Chapter Eleven
-Chapter Eleven-
Harry looked at Scorpius’s bird as he flew in through the kitchen window. Ginny was just coming down the steps after getting dressed. Harry thanked the owl and took the letter from his beak. He unfolded it and the owl then flew out again.
Ginny stared at her husband as he read the letter.
“What’s that?” she asked sitting across from him at the kitchen table.
“A letter from Scorpius.” Harry answered.
Ginny saw the look in his eyes. She took his hand and asked, “what’s wrong?”
“Scorpius is scared. Astoria still isn’t better and he thinks that Draco doesn’t want to admit that he needs help. He won’t get a healer for her.” Harry sighed and he gave the letter to her.
Ginny quickly read it over and she then sighed.
“I don’t think that he has ever been so worried. It’s not like Draco though not to help Astoria. He really loves her.” Ginny commented.
“I know.” Harry said, “but I’ll check anyway. Scorpius seems really worried.”
“Just be careful Harry.” Ginny told him.
He nodded and got up from the kitchen table and he walked to her and he kissed her cheek. She smiled at him and they hugged before he walked to the front door. After getting his shoes on he saw her at the doorway looking at him. They smiled at each other once more and Mr. Potter told her, “by the way James said that he was coming today to pack his things so that Albus or Alice can have his room.”
“Now? They’re supposed to be at my parents house.” Ginny said.
“He is. They all are, but it’s the only time he can get off of work.” Harry answered.
“Okay then. I’ll help him so that it will be quick.” Ginny said.
Harry nodded and he then opened the door.
“I love you.” he told her.
“I love you too.” Ginny told him, “be safe!”
Harry nodded. He walked to his backyard the long way and did his apparation there. He put safety on his house so that no one could apperate in or out of it. Once Harry spun around a couple of times he was then in front of the Malfoy Manor. After getting to his feet he then walked to the front door. Harry knocked twice before the door opened.
He was startled by Draco. Draco smelled of fear and sweat. He looked pale and tired and his clothes looked worn in and dirty.
“Harry? What are you doing here?” Draco asked.
“I came here to see Astoria for myself Draco.” Harry said moving closer to the door so that he can get in.
Draco gave him a panic look and he then shield himself in the doorframe so that Harry couldn’t get past him. He was panting already and there was a determined look in his eye.
“Leave.” Draco warned.
“Scorpius is scared Draco! He thinks that you are too proud to get her a healer.” Harry said to Draco, “he sent me a letter begging me that I go see how his mother is. That’s what I am here for. Now get out of the way Draco.”
Draco shook his head. Harry noticed that he now looked scared.
“I don’t tell you how to take care of Ginny. Don’t tell me how I should take care of Astoria.” Draco said.
Harry then pushed Draco aside. He walked into the house with his footsteps echoing all over the house. The first thing that he noticed was that everything was clean and all of the lights were out. If Draco was taking care of Astoria like he said he was Harry knew that the lights would be on to help him see the things that Draco would need to take care of his wife and the house would be messy because Draco wouldn’t be able to clean it. In fact it looked as if Astoria wasn’t here at all.
Harry turned to Draco as Draco slammed the door shut and leaned his head on the closed door.
“Where is she Draco?” Harry asked.
Draco’s back was still to him and Harry saw Draco’s shoulders begin to shake.
“Where is Astoria?” Harry now demanded.
Draco slowly turned to look at Harry. Harry took a step back in shock. Draco had tears coming from his eyes and they were rolling down his cheeks. Draco quickly wiped them away and Harry then took a step forward.
“Draco? Did she...?” Harry asked in a low voice then sighed, “Draco if she is dead then you need to tell Scorpius. Hiding this from him will only make things worse.”
Draco shook his head then shrugged his shoulders.
“She’s not dead. At least...I hope that she isn’t.” Draco whispered.
“Where is she Draco?” Harry asked getting worried.
Draco shakes his head and falls to the ground against the door. Harry walked over to him and put his hands on Draco’s shoulders.
“Where is she Draco?!” Harry demanded.
“I DON’T KNOW!” Draco yelled back with more tears coming from his eyes.
Harry watched Draco’s hand go to the back pocket of the pants he was wearing and he then pulled out a medium sized picture to show Harry. Draco sighed and Harry took the picture and stood up to stare at it. He felt his breath get caught and he saw Draco shaking on the floor. In the moving picture that Harry was holding that Draco had given him there was a picture of Astoria. The only problem was that in the picture Astoria was gagged with a piece of black fabric. Astoria shook her head twice before looking at the camera lenses again and Harry saw the terror in her eyes. Also, Astoria was crying. She was in some concrete room that was dark.
Harry flipped to the back of the picture to see that printed in blood there was the sentence that said: This is what you get for being the father of a blood traitor. Harry didn’t doubt that the blood belonged to Astoria.
“How long ago did they take her?” Harry asked Draco.
“The same day that someone tried to take Scorpius. I was at work and when I came home Astoria was gone. It was in the morning. I’m panicking and all the kidnappers left was a note saying that they’ll kill her if I call the authorities. So I sat quiet. Then I got a letter about Scorpius and I almost lost it.” Draco explained still crying.
“She’s been gone all this time?!” Harry asked.
“I only get letters from them. One every other Friday. They make my wife write them because I know it’s her handwriting. I can tell that she is scared when she writes them though. You can see how her hand shakes.” Draco said, “all she tells me is that she is okay. That they are feeding her and giving her water, and that none of them have physically harmed that.”
Draco was now on the break of sobbing.
“That’s why you don’t want Scorpius here.” Harry sighed.
“He couldn’t know that she was gone. No one could. If they find out that you know they might kill her! That’s why I didn’t want you around. That’s why I kept denying people access into my home.” Draco sobbed putting his face in his hands.
Harry then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After that he looked back at Draco.
“I can’t loose her. I can’t.” Draco sobbed.
Harry could see the anguish and desperation in Draco’s voice. Harry never liked Draco. They never got along perfectly. Even after Hogwarts and how they made up when their children became friends. Things weren’t perfect between them, but Harry knew that he wouldn’t be helping the Draco Malfoy that he hated all throughout Hogwarts and a little bit after, but this was a man who cared more about his family more than he cared about himself.
James Potter came down the staircase with his suitcase. Everything in his room was in this suitcase except for the bed, mattress, and wardrobe. His mother was reading a book in the kitchen. He entered it and she looked up and smiled at him.
“I took out everything that is mine.” James said.
“Are you sure that you are okay living with Teddy until you get that apartment?” Ginny asked her son.
“No problem at all mum. If they need a room then they can have a room.” James said.
Ginny smiled and James set his suitcase down on the floor before standing beside her.
“She’ll come back mum. She will. It’ll take some time.” James told his mother.
Ginny looked down at her book and James saw her wave of guilt.
Since James was one of the older people in his family he saw how Lily leaving the family for years had affected his parents. His mother especially. Lily was their only daughter. They kept having kids until they had a little girl. He knew that they loved Lily and that it broke their heart when she left. Though James was angry that Lily left he couldn’t really blame her. Her parents were harsh on her and what they said won’t ever be able to be taken back. As angry that he was at his sister for making his parents suffer James still loved her. He would always be her older brother. James even saw the damage that she did with Albus when she left. Albus and Lily were like two peas in a pod when they were younger. James mostly hung out with Albus as well, but it was never as strong as what Albus and Lily shared. So he mostly was around Teddy. Albus was Lily’s protective big brother. He even went into a small slump when she left, but he got over it.
James placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Do you know if dad will be here soon?” James asked her.
“No. He’s visiting Draco Malfoy to see how Astoria is.” Ginny answered.
James nodded.
“I better go make sure that I have everything. I’ll see you in a second.” James said.
Ginny nodded and when there was a knock at the door she went to answer it as James went upstairs. As James looked over the empty room one more time he jumped when he heard his front door bang shut along with his mother’s soft screech.
“Mum?” James called down the staircase.
There was a lot more footsteps going on downstairs then just his mother’s. He then slowly went down the staircase to see that there were harsh whispers coming from the kitchen. Quickly James took out his wand and put it in front of him.
“Mum?” James called again.
He slowly went to the kitchen to see the surprise of his life. In his over crowded kitchen there was at least four people in the room. One large man was holding his mother. He had one arm around her in a choke hold while the other hand had his wand pointed at his mother’s temple. His mother was trying to rip the arm at her throat, but she then froze when he held her tighter.
“Run James.” his mother whispered.
“Shut up!” the voice behind her growled and James saw that he was a man.
Ginny then began to gag a little and James took a step forward.
“What do you want?” James growled.
“Isn’t it obvious?” another man said.
“Now drop your wand James unless you want your mother to die.” the man behind his mother said.
James cautiously placed his wand on the kitchen table. Another man then grabbed him and forced his arms behind him and held them tightly. James struggled, but stopped when his mother began gagging again.
“Quick! Write the note! He may be back soon!” the person at the far end of the room said and James saw that it was a girl.
Ginny gasped and glared at her as the man then took a letter out of his pocket and placed it on the table beside James’s wand.
“I know that...IT’S YOU!” Ginny growled.
“Wonderful to know that you still remember me Ginny.” the woman taunted.
Before Ginny could say anything the man holding her took out a piece of grey fabric and gagged her. Ginny struggled, but nothing helped. Another man came over to James as his mother’s arms were getting bound behind her. James was soon gagged as well.
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