Chapter Eighteen


-Chapter Eighteen-

Albus sat at the couch in the Gryffindor common room. It was dark and everyone was at dinner right now. It was a day after he had learned about what happened to his mother and brother. He hadn’t talked to anyone much. Even Alice and Scorpius. They ate together, but didn’t talk.

He hadn’t seen Rose at all either. It was weird and though Albus wanted to go to her and apologize for yelling at her and hurting her feelings, but she wasn’t really around.

Albus hasn’t been talking to Lily either and he didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. Lily was family, but it was almost like she wasn’t even part of it anymore. Albus missed his little sister and really wanted to know what happened the night that she made her decision, but things were too rocky now. Especially after this situation.

So he was surprised when Alice walked into the common room. She looked at him and then walked over to him and sat down beside him.

“I was hoping that you would be here. I was getting worried.” Alice told him.

“No. I’m okay. I wasn’t hungry so I thought that I would just stay here and think.” Albus said.

“What were you thinking?” Alice asked him.

Albus stared at her and Alice took his hand. He sighed and Alice then looked around to make sure that no one was listening before she looked back at her friend again.

“Albus I’m your friend. We’ve been friends for seven years. Almost eight. You can tell me anything, Albus. You know that you can.” Alice said.

Albus sighed and then felt tears come out of his eyes.

“I’m thinking about my mother. My mother who was my mum and was great to me and I’m wondering if she has been violated yet. I’m thinking about James. He has been the best older brother. He always knew how to make me laugh and when it came down to it, yeah we weren’t perfect together, but we got along enough. I’m thinking about Scorpius’s mum and how he is dealing with her loss. I’m thinking of Rose and how much of a horrible person that I am for making her cry because I yelled at her.” Albus said as tears leaked from his eyes, “and I hate how I miss Lily.”

Alice nodded and she took his hands.

“You know that your mother is going to be okay. I mean, no offense, but you mother has a really hard head. Those people should be scared!” Alice said and Albus chuckled, “and James is also smart. He is so smart and he knows what he is doing.”

Alice sighed and said, “Rose will forgive you. She knows that you are scared and worried. She’ll get over it because she’s scared too.”

Albus nodded and then waited for the hard part.

“Albus I was thinking about moving out of your house and not coming there this summer. Lily really is upset by me being there and I think that she thinks that I have replaced her spot in your family. I want her to go home. I know the relationship you had with her before she came to Hogwarts and I want that back for you both. You both are upset and I can tell that both you and her want that relationship back.” Alice explained.

“I don’t want you to leave. Where are you going to go? You can’t afford an apartment or house! You don’t have a job!” Albus said.

“I can live with my aunt! The one that lives on the other side of England. Of course, it wouldn’t be for long and we can always apparate to see each other and everything. We’ll still be friends!” Alice explained.

“But it wouldn’t be the same!” Albus said.

Alice sighed.

“Albus, you and your family need to make up with Lily. It’s the only way that any of you are going to be okay! Albus, I hate to say the worst, but you may never see your mother or James again. Your father and Lily may be all that you have. I hate to say this, Al, but it’s true!” Alice told him.

Albus stared at her and felt tears come to his eyes. He was angry because he wanted to yell at Alice because she told him about how his mother and older brother may die. Although he knew that it was a possibility, he didn’t want to realize the truth.

“Leave me alone.” Albus said getting up.

Alice walked after him as he tried to get to his dorm room, but Alice stopped him by grabbing his hand. Albus turned around to look at her. She sighed and told him, “Albus, I know that it hurts, but Lily is your sister. It’s been years since you’ve had a good talk with her. Lily, it’s long overdue.”

“I don’t have the patience to talk to her and I know that she won’t either. I just want out of this stupid castle so that I can see my father! He is probably going insane! It’s no fair that they are keeping me here! I want to leave! I want to go home!” Albus yelled.

“If you are this upset then you need to talk to Professor Longbottom. Maybe he can help you see your father.” Alice said calmly.

She wrapped his arms around him and she held him tightly. After a couple of minutes, Alice set him on the couch and she asked him, “do you want me to get Professor Longbottom?”

After a couple of seconds Albus shook his head.

“Not yet.” Albus answered, “Is Scorpius coming up?”

“He will be soon. He just wanted to finish eating because we aren’t allowed to bring in food into the halls.” Alice answered.

Albus nodded. After a couple of minutes, Alice asked him, “Albus, maybe if you talk to Professor Longbottom to see if you can go home. At least for a couple of days or a night! You are going out of your mind with worry and your father probably is too.”

After a hesitation, Albus nodded and Alice wrapped her arm around his shoulders and he leaned against her.

“That’s my mum and my older brother who are missing.” Albus whispered.

“I know. I know.” Alice told him.

“My family is missing, I can’t see my father, deatheaters are coming back, Lily won’t talk to me, and Rose is scared of me! Why is this happening now! Why now! Why all at once?!” Albus sobbed.

“Shh. Shh.” Alice said.

Both of them heard the door open. Albus put his face in his hands while Alice looked over to see who came in.

“Scorpius, thank goodness!” Alice sighed.

Scorpius rushed over to them and he sat on the other side of Albus. He placed his hand on Albus’s back as well.

“I ate as fast as I could. I’m sorry that I wasn’t here sooner.” Scorpius told Alice.

Scorpius then turned his attention to his friend, “Al, Al it’s going to be okay.”

“He really wants to go home.” Alice told Scorpius.

“Let’s get Professor Longbottom then.” Scorpius encouraged.

“Not yet.” Albus cried.

“Why not?” Scorpius asked.

“I don’t want him to see me cry! It’s bad enough that I did it in front of you guys!” Albus said.

Alice and Scorpius looked at each other. Scorpius knew that Albus was really only embarrassed about crying in front of Alice because he liked her. Albus had cried in front of Scorpius before why he had hurt himself. Of course those tears were pain tears, but tears in the end.

“I can’t stop though!” Albus said.

Tears of anger and frustration now added to the stress of the others. Why now? Why was he doing all of this now? Why couldn’t he stop crying? Why did he have to cry out his fear, sadness, shame, and anger, especially now.

“Albus, you know Professor Longbottom as a family friend. It’ll be just us, Al.” Scorpius told him.

“Do you want me to get him then?” Alice asked, “Albus, I think that going home and talking to Professor Longbottom will really calm you down.”

After a minute of hesitation, Albus nodded. Alice looked at Scorpius and he nodded. Alice got up and jogged to the door. She left the room and Scorpius looked at his friend.

“Are you just home-sick?” Scorpius asked, “or is there something else?”

“I just want to go home and see my dad. I want to apologize to Rose for upsetting her, but I never see her. I want to talk with Lily, but she won’t.” Albus whispered, tears still streaming from his eyes.

“Do you want me to get Rose? Will that help to calm you down?” Scorpius asked him.

Albus nodded.

“I’ll go look for her when Professor Longbottom comes in, okay?” Scorpius told him.

“Thanks.” Albus said.

“Do you want me to get Lily too?” Scorpius asked.

“No. I just want to do the easy things now.” Albus answered.

A couple of minutes later, Alice came back into the room, panting from running and she looked at Professor Longbottom who was talking to the Fat Lady before it shut.

“I don’t want anyone but me, Albus’s friends, or Albus’s family coming in here. We have some things to discuss in private.” Professor Longbottom told her.

The Fat Lady nodded and shut the door. Alice went to sit beside Albus again and Professor Longbottom hurried to Albus and kneeled in front of him. Albus took his face out of his hands and looked at the Professor.

“Albus, what’s wrong?” Professor Longbottom asked, extremely concerned.

“I want to go home. I want to see my father at least.” Albus answered, tears still streaming down his face.

“Professor, maybe you could let Albus go home for at least one night.” Alice suggested.

“Please.” Albus begged.

Professor Longbottom had a pained look on his face. As he was thinking, Scorpius got up and mumbled that he would be back soon before he left the room himself. After a couple of moments, he answered, “I know that we are in lock-down, but I think that we can pull a couple of strings. I’ll send a letter to your father and when I get one back, I’ll take you home. I’ll tell the other staff what is going on. I’ll explain that you have been home-sick.”

Albus nodded, tears still coming out of his eyes.

“Thank you.” Albus told him.

“Would you mind if I asked Lily? I know that you and your father haven’t gotten along and talked with Lily for a while, but maybe she is feeling the same thing that you are.” Professor Longbottom asked him.

“Yeah. You can ask her.” Albus said.

It was only fair that Lily got the option to go. He doubt that she would want to, but she deserved the option any way.

“Alice, dear, do you have any parchment, ink, and quills in your room?” Professor Longbottom asked.

“Yes. I’ll go get some.” Alice said before getting up from the couch and running to her room.

When they were alone, Professor Longbottom placed his hand gently on Albus’s shoulder.

“Calm down, son,” the professor told him gently. “Are you just scared for your mother and brother and you want to see your father?”

“Yes. How long can I stay there?” Albus asked.

“I’m thinking for a couple of days. It’s Thursday…so let’s say that you have to be back here by Monday morning?” Professor Longbottom said.

“Thank you.” Albus said.

Just then, Alice came back with parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink. She gave them to the professor before sitting beside Albus again and rubbing his back in comfort. Albus leaned against his friend again. He wanted to feel safe with his father. He wanted to know that his father was safe. Lily and his father were all Albus had left now, and since things were tense around Lily, his father was the last.

The room was silent as Professor Longbottom got up to write his letter on a coffee table:

Dear Harry:

Your son has been deeply upset about the events that have happened. He has been wanting to go home and in the state that he is in, I am allowing him to go home (with Lily if she also decides to go) until Monday morning. I understand that it has been a difficult time for them and though the school is in lockdown mode, I think that he needs to see you and stay in the comforts of home.

I am willing to take him to your house tonight and take him back at eleven o’clock on Monday morning. Please send me a letter if this is okay so that I know to take him home.


Neville folded the paper and he then printed Harry’s name on it. After that, Scorpius and Rose came in and Professor Longbottom could hear commotion outside the door. He looked at Albus and said, “I’m going to send this letter. I’ll come back when I get the answer. I will also ask your sister if she will be joining us on the trip home. Until then, maybe you should be in the comforts of your own room and maybe you should pack a couple of things that you want to bring. I do not mean to rush, but I ask that you be quick. Students want inside.”

Everyone nodded and Professor Longbottom left the room.


Scorpius ran down the corridors and staircases until he came back to the Great Hall. He then stopped and looked for Rose at the Ravenclaw table. When he finally spotted her, as he approached her, Rose looked up from her food and looked at him. She started to get up and walk away, but Scorpius hurried is pace and when they were leaving the Great Hall again, he grabbed her arm.

“Scorpius, leave me alone!” Rose said, “I know that we have to talk, just not now!”

“This isn’t about me, Rose. It’s about Albus. Rose, he really, really needs to talk to you.” Scorpius said.

Rose stared at him and Scorpius explained, “he’s been so stressed, Rose. He’s up in the common room sobbing. Professor Longbottom is letting him go home for a couple of days. He really wants to talk to you and apologize for yelling at you that night. Please Rose, he’s having a pretty rough night. I think that he just suddenly cracked and he won’t stop crying.”

Rose stared at Scorpius.

“And I’m not mad at you. Rose I can never be mad at you,” Scorpius told her.

After a couple of seconds, Rose nodded and the two made their way up to the Gryffindor common room. There were about five students around the door, arguing with the Fat Lady.

“Why aren’t we allowed in?” one boy demanded.

“I already told you! Professor Longbottom is having a private talk with someone. When he says, I’ll let you all in as well.” The Fat Lady answered.

“Excuse me.” Scorpius said, “Professor Longbottom told me to get her.”

The Fat Lady nodded and let Scorpius and Rose in, but shut the door before any other student could get in. Rose looked to see Albus on the couch, his eyes red and his face drenched in tears. She hurried toward him, but before she could say anything, Professor Longbottom told them, “I’m going to send this letter. I’ll come back when I get the answer. I will also ask your sister if she will be joining us on the trip home. Until then, maybe you should be in the comforts of your own room and maybe you should pack a couple of things that you want to bring. I do not mean to rush, but I ask that you be quick. Students want inside.”

All of them nodded and the instant that the Professor was out of the room, Rose walked to Albus and hugged him. He hugged her fiercely back. After a couple of minutes, Albus let go of her and said, “Rose, I am so, so sorry about yelling at you. I was stressed, scared, upset, and worried… I am so sorry.”

“Al, it’s nothing to cry over.” Rose told him jokingly.

He smiled.

“You cry too.” Albus commented.

“I cry at everything! I cry at frowning puppies!” Rose said and both her and Albus chuckled.

Alice wished that the smile on Albus’s face would never leave him again. She knew though, that she wasn’t that lucky.

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