Chapter Twelve: Plans and the Setting Up
~Angel Dust's point of view~
I watched Alastor sleep for a while in the morning, trapped under his beautiful sleeping figure that looked as if it were sculpted by the Greek gods themselves, running my fingers through his soft, yet greasy hair. Alastor seemed to purr and hum contentedly as I stroked his hair and ears and played with his small antlers a little bit.
"Strawberry, I gotta get up. I have to help Heather with a costume for a drag performance." I cooed at my small boyfriend, peppering his face with little kisses. He grumbled as he rolled off me and I left a kiss on his chapped lips before falling off the bed on my way to get dressed. As I got dressed, I ranted about the plan for today: "My hugest hoodies are in my dresser if you don't wanna get dressed properly today and Sir wants to go out shoppin' for corsets with you today because you two haven't done it yet, so he said he'd be here at around one in the afternoon to pick you up. Be safe, I love you, and try not to do anythin' dumb that could get you hurt, okay?" I paused for a moment to let him mumble an okay before continuing: "I'm also going out shoppin' for sweets with Jeff, so I should be back at around one thirty to set up the baby shower." I said before marching out the door, yelling my goodbye.
I marched up to Heather, who looked like he should be cold, but wasn't even shivering in his crop top made of sheer fabric and booty shorts.
"How are you not shiverin'? It's below zero out here." I said, squinting.
"Honey, I'm a whore that's always cold. It doesn't make a difference." Heather pointed out as he messed with his phone screen. "I did die outside in the snow too after the stab-stab shit that my backup dancer pulled on me."
I shrugged. "Good point. Anyways, are you ready to plan the baby shower?" I asked softly. Heather tugged on my scarf.
"Don't mumble into your scarf please, I don't want to put effort into listening." Heather said, looking tired. I asked the question again and Heather nodded slightly before starting down the street to Rosie's Boutique.
Rosie greeted us with her normal eerily warm behavior, inviting us in. Jeff was "stuck" under a skinny-looking little girl with rather large rams horns protruding from her head as her hair stuck up in all directions as she screeched.
"Oh, hi, Angel. This is Lyric on top of me. Lyric, say hi." Jeff said. Lyric flew at me, screaming as she knocked me over.
"Oh boy. Is she ever calm?" I asked nervously as she sat on top of me, making soft growling noises.
"She just woke up and she is rather new to hell. I apologize." Jeff said, pulling her off me and putting her down on the couch before Rosie scolded her.
Lee slithered in next to Lily and Harlow, all three looking tired. The three women spotted me and plastered on fake smiles.
Lily had her hair in a bloodstained white bandana, revealing a pair of dark eyes and a sad expression. Harlow looked thoroughly disheveled, her two-toned cotton candy colored hair standing in odd directions. Lee looked much different now that she was wearing a huge t-shirt over a tank top instead of the long purple and black dress, with her hair tied back instead of down.
"Excellent. Now that everyone is here, let's begin planning." Rosie said, clapping her hands.
At around one thirty, we left for the hotel, the sheet cake baked and all the stuff ready to be set up.
"Hi guys!! What's with all this stuff?" Niffty greeted us at the door.
"Hi, Niff. We're going to set up for the baby shower. We already told all the people who can keep a secret that are coming the gender of the baby so they can buy stuff or whatever." I said.
"Ooh!! Can I help?" Niffty asked excitedly. I nodded.
"Get Charlie and Vaggie. We're doin' this in the ballroom where Al feels most at home." I said, leading the whole crew into the ballroom with the stuff.
Alastor came back to the hotel, looking sleepy but energetic at the same time and I blindfolded him to led him into the ballroom where the stuff was set up.
"Just...let me know if you're too overwhelmed, okay...?" I said softly, kissing him on the cheek before gently facing him to the center of the ballroom and pulling the blindfold off dramatically.
I heard Alastor gasp in amazement and happiness as he looked around at what we'd prepared. Then his eyes landed on the guests: Arackniss, Molly, Cherry Bomb, Sir Pentious, Vox, Velvet, Valentino, Charlie, Husk, Niffty, Heather, Jeff, Lyric, Lee, Sahara, Harlow, Lily, and...his parents.
"How did you-?" Alastor asked, wonder and pure joy in his voice, which he had adjusted so it didn't have static anymore.
"Find your mom and dad? 'Wasn't too hard, they look similar to you and Rosie knew who they were this whole time." I said, gesturing for him to go greet his guests as Arackniss and Molly wandered up to me.
"Hi, Angie!" Molly greeted me with a hug.
"Hey, Molls. How's datin' my girl buddy goin'?" I asked. Molly made a face of disgust but love twinkled in her bright eyes. I nodded in understanding.
"Hey...uh...Anthony." Arackniss said, awkwardness radiating off of him. I stared at him for a moment before smiling and pulling him into a hug.
"Hey, brother dear. How have you been?" I asked, releasing him from my hug.
I don't know what happened in the long two years we've been separate, but Arackniss seemed more open to people than before and I liked it, but Arackniss went silent again after I asked that question.
"Oh, well...Dad got killed in an extermination last year and the bastard deserved it." Molly said, imitating Arackniss.
Arackniss nodded in agreement, signing that he watched Dad get slaughtered with a huge grin on his face. I grinned back broadly.
"So, the time we've been apart was good?" I asked, receiving a nod and a smile. "I'm glad you're happier now, bro. You deserve it." I laughed. Arackniss glanced at Alastor, who was sobbing happily in his parents embrace, as if to say: "so, you chose that one."
"Yeah, he's not perfect, but he's perfect enough for me and he deserves the love he gets. As you know, he's pregnant with my baby and this has taken a toll on his poor mental health, bringin' it back to a healthy state. I'm very proud of him." I said. Molly brought us into a group hug, smiling at the both of us mischievously. I grinned back and Arackniss flashed a happy smile, hugging both of us back.
Alastor dragged me out of my mini family reunion, insisting that I meet his parents. His parents were almost as beautiful as him when they were separate, but together they had a lot of life in them. They were truly a happy couple.
"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Angel Dust. Angel, this is my mom, Zoey, and my dad, Aaron." Alastor introduced me. I could feel nervous sweat collect on my neck and I laughed nervously as I shook their hands.
"Hello, Angel. How are you today?" Aaron asked, smiling in the calmest way. I shrugged, shaking slightly. "Don't be scared, I'm just the calmer parent here." I nodded.
"Hi, Angel, Alastor mentions you at least once a sentence, did you know that?" Asked Zoey, grinning with her insane amount of energy. I shook my head, fighting back a laugh as I smiled. Alastor clung to me the whole time, giving his mother and father the infamous Doe Eyes as if asking to keep me. No one can resist the Doe Eyes without feeling guilty after. Aaron shrugged and nodded at his son before ruffling his bangs.
"Alright, so, I want to get this over with, so we are going to do the festivities of this baby shower/gender reveal party." I said, feeling the most antisocial I've felt in ages despite my outgoing attitude.
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