Chapter 11: Caught
Alec was quite literally frozen. He couldn't move. He couldn't think. What was he supposed to say? He had no time to prepare.
"Um, Alec has to do a presentation in school and he has to prepare what he's going to say" Izzy jumped it, trying to save Alec. Normally, Alec would have played along and let Izzy spin a story to get him out of a messy situation. But not this time. He had to get out of this by himself, he had to tell them.
"No" he said boldly. "It's something else". Maryse was getting impatient, she was never one to like secrets.
"Well come on then!" She snapped. "Do tell".
"How about we all sit down" Alec suggested, "and Isabelle can make us some tea" he prompted, nodding towards his sister.
They all sat down round the dining table and Isabelle served them some chamomile tea - she figured everyone could benefit from being calmed down.
"What is it, Alexander?" His father, Robert, asked.
"Okay, here goes" Alec said, gulping his tea. "Well, um, I-I've m-met someone" he stuttered. Before he could even finish, Maryse interrupted.
"Alexander! How could you not have told us?" She asked him. "What's her name? Does she go to your school? Is she pretty?" She demanded.
Isabelle gave Alec a reassuring look, as he sighed.
"Well, mom, that's the thing" he quickly said, his heart racing, "she's a he". And just like that he'd done it. He had told his parents. His head was spinning with thoughts. What if they kicked him out? What if they locked him in the house? What if they killed him?
Robert stared at his son, too shocked to say anything, while Maryse had he hands on her head, looking like she was going to cry.
"Say something mom and dad!" Isabelle snapped at them, Alec was too scared to even speak. Maryse looked at Alec, with disappointment and disgust on her face.
"Alec" she started, "I understand that you're a teenager and you aren't sure of who you are, but I can assure you that this is a phase. You'll look back at this in years to come and laugh at how naive you were".
Alec stared at her, rage boiling up inside of him.
"Just a phase?" He said quietly at first, "JUST A PHASE?" He shouted over the table. "I should have known, I should have known that you would say something like that" he scoffed. "Imagine, Robert and Maryse Lightwood having a gay son. What would the Institute think? (the Institute was the firm that his parents worked at) What would everyone think? I mean, we all know that your reputation is more important that your children" he shouted.
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" Robert thundered. "Don't you dare speak to your mother like that".
"You know what Dad, I don't care" Alec replied. "Everything I just said is true, I was the only one brave enough to say it".
Everyone suddenly fell silent, Izzy was in shock that Alec had actually just said what he did. Alec rose from his chair to leave the table, when Maryse slammed her hand on the table.
"Alec, don't you dare leave this table" she said harshly. "You are not to leave this house with the exception of school, and you can forget seeing this boyfriend of yours. It's over, Alec".
Alec looked at her, disgust and rage showing through his face. He got up and walked out of the dining room into his bedroom, slamming the door as he went.
He heard more shouting and crying coming from the dining room, and ten minutes later, his sister came into his bedroom, her face stained with tears.
"Alec" she said softly, "I'm so sorry".
"Stop, Izzy. It's not your fault that our parents care more about work than us" Alec said, not looking away from the ceiling. Isabelle threw her arms around her brother, sobbing into his chest.
"I love you so much Alec, and I'll always support you in everything that you do" she told him.
"I know, and I love you too" he replied, hugging his sister back.
Suddenly, Alec's bedroom door swung open to reveal his father standing in the doorway. Izzy jumped up, ready to defend Alec.
"Isabelle, could we have a moment alone please?" He asked.
Izzy said nothing. She looked at Alec who gave her a reassuring nod and she walked out of the room, as their father sat on Alec's bed.
"Alexander-" Robert started before he was cut off by Alec.
"If you're here to tell me that it's just a phase, then don't bother." He said, turning to face away from his father.
"I'm not" Robert said. "Your mother, she'll come around. She always does. She never takes things well the first time around".
Alec sniggered. "Are you joking?" He asked. "Did you hear what she said? She's never going to accept it."
"You said some things that were really hurtful, Alexander".
"I didn't say anything that wasn't the truth".
"Your truth" Robert said. "Everyone has a version of it".
"No, you and mom just live in a fantasy world" Alec retorted. "Now, if you don't mind I'd like to go to sleep, so I'd appreciate if you left".
His father sighed and got up to leave the room, turning off the light as he left. Alec turned round to face the door and sighed. What a mess he had created. He was about to close his eyes to sleep, even though he knew he wasn't going to sleep at all that night, when his phone buzzed and lit up. It was a text from Magnus.
"How did it go? -M"
Alec looked at the message for a few minutes and started to type a reply, but remembering everything that just happened, he deleted it and turned his phone off. He couldn't deal with Magnus at the moment.
* Hey guys! Thank you so much for your overwhelming support for the last part, you all inspire me so much! What did you think of this part? Let me know any feedback or suggestions you have! -xoxo"
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