No. NO! *hits herself on the head* You don't understand! You can't change the way I feel!

Reacting to Spinel's approach, Steven materializes two miniature bubbles around his fists like boxing gloves, which he uses to parry Spinel's wild blows.

Steven That's right! Only you can!

Annoyed, Spinel enlarges her hands to grab, spin, and toss Steven up into the sky. She then bounces herself like a spring after him high up in the skies, as Steven continues singing.

Steven You can make it different You can make it right You can make it better We don't have to fight! You can make an effort, Starting with tonight! 'Cuz you, You can make a change...

Unmoved by Steven's song, the wayward Gem grits her teeth, and enlarges her hand, coiling her arm around into a giant, spring-mounted fist.

Spinel: Just can it, won't ya?!

Cocking her fist, Spinel aims her fist down at You and Steven.

Spinel: You can't just make everything better by singing SOME... STUPID SONG!!!

Spinel punches down at you and a surprised Steven, sending you both careening down onto the Injector's top, with the impact strong enough to shake the earth and damage the machine. As Spinel descends from the sky, she sees you and Steven unharmed from the blow, bearing his shield inside a crater from the impact.

Spinel: All that stuff's easy for you to say! When you change, you change for the better. When I change, I change for the worse!

Spinel lunges at you and Steven, who easily defends her blows with his shield.

Spinel: I used to be just not good enough! Just not good enough for Pink, but now- NOW... I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!

Growing her fists to a ridiculous size, Spinel slams them down on Steven's shield, further cracking the Injector's surface. Spinel then starts laughing frantically, as she collapsed to her knees and breaks down.

Spinel: *crying* That's funny, r-right? A-At least you found me entertaining. You actually... liked me, didn't you? What am I doing? Why do I want to hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be a friend. I just wanna be a friend.

Then you and Steven showed sympathy to her and you decided to give her a hug

(Y/N): Spinel I'm so sorry.

Spinel: Your sorry for me? After what I've done?

(Y/N): I understand I really do besides I was your best friend remember?

She smiled at you and then you noticed that the injector was about to explode.

(Y/N): you two need to go.

You then used your mic to push Steven and Spinel off the injector as it exploded as the others saw in shock

Jennifer: NOOO! (Y/N)!!!!!

They ran to the wreckage as they looked around to find you.

You then appeared behind them completely unharmed but saw that you were taller and golden.

(Y/N): Someone mention me?

Babs: (Y/N)! Your alive!

Then all of your friends dog piled you

(Y/N): *muffled* Ow!

Jessica: Oh sorry. *Sees your form is different.* What happened to your Shoutmon form?

(Y/N): I digivolved.

Everyone: Huh?

(Y/N): it's kinda like evolving. This is Omnishoutmon.

Everyone: Oh that makes sense.

Then you turned back into your new human form.

(Y/N): Man after going through that I'm beat.

You then fell down and passed out in exhaustion.

We then see the rest of the diamonds appear (minus Blue)

Kara: Look who's here.

We see White and Yellow diamond appear and white was in shock as she saw you out cold as she became the same size as a human and ran to you.

White Diamond: What happened to (Y/N)?

Jessica: He passed out.

In your mind we see you in a void as you were wondering where you were.

(Y/N): Hello? Is anyone here?

???: No one here but us.

You looked to see was your angel self along with your demon self, spider demon, mutant cheetah along with a few new faces like a ghost and samurai.

(Y/N): Who are you guys?

(Y/N) Dust: Isn't it obvious? We're you.

Samurai (Y/N): Seriously kid could you not tell?

Angel (Y/N): we're you in a previous life.

Black Diamond: That's right.

Demon (Y/N): And we're in your mind.

Ghost (Y/N): Well all except one.

(Y/N): who?

Cheetah (Y/N): The son of scar.

(Y/N): You mean Drogo?

Demon (Y/N): Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

(Y/N): Well he escaped my mind and he's out in metropolis and he has his own Omnitrix.

Samurai (Y/N): Well that sucks!

(Y/N): But why are you guys even here?

Black Diamond: We're here to explain your destiny.

(Y/N): Destiny?

(Y/N) Dust: Yeah. But first we need to know that you're for that destiny.

(Y/N): How?

Samurai (Y/N): By defeating us in battle, without the ultimatrix.

Black Diamond: If you succeed, you can leave and go back to your friends.

(Y/N) Dust: But if you fail, then you'll be staying here. Your first test will be to defeat The samurai with a bo staff.

Then a Bo staff was given to you as you were now in a forest as you saw a tree and you were wondering where your samurai self was.

(Y/N): if I were a samurai where would I hide?

Samurai (Y/N): Peek a boo!

Then he came out as he had his sword out to slash you as you saw him and rolled out of the way.

Samurai (Y/N): Good reflexes.

(Y/N): Thanks but I'm gonna have to beat you.

You came at him with your Bo staff as you tried to hit him as he dodges the hit as he looks at you.

Samurai (Y/N): If you can defeat me then you can pass to the next trial.

(Y/N): Ok. Let's do this.

You came at him as you tried to hit him as he dodged your hits as he tried to slash you with his sword. Then he tried to slash you as you dodged it and jumped on a tree and then you noticed his footing as you jumped behind him and used the bo staff to trip him and made him fall as you had your staff pointed at him.

(Y/N): How's that?

Samurai (Y/N): Impressive you got me off guard. You got lucky, the next test will be a race against Cheetah (Y/N).

(Y/N): a race? Ok

we now see you and Cheetah (Y/N) at the entrance of a maze as you saw him.

Cheetah (Y/N): this test is simple, see if you can get to the end of the maze before I do and you'll pass.

(Y/N): Ok.

Cheetah (Y/N): Don't be cocky, you forget I'm a cheetah, the fastest land mammal on Earth.

(Y/N): Of course you are.

Cheetah (Y/N): If it makes you feel better, I'll give you a head start.

(Y/N): Ok.

Cheetah: I'll count to thirty.

Then you began to run as cheetah you began to count as you were running through the maze as you were seeing it was easy.

(Y/N): Piece of cake.

Then a gunshot was heard as you dodged a bullet to see was your spider demon self and demon self.

(Y/N) Dust: You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?

(Y/N): A little.

Demon (Y/N): well you better hurry cause cheetah (Y/N) is gonna catch up with you soon.

Then you ran as fast as you can as your demon selves kept trying to shoot you to slow you down as you then saw a rope with a rock held by the rope to a seesaw as you jumped to the rope as demon you shot where you were as you let go and the bullet hit the rope releasing the rock as the rock fell hitting the seesaw as it catapulted you up in the air at fast speeds as you were in the air as you saw cheetah you running as he was almost to the finish line and you then came down and landed as you saw him coming as he was surprised at the fact you have arrived before he did.

Cheetah (Y/N): Clever trick. Well the last test will be a martial arts fight with Black diamond.

Then we now see you at a field as you saw black diamond.

Black Diamond: You made it to the final test do you think you can handle it?

(Y/N): I came this far, so yes.

Black Diamond: Good cause i ain't going easy on you

Then he came at you as he tried to hit you as you blocked his punch and you tried to hit him as he dodges the hit and tried to hit you as you dodged it and punched him in the face as he rubbed his chin and looked at you as he came at you as he tried to hit you with punches and kicks as you then swept kicked him and had him in a headlock as you had him pinned on the ground as he tried to get up. Then he gave up as you let go of him and got up and he got up and looked at you.

(Y/N): I guess I pass.

Black Diamond: You passed alright.

(Y/N): So can you guys tell me about my destiny?

Then your other selves came as they were with Black diamond.

Samurai (Y/N): of course.

(Y/N) Dust: You earned it.

Black Diamond: Your destiny is to rule the universe but don't be a dictator!

(Y/N): I won't. And I realized something about you guys you aren't just parts and forms of me, you are me, and I'm you all of you.

Then they began to glow as they look at you.

(Y/N) Dust: So it was that easy looks like it's time to wake up.

(Y/N): Yeah and for this I guess it took me a while to figure it out.

Black Diamond: But you will need this.

He tossed you a device as you looked at it

then your other selves went into you. Then you woke up as you saw everyone looking at you.

Steven: He's awake.

(Y/N): So, What happened? *Sees White and Yellow diamond* and why are they here.

Blue: Well I talked with them and.

White Diamond: This is taking to long. Steven (Y/N), we came to earth to live with you both.

Steven: Wait, What?! What about Homeworld?

(Y/N): Won't it need you?

Yellow Diamond: *notices your Changes* Well I can see that you have a new look.

White Diamond: A look worthy of our king.

(Y/N): What do you mean "king"?

White Diamond: We want you to rule gemkind with us as your queens.

(Y/N): Wow. You want to be with me as my queens?

Blue Diamond: Well at least a few of your queens. Seeing as how you already have quite a few.

(Y/N): Oh you mean my harem? Yeah a thing about that is any girl can join it as long as they love me for who I am.

The Diamonds: We want to be with you.

(Y/N): Guessing that's a yes.

White Diamond: I know the black Diamond I know is gone but I do know we have the one thing he made.

(Y/N): What's that?

White Diamond: You. *shrinks down to your size and gives you a kiss on the cheek.*

(Y/N): Wow, Well while you and Yellow were gone I ran into someone.

Yellow: Who?

(Y/N): An old friend. Spinel come out here and say hi.

Spinel came out but she looked a bit nervous.

Spinel: Hello.

White Diamond: Pink Diamond's Spinel.

Karen: Well long story she came here with an injector to earth and she used a rejuvenator on garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, (Y/N) and Steven.

Yellow Diamond: Is this true?

Blue Diamond: Yes. It is.

(Y/N): Spinel, I know you were angry at what Pink Diamond did to you in the past but now you can start over now. You can make new friends here.

Spinel: But all I've done since I came here was try to kill your planet. I don't think I know anything about friendship anymore.

She looked down in shame but she saw you holding out your hand as you smiled at her.

(Y/N): Maybe we can teach you. Btw Steven I'm going to need to see you gem I have a present for your dad.

Steven: Ok. *Shows his gem.* But why do you need to see my gem?

(Y/N): I learned a new trick while I was knocked out.

You then looked at the gem as your eyes glowed as they scanned his gem and then in your hand we see is a gem like Steven's gem appeared as they saw it.

Steven: How did you do that?

(Y/N): Like the saying goes "A magician never reveals their secrets" Hey Greg! Someone is here to see you!

Greg then came to you and the gem in your hands glowed as it floated in the air as it began to make a physical form as we see it form into Rose Quartz

Rose: Hi Greg.

The Diamonds: Pink?

Greg: Rose?

Steven: Mom. You're here.

Pearl: (Y/N) brought Rose back?

Rose: That's right. Did you miss me?

We hope you enjoyed our take on the movie next time the gang will have a special thing for beach city and we hope you all will like this story

Peace out!!!

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