Albus Potter And The Savings
hi readers! so this is a fan-fiction that i put on my Booksie account. It's the exact same, but i transfered it over here and i am finishing it over here. i hope that you like it. this is all that i have done on it!
-Chapter One-
—Seven Years Ago—
Albus Potter and Rose Weasley stood there, looking out the window of the train even though they could no longer see their parents. After a little while though, Albus pulled back and watched Rose do the same so that he could shut the window. Once that was done, both of them sat opposite from each other on the benches.
“I can’t believe that we are finally going.” Rose said.
“I know. Finally after everyone else, well besides Lily and Hugo, it’s time for our turn.” Albus agreed.
“James is so mean to you. You shouldn’t let him get the best of you.” Rose said.
“I know, but my father told me a lot about Hogwarts too. Sometimes I just play along so he can get a good laugh. It’s really me laughing in his face.” Albus grinned.
Rose shook her head.
“I think that you will be a Gryffindor though.” Rose said.
“What do you mean?” Albus asked his cousin.
“I know that you’re scared that you will be Slytherin, but don’t worry. You seem like a Gryffindor.” Rose answered.
“Like the rest of our family and their’s before and their’s before.” Albus sighed.
“I know, it’s almost like family tradition.” Rose agreed, “Don’t tell my parents, but I swear that I’m going to be in Ravenclaw. I’m smart. Brave is kind of out of the question. My parents might be upset.”
“Why? I think that they will be happy no matter what.” Albus commented.
“Maybe, but I’m hoping to be in Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor. I don’t want to be the same as everyone else. I don’t want to be in Gryffindor...or Slytherin. I want to be a Ravenclaw. My father really wants me to be in Gryffindor though.” Rose sighed.
“I’m sure that he’ll support you as a Ravenclaw too.” Albus told her.
“I hope so!” Rose told her, “but it’s not our decision to make. It’s the Sorting Hat’s.”
Albus nodded and heard a knock at the door. Both him and Rose looked to see a girl there. The girl was small and had long blond hair that was in a ponytail. She also had large, dark blue eyes. She opened the cart door and asked, “Can I stay in here? Everything else is full.”
“Of course.” Albus said and he could already see Rose starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Thanks.” the girl said and she came in with a large brown suitcase and a small white rat in a cage.
The girl put her suitcase and cage in the compartment above them and she sat beside Rose on the bench. The girl had a bright smile on her face and had pale skin.
“Hi, I’m Alice Break.” the girl introduced.
“Albus Potter and this is my cousin Rose Weasley.” Albus introduce and both him and Alice shook hands.
Rose and Alice also shook hands and then Albus asked her, “so what house do you want to be in?”
Alice raised her eyebrows and asked, “what’s a house?”
Rose turned her head from the window to stare at her.
“What?” Alice asked.
“Are your parents muggles?” Albus asked.
“What are muggles?” Alice asked.
“Are you parents witches or wizards?” Albus asked.
“No. Just normal people. I didn’t even know about Hogwarts until I actually got the letter and even then, my parents thought that it was a joke so a man named Neville had to come over and explain things to them.” Alice explained.
Albus nodded and Rose looked away again. Albus understood. Rose was probably the most shy person that he had ever met. The only time that she talked was around the family, but when it came to new people, she didn’t talk too much. Hugo was the exact opposite. He was loud and it took him a lot to be quiet, but he was always considerate.
So as Albus explained the house concept to Alice as she listened eagerly, Rose just looked out the window, listening to them.
It wasn’t long that Albus was being ushered into the Great Hall by Professor Longbottom after being ushered inside the castle by Hagrid. Alice seemed scared of Hagrid at first when all three of them got off of the train, but Albus and Rose explained to her that Hagrid was just a big teddy bear.
As all of them were walking down the Great Hall, clapping from all of the other students welcomed them. Albus looked around and saw James sitting with his friends and down the table, he could see all of his cousins: Victoire, Dominique, Roxanne, Fred, Molly, Lucy, and Louis. They all smiled and waved at him and Rose. When Albus looked, he saw that Rose was blushing.
All of them were asked to be in a straight line after the Sorting Hat’s song. As the applause disappeared, Professor Longbottom held up a large gray and old hat that had a pointed tip. On one side of Albus was Alice and on the other was Rose. Albus saw Alice’s face go pale as Professor Longbottom said, “Break, Alice.”
Albus gave her a nudge to get her started in the silence of the hall. He watched Professor Longbottom smile at her and she sat on the stool and closed her eyes as the hat was placed on her head. After a couple of seconds, the hat yelled for everyone to hear, “GRYFFINDOR!”
Alice smiled and Albus saw her jump down from the stool and ran to the applauding table where she sat beside James. All of the attention was back on the hat and name after name, Albus saw people walking up to the stool and sit in it. The boy beside Rose then went up as his name was called, “Malfoy, Scorpius.”
Albus had to stare. His family talked a lot about the Malfoys and though he’s never really seen one, he was sure that Scorpius was going to be like his father, Draco. Just like his Uncle Ron has always told him.
As Scorpius sat on the stool, he sighed and albus saw him hold his breath. After a couple of seconds, the Sorting Hat shocked everyone in the room by yelling for everyone to hear, “GRYFFINDOR!”
As Scorpius walked down from the stool, a shocked and scared expression on his face. As he sat across from Alice and beside some other Gryffindors, people began whispering and talking to each other, surprised themselves. Scorpius was a descendant of the Malfoy and Black family and there wasn’t many out of those families that didn’t belong in Slytherin.
“Quiet!” Professor Longbottom told them.
The Great Hall went silent and Professor Longbottom then called up the next name. Albus waited name after name and nervous student after nervous student until he finally heard his name being called, “Potter, Albus.”
Rose gave him a weak smile before he walked up the steps and to the stool. Professor Longbottom smiled at him as well. Neville Longbottom was a good family friend of the Potter family. Albus had known him all of his life. Neville was his parents and his Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione’s friend ever since they went to Hogwarts themselves.
Albus felt the soft and comfortable hat be lifted on his head. This was it. He closed his eyes and his chest filled with fear as he whispered, “Gryffindor. Gryffindor.”
“Gryffindor you say? Hmm... a wise choice. You have almost an identical mind to your father.” the hat said, “and I think that you are right. GRYFFINDOR!”
Albus beamed and saw his cousins clapping the hardest out of his table. As Albus hopped happily off of the stool and went down the steps until he was at the table. James stood up to greet him and he gave his brother a pat on the back and said, “I told you that you might be a Gryffindor.”
“No! You told me that I would be a Slytherin!” Albus said and both of them laughed.
Albus sat on the table. Two students down from Alice and Scorpius. James quickly went back to his seat. When Albus looked closely, he saw that Scorpius still had that pale and feared look on his face. Alice seemed to notice and was trying to talk to him and he only responded a couple of times.
Professor Longbottom said the next name after the applause stopped and again, Albus watched as student by student walked up to the stool. It only took around eight other students until Rose was the only person standing her. As the last person went to his house, Albus saw her look over her shoulder at him, her hands interlocked in front of her and she quickly put them out again. He gave Rose a thumbs up and mouthed to her, “Ravenclaw.”
“Weasley, Rose.” Professor Longbottom called and he gave Rose a bright smile as she nervously walked up the staircase.
Albus watched Rose look up at the hat as it was placed on her head by Professor Longbottom. The hat seemed to be murmuring to her for a moment and she whispered some things back to him before the hat finally shouted for everyone to hear, “RAVENCLAW!”
Rose beamed and jumped from the stool and walked down to the Ravenclaw table. She looked over at Albus and beamed at him. He smiled and waved back. Looking at the rest of his family, he saw their confused faces, but they happily smiled at Rose as well when she waved to them.
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